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International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

A comparison of accident analysis techniques for safety-critical

man}machine systems
Tom Kontogiannis!,*, Vrassidas Leopoulos", Nikos Marmaras"
!Department of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, GR 73100 Chania, Crete, Greece
"Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Received 23 February 1999; accepted 20 April 1999


The complexity of modern industrial systems has prompted the development of accident analysis techniques focusing
on specialised aspects of the system. Although it is di$cult to "nd a single technique that would integrate the di!erent
types of analysis (e.g. event analysis, human error analysis, and causal factors analysis), accident analysis techniques
should provide appropriate input to others investigating complementary aspects of the system. To ful"l this requirement,
this article proposes a taxonomy of criteria for the assessment and revision of system engineering techniques that have
been applied to accident analysis. The proposed criteria are illustrated in the context of three techniques, i.e. fault trees,
sequentially Timed Events Plotting, and Petri Nets. The Piper Alpha incident has been selected as a case study to
illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the three accident analysis techniques. Extensions of the notation of these
techniques are suggested in order to generate appropriate information for the analysis of human errors, error recovery
paths and causal factors at the workplace and organisational levels.
Relevance to industry
Accident analysis techniques are essential in learning lessons and preventing similar unfortunate events in future.
Advances in human error research provide useful opportunities for improving the e!ectiveness and usability of these
techniques. A set of assessment criteria are proposed to provide a basis for further developments in accident analysis
techniques. ( 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Accident analysis; Human error; Fault trees; Sequentially Timed Events Plotting; Petri Nets; Safety

1. Introduction life, severe environmental damage and loss of the

system itself. Accidents are usually caused by
Accidents are undesired events which result from a combination of latent failures (e.g. maintenance
unplanned deviations in system operations. Their problems), machine failures and erroneous human
adverse consequences may include injury, loss of nterventions. In safety-critical systems, the analysis
of major accidents focuses on investigating the
causal factors of system failures in order to pre-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 0030-821-37320; fax: 0030-821-
69410. vent similar incidents in future or minimise their
E-mail address: (T. Kontogian- consequences. In the last two decades there
nis) has been an increasing realisation that a similar

0169-8141/00/$ - see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 9 - 8 1 4 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 2 2 - 0
328 T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

systematic analysis should be undertaken for minor critical events and technological interventions, (ii)
incidents and even near misses because of the human errors and their mechanisms, and (iii) causal
greater amount, reliability and accessibility of in- factors at the workplace and organisational levels.
formation that can be made available in these situ- Traditionally, the "rst area of investigation has
ations. The analysis of near misses, for instance, can received the greatest attention mainly from system
reveal useful information about recovery actions engineering techniques, such as fault tree analysis,
that stopped the sequence of events from giving rise post-hoc event trees, and so on. These techniques
to an accident. Accident reporting and analysis can focus on the failures of the technical systems, auto-
also be seen as a special case of the feedback matic control systems, barrier mechanisms, and
loop required in quality management to generate escape systems. In recent years, a lot of emphasis
improvements in system quality. has been placed on the erroneous human interven-
Accident analysis in safety-critical systems, such tions that failed to control or exacerbated the acci-
as nuclear power stations, chemical production dent sequence.
plants, commercial shipping and aviation, can be More systematic assessment of human errors and
time-consuming and labour-intensive. Amongst their mechanisms was made possible by the work of
others, the following activities make accident ana- human science researchers (e.g., Rasmussen, 1986;
lysis a demanding cognitive task: Hale and Glendon, 1987; Reason, 1990) who de-
f Represent mentally both the technical system, veloped practical taxonomies of error types, error
which may consist of several interrelated compo- mechanisms and error-producing conditions of
nents with varying dynamic responses, and its work and error types. These error taxonomies have
changing con"guration due to unanticipated resulted in the development of several accident
events and human interventions. analysis techniques which focus on the contribu-
f Infer logically or through traces the failures of tion of human agents and conditions of work to the
the technical system, the inadequacies of the accident sequence (Kontogiannis, 1997; Kirwan,
human}machine interface, and the erroneous 1998; Hollnagel, 1998). It is conceivable that
human interventions. In addition, latent failures these human error analysis techniques can provide
at the technological and management levels valuable input to the traditional accident analysis
should be identi"ed. techniques utilised in the context of system
f Determine possible error recovery paths and engineering.
safety barriers that could have prevented the In the 1990s, there has been a growth of new
accident. techniques focusing on the management responsi-
These activities become increasingly di$cult bilities for the conditions of work and technical
since information concerning the accident may be failures that lead to accidents. Techniques which
lacking or unreliable. To cope with these di$cul- re#ect this viewpoint examine the organisational
ties, accident analysis is usually conducted by systems and mechanisms which were responsible
a team of people comprising forensic scientists, for the control and maintenance of the intended
experienced operators of the domain, engineers and operations, but which allowed the accident or near
human factors specialists. However, the co-opera- miss to occur. Inadequacies or failures of organisa-
tion of all these people may be di$cult due to their tional systems can give rise to several latent failures
di!erent background knowledge, points of view, (e.g. maintenance problems, inadequate training
technical jargons, and so on. and procedures) which are likely to give rise to an
To facilitate the conduct of accident analysis, accident sooner or later. The management over-
several techniques have been developed in the last sight and risk tree (MORT) technique (Johnson,
few decades for investigating serious accidents in 1980) is one of the few examples in this category of
safety-critical systems (for an overview see Benner, accident analysis. MORT enables analysts to ident-
1985; Ferry 1988; Suokas and Pyy, 1988). These ify aspects of the safety management system which
techniques can be broadly classi"ed into three must be improved in order to achieve the desired
categories, according to their primary focus on: (i) level of risk control.
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347 329

These developments in accident analysis have f Aspects of the accident analysis process } i.e. cop-
led to a revision of existing techniques so that a ing with unreliable evidence, modelling of as-
range of technical, ergonomic and management sumptions, and encouraging participation,
factors are included in the same accident repres- f Aspects of accident prevention } i.e. identifying
entation. For instance, Johnson (1999) has extended causal factors at the workplace and management
the notation of fault tree analysis to visualise the levels, modelling error recovery paths, and devis-
relationship between human error and organisa- ing prevention measures at the management and
tional failures. In this sense, developments in acci- legislation levels.
dent analysis call for new criteria in the assessment In this section, a taxonomy of assessment criteria
of techniques. is proposed speci"cally for accident analysis tech-
The objective of this article is to evaluate recent niques which aim to expand the traditional system
techniques in accident investigation which aim to engineering approach and incorporate aspects of
provide more complete accounts of critical events human interventions and causal factors at the
and human actions in terms of their underlying workplace and management levels. Techniques
workplace and management causes. Based on an which perform in-depth investigation of human
earlier assessment (Benner, 1985), two accident error mechanisms and analysis of management fac-
analysis techniques } i.e. fault tree analyis (FTA) tors are beyond the scope of this article. This was
and sequentially timed events plotting (STEP) the reason for selecting FTA, STEP and Petri Nets
} were judged to be the most comprehensible ones as candidates for the application of the taxonomy
for the analysis of critical events and errors. This of assessment criteria.
article has undertaken a comparison of these tech-
niques with a third one concerning the application 2.1. Sequential and temporal aspects of accident
of Petri Nets to accident analysis. scenarios
The following section presents a taxonomy of
assessment criteria for accident analysis techniques Accident analysis techniques are usually judged
which aim at expanding the analysis of critical in terms of the support provided to investigate
events into the human interventions and the man- complex scenarios. Multiple agents may be in-
agement factors which gave rise, failed to control, volved in the accident, taking a number of actions
or exacerbated the initial sequence of events. The which interact in complex ways. In addition, the
main body of the article concerns the comparison events may have di!erent temporal characteristics
of the previous three techniques in terms of the such as timing and duration. The representation of
proposed assessment criteria. The Piper Alpha inci- accident scenarios often produces complicated dia-
dent has been selected as a case study to illustrate grams which are di$cult to use. For this reason, the
the strengths and weaknesses of the accident analy- analysts should be able to represent the accident
sis techniques. scenario at di!erent levels of abstraction. The
following criteria are proposed to examine the
support o!ered for analysing the sequential and
2. Criteria for the evaluation of accident analysis temporal aspects of events:
techniques f Event sequence: The technique should support
analysts in describing and representing the se-
Previous studies have speci"ed a variety of as- quence of events/actions that have led to the
sessment criteria for accident analysis techniques accident.
(e.g. Benner, 1985; Ferry, 1988; Suokas and Pyy, f Event agents: The graphical representation should
1988) which could be assigned to the following facilitate the identi"cation of agents of di!erent
categories: events/actions and, if possible, facilitate their
f Sequential and temporal aspects of the accident grouping in technical, interface, and human agents.
scenario } i.e. sequence, timing, event depend- f Event dependencies and cascade ewects: The
encies, and levels of representation, etc. technique should support the identi"cation of
330 T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

relationships between the events/actions and for marking events or actions where assumptions
examine their dependencies and cascade e!ects. are made due to weak evidence. For example,
Dependency refers to the extent that the occur- dotted lines can be used for assumed events or
rence of an event/action is dependent upon pre- assumed actions; these lines can be turned into
ceding ones. In addition, the technique should solid when we become certain that our evidence
represent cases where the consequences of an is reliable at later stages of the analysis.
event/action are spread upon other areas of the f Modelling inconsistencies. Sometimes, the evid-
accident scenario. ence that we get from the accident data contains
f Modelling the timing and duration: The technique inconsistencies or con#icts. This happens be-
should record both the `timinga (i.e. when the cause di!erent people o!er contradictory ac-
event happened) and the `durationa of the counts of what happened. To resolve this issue,
event/action (i.e. how long the event lasted). analysts so far have tended to create two or more
Special notation may be required when descrip- sequences of events corresponding to di!erent
tions of timing are imprecise. The duration is interpretations of what happened. However, it
also important because we can appreciate cases would be desirable to be able to merge all incon-
where operators have to perform many tasks or sistencies in a single diagram.
respond to many events at close time proximity. f Co-operation facilitation. The graphical represen-
In other words, the representation of timing and tation should be comprehensible to all members
duration may provide a rough estimate of the of the accident analysis team so that it can be
workload of operators. used as a common reference framework as well
f Multiple levels of representation: Graphical as facilitate their co-operation.
representations of accidents frequently become
unwieldy because of the large number of events/ 2.3. Aspects of accident prevention
actions involved and their complex relationships.
To simplify the representation, analysts should The ultimate outcome of the accident analysis is
be able to create `groups of eventsa or `groups of to identify the critical events that have led to the
actionsa and describe them in more abstract accident and the failures of the agents that gave rise
terms; this would enable them to create a mul- to the critical events. In this sense, the accident
tiple level description of the accident scenario. analysis aims to identify factors at the technical,
workplace and management levels (i.e. the context
2.2. Aspects of the accident analysis process of work) that should be controlled in order to
prevent future accidents or minimise their conse-
Accident analysis is a dynamic process which quences. Prevention measures, therefore, are tightly
requires modi"cations to the representation of acci- linked to the causal factors of the work context. In
dent as additional evidence becomes available. This the past, a lot of emphasis has been placed into the
implies that analysts may have to make assump- prevention or avoidance of human error. However,
tions about events which are supported by weak this is not always possible in complex systems and
evidence and accommodate di!erent accounts of- attention must also be paid to the error recovery
fered by various witnesses. Modelling of assump- paths that could have prevented errors or mini-
tions and inconsistencies, therefore, is very mised their consequences (Kontogiannis, 1999).
important for re"ning the accident analysis as evid- For this reason, the modelling of error recovery
ence accrues. In addition, accident analysis tech- paths should be treated as an additional criterion in
niques should facilitate the co-operation between the assessment of accident analysis techniques.
analysts of di!erent backgrounds. Therefore, the fol- Therefore, the following criteria can be used for
lowing three criteria are proposed for assessing the assessing the support provided in the accident pre-
cognitive support provided in the course of analysis: vention process:
f Modelling assumptions. The graphical represen- f Event criticality. The technique should support
tation of the accident should o!er capabilities the judgment of the importance or criticality of
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347 331

the events/actions and their contribution to the errors that may exacerbate technical failures. The
accident. gates of the fault trees can be used to represent
f Modelling error recovery. There are very few several ways in which machine and human failures
techniques available for modelling events and combine to give rise to the accident. For instance,
information cues that could have helped oper- an AND-gate implies that both initial events need
ators to detect and recover their errors. Kon- to occur in order to give rise to the intermediate
togiannis (1996) argued that accident analysis event. Conversely, an OR-gate means that either of
should o!er capabilities for recording `missing two initial events can give rise to the intermediate
eventsa (i.e. events that were absent or delayed event. In the context of accident analysis, an OR-
when operators made their decisions), `mis-lead- gate implies lack of evidence; as more evidence
ing eventsa (i.e. events that over-shadowed becomes available we can become more certain
others) and `attention-diverting eventsa. which of the two initial events were true.
f Modelling the context of work. It has been argued More detailed information about the notation
that modelling the timing and duration of of events and gates in fault trees is provided by
events/actions would provide an indication of Andrews and Moss (1993). It is worth quoting,
the workload of operators. However, other however, the notation of an INHIBIT-gate in fault
things the operators had to do in parallel within trees which helps analysts to record non-contribu-
their main tasks, could also contribute to their tory events to the accident. Non-contributory
workload. It would be desirable, therefore, to events are worth recording in fault trees because of
represent not only the events/actions that were their implications for the causation of a similar
directly involved in the accident, but also other accident under di!erent circumstances.
events/actions that undoubtedly a!ected the
workload and perception of operators. 3.2. STEP
f Preventive measures. The graphical representa-
tion should facilitate the development of preven- The STEP technique (Hendrick and Benner, 1987)
tive measures and their cost}bene"t analysis. provides a reconstruction of the harm process by
plotting the sequence of events/actions that contrib-
uted to the accident. The main concepts in STEP are
3. Presentation of accident analysis techniques the initiation of the accident through an event or
change that disrupted the technical system, the
To apply the assessment criteria, three accident agents which intervene to control the system (e.g.
analysis techniques have been selected which ap- human beings, automatic controllers, equipment,
peared to be amongst the most favourable in acci- and monitoring systems), and the elementary `event
dent analysis (Benner, 1985; Johnson, 1998). The building blocksa. The analysts construct an STEP
techniques of Fault Tree Analysis, Sequentially worksheet which charts the evolution of events, ac-
Timed Event Plotting (STEP) and Petri Nets are tions and system interventions (on the horizontal
brie#y described below. axis) performed by the agents (on the vertical axis).
The "rst stage in STEP involves the de"nition of
3.1. Fault trees the `beginninga and `enda states of the accident.
This bounds the scope of the investigation from the
Typically, fault trees have been used pre hoc to "rst event that deviated from the planned technical
analyse potential errors in the design of technical process to the last harmful event in the incident.
systems (Vesely et al., 1981). Recently fault trees Subsequently, the analysts identify the main events/
have been used in a post hoc fashion to analyse actions that contributed to the accident and con-
accidents. Fault trees are constructed from events struct their `event building blocksa which contain
and gates. Basic events can be used to represent the following information:
underlying technical failures that lead to accidents f the time at which the event/action started;
while intermediate events can represent operator f the duration of the event/action;
332 T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

f the agent which caused the event or action; 3.3.1. High-level Petri Net (HLPN ) graphs
f the description of the event/action, and, A high-level Petri Net graph comprises the fol-
f the name of the source which o!ered this in- lowing elements:
formation. f A Net Graph. It consists of nodes (i.e. places and
In the second stage, the events/actions are in- transitions) and arcs connecting places to
ter-connected with arrows. All events should have transitions;
incoming and outgoing arrows which show `pre- f Place Types. Places come in several types but one
cedea and `followa relationships between events. type is associated with each place;
Converging arrows show dependencies between f Place Marking. A collection of data items (called
events while divergent arrows show the impact on tokens) indicating the state of each place;
following events. The converging arrows are com- f Arc Annotations. Arcs are inscribed with expres-
parable to the AND-gates of fault trees. STEP does sions which may comprise constants, variables
not use OR-gates because the completed worksheet and function images (e.g. f (x)). The expressions
shows events with a certainty of one rather than are evaluated by substituting values for the vari-
with probabilities. ables. When an arc's expression is evaluated, it
The accuracy of the event representation is must result in a movement of tokens from the
checked using the backSTEP technique by which input to the output places;
we reason backwards in order to examine how each f Transition Conditions. They consist of signals or
`event building blocka could be made to occur. external events (i.e. Boolean expressions), priori-
Reasoning backwards helps analysts to identify ties and delays that determine the "ring of
other ways in which the accident process could transitions;
have occurred, and this guides the search for addi- f Declarations. They are statements about place
tional data. Measures for preventing an accident types, variable types, and functions.
can be identi"ed in terms of causal links that could HLPN-graphs are executable, allowing the #ow
be blocked and `missinga links to events with a pre- of tokens around the net to be visualised; this
vention capability. STEP provides a valuable over- can illustrate the #ow of control and #ow of
view of the timing and sequence of events/actions data within the same model. Key concepts govern-
that contributed to the accident. ing this execution are the enabling of transitions
and the #ow of control de"ned by the transition
3.3. Petri Nets rules.

Petri Nets is a formal and graphical language 3.3.2. Enabling of transitions

which is appropriate for modelling systems with A transition is enabled in a particular mode
concurrency. Petri Nets have been under develop- with respect to a set of places connected to the
ment since the early 1960s, where C.A. Petri de"ned transition. A transition mode is an assignment of
their notation; it was the "rst time that a general values for the transition's variables that satisfy the
theory of discrete parallel systems was formula- transition conditions. The transition's variables are
ted. The language is a generalisation of automata those that occur in the transition conditions and
theory which supports the concept of concur- arc annotations. The enabling of a transition results
rency. Petri Nets have found many industrial in the marking of its input places. For each
applications, ranging from the modelling of Pro- transition mode, the expression of input arcs are
grammable Logic Controllers to the modelling of evaluated, resulting in a set of tokens of the same
Manufacturing Systems (Leopoulos, 1984; Proth et type as that of the input place. If each input place
al., 1993; Leopoulos and Tatsiopoulos, 1999). contains at least the number of tokens required by
A Petri Net technique (High-Level Petri Nets, each input arc then the transition is enabled in
HLPN), for which an International Standard is a speci"c mode. Two transition modes are concur-
under development, has been selected for its ap- rently enabled for a particular marking when each
plication to accident analysis. input place's marking contains at least the sum of
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347 333

the enabling tokens of each input arc associated the starting point for the Piper Alpha o!shore
with that input place. disaster where approximately 170 people lost their
lives (July 1988). The initial explosion caused a "re
3.3.3. Transition rules at the west end of Module B which was spread
Enabled transitions can occur ("re). When a quickly to neighbouring portions of the platform.
transition "res, tokens are removed from its input Shortly afterwards, a major explosion occurred cre-
places and added to its output places, according to ating a massive and prolonged high pressure jet of
the expressions of the arcs. On the "ring of a #ames that generated intense heat. Structural de-
transition, two events can occur atomically: (i) an terioration at the level below Module B had begun
input place loses as many tokens as speci"ed in the which eventually led to the capsize of the Piper
input arc and (ii) an output place gains as many Alpha platform. The description of the sequence of
places as speci"ed in the output arc. Several en- events leading to the Piper Alpha incident has
abled transitions can "re concurrently in one step. been given by one of the authors in Embrey et al.
The change to the marking of the net when a step (1994).
occurs is given by the sum of all changes that occur The process involved in the incident concerns the
for each transition mode, as described above. Petri separation of crude oil into three phases. The crude
Nets is a graphical modelling formalism, especially is pumped into a two-stage separation process
suited for discrete-event dynamic systems with con- where it is divided into three phases: oil, gas, and
current or parallel events and activities. water. The water is cleaned up and dumped to
drain while the remaining mixture of oil and gas is
pumped into the main oil line where it is metered
4. A case study: The Piper Alpha incident and sent on for further processing (a simpli"ed
process diagram is shown in Fig. 1). The case study
The case study we used to compare the accident described here is centred on a #ange leak in one of
analysis techniques concerns the sequence of events the oil pipeline pumps (pump A) and its associated
leading up to a hydrocarbon explosion which was pressure relief valve (PRV) piping.

Fig. 1. A simpli"ed schematic of the system where the accident sequence was initiated in the Piper Alpha.
334 T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

The separation plant had been running smoothly workers, the blank had not been "tted correctly
for several weeks and the planned shutdown was and did not seal the pipe. The PRV required a com-
some time away. On the day of the incident a num- plete strip and overhaul but the contractors were
ber of unusual events occurred which contributed unable to complete the work by the end of the day.
to its developement. Shortly after the start of his They did not inform the day-shift operations super-
day shift, the control room operator (CRO) re- visor, as they thought that the pump had been
ceived a high vibration alarm from booster pump signed o! for more than one day and that they
A in the crude #uid separation building. Following would be able to complete the work the following
normal procedures, he switched-over to the stand- morning. The day-shift supervisor, having had no
by pump B, switched-o! pump A, and told his contact with the contractor team since signing-on
supervisor of the alarm. The supervisor subsequently their permit, made the assumption that the con-
organised a work permit for maintenance to be tractors, as they were no longer on the job, would
carried out on pump A by the day-shift mainten- be working overtime to complete the job during the
ance team. The permit was issued and repair work night shift.
started. Since pump A and its associated pipework At shift handover at 18:00, the incoming night-
was o!-line, the supervisor took the opportunity to shift supervisor was briefed by the day supervisor.
carry out scheduled maintenance on the pressure The conversation centred on the vibration fault and
relief valve (PRV) downstream of pump A. The subsequent repair work carried out. However, no
valve had been malfunctioning, and although the mention was made of the work on the PRV, so
work was not scheduled to be done for some weeks, consequently none of the incoming shift were aware
the specialist contractor team who maintain the of it. The night-shift supervisor, wanting to return
PRVs had a team available to carry out the work pump A to standby as soon as possible, asked the
immediately. The supervisor therefore now had two plant operator to check the status of the pump, and
teams working on the pump A systems: the shift together with the shift electrician, to reset it and put
maintenance team working on the pump itself, and it back on standby. The operator, unaware of the
a two-man contractor team working on the PRV work being done on the PRV, did not check this
and its associated pipework. The PRV for pump part of the system and, following inspection of the
A is not located immediately adjacent to the pump, pump, returned it to standby.
and is above #oor level, close to a number of other Later in the night-shift the CRO received a trip
pipe runs. The following description represents alarm from pump B. Soon after, the second stage
a hypothetical sequence of events based on the separator high oil level alarm sounded in the con-
inquiry "ndings, but embellished for the purposes trol room. The CRO switched to the standby pump
of the case study. A in order to reduce the level. Unknown to the
During the course of the day, the shift mainten- CRO, switching to pump A resulted in high-pres-
ance team identi"ed the cause of the vibration and sure oil and gas leaking from the incorrectly "tted
recti"ed it. They rebuilt the pump and completed blank. The CRO's monitoring of the oil level was
the work at about 17:30, before their shift ended. interrupted by the gas monitoring system giving an
The permit was returned to the operations supervi- alarm. The CRO accepted the alarm but was not
sor who duly signed it o!. The contractor's work, unduly worried, thinking it was a false alarm, as
however, did not go as smoothly. The team re- often happens after work has been done on a pump.
moved the PRV and the team leader took it to his He decided to radio the plant operator and asked
workshop for maintenance and pressure testing. him to check it out. The oil level continued to fall in
His partner remained behind in order to "t a blank the separator, and the leaking #ange continued to
to the pipeline, as required by site procedures. The release oil and gas into the separation building. The
contractor "tted the blank to the pipe, although plant operator, responding to the CRO's request,
the job was made di$cult by its awkward position, went to investigate the low level alarm in the separ-
and he returned to the workshop to help with the ation building. While the CRO was waiting for the
maintenance on the valve itself. Unknown to the plant operator to report back, the high gas alarm
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347 335

sounded. He immediately started safety shutdown A is available (i.e. CRO knows that pump A is on
procedures. It was at this point that the oil and gas standby) and that such an action is taken (i.e. CRO
mixture ignited and exploded, and the next phase of is not aware of maintenance work on PRV). The
the Piper Alpha disaster began. latter event has been identi"ed in the FTA as a criti-
cal event that could have been avoided, had the
plant operator detected the removal of PRV and
5. Analysis of the incident the night-shift supervisor received proper noti"ca-
tion from the day-shift supervisor. The analysis
This section presents an application of the three proceeds with the causes of mis-communication
techniques to the analysis of the Piper Alpha incident. between the two supervisors. As it can be seen from
Fig. 2, the contractor maintenance team failed to
5.1. FTA of the Piper Alpha incident notify the day-shift supervisor who, in turn, failed
to use the formal handover procedures to brief the
An FTA has been applied to the Piper Alpha night shift. The failure of the contractor to report
accident according to the most probable scenario on the status of the PRV was due to his assumption
as described in the previous section. Fig. 2 shows that the PRV was signed-o! for two days and the
that two intermediate events were necessary to give inadequate work permit. An OR-gate is used to
rise to the oil/gas leak, that is, (a) incorrect installa- relate these intermediate events since further evid-
tion of the blank on the PRV line, and (b) pump ence is required to determine which of the two
A was started by the CRO. The analysis proceeds in events were true.
a top-down fashion to identify other events or fac- FTA provides a convenient way of representing
tors that led to the previous two events. the main technical, human and management fac-
On the one hand, the incorrect installation of the tors that lead to accidents. The INHIBIT-gate also
blank requires that an error is made (i.e. the con- provides useful information about factors that
tractor mechanic does not "t the blank properly) could have led to similar accidents in future. The
which is not detected in the night shift (i.e. plant main criticism of FTA is that it provides an im-
operator fails to detect). The latter event is repre- poverished representation of real time. There is no
sented as an undeveloped event in Fig. 2 which ordering amongst the events that lead into a gate.
implies that further analysis should be carried out. Although PRIORITY-AND gates can be used to
The former event was attributed to the `cramped capture some temporal aspects of the interaction,
and con"ned work spacea which prevented the real time is not supported. This is important be-
mechanic from doing the installation properly. The cause information about real time a!ects the ability
analysts would have to consider other causes that of operators to respond to the scenario. Recent
may have contributed to the mechanic's error and work by Love and Johnson (1997) has extended the
examine their likelihood in the particular scenario. fault tree notation to include real time by citing the
For instance, the analysts may argue that the incor- time at the bottom of each event. However, even
rect installation could have been due to inadequate this notation cannot capture temporal relation-
maintenance skills; if the evidence leads to such ships between events that have a long duration.
a conclusion, `inadequate skillsa should be incorp- Continuous events are very di$cult to represent in
orated in the FTA (see OR-gate in Fig. 2). In case fault trees.
that the evidence precludes this conclusion, we Another limitation of the application of FTA to
can still keep this event in the FTA as far as an accident analysis concerns the representation of
INHIBIT-gate is used. This gate implies that concurrency. In some cases, the impact of an event
`inadequate skillsa could still be a contributory spreads across di!erent areas of the system or trig-
factor in a similar scenario. gers the action of di!erent operators. Information
On the other hand, `switching on pump Aa re- about concurrent events or actions is very impor-
quires that there is a need for this action (i.e. pump tant for determining the workload of operators
B trip alarm and high oil level alarm), that pump and the amount of data currently available to
336 T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

Fig. 2. A fault tree showing the main events and causes of the Piper Alpha incident.

operators. Fault trees are inadequate in this sense Johnson (1998) has identi"ed some limitations
and need to be supplemented with cause}conse- with the semantics of the AND-gate in fault trees.
quence diagrams (Nielsen, 1974). Fig. 2, for instance, shows that the failure of the
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347 337

night supervisor to notify the CRO (bottom right as an agent, for example, we can obtain valuable
part of FTA) was due to lack of communica- information about the status of plant equipment
tion between the day supervisor and the contractor before, during, and after various events. Data avail-
team and between the day and night super- able from the PCS alarm recorder were used to
visors (i.e. they did not follow formal handover specify critical time points on the STEP worksheet.
procedures). In a conventional fault tree, the event A similar process was carried out for all agents
would have been prevented if one of the two initiat- identi"ed. For agents that are human beings, how-
ing events had been avoided (i.e. by following for- ever, the analysis can present problems. In the
mal handover procedures). In accident analysis, Piper Alpha case, for instance, the time period for
however, there is no means of knowing if an acci- the development of the incident crossed a shift
dent would have been prevented in this way. As boundary, another "xed point on the work sheet,
Johnson (1998) argued, an AND-gate represents and therefore involved di!erent people. It is impor-
the fact that an accident report cites several events tant to focus on the events involving the agents and
as contributory causes; no inferences can be made to avoid introducing bias into the worksheet. Par-
about the outcome of an AND gate if any of the ticular focus was also paid to agent's actions which
initiating events do not hold. initiated changes in other agents. For example, the
While FTA cannot capture the temporal aspects CRO's request for the plant operator to check out
and dependencies of events, it remains a convenient the low gas alarm, or the high oil level alarm led the
format for modelling the context of work (i.e. work- CRO to switch to pump A and directed his atten-
place factors, handover procedures, and com- tion to the status of the oil level.
munication problems) and, thus, helps analysts in The backSTEP technique helped to determine
devising preventive measures both at the technical whether all the events for an agent were listed and
and management levels. Fault trees also facilitate whether the relevant `event building blocksa were
co-operation between analysts because of their placed correctly on the worksheet relatively to
familiar notation and hierarchical description of other events. Here lies one of the strengths of the
the accident scenario. STEP worksheet. Viewing the events for each
agent, linking the events and looking for neces-
5.2. STEP analysis of the Piper Alpha incident sary-and-su$cient conditions, are activities that
provide valuable help in identifying gaps in the
A STEP worksheet of the analysis of the Piper analyst's knowledge.
Alpha incident is shown in Figs. 3 and 4, repro- The necessary and su$cient test of the back-
duced from the work of one of the authors in STEP technique was found particularly valuable
Embrey et al. (1994). The STEP analysis was pro- when applied to event pairs. For example, the trip-
ved to be an important aid in structuring the data ping of pump B is necessary for the event involving
collection and event representation. First, the point the night-shift operator switching from pump B to
at which the initial deviation in the planned tech- pump A, but not su$cient to cause this event. The
nical process occurred was identi"ed (i.e. the vibra- process control system gave the high oil level alarm
tions observed in pump A). The agents are placed which reduced the time window for the operator to
on the vertical axis of the worksheet. The horizon- take other action, for example, investigation of the
tal axis represents the time-line on which causes of the trip. However, other events were also
events/actions are placed for each agent. The aim is necessary. These were the con"rmations by the
to trace each agent's actions from the `starta state plant operator and electrician that pump A had
to the `enda state. This portrays the contribution of been placed back on standby. If this had not hap-
each agent to the incident, the e!ects on other pened the option to switch to pump A would not
agents, and the in#uences of the actions of the have been available. The necessary and su$cient
agents. This method can lead to new agents being test can also lead to diverging links, for example
considered which were not initially identi"ed in the where the gas/oil leaking from the #ange leads to
incident. Taking the process control system (PCS) both low and high gas alarms and is necessary for
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

Fig. 3. A STEP analysis of the initiating events of the Piper Alpha in the morning shift. (From Embrey et al., 1994).
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

Fig. 4. A STEP analysis of the events leading to the oil-gas leak in the Piper Alpha in the night shift. (From Embrey et al., 1994)
340 T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

the ignition of the leak. In this way, the relation- ate human actions, some of which may change the
ships among events are elicited and the investigator state of the physical system. Fig. 5 presents a Petri
is forced to think about causal events one at a time Net graph with the physical system, messages, and
instead of considering the incident as a whole. The actions while Table 1 describes the places used. The
process of data collection, with its conversion and critical path that led to the accident is also shown in
positioning of the `events building blocksa and Fig. 5 where it is further elaborated.
logic testing, was an iterative one and this diagram f States of the physical system. The physical sys-
went though several revisions. tem involved in the incident consists of the
The STEP technique provides accident ana- physical equipment (Pump A, Pump B, PRV,
lysts with a disciplined, logical, and veri"able and the Oil}Gas #ows). For each component,
representation of the events involved in the inci- a Petri Net module was developed to model the
dent. It also represents well the temporal aspects of various states in which the component can be
the contributory events, although it needs addi- found.
tional notation for imprecise timings (i.e. events for f Messages. Messages can be provided by the
which we are not sure for their precise starting monitoring or the alarm system as a result of
point). Although continuous events are marked on speci"c changes in the state of the physical sys-
the `event building blocksa, still the STEP graph tem; these messages can also be modelled as
needs additional visual notation to remind analysts places in the Petri Net graph.
of events currently activated. f Human actions. The actions of human operators,
This advantage of STEP over FTA in represent- initiated by the messages of the monitoring
ing the temporal aspects of events is at the expense } alarm system, are modelled as places in the
of representing the workplace and management Petri Net graph.
factors that have led to human errors. A separate In the Petri Net graph, transitions were utilized to
worksheet is needed in order to perform the human present pre-conditions and relationships between
error analysis and avoid making the STEP graph the places. Pre-conditions were modelled as signals
unwieldy. Both FTA and STEP techniques score or external events to the transitions (see text in
high on the facilitation of the accident analysis italics) while relationships were modelled as arcs.
process and the development of preventive meas- For instance, the detection of the problem with the
ures. However, both techniques impose a high incorrectly "t blank (Fig. 6) requires that at least
workload on the analysts in keeping a mental track one of the following pre-conditions is satis"ed: (i)
of all interactions. Although the backSTEP tech- the handover to the night shift is done properly, or
nique is very helpful in verifying the analysis, it still (ii) the contractor team noti"es the day-shift super-
lacks the powerful mechanisms of simulation tech- visor (iii) the plant operator detects the problem.
niques such as Petri Nets. Human errors and consequences can also be rep-
resented as places in the Petri Net graph. However,
5.3. Application of Petri Nets to the analysis of Piper to avoid cluttering the graph, it is possible to model
Alpha incident only the correct actions (as shown in Fig. 5) but use
the transitions and arcs to point to di!erent error
The development of the Petri Net graph was consequences. For instance, the preparation of
based on the ARTIFEX software package (Artifex, pump A (PO-prepares-A) involves a visual check
1997). The "rst stage in the development of the on the pipelines leading to the PRV valve; the plant
graph concerns the identi"cation of the physical operator may either detect the removal of PRV
system, the human agents, and the messages com- (`PO-detects?a signal) or fail to detect the problem
municated (oral and displayed messages) in the and start pump A (A-works). Representing human
course of the accident. The key concept here is errors as places can help to visualise the develop-
that the physical system, during its operation, ment of the accident but is not required by the
send messages to human operators, through the software simulation as far as the error conse-
monitoring and alarm system. These messages initi- quences are satisfactorily modelled.
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347 341

Fig. 5. A Petri Net graph of events leading to the oil-gas leak in the Piper Alpha.

It is important to examine the initial state of the on-A ?) is present. If the answer is a$rmative, the
system prior to the accident by putting the tokens incident sequence starts and the transition T5 "res.
in the appropriate places. In the initial state, pump As a result the token is removed from the place
A was working, valve PRV was in normal state and (A-works) and two tokens are added to places
pump B was available on standby. In the Petri Net (A-vibrates) and (CRO-detects-vib). In order to
notation, therefore, the analysts should mark the switch-o! pump A, it is necessary that another
following places: (A-works), (PRV-normal), and condition exists } that is, the CRO performs this
(Pump-B-standby). action. This condition is met automatically since
The incident started due to a problem with pump the token moves through the transition T21 to
A. In Fig. 5, this is represented in transition T5 the place (CRO-switches-A-o! ). This results in the
which asks the analyst whether the signal (Vib- "ring of T20 which moves the token to places
342 T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

Fig. 6. A Petri Net graph of events leading to the oil-gas leak and possible recovery paths.

(DS-boss-permit-A) and (Pump-A-o! ). In turn this places (B-problem), (B-trip-alarm) and (Oil-level-
activates transition T10 and maintenance starts on rises). It is possible to simulate the real time of the
pump A (Main-team-on-A). occurrence of these events by specifying a `tem-
For starting maintenance on PRV valve, it is porisationa variable; that is, the software can delay
necessary that a problem is found (PRV-problem) the activation of these places for the times speci"ed
and a permit is issued (DS-boss-permit-PRV). The by the analysts. Pump B is switched-o! (Pump-B-
former place receives a token once the analyst is o! ) by the night-shift supervisor upon detection of
a$rmative about the start of inspection (`Inspect- the `trip alarm on Ba and the `high oil alarma.
PRV ?a signal) while the latter place receives a token From this point onwards, the event sequence
from the "ring of transition T20. As a result, becomes very critical for the safety of the system.
transition T16 "res and maintenance work starts Fig. 6 shows some elaboration that was necessary
on PRV (C-main-team-on-PRV). The system is put to model both safe and disastrous outcomes. The
into a safe state when the operator switches-on problem with pump B provided indications to
pump B (CRO-switches-B-on) after the "ring of the night supervisor (`B-trip-alarma and `high-oil
transition T21. alarma tokens) as to the need to prepare pump
The accident sequence starts upon the "ring A for operation (NS-boss-prepares-A). Three pos-
of T3. The software asks the analyst whether the sible situations could result in the detection of the
signal (B-problem ?) is present; if the answer is problem with the un"nished work on PRV, that is:
a$rmative transition T3 "res. In the Petri Net (i) either the formal handover procedures were fol-
graph (Fig. 5), this results in the activation of lowed (`Handover-OK ?a signal) or (ii) the plant
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347 343

Table 1
List of places cited in the Petri Net graph

States of the physical system

A-works Pump A works normally B-works Pump B works normally
A-vibrates Pump A vibrates B-problem Problem on pump B
Pump-A-o! Pump A is set o! Pump-B-o! Pump B is set o!
Pump-A- standby Pump A is put on standby Pump-B-standby Pump B is put on standby
PRV-normal PRV works normally Oil-level-rises Oil level rises
PRV-problem Problem on PRV Oil-gas-leaks Oil and gas leaks into the
separation building
High-vib-alarm High vibration alarm High-oil-alarm Separator high oil level alarm
B-trip-alarm trip alarm on pump B High-gas-alarm Gas monitoring system alarm

CRO-detects-vib Control room operator receives a high vibration alarm from pump A
CRO-switches-A-o! Control room operator switches-o! pump A
DS-boss-permit-A Day shift supervisor organises a work permit for maintenance to be carried out on pump A
Main-team-on-A Day shift maintenance team works on pump A
NS-boss-prepares-A Night shift supervisor checks that the conditions for starting pump A are acceptable
NS-boss-requests-A Night shift supervisor requests the plant operator to check pump A in order to return it to standby
CRO-switches-B-on Control room operator switches over to pump B
NS-boss-B-o! Night shift supervisor asks the operator to switch o! pump B
Main-team-on-B Maintenance team works on pump B
DS-boss-permit-PRV Day shift supervisor organises a work permit for scheduled maintenance on the PRV valve
C-main-team-PRV Contractor's team works on PRV and its associated pipework
C- removes- PRV Contractor's team removes PRV
C-repairs-PRV Contractor's team repairs PRV
C-"ts-blank Technician (contractor's team) "ts a blank to the pipe

operator detected the removal of the PRV valve sors (the "ring of transition T25). Failure of the
(`PO-detects ?a signal), or (iii) the contractor noti"- contractor team to notify would result in the "ring
ed the supervisor (in the day or night shift) about of transition of T9 and the consequent oil}gas leak.
the un"nished state of maintenance (`C-notixes ?a Fig. 6 also shows another recovery path regarding
signal). the duration of maintenance work on PRV; had the
The likelihood of the latter situation, which maintenance work been completed within the day
was pointed out in the accident report, is further shift (a$rmative answer on the signal `shift-xnish
elaborated in the bottom of Fig. 6. Two alternative ?a) the PRV would return to its normal state
events can occur after the removal of PRV (PRV-normal). Fig. 6 shows vividly all possible
(C-removes-PRV) depending on how the analyst recovery paths that could have prevented the acci-
answers the question `has the blank been "tted dent.
properly?a (`Blank-xt-OK ?a signal). If the answer is Petri Nets o!er a rich representation of the tem-
a$rmative then transition T22 "res and results in poral aspects of the events and minimise the work-
the correct installation of the blank; it is assumed load in keeping a mental track of the interactions.
that the system would continue functioning until Although the Petri Net graph in Fig. 5 was de-
the contractor would have "nished the repair of the veloped in a bottom-up fashion, it is also possible
PRV (C-repairs-PRV) that would bring PRV back to use a top-down approach. In a top-down analy-
to the normal state (PRV-normal). A negative an- sis, analysts can start with an abstract model of the
swer would result in a technician error whose con- accident scenario and proceed to more re"ned or
sequences could be avoided only if the contractor detailed models stepwise. Individual sub-models
team had noti"ed the day- or night-shift supervi- can be produced by independent analysts, working
344 T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

possibly in parallel, and subsequently made to "t techniques. All three techniques appeared to sup-
the overall abstract model. This locality principle of port the description and analysis of the sequence of
Petri Nets can facilitate the co-operation of di!er- events that contributed to the accident. However,
ent analysts once they acquired some expertise with STEP provided a better overview and grouping of
the Petri Nets notation. Therefore, Petri Nets im- the agents (i.e. equipment, automatics, people) in-
pose higher training requirements than the FTA volved in the accident. The procedure for using
and STEP techniques. On the other hand, Petri Petri Nets was also useful in grouping technical,
Nets scored high in terms of the facilitation of interface and human agents in ways that seemed to
the accident analysis process and the development be superior to the FTA.
of prevention measures. A thorough comparison of Related to the description of the event sequence
the accident analysis techniques follows in the next is the representation of their dependencies and cas-
section. cade e!ects. Section 5.1 identi"ed some problems
with the semantics of the AND-gate in FTA which
may have di!erent meanings to those of traditional
6. Assessment of the accident analysis techniques fault trees. In addition, FTA did not appear to
capture cascade e!ects on other events and human
Although the previous sections have discussed actions. This is an important limitation of FTA
some of the pros and cons of the three accident because it may deprive analysts from useful in-
analysis techniques, a more thorough assessment is formation regarding the workload of operators and
undertaken here in terms of the three groups of the available set of information for making deci-
criteria speci"ed in Section 2. Table 2 summarises sions how to control the accident. Cause-conse-
the comparative assessment of the three techniques. quence diagrams can be a useful supplement to the
A three-point scale has been used to indicate the FTA. The other two techniques, however, scored
degree of compliance to the assessment criteria. quite high in this respect.
Another limitation of FTA, discussed in Section
6.1. Modelling sequential and temporal aspects 5.1, was the representation of real time. Although
FTA can be annotated with citations of real
The representation of the sequence of events/ time (see Love and Johnson, 1997), the problem
actions that leads to an accident scenario is one of still remains with the representation of continu-
the most essential requirements of accident analysis ous events that last for long time periods. STEP

Table 2
A comparative assessment of the three accident analysis techniques

Criteria Fault tree Step Petri Nets

Event sequence www w w w w w w

Event agents w w w w w w w
Event dependencies - cascade e!ects w w w w w w w
Modelling the timing and duration w w w w w w
Multiple levels of representation www w w w w w

Modelling assumptions www www www

Modelling inconsistencies w w ww
Cooperation facilitation www www ww

Event criticality www w ww w ww

Modelling error recovery paths w w w w ww
Modelling the context of work www w w w w
Preventive measures www w ww w ww
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347 345

analysis provides a better overview of real time but same graph. Johnson (1998), for instance, uses
requires additional visual notation to represent the a special notation within Petri Nets for represent-
concurrency of events. This is precisely where the ing inconsistencies. Petri Nets are also useful in
value of Petri Nets lies. Petri Nets can represent resolving inconsistencies when access is provided
concurrency in a better way especially when to special software tools. For this reason, Petri
colour-coding is used in commercially available Nets were given a higher score than the other
software tools. techniques.
Finally, all three methods were very useful in The "nal criterion in the conduct of accident
representing the accident scenario at various levels analysis refers to the extent that the techniques
of abstraction. Although Petri Nets are capable of facilitate the co-operation between di!erent ana-
using multiple levels of representation, this facility lysts. This criterion re#ects how user-friendly
requires extensive expertise especially in cases a technique can become. FTA and STEP seemed
where the sub-models have complex structures and to be very comprehensible due to the simple and
interactions. For this reason, they were rated a bit familiar graphical symbols used. On the other
lower than the other two techniques. hand, Petri Nets appeared to be less comprehen-
sible because of the technical notation and codes
6.2. Aspects of the accident analysis process used in their graphs; in addition, the bipartite graph
could result in more complicated diagrams.
The accident analysis is a dynamic process re-
quiring that certain assumptions are made as evid- 6.3. Aspects of accident prevention
ence becomes available incrementally. Accident
analysis techniques should enable analysts to easily The ultimate aim of accident analysis is to identify
identify earlier assumptions and modify them as factors in the work context that caused the accident
con"dence is increased in certain facts. Although and to develop prevention measures. These objec-
this aspect of analysis has not been captured in the tives can be better achieved when an insight is of-
previous "gures, it is very important that it is fered about the nature of critical events, the failures
equally addressed in the assessment criteria. In of the technical and human agents that gave rise to
most cases, a sort of OR-gate in all techniques these events, and the error recovery paths that were
could be used to imply that certain events are inhibited in the course of the accident.
assumed to be plausible at a particular stage in All three techniques were useful in identifying the
the analysis; as more evidence becomes available, critical events that led to the accident scenario. It is
the number of OR-gates will be reduced. It is also conceivable that the use of special notation (i.e.
possible that additional notation can be imported thick solid lines or colour-coded lines) could have
from other techniques (i.e. MORT, Johnson, 1980) provided a better overview of the critical events.
which utilise dotted lines for assumed events or Di!erences between the techniques were found,
actions and, subsequently, turn them into solid however, with respect to the modelling of error
lines as more evidence is available. recovery paths. Although FTA can model failures
Another aspect of the accident analysis process in detecting or recovering errors by utilising AND-
is that some evidence may be contradictory; wit- gates, the limitations in showing concurrency and
nesses sometimes o!er contradictory accounts of dependencies make FTA di$cult to use for model-
what happened in the course of the accident. Al- ling error recovery; in this respect, the other tech-
though it is possible to develop di!erent graphs for niques were superior. In particular, Petri Nets were
di!erent accounts, it would be desirable to emerge found very useful in modelling error recovery paths
them into a single graph; this would make easier the and verifying their accuracy (see Fig. 6).
resolution of inconsistencies. With respect to this Since the modelling of error recovery could a!ect
aspect of modelling, the three techniques appeared the analysis of the context of work, it would be
to be rather weak. There is a need to use special anticipated that STEP and Petri Nets would score
notation for inconsistent accounts within the higher than FTA. However, this limitation of FTA
346 T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347

was traded-o! by its capability to provide compre- are aimed not only at the investigation of the event
hensible overviews of the technical, interface and sequence but also at the facilitation of the accident
human factors associated to critical events and analysis process and the development of prevention
human errors (Johnson, 1999). This may explain measures.
why techniques focusing on the analysis of the The assessment of the three accident analysis
context of work (i.e. MORT) have employed techniques has shown that STEP and Petri Nets
notations similar to the fault trees. For this reason, appeared to be superior to FTA in analysing tem-
FTA was awarded a higher score than the other poral aspects of the accident sequence. FTA should
techniques but the assessment may change in be supplemented with cause}consequence diagrams
other cases where error modelling reveals a great in order to cope with event dependencies and
deal of information about the context of work. cascade e!ects. The STEP technique can also be
Finally, the techniques were compared in terms of improved by incorporating special notation to
the support provided in developing prevention show graphically `imprecisea timing of events and
measures. In general, all techniques were judged to the in#uence of continuous events. Petri Nets
be very valuable for accident prevention. More appeared to cope well with temporal aspects of the
accurate judgments, however, should be made in accident scenario but their graphs can become
the context of speci"c accident scenarios since the unwieldy for complex scenarios; improvements
other criteria may in#uence the process of accident should focus on providing capabilities for multiple
prevention. levels of representation.
With respect to the second set of criteria, the
three techniques were found useful in modelling
7. Concluding remarks assumptions in the course of the analysis and in
facilitating co-operation. However, there is a lot of
Accident investigation in safety-critical systems scope for improvement in the area of modelling
is a demanding cognitive activity which requires inconsistent accounts of events o!ered by di!erent
the integration of three types of analysis: (i) critical witnesses. Although backSTEP and Petri Nets
events and technical failures that led to the acci- were valuable in resolving inconsistencies, it would
dent, (ii) erroneous human actions that failed to be desirable to expand their notation so that incon-
control or exacerbated the initial events, and sistencies are incorporated in their graphs. The
(iii) causes of failures and errors at both the work- accident analysis process is a high workload activ-
place and organisational levels. The complexity of ity requiring analysts to maintain a mental track of
modern industrial systems has resulted in the devel- the event interactions, their own assumptions, and
opment of accident analysis techniques focusing on the witnesses' inconsistencies. Software packages
specialised aspects of the analysis. Although it is that provide simulation of events can be very valu-
di$cult to "nd a single technique that would able in the course of the analysis. In this sense, the
integrate the di!erent types of analysis, accident Petri Net software that was utilised was very useful
analysis techniques should provide appropriate in keeping track of the event interactions and in
input to others investigating complementary as- verifying the analysis. Finally, the three techniques
pects of the analysis. For instance, traditional sys- scored high in terms of their facilitation of the
tem engineering techniques should provide accident prevention process. Petri Nets and STEP
appropriate input to human error analysis tech- were found superior to FTA for modelling error
niques while both types of analysis should provide recovery paths but FTA compensated by providing
input to techniques focusing on workplace and better facilities for modelling the e!ects of work-
organisational factors. To ful"l this requirement, place and organisational factors. There is still
this article has proposed a taxonomy of new cri- a great scope for improvement in modelling error
teria for the revision of system engineering tech- recovery paths as this topic has attracted a lot of
niques in order to be applied successfully to research attention in recent years (Rizzo et al., 1994;
accident analysis. The proposed assessment criteria Zapf et al., 1994; van der Schaaf, 1995).
T. Kontogiannis et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 25 (2000) 327}347 347

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