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Ingles III

Oscar Alfonzo Bedoya Ramirez

Fredy Ariel Espino Mejia

February 26, 2020


Adverts B Rockhill Weekly Times

Learn to Drive A van and a man

Cars and services
Lessons for beginners or
Hire me and my large van for
advanced lessons in difficult
a day or weekend to move
conditions – ice, rain etc.
house or help clear gardens.
£20 (beginner)
£50 a day plus petrol
£40 (advanced) per hour
02224 339333

For sale Cars with chauffeur drivers
A Ford car. Only travelled
Taxis 4u mini cab service
100,000 km.
Do you want a car for that special
Order your taxi by phone, the
A bargain at £1,500 occasion – weddings, parties etc.?
internet or with our new app.
Tel. 01202 216292 Limos, classic cars etc.

Paying too much to park your car at the I am a student and need a Problem with your car? You don’t
railway station? Park at my house close cheap car to get to university. have to pay expensive repair bills.
to the station for half the price while Contact me if you have a good Come to Gav’s Cars for any car
you go to work. car for less than £500. repairs. Open Sundays.
Tel. 02224 993993 Closed Tuesday afternoons.

1 Which car or service do you need? Match the adverts (A–H) to the sentences.
1 You are organising a special party and need a really nice car with a driver. E
2 You want to practise driving a car in bad weather. A
3 You pay too much money every day to leave your car at the train station. F
4 You have a problem with your car and want to repair it cheaply. H
5 You have lots of boxes and you need help taking them to your new house. B
6 You want to buy a car. You have £2,000. C
7 You want to sell a car for about £450. G
8 You want to get to the train station at 5 a.m. tomorrow but your friends can’t take you. D

2 Read the adverts again. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1 Beginner driver’s lessons are £20 / £40 / £60.
2 When you hire a van and a man, you pay extra for boxes / petrol / the van.
3 A Ford / Vauxhall / BMW car is for sale.
4 You can order a taxi on the internet, by app or by mail / email / phone.
5 A special car driver who wears a uniform is called a limo / occasion / chauffeur.
6 In [F] the person’s house is near to the station / supermarket / car park.
7 The person in [G] travels to work / school / university.
8 Gav’s Cars can’t repair your car on Sunday / Tuesday / Monday afternoons.

Skills Boost A2 READING 3 © Richmond 2014 Photocopiable


Coffee at 4?
You are going to read text messages between three friends. The friends are making plans for the evening.

< Messages Contact < Messages Contact

Hi Kim. Coffee at 4? Hi Sam. Film at 7 with me and Jon?

Hi Jon. Busy at 4. :-( How about 6? Hi Kim. Which film?

OK where? Bear Comedy

Black and White café. No thanks. Saw it last week.

Opposite the cinema.
Was it good?
Maybe a film later too?
Yes. We laughed a lot! :-D Are you
What’s on? still going to football on Sat?

‘Bear Comedy’ at 7 and Yes. See you at the

‘You and Me Forever’ at stadium at 2pm.
7.30. What do you think?

Have fun at the cinema

OK. Let’s go for coffee then Bear tonight. :-)
Comedy. I’ll ask Sam to come see
the film with us. See you later!

1 Read Jon and Kim’s text messages. Are these sentences 2 Read Kim and Sam’s messages and answer the questions.
true or false? 1 Does Kim invite Sam to the cinema? YES/NO
1 Jon asks Kim to meet for coffee at 6 o’clock. TRUE/FALSE 2 Is Sam going to the cinema with Kim and Jon? YES/NO
2 They agree to meet at the café. TRUE/FALSE 3 Was Bear Comedy funny? YES/NO
3 The café is close to the cinema. TRUE/FALSE 4 Is Sam going to Kim’s house to watch football? YES/NO
4 They are going to see a film at 7 o’clock. TRUE/FALSE 5 Is the football match on Saturday? YES/NO
5 Kim is going to invite Sam to the café. TRUE/FALSE

Skills Boost A2 READING 4 © Richmond 2014 Photocopiable

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