Pts4 Diversity

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Jenna Weinstein

CI 406 Fall 2010

Reflective Statement

Artifact: Math Lesson Plan with ELL considerations

PTS 3. Diversity: The competent teacher understands how students differ in their

approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse


Fully state the standard in bold text. Then write a paragraph explaining your knowledge and

understanding of that standard—put the standard into your own words.

In the educational realm, this standard is extremely important for all teachers to understand.

Diversity applies to many domains. There is ethnic, racial, ability, language, appearance, and

cultural diversity. These are only some of the areas a teacher needs to consider for instruction.

All domains of diversity affect the way a student learns in every subject area. The teacher needs

to be aware of how diversity affects the child and how to maximize learning in the midst of

student differences. The teacher’s job is to find a way for students to reach their potential. All

students have the ability to learn. It is up to a teacher to first understand how. Meeting the diverse

needs of students requires planning, adaptations, and alternate assessments if needed. It also

requires collaboration with specialized educators when understanding of a child may be limited.

Explain how the artifact you chose demonstrates your understanding and application of the


I think this artifact effectively demonstrates my awareness of the standard. The artifact is a 6th

grade math lesson with a variety of ELL strategies embedded into it. Many people believe math
doesn’t require a language sensitivity but throughout my lesson, I discovered many adaptations

for ELLS. Along with content objectives and behavioral goals, I developed language objectives.

I thought about what words I would want to specifically emphasize during the lesson. I

understood that not all translations would carry over to English in my particular lesson. This

would make for a challenge for the students. To help maximize their learning, I also included

specific actions during the “procedure” section of the lesson. This included actions like writing

down words and using comprehensible input in my explanations. Both of these strategeies are

proven to help ELLs. I mentioned my desire to have a “Word Wall” in my class to meet diverse

language needs. Finally, I thought about how grouping would best maximize the needs of ELLs

in my future class. I planned to put same language speakers in the same group so they could help

one another. Because I considered diverse learners and developed strategies I could use to target

student learning, I am considering the standard presented.

A If the artifact has been used in your practice, reflect on how your teaching will change in the

future to further meet the standard.

B. If the artifact has not been used in your practice, i.e., a class assignment, reflect upon how

your teaching will be impacted by the assignment.

I have certainly been able to utilize some of these strategies in my placement right now.

However, this lesson was an assignment for my math class. As a result of completing this lesson,

I am more aware of how to plan and implement strategies in my classroom. I also discovered

how these strategies can help all students, not just the ones intended. In my ELL lesson, I learned

ways to include diverse learners in instruction. In my classroom, I can predict that I will have

many ELLs. Additionally, I will have students who may need support in other areas but do not
have an aid. As a general educator, it is my job to include everyone in instruction. Not all lessons

can easily fit every learner. Planning for this will help the teacher and the student.

Conclude with a paragraph discussing how you are more prepared to Teach and Learn in a

Diverse Society as a result of satisfactorily meeting the standard.

This standard directly relates to diversity. Today’s classroom includes all types of children. Each

individual has his or her own needs. Educators must be prepared to teach for individuals. This

starts with a teacher learning about his or her students. Through observation, discussion,

communication and assessment, the teacher will get to know the student. Then, he or she will be

able to take specific measures to teach in a way that maximizes student learning. A goal of

education is for teachers to also create a classroom community. It understanding individuals, the

teacher can also create a place that encourages support and togetherness. Hopefully, this will

increase the success of the class. When a teacher models respect, understanding, and integrity,

students will do so as well. Recognizing differences i is one way to get students to be positive

forces in the classroom and their society.

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