Reflective Journal 1

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Reflective journal 1

On 5th of February, I was assigned to teach 1 Bitara on the mathematics subject. This

class was newly established. It consist about 28 students from different races and religion. First, I

had introduced myself to the students. Hopefully I had given my good impression to the students

and gain their respects toward me. The students seem to accept me in order to replace their

teacher for 14 weeks in teaching mathematics. This is a great opportunity for me in order to teach

and get closed with them.

During the lesson, I had teaches the students on the topic of proper and improper fraction.

Because this is so sudden changes of class for me, I did not have time to make proper preparation

of lesson plan and teaching and learning aids. I just show several example and give several

exercise to the students based on the text book. Luckily the students can understands and pay

attention to me. Maybe this is the first time for me to teach in this class.

I also enter the class on time so that the students did not go out during the replacement of

teachers. The other reason is the time can used maximum. The students can focused and see the

examples to get better understanding on the topic during the class. I also can see the students’

performance and ability in solving the question given.

However there were a lot of weaknesses during my first lesson in this class. These

weaknesses include lack use of English, poor time management and slowly voice. In this first

lesson, I had decided to fix or overcome my slowly voice in this class. Before this, I thought I

had overcome the slowly voice I had in 1 Bijaksana class but it seem failed in this class. This

class consists of 28 students and students at the back always make noise by talking to

themselves. This make my voice cannot be reach by all of the students. I had taken some action
during the class by asking them to keep quiet and pay attention to the class. Every time I give

them some warning, they will shut up but they will start back to talk after a while. This makes

the class very noise and I cannot control the situation.

To overcome this problem, I had made some discussion and refer to several sources like

friends, books and experienced teacher. As a result, I had decided to make a lot of practices. I

also can ask my friend to help me in practicing so that she can give comments and suggestion to

increase my voice. Besides that, I also decided to practice the rhythms that I should used when

mad, angry, explanation, warning and many more. This is important to let the students to note

important facts or announcement. All of these actions must be taken to overcome this problem. I

hope tomorrow is better than today lesson.

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