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Distinguished Author Series

Nodal Systems Analysis of

Oil and Gas Wells
By Kermit E. Brown, SPE, and James F. Lea, SPE

Kermit E. Brown is F.M. Stevenson Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the U. of

Tulsa. Since 1966 Brown has served as head of the Petroleum Engineering Dept., vice
president of research, and chairman of the Resources Engineering Div. He has conducted
many courses on gas lift, multiphase flow, and inflow performance and served as a
Distinguished Lecturer during 1969-70. Brown holds a BS degree in mechanical and
petroleum engineering from Texas A&M U. and MS and PhD degrees from the u. of
Texas, both in petroleum engineering. Brown served as the SPE faculty advisor for the U.
of Tulsa student chapter during 1982-83. He also served on the SPE board during
1969-72, the Education and Professionalism Committee during 1966-67, and the
Education and Accreditation Committee during 1964-66 and was Ba/cones Section
chairman during 1964-65. He is currently on the Public Service Award Committee.
James F. Lea is a research associate in the Production Mechanics Group of Amoco
Production Co. in Tulsa . He works on computer implementation of existing design and
analysis methods for artificial lift and improved application techniques. Previously, he
worked with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and Sun Oil Co. and taught engineering science at
the university level. Lea holds BS and MS degrees in mechanical engineering and a PhD
degree in thermal/fluid science from Southern Methodist u., Dallas.

Nodal l analysis , defined as a systems approach to the 5. To check each component in the well system to
optimization of oil and gas wells, is used to evaluate determine whether it is restricting the flow rate
thoroughly a complete producing system. Every unnecessarily.
component in a producing well or all wells in a 6. To permit quick recognition by the operator's
producing system can be optimized to achieve the management and engineering staff of ways to increase
objective flow rate most economically. All present production rates.
components-beginning with the static reservoir There are numerous 011 and gas wells around the
pressure, ending with the separator, and including world that have not been optimized to achieve an
inflow performance, as well as flow across the objective rate efficiently. In fact, many may have been
completion, up the tubing string (including any completed in such a manner that their maximum
downhole restrictions and safety valves), across the potential rate cannot be achieved . Also , many wells
surface choke (if applicable), through horizontal flow placed on artificial lift do not achieve the efficiency
lines, and into the separation facilities-are analyzed. they should.
The production optimization of oil and gas wells by
Introduction nodal systems analysis has contributed to improved
The objectives of nodal analysis are as follows. completion techniques, production, and efficiency for
1. To determine the flow rate at which an existing many wells. Althou~h this type of analysis was
oil or gas well will produce considering well bore proposed by Gilbert in 1954, it has been used
geometry and completion limitations (first by natural extensively in the V.S. only in the last few years. One
flow). principal reason for this was the changing of allowable
2. To determine under what flow conditions (which producing rates, and another has been the development
may be related to time) a well will load or die . of computer technology that allows rapid calculation of
3. To select the most economical time for the complex algorithms and provides easily understood
installation of artificial lift and to assist in the selection data.
of the optimum lift method . Past conservation practices in the V. S. more or less
4. To optimize the system to produce the objective restricted operators to 2 - and 2 1/2 -in. [5.08- and
flow rate most economically. 6.35-cm] tubing and 4 shots/ft [13.1 shots/m] for
Copyright t 985 Society of Petroleum Engineers perforating. The use of larger tubing (4'/2 and 5'12 in.
OCTOBER 1985 1751
llP5 Pwh- Pose = SURFACE CHOKE
llP6 Pose-Psep IN FLOWLINE
llPs Pwh - Psep FLOWLINE

Fig. 1-Possible pressure losses in complete system.

[11.43 and 13.97 cm)) and 16 shots/ft [52.5 shots/mJ models of other well components can be used to
is common today. complete the predicted well performance.
Although the increase in flow rates in high- Fig. 1 shows components that make up a detailed
productivity wells has popularized nodal analysis, it is, flowing well system. Beginning with the reservoir and
nevertheless, an excellent tool for low-rate wells (both proceeding to the separator, the components are (1)
oil and gas) as well as for all artificial lift wells. Some reservoir pressure, (2) well productivity, (3) wellbore
of the greatest percentage increases in production rates completion, (4) tubing string, (5) possible downhole
have occurred in low-rate oil wells (from 10 to 30 BID restrictive device, (6) tubing, (7) safety valve, (8)
[1.59 to 4.77 m 3 /d)) and low-rate gas wells (from 50 tubing, (9) surface choke, (10) flowline, and (11)
up to 100 to 200 MscflD [1416 up to 2832 to 5663 std separator.
m 3 /d)). Numerous gas wells have needed adjustments To optimize the system effectively, each component
in tubing sizes, surface pressures, etc., to prolong the must be evaluated separately and then as a group to
onset of liquid loading problems. Nodal analysis can evaluate the entire well producing system. The effect
be used to estimate the benefits of such changes before of the change of anyone component on the entire
they are made. system is very important and can be displayed
One of the most important aspects of nodal analysis graphically with well analysis. Some aspects of the
is to recognize wells that should be producing at rates IPR component are covered in Appendix A; discussion
higher than their current rate. Therefore, it can serve of multiphase-flow pressure-drop correlations for
as an excellent tool to verify that a problem exists and pipelines is found in Appendix B.
that additional testing is necessary. For example, The most common positions for nodal analysis
assume that a well is producing 320 BID [51 m 3 Id] of graphical solutions are listed below.
oil. Applying nodal analysis to this well shows that it 1. At the center of the producing interval, at the
is capable of producing 510 BID [81 m 3 I d]. This bottom of the well. This isolates the well's inflow
difference may be attributed to several factors, but performance.
nodal analysis can determine which component is 2. At the top of the well (wellhead). This isolates
restricting the rate or can determine that incorrect data the flowline or the effects of surface pressure on
are the cause of the higher predicted rate. A basic production.
requirement for well analysis is the ability to define 3. Differential pressure solutions (t..p) across the
the current inflow performance relationship (IPR) of completion interval to evaluate the effect of the
the well. Accurate well test data must be obtained and number of perforations on production in gravel-packed
the proper IPR applied for successful analysis. Then or standard completion wells.
t t
or or
~P ~P

Fig. 2-Constructed IPR curve. Fig. 3-Constructed tubing intake curve.

4. Solutions at the sepamtor, especially with gas-lift Specific Examples

wells. This isolates the effect of sepamtor pressure on A limited number of examples are presented here;
production. numerous examples, however, appear in the
5. Other solution positions for gmphical solution are litemture. I - 5
at surface chokes, safety valves, tapered string Two specific subjects have been selected for
connection points, and downhole restrictions. example solutions.
The user must understand how pressure-flow 1. The effect of the downhole completion on flow
components of the well are grouped to form a mte is illustmted. An example solution for both a
gmphical solution at a node point. For example, if the gmvel-packed well and a standard perfomted well is
solution is plotted at the bottom of the well (center of presented. Procedures to optimize the completions are
completed interval), then the reservoir and the outlined.
completion effects can be isolated completely from the 2. Quick recognition of those wells with a greater
entire piping and production system. predicted potential than the present production mte is
Caution should be taken in neglecting even 200 to covered. These situations may be caused by a
300 ft [61 to 91 m] of casing flow from the center of restriction in one of the components in the system.
the completed interval to the bottom of the tubing.
Because of lower velocities, the larger pipe may not be
flushed out with produced fluids. This large section of Gravel-Packed Oil and Gas Wells
pipe still can be nearly full of completion fluids (water A paper presented by Jones et at. 4 seemed to be the
and mud), even though the well may be producing catalyst that started opemtors looking more closely at
100% oil. Numerous flowing-pressure surveys have their completions. This paper also suggests procedures
verified this occurrence. A major company recently for determining whether a well's inflow capability is
surveyed a well producing 1,600 BID [254 m 3Id] of restricted by lack of area open to flow, by skin caused
oil up 2Ys-in. [7.3-cm] tubing. Because of a dogleg, by mud infiltmtion, etc.
tubing was set 1,000 ft [305 m] off bottom in the Ledlow and Gmnger3 have prepared an excellent
1l,000-ft [3353-m] well. Both water and mud were summary of background material on gmvel packing,
found in the 7-in. [17.8-cm] casing below the tubing, including details on mechanical running procedures
even though the well produced 100% oil. Cleaning and selection of gmvel size.
this well resulted in an increase of the mte to more The nodal analysis procedure for a gmvel-packed
than 2,000 BID [318 m 3I d] of oil. This points out one well, illustmted with a sequence of figures, is
type of pmctical limitation of nodal analysis when presented here. The appropriate details, additional
tubing-pres sure-drop calculations are used to calculate references, and equations can be found in Ref. 3.
accumtely a bottornhole flowing pressure (BHFP). The following procedure is valid for either an oil or
Here, the analysis showed that the mte should be gas well with the solution node at bottornhole.
higher and, hence, served as a diagnostic tool that 1. Prepare the node IPR curve (Fig. 2). (This step
prompted the running of a pressure tmverse. In many assumes no t..p across the completion.)
cases, the analysis predicts what should be expected, 2. Prepare the node outflow curve (tubing intake
and the opemtor is advised to look for problems if the curve in Fig. 3), which is the surface pressure plus the
well is producing below that prediction. tubing pressure drop plotted as a function of mte.

OCTOBER 1985 1753

t t
or or

Fig. 4-Transfer Ap. Fig. 5-Construct Ap across gravel pack.

3. Transfer the differential pressure available 6. Evaluate other shot densities or perhaps other
between the node inflow and node outflow curve on hole sizes until the appropriate /lp is obtained at the
the same plot (Fig. 4) to a /lp curve. objective rate (Fig. 6). Perforation efficiency should
4. Using the appropriate equations,3,4 calculate the be considered at this time. A good review on
pressure drop across the completion for various rates. perforating techniques, which points out such factors
Numerous variables have to be considered here, as the number of effective holes expected and the
including shots per foot, gravel permeability, viscosity effect of the number of holes and hole sizes on casing
and density of the fluid, and length of the perforation strength, was presented by Bell. 6
tunnel for linear flow. Add this /lp curve on Fig. 4, as 7. The /lp across the pack can be included in the
noted in Fig. 5. IPR curve, as noted in Fig. 7.
5. Evaluate this completion (Fig. 5) to determine
whether the objective rate can be achieved with an Example Problem-Typical Gulf Coast Well With
accepted differential across the gravel pack. Company Gravel Pack. Below is a list of given data.
philosophies on accepted /lp values differ. A
reasonable maximum allowable /lp that has given Pr = 4,000 psi [27.6 MPa],
good results ranges from 200 to 300 psi [1379 to 2068 D = 11,000 ft [3352 m] (center of perforations),
kPa] for single-phase gas or liquid flow. Most k = 100 md (permeability to gas),
operators will design for smaller /lp's for multiphase h = 30 ft [9.1 m] (pay interval),
flow across the pack. hp = 20 ft [6.1 m] (perforated interval),

t t
or or
~P ~P

Fig. 6-Evaluation of various shot densities. Fig. 7-Gravel pack solution by including Ap completion in
IPR curve.


: .
DEPTH = 11,000'
Pwh= 1200 PSI ~
3 6
(f) u; <"\,
0.. 0.. <V'
0 0

)( 2 )( 4
0.. 0..
III Pr = 4000 PSI III
DEPTH = 11,000'
K = 100 MD 2

20 40


Fig. 8-IPR curve for gas well-gravel-pack analysis. Fig. 9-Evaluation of tubing sizes.

40/60-mesh gravel-packed sand, around the perforation because of unconsolidated

640-acre [259-ha] spacing, formation-that is, sand flows immediately into all
8%-in. [2l.9-cm] casing; lO~-in. [27.3-cm] perforated holes until properly prepacked.
drilled hole,
'Y g = 0.65, Procedure.
screen size = 5-in. [12.7-cm] OD, l. The IPR curve is prepared with Darcy's law, and
gas-sales-line pressure = 1,200 psi [8273 kPa], the additional turbulence pressure drop4 is included
short flowline. (Fig. 8).
2. Tubing sizes of 2,%, 3V2, and 41/2 in. [7.3, 8.89,
This well is to be gravel packed. The tubing size and 11.43 cm] are evaluated at a wellhead pressure of
and the number of shots per foot are to be evaluated 1,200 psi [8272 kPa], which is needed to flow gas into
with an underbalanced tubing-conveyed gun. It is the sales line. From analysis of Fig. 9, 41/2-in.
assumed that there is no computable zone restriction [11.43-cm] tubing is selected. Note that, if market

4 4

DEPTH 11,000'
Pwh= 1200 PSI
3 3
u; ~P <\1>-'t-~0 0..
0\~ ~\~ M

'0~\~ """v
"" b. \\'2- )(
0.. 2 <l 2
<l 0
0 0..
0.. DEPTH = 11,000' I
III Pwh= 1200 PSI


Fig. 10-Ap available from sandface to tubing intake. Fig. 11-Ap across gravel pack at 4, 8, 12, and 16 shotslft.

OCTOBER 1985 1755

4 4

3 Ci5 3



>< 2 0.. 2
0.. ....
:x: 0
CD 0..

DEPTH = 11,000'
41/2" TUBING
Pwh = 1200 PSI

00 10 30 40 50 60 70


Fig. 12-Completion effects included with IPR-gravel- Fig. 13-Effects of wellhead pressure-gravel-packed well.
packed well.

conditions permitted, much higher rates could be surrounded by a low-permeability zone. They still
projected with adequate sand control. incorporate basic concepts suggested by Jones et al. 4
3. The Ap is transferred, as noted in Fig. 10. This is for gravel-packed wells.
the Ap available across the gravel pack.
4. The Ap across the pack for 0.75-in. [1.905-cm] Example Problem and Procedure for
-diameter holes with 4, 8, 12, and 16 effective shots/ft a Perforated Well
[13.12, 26.2, 39.4, and 52.5 effective shots/m] (Fig. In this section, a sample oil well with a low GOR, a
11) should be calculated with Jones et al. 's equations low bubblepoint pressure, and assumed single-phase
or with modifications of these equations adjusted to fit liquid flow across the completion will be analyzed.
field data. The reason for this selection is that current technology
5. Figs. 11 and 12 show the final two plots has offered solutions only for single-phase flow (gas or
indicating that 16 shots/ft [52.5 shots/m] are necessary liquid) across such completions. When two-phase flow
to obtain a Ap of about 300 psi [2068 kPa] at a rate o'f occurs across either a gravel-packed or a standard
58.5 MMscfID [1.7XI0 6 std m 3 /d]. Additional perforated well, relative permeability effects must be
perforations could bring this Ap below 200 psi considered. Additional turbulence then occurs in
[1379 kPa]. gravel-packed wells and creates more energy losses.
6. To bring this well on production properly, one McLeod 7 noted that most of the pressure drop can
more plot (such as Fig. 13) should be made with occur across a compacted zone at the perforation wall
several wellhead pressures so that Ap across the pack because of turbulence. He analyzed a gas-well
can be watched through the observation of rate and example and showed that 90% of the total Ap across
wellhead pressure. This procedure is described by the completion, in fact, was caused by turbulence
Crouch and Pack 5 and Brown et al. 3 across the approximately V2-in. [1.27-cm] -thick
compacted zone. (Refs. 3 and 7 provide more details).
Nodal Analysis To Evaluate a Standard To use this technique, the crushed-zone thickness,
Perforated Well e c, the permeability, k co the perforation-tunnel
In 1983 McLeod 7 published a paper that prompted diameter, d p' and the length, L p' must be known.
operators to examine completion practices on normally Obviously, because of the many input variables
perforated wells. Although numerous prior required, the technique can only be approximate and
publications 8-10 discussed this topic and companies indicate trends. It is hoped that future research in this
had evaluated the problem, this paper sparked new area will lead to more accurate models of pressure
interest. A modification of this procedure is presented drop through perforations shot in both over- and
in Ref. 3. underbalanced conditions.
The procedure is similar to that offered for gravel-
packed wells, except that the equations used for the Example Problem.
calculation of pressure drop across the completion fir = 3,500 psi [24.1 MPa],
have been altered to model flow through a perforation D = 8,000 ft [2438 m],


3.0 ~~0 3.0
" -<,.V DEPTH = 8000'
'0\'0 Pr = 3500 PSI
2.5 ~--\'"
2.5 TUBING 1.0. = 2.992"
vt>-<? (j)
ii5 2.0 ,,' 2.0
c.. 0

"0 x
1.5 c.. 1.5
x <l
c.. 0
I c..
1.0 I 1.0
DEPTH = 8000'
Pr = 3500'
.5 .5
Pwh = 140 PSI

o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 o 1000


Fig. 14-IPR and tubing curves for perforated oil well. Fig. 15-Transfer for Ap curve-perforated oil well.

36° API [0.84-g/cm 3 ] oil, D = 8,000 ft [2438 m],

Solution GOR = 180 scf/bbl [32 std m 3 1m 3], 2Ys-in. [7.3-cm] tubing,
80-acre [32.3-ha] spacing, Pr = 2,100 psi [14.5 MPa],
5V2-in. [13.97-cm] casing, 35° API [0.85-g/cm 3 ] oil,
8 I/2-in. [21.59-cm] hole, 50 % water [-y w = 1. 07],
Lp = 4-in. [1O.16-cm] perforation tunnel (see solution GOR=300 scf/bbl [54 std m 3 /m 3 ],
Table 6 of Ref. 7 for tabulated values), separator pressure =60 psig [413 kPa],
e c around perforated tunnel = 0.5 in. [1.27 cm], flowline length=4,000 ft [1219 m],
Pb = 800 psi [5515 kPa], well test: 500 BID [79.5 m 3 Id] at 1,740 psi [12 MPa],
h = 30 ft [9. 1 m], Pb = 2,400 psi [16.6 MPa],
hp = 20 ft [6.1 m], 'Yg = 0.7, and
'Yg = 0.7, tubing size = 2V2-in. [6.35-cm] ID.
T = 180°F [82°C], and
Pwh = 140 psig [965 kPa]. Sufficient gas pressure is available (2,000 psi [13.8
MPa]) to inject gas near the bottom, and a total
gas/liquid ratio of 800 scf/bbl [143 std m 3 /m 3 ] is
maintained for gas lift. The flowline might be
1. Prepare the IPR curve with Darcy's law,
restricting the rate. With nodal analysis, a graphical
assuming no /lp across the completion.
solution can be generated quickly at the wellhead
2. Plot the node outflow curve (tubing intake) for
2%- 2Ys-, and 3V2-in. [6.03-,7.3-, and 8.89-cm]
Examination of the results in Fig. 17 indicates that
tubing. This determines the pressure required at the
the flowline is a restriction because the pressure loss in
bottom of tubing for flow through the tubing. Steps 1
the flowline (2 I/2-in. [6.35-cm] ID) shows a significant
(IPR) and 2 (tubing intake) are shown in Fig. 14.
increase in pressure loss with rate and is angled
Assume 3 I/2-in. [8.89-cm] tubing is selected.
sharply upward at the intersection point between the
3. Transfer the /lp curve, as shown in Fig. 15.
two curves shown. The intersection point of the
4. Using the appropriate equations from McLeod 7
pressure required at the flowline intake and the IPR
(and as discussed by Brown et al. 3), determine the
pressure minus the pressure drop in the well from
/lp's across the completions listed in Table 1.
sandface to the wellhead is the point of predicted flow
An analysis of Fig. 16 shows the importance of
from the well.
perforating underbalanced. Of course, the best fluids
A 3- and 4-in. [7.62- and 1O.16-cm] flowline is then
and techniques should be used.
evaluated on the same plot. As soon as the slope of
the flowline intake pressure vs. rate becomes small
Recognition of Components Causing Restricted (showing very little increase of /lp with rate), then the
Flow Rates in a Well flowline diameter is sufficiently large. The diameter
Example Problem-Analysis of Flowline Capacity. should not be oversized because additional slugging
The following well is on gas lift. and heading may occur. Some operators just add a
OCTOBER 1985 1757

Feet Perforation kc as % of
Number Shots/Ft Perforated Condition k f Formation
4 20 Overbalanced with 10
filtered salt water
2 8 20 Overbalanced with 10
salt water
3 4 20 Underbalanced
with 30
filtered salt water
4 8 20 Underbalanced
with 30
filtered salt water

parallel line instead of replacing the current line with a 320-acre [129-ha] spacing,
larger size. T = 200°F [93°C],
k = 0.12 md,
Restriction Caused by Incorrect Tubing Size. The Pwh = 100 psig [689 kPa],
tubing may be either too large (causing unstable flow) hp = 15 ft [4.57 m],
or too small (reducing flow rate). This can be
'Yg = 0.7,
recognized immediately on a nodal plot and is as
hole size = 8 1/2 in. [21.6 cm], and
important in high-rate gas lift wells as in low-rate gas
wells. no skin effects.
A weak gas well is chosen to show how to
determine when the tubing is too large and to predict
when loading will occur. The Gray 11 correlation is Evaluate 3 1/2-, 2Ys-, 2%-, and Biz-in. [8.89-, 7.3-,
recommended for use in the calculation of tubing 6.35-, and 3.81-cm] tubing (1.66-in. [4.21-cm] ID)
pressure drops in gas wells that produce some liquids. and I-in. [2.5-cm] tubing (1.049-in. [2.66-cm] ID) for
this well.
Example Problem-Weak Gas Well with Note in Fig. 18 that all sizes of tubing are too large
Liquid Production. for this particular case except the 1.049-in. [2.66-cm]
-ID tubing. Unstable flow is indicated by the tubing
P r = 3,200 psi [22 MPa],
curves crossing the IPR at a point to the left of the
30 bbllMMcf [168 X 10 -6 m 3 /m 3 ] condensate, minimum for the larger tubing. The J .O-in. [2.54-cm]
5 bbllMMcf [28.1 x 10 -6 m 3 1m 3 ] water, tubing shows stable flow.
D = 10,000 ft [3048 m], The same type of analysis can be made for oil wells
h = 15 ft [4.57 m], for various tubing sizes.

3.0 500

DEPTH = 8000'
2.5 TUBING I.D. = 2.992"
Pr = 3500 PSI 400
u; 0...
2.0 u.i DEPTH = 8000'
M a:: TUBING I.D. = 2.441"
0 =>
(j) 300
x (j) Pwh "" 60 PSI
1.5 w Pr = 2100 PSI
5 0 200
0... «w
I 1.0
co I
.5 ~


Fig. 16-Production vs. various perforated completions. Fig. 17-Wellhead nodal plot-flowline size effects.


Well Inflow and Completion Restrictions. It is very TABLE 2-AOFP'S FOR HIGHER VALUES OF n
important for operators, engineers, and managers to AOFP
recognize inflow restrictions immediately. Some
n (MMscflD) [m 3 /d x 10 -51
companies have arranged their computerized well
0.7 7 2
records to do such things as call up a group of wells in 0.8 38 11
one field in descending-kh-value order. In addition, all 0.85 90 92
other available pertinent information, including the 0.9 211 60
latest test data, can also be printed out. 1.0 1,157 328

Example Problem. Compare predicted performance to

actual oil well performance.
A closer estimate can be made from
k = 50 md (cores), kh (50)(30) BID
h = 30 ft [9.14 m] (logs), --=------==1.56 - ,
(1,000)(0.8)(1.2) psi
35° API [0.85-g/cm 3 ] oil,
casing = 7 in. [17.78 cm], but it requires that P-o and Bo are known. One can
tubing = 2% in. [6.1 cm], recognize that a 35° API [0.85-g/cm 3 ] crude at 170 0 P
D = 7,000 ft [2134 m], [71 0c] with 400 scf/bbl [71 std m 3 1m 3] in solution
'Y g = 0.65, will have a viscosity less than 1 and that the product
T = 170 0 P [71°C], P-oB 0 will be close to 1. Heavy crudes, of course, will
Pr = estimated 2,400 psi [16.5 MPa], and have high viscosities, and a larger value must be used
Pwh = 250 psi [1723 kPa]. in estimating the productivity index.
Also, a reasonable estimate at lower pressures is that
about 500 psi [3447 kPa] is required to place 100
The latest well test shows this well producing 600
scf/bbl [17.8 std m 3 /m 3 ] in solution giving a
BID [95 m 3 Id] oil (no water) with a GOR of 400
bubblepoint pressure, Pb, of 2,000 psi [13.8 MPa].
scf/bbl [71.2 std m 3 /m 3 ] (natural flow).
Standing' s 14 correlation shows the P b to be very close
Determine whether this well is producing near its
to 2,000 psi [13.8 MPa] for these conditions. This
capacity. It is the engineer's responsibility to recognize
permits a quick calculation of the maximum flow rate.
this well's potential quickly and to recommend
additional testing, a workover, a change in tubing, or JPb
other action. qmax =q b + 1.8
A very quick estimate of the productivity index can 1.5 (2,000)
be estimated from the product kh in darcy-feet. =1.5 (2,400-2,000)+----
50(30) BID =600+ 1,667
kh=--== 1.5-.
1,000 psi =2,267 BID.

2.5 30
DEPTH = 10,000'
Pwh = 100 PSI
Pr = 3200 PSI 25
~ 1.5 en
x S 15 I
[L I
x 0
ffi 1.0 w
w r()
[L 0
co 10 >
a: 0w
w a:
.5 co [L
5 0
o 50 100 150 200 250 00 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Fig. 18-Tubing-diameter effects-weak gas well. Fig. 19-Predicted vs. observed oilwell performance.

OCTOBER 1985 1759



U5 2.0
ui 400
--- -
1.5 =>
x en
a.. [B 300
1.0 a..
o 200
DEPTH = 7000' ~ TUBING 1.0. = 1.995"
.5 TUBING 1.0. = 1.995" = 7000'
:::l 100 DEPTH
o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Fig. 20-Wellhead pressure effects on rate-nodal plot. Fig. 21-Production vs. wellhead pressure.

The IPR curve can be drawn quickly and the tubing area to flow than to stimulation. Refs. 3 and 4 provide
curve imposed on the sample plot (Fig. 19). The more details on this procedure.
intersection shows a rate of 760 BID [121 m 3 /d] of
oil. Effects of Wellhead And Separator Pressure
The question of whether this well is worth spending Specific cases of gas wells and gas-lift oil wells may
sufficient money to determine why the rate is less than be influenced significantly by changes in separator
the predicted rate now arises. The source of error pressure and/or wellhead pressure.
could be with two bits of information. Is the A good plot for both oil and gas wells is a
permeability of 50 md (obtained from cores) correct? deliverability plot of wellhead pressure vs. rate and, in
Is there a completion problem? For this well, the tum, separator pressure vs. rate. This plot also can
possibility of additional production justifies the show the loading or critical rate and offers immediate
expenditure to run a buildup test to verify kh/ J.I-.oB 0 selection of rates based on wellhead pressures. The
and to check for skin. A high skin may indicate that sample data used to construct Fig. 19 are used to
further testing is needed to determine whether a rate- construct Fig. 20 at various wellhead pressures. From
sensitive skin exists to decide whether stimulation or this graph, data are used to construct Fig. 21, which
reperforating is required. demonstrates the well response as a function of surface
Restricted Gas Well
Many operators fail to recognize the significance of Summary and Conclusions
the exponent n for gas-well IPR equations obtained
Nodal analysis is an excellent tool for optimizing the
from four-point tests. It is common to see exponents
objective flow rate on both oil and gas wells. A
of 0.7 to 0.8 or less in gas wells. For example, the
common misconception is that often there are
following equation was obtained from a U.S. gulf
insufficient data to use this analysis. This is true in
coast well after data were plotted on log-log paper.
some cases, but many amazing improvements have
been made with very few data. The use of nodal
q gsc =0.0463[(5,000)2 -p w/] 0.7 Mcf/d. analysis has also prompted the obtaining of additional
data by proper testing of numerous wells.
The operator of this well had a market of 15 Another common statement is that there is too much
MMscf/D [424 x 10- 3 std m 3 /d]. Note that this well error involved in the various multiphase-flow tubing or
has an absolute 0j'en-flow potential (AOFP) of 6,984 flowline correlations, completion formulas, etc., to
Mcf/D [198xlO m 3 /d]. See Table 2 for AOFP's for obtain meaningful results. Because of these possible
higher values of n. errors, it is sometimes difficult to get a predictive
Obviously, this well has a serious completion nodal plot to intersect at exactly the same production
restriction. Sufficient data are already available to plot rate of the actual well. Even if current conditions
in the form suggested by Jones et at. 4 They suggested cannot be matched exactly, however, the analysis can
plotting (Pr 2 -Pw/)/qgsc on the ordinate vs. qgsc on show a percentage increase in production with a
the abscissa to evaluate the need for opening more change, for instance, in wellhead pressure. These


predicted possible increases often are fairly accurate T = temperature, OF [0C]
even without an exact match to existing flow rates. 'Y g = gas gravity (air= 1.0)
Two detailed illustrations are given in this paper to 'Y w = water gravity
show the effect of perforation shot density in both /-to = oil viscosity, cp [Pa' s]
gravel-packed and standard perforated wells on
Nodal analysis has completely altered perforation References
philosophy in the U.S. and has encouraged higher- 1. Mach, J., Proano, E., and Brown, K.E.: "A Nodal Approach for
density perforating and use of open-hole completions Applying Systems Analysis to the Flowing and Artificial Lift Oil
when practical. One of the most important aspects of or Gas Well," paper SPE 8025 available at SPE, Richardson, TX.
2. Gilbert, W.E.: "Flowing and Gas-Lift Well Performance," Drill.
nodal analysis is that it offers engineers and managers
and Prod. Prac., API (1954) 126-43.
a tool to recognize quickly those components that are 3. Brown, K.E. et al.: "Production Optimization of Oil and Gas
restricting production rates. Wells by Nodal Systems Analysis," Technology of Artificial Lift
Although not discussed in this paper, nodal analysis Methods, PennWeli Publishing Co., Tulsa (1984) 4.
is used to optimize all artificial lift methods. 3 Rate 4. Jones, L.G. Blount, E.M., and Glaze, C.E.: "Use of Short Term
Multiple Rate Flow Tests to Predict Performance of Wells Having
predictions, along with horsepower requirements for Turbulence," paper SPE 6133 presented at the 1976 SPE Annual
all lift methods, can be predicted, thereby permitting Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Oct. 3-6.
easier selection of lift methods. 5. Crouch, E.C. and Pack, K.J.: "Systems Analysis Use for the
Finally, some very complex network systems, such Design and Evaluation of High-Rate Gas Wells," paper SPE 9424
presented at the 1980 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Ex-
as ocean-floor gas-lift fields (including gas allocation hibition, Dallas, Sept. 21-24.
to maximize rates) and most economical gas rates, can 6. Bell, W.T.: "Perforating Underbalanced-Evolving Tech-
be predicted with this procedure. niques," J. Pet. Tech. (Oct. 1984) 1653-62.
Nodal analysis, however, should not be used 7. McLeod, H. O. Jr.: "The Effect of Perforating Conditions on Well
indiscriminately without the recognition of the Performance," J. Pet. Tech. (Jan. 1983) 31-39.
8. Locke, S.: "An Advanced Method for Predicting the Productivity
significance of all plots and the meaning of each Ratio of a Perforated Well," J. Pet. Tech. (Dec. 1981) 2481-88.
relationship. Engineers should be trained to understand 9. Hong, K.C.: "Productivity of Perforated Completions in Forma-
the assumptions that were used in developing the tions With or Without Damage," J. Pet. Tech. (Aug. 1975)
various mathematical models to describe well 1027-38; Trans., AIME, 259.
10. Klotz, J.A., Krueger, R.F., and Pye, D.S.: "Effect of Perforation
components. Also, recognizing obvious error and Damage on Well Productivity," J. Pet. Tech. (Nov. 1974)
using practical judgment are necessary. Experience in 1303-14; Trans., AIME, 257.
different operating areas can indicate the accuracy to 11. Gray, H.E.: "Vertical Flow Correlation in Gas Wells," User
be expected from various correlations used in nodal Manual for API 14B, Subsuiface Controlled Safety Valve Sizing
analysis well models. Computer Program, App. B, API, Dallas (June 1974).
12. Vogel, J. V.: "Inflow Performance Relationships for Solution-Gas
Drive Wells," J. Pet. Tech. (Jan. 1968) 83-92; Trans., AIME,
Nomenclature 243.
13. Fetkovich, M.J.: "The Isochronal Testing of Oil Wells," paper
Bo FVF, bbllstb [m 3 /stock-tank m 3 ] SPE 4529 presented at the 1973 SPE Annual Meeting, Las Vegas,
C1 numerical coefficient Sept. 30-0ct. 3.
dp perforation-tunnel diameter, in. [cm] 14. Standing, M.B.: "Inflow Performance Relationships for Damaged
Wells Producing by Solution-Gas Drive," J. Pet. Tech. (Nov.
D depth, ft [m] 1970) 1399-1400.
ec crushed-cone thickness, in. [cm] 15. Eickmeier, J.R.: "How to Accurately Predict Future Well Pro-
h height of pay interval, ft [m] ductivities," World Oil (May 1968) 99.
16. Dias-Couto, L.E. and Golan, M.: "General Inflow Performance
hp height of interval perforated, ft [m] Relationship for Solution-Gas Reservoir Wells," J. Pet. Tech.
J = productivity index, BID/psi [m 3 /d/kPa] (Feb. 1982) 285-88.
k = permeability 17. Uhri, D.C. and Blount, E.M.: "Pivot Point Method Quickly
Predicts Well Performance," World Oil (May 1982) 153-64.
kc = permeability of crushed zone around 18. Agarwal, R.G., AI-Hussainy, F., and Ramey, H.J. Jf.: "An In-
perforation, md vestigation of Wellbore Storage and Skin Effect in Unsteady Liq-
kf = formation permeability, md uid Flow: 1. Analytical Treatment," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Sept.
1970) 279-90; Trans., AIME, 249.
Lp = length of perforation tunnel, in. [cm] 19. Agarwal, R.G., Carter, R.D., and Pollock, c.B.: "Evaluation
P = pressure, psi [kPa] and Performance Prediction of Low-Permeability Gas Wells
Pb = bubblepoint pressure, psi [kPa] Stimulated by Massive Hydraulic Fracture," J. Pet. Tech. (March
1979) 362-72; Trans., AIME, 267.
P r = reservoir pressure, psi [kPa] 20. Lea, J.F.: "Avoid Premature Liquid Loading in Tight Gas Wells
Pwf = BHFP, psi [kPa] by Using Prefrac and Postfrac Test Data," Oil and Gas J. (Sept.
Pwh = wellhead pressure, psi [kPa] 20, 1982) 123.
21. Meng, H. et al.: "Production Systems Analysis of Vertically
f:J.p pressure difference, psi [kPa] Fractured Wells," paper SPE/DOE 10842 presented at the 1982
qb flow rate at the bubblepoint, MscflD [10 3 SPEIDOE Unconventional Gas Recovery Symposium, Pittsburgh,
std m 3 /d] May 16-18.
22. Greene, W.R.: "Analyzing the Performance of Gas Wells,"
qrnax maximum flow rate, B/D [m 3 /d] Proc., 1978 Southwestern Petroleum Short Course, Lubbock, TX
qf liquid flow rate, BID [m 3 /d] (April 20-21) 129-35.

OCTOBER 1985 1761

23. Hagedorn, A.R. and Brown, K.E.: "Experimental Study of The Fetkovich procedure 13 requires a three- or four-
Pressure Gradients Occuning During Continuous Two-Phase flow-rate test plotted on log-log paper to detennine an
Flow in Small-Diameter Vertical Conduits," J. Pet. Tech. (April
1965) 475-84; Trans. AIME, 234. equation in the fonn of a gas-well backpressure
24. Duns, H. Jr. and Ros, N.C.J.: "Vertical Flow of Gas and Liquid equation with a coefficient and exponent detennined
Mixtures in Wells," Proc., Sixth World Pet. Congo (1963) 451. from plotted data. This is equivalent to analysis of an
25. Orkiszewski, J.: "Predicting Two-Phase Pressure Drops in Ver- oil well with gas well relationships.
tical Pipes," J. Pet. Tech. (June 1967) 829-38; Trans., AIME,
Standing's 14 extension of Vogel's work accounts for
26. Beggs, H.D. and Brill, J.P.: "A Study of Two-Phase Flow in In- flow-efficiency values other than 1.00. Jones et al. 's4
clined Pipes," J. Pet. Tech. (May 1973) 607-14; Trans., AIME, procedure will detennine whether sufficient area is
255. open to flow.
27. Aziz, K., Govier, G.W., and Fogararasi, M.: "Pressure Drop in
Wells Producing Oil and Gas," J. Cdn. Pet. Tech. (July-Sept.
1972), 38-48 Future IPR Curves
28. Dukler, A.E. et al.: "Gas-Liquid Flow in Pipelines, 1. Research The prediction of future IPR curves is critical in
Results," AGA-API Project NX-28 (May 1969).
detennining when a well will die or will load up or
29. Dukler, A.E. and Hubbard, M.G.: "A Model for Gas-Liquid Slug
Flow in Horizontal and Near Horizontal Tubes," Ind. and Eng. when it should be placed on artificial lift. The
Chern. (1975) 14, No.4, 337-47. following procedures can be used: (1) Fetkovich 13
30. Eaton, B.A. et al.: "The Prediction of Flow Patterns, Liquid procedure, (2) combination of Fetkovich and Vogel's
Holdup and Pressure Losses Occuning During Continuous Two- equation,13 (3) Couto's 16 procedure, and the (4) pivot
Phase Flow In Horizontal Pipelines," J. Pet. Tech. (June 1967)
815-28; Trans., AIME, 240.
point method. 17
31. Cullender, M.H. and Smith, R.V.: "Practical Solution of Gas-
Flow Equations for Wells and Pipelines with Large Temperature Transient IPR Curves
Gradients," J. Pet. Tech. (Dec. 1956) 281-87; Trans., AIME,
Oil or Gas Wells. A time element allowing the
32. Poettmann, F.H. and Carpenter, P.G.: "The Multiphase Flow of construction of IPR curves for transient conditions can
Gas, Oil and Water Through Vertical Flow String with Applica- be brought into Darcy's law. This is important in
tion to the Design of Gas-Lift Installations," Drill. and Prod. some wells because of the long stabilization time. (See
Prac., API (1952) 257-317. Ref. 3 for discussions by several authors.)

Fractured Oil and Gas Wells. The construction of

IPR curves for fractured oil or gas wells has been
Inflow Performance treated in the literature by Agarwal et ai., 18,19 Lea, 20
Inflow perfonnance is the ability of a well to give up and Meng. 21 Fractured wells can show flush
fluids to the wellbore per unit drawdown. For flowing production initially but drop off considerably in rate at
and gas-lift wells, it is plotted nonnally as stock-tank future times.
barrels of liquid per day (abscissa) vs. bottomhole
pressure (BHP) opposite the center of the completed IPR Methods For Gas Wells. Generally, a three- or
interval (ordinate). The total volumetric flow rate, four-flow-rate test is required for a gas well from
including free gas, can also be found with production which a plot is made on log-log paper and the
values and PVT data to calculate, for instance, a total appropriate equation derived.
volume into a pump.
Brown et al. has given detailed example problems
for most methods of constructing IPR curves. Nothing,
however, replaces good test data, and many where q is the rate of flow, C 1 is a numerical
procedures, in fact, do require from one to four coefficient, characteristic of the particular well, P r is
different test points-that is, a stabilized rate and the shut-in reservoir pressure, Pwf is the BHFP, and n
corresponding BHFP, as well as the static BHP, are is a numerical exponent that is characteristic of the
usually a minimum requirement for establishing a particular well. (See Ref. 22 for a discussion on gas
good IPR. well perfonnance). Also, Darcy's law can be used,
and the turbulence tenns should always be included 6
for all but the lowest rates.
IPR Methods for Oil Wells Fractured and transient wells have also been treated
For flowing pressure above the bubblepoint, test to in the literature.
find the productivity index, or calculate the
productivity index from Darcy's law. APPENDIX B
For two-~hase flow in a reservoir, apply Vogel's
procedure 1 or Darcy's law using relative Multiphase Flow Correlations
penneability data. The use of multiphase-flow-pipeline pressure-drop
For reservoir pressure greater than bubblepoint correlations is very important in applying nodal
(Pr >Pb) and BHFP above or below the bubblepoint, analysis.
use a combination of a straight-line productivity index The correlations that are most widely used at the
above Pb and Vogel's 12 procedure below. present time for vertical multiphase flow were


developed by Hagedorn and Brown,23 Duns and Vertical Gas Flow. The procedures by Cullender and
Ros,24 Ros modification (Shell Oil Co., unpublished), Smith 31 and Poettmann and Carpenter 32 are
Orkizewski,25 Beggs and Brill,26 and Aziz.27 These recommended for gas-flow calculations in wells.
correlations calculate pressure drop very well in certain
wells and fields. However, one may be much better Wet Gas Wells. We recommend the Gray
than the other under certain conditions, and field correlation II for wet gas wells.
pressure surveys are the only way to find out. Without
knowledge of a particular field, we would recommend SI Metric Conversion Factors
beginning work with the correlations listed in the bbl x 1.589 873 E-Ol m3
above order. cu ft x 2.831 685 E-02 m3
ft x 3.048* E-Ol m
Horizontal MultiJ>hase-Flow Pipeline Correlations. in. x 2.54* E+OO cm
Beggs and Brill,2 Dukler et al. ,28 Dukler and psi x 6.895757 E+OO kPa
Hubbard,29 Eaton et aI., 30 and Dukler using Eaton's
holdup 28,30 are the best horizontal-flow correlations. • Conversion factor is exact. JPT
Again, we recommend to begin work using them in Original manuscript (SPE 14714) received in the Society of Petroleum Engineers of-
the order given. fice Aug. 19. 1985.

OCTOBER 1985 1763

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