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Bible Believers’ Bulletin

“Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth:” (John 17:17)

Vol. 28 No. 4 Bible Baptist Church, P.O. Box 7135, Pensacola, Florida 32534 April, 2004

The Keys to Apostasy

By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman saved Bible commentators, faculty members of fifty ma- Princeton, Yale, Pillsbury,
The great “falling away” Bible teachers, and pub- jor Christian schools in Tennessee Temple, Asbury,
which took place between lished “Bible studies.” America have been lying in Piedmont, Fuller, Colgate
1880 and 1980 An “apostate” is any man the prone position since Rochester, Moody, Furman,
was predicted w h o 1901, along with humanists, Wheaton, Cedarville, Baptist
by the Apostle “falls agnostics, and atheists, Bible College, and the semi-
Paul more away while still professing to be naries at Dallas, Fort Worth,
than 1,730 from a “militant defenders of the New Orleans, Chicago, Lou-
years before it STANDING position” (Greek: faith,” “soldiers of the cross,” isville, Denver, Pensacola
took place. Second Thess- apostasia). That is why Paul “laborers in sound doctrine,” Christian College, plus simi-
alonians 2 and 2 Timothy 3– told the saved members of “men of one Book,” “rever- lar Bible-correcting, Scholar-
4 deal with this subject. For the Body of Christ to “stand” end Biblicists,” “champions ship-Only outlets.
the last 100 years, apostate and, “having done all, to of the Receptus,” etc., ad Now, Bible believers un-
Conservatives and Funda- STAND”—not “profess to be nauseum. derstand that in God’s time-
mentalists have been at work taking a stand” or even a An ex- table of
trying to cover up 2 Timothy “posture.” tremely church
4 and make you think that When dealing with the brief list history the
“apostasy” is only applicable “holy scriptures” (not the would in- church that “KEPT” God’s
to unsaved “liberals.” I do not “preserved Word of God,” c l u d e word was the Philadelphia
say that without having etc.) in matters of final au- Howard, Stetson, Judson, church; this was the next to
checked more than FORTY thority, ninety percent of the Bob Jones University, Continued on page 4

Satan’s New Testament Touch Not the

Plan of Salvation
Today, as the Church Age
comes rapidly to an end in
never had any ETERNAL
security at any time. That is,
Unclean Thing
total apostasy (as all “ages” his salvation will be condi-
do in the Holy Scriptures tioned on the WORKS he By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman desire the “preeminent”
[Gen. 3,6,11,49; Judg. 12, does after he is saved. Go- Since about 1990 a raft of place.
etc.), you can observe sev- ing far beyond the Free Will publications has suddenly You see, between 1970
eral peculiar phenomena be- Baptist position, or even appeared giving you a “re- and 1990, some peculiar
ing carried out by Christian John Wesley’s position, Cor- vised perspective” on the “ground swell” (a Biblical “In-
“celebrities” and “ministerial ner states that the New Birth King James Bible. All of tifada”) arose out of nowhere
leaders.” One of the most guarantees nothing; that a these publications are what (evidently!) and suddenly it
unusual is an evangelistic Christian can be born again we call “Halfway-House” was no longer “Ruckman”
phenomenon called “the and again innumerable publications. Their source with which the colleges, uni-
Gospel of the Retreads.” times; that he can fall OUT has been a desperate need versities, and seminaries
The most comprehensive of Christ’s Body after he is by faculty members of sup- had to deal. Out of “no-
theological work on this was made “bone of his bone and posedly Conservative or where” an army of Bible be-
done by a Church of God flesh of his flesh” (Eph. 5); Fundamentalist schools to lievers suddenly showed up.
minister named Daniel Cor- and he can “undo” the Holy protect their images and in- They brought with them not
ner. His major work was a Spirit’s “sealing” (Eph. 4:30) comes from the onslaughts only a confirmation of The
758 page book called The which made him a part of of real Bible believers who Christian Handbook of
Believer’s CONDITIONAL Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:22–23, will not be controlled by the Manuscript Evidence (written
Security. It states that the 5:30; 1 Cor. 12:13). Nicolaitan apostates in in 1960 and published in
born-again “child of God” Continued on page 3 Laodicea who (as always) Continued on page 9
Page 2 B.B.B. April, 2004

Correcting the “Greek”
With the “Original” English
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman in the back of The Christian any decisions involving him- Practical Atheists.
As you have learned from Liars’ Library —is what we self, he will choose the “law 2. The second character-
previous articles in the Bible call “PRACTICAL ATHE- of self preservation” every istic mark of these Laodicean
Believers’ Bulletin, your ISM,” COUPLED WITH time and choose the “option” apostates is that all of their
modern apostate Funda- “PRAGMATIC HUMANISM.” that gives HIMSELF the ad- efforts eventually become
mentalists and Conserva- An atheist’s highest au- vantage. centered on one theme that
tives who ushered in the La- thority for all of his actions is All Christian staff and fac- literally obsesses them. They
odicean apostasy (Rev. 3) himself. All atheists are car- ulty members of the afore- are all hyper-obsessional
have three basic methods of bon copies. When the ques- mentioned groups always neurotics when it comes to
operation by which they can tion of final authority comes make a PRAGMATIC choice ONE English Bible. This
always be spotted, no mat- up, dealing with good or evil, when dealing with any issue ONE English Bible was cho-
ter what kind of profession right or wrong, truth or false- connected with any Greek sen as the point of attack
of “faith” they pretend to be- hood, all atheists use the manuscript or translation of when these pragmatic hu-
lieve in. same standard of authority any Bible (in any language) manists actually could have
These men grade from and judge by that authority since none of them believe attacked 214 English
childish amateurs who “par- every time they make a ANY Book they have in their “Bibles” since 1886, more
rot” their mentors—such a “value judgment.” possession is their final au- than sixty foreign transla-
class would include “tender- A PRACTICAL atheist is thority when dealing with tions of the Authorized Ver-
feet” like David Cloud, Doug a Deist who professes to be- THEMSELVES. sion (done before 1880), The
Kutilek, Mike Randall, Harold lieve in some authority hither They all “USE” some Book Book of Mormon, The Koran,
Rawlings, James Combs, than himself, but when “push in which they do not believe. five editions of the Textus
Robert Sumner, Dell John- comes to shove,” in making They are all pragmatists; Continued on page 7
son, Curtis Hutson, John
Rice, Shelton Smith, and so This book describes the WAR
forth—and up to some “vet-
erans” like Bruce, Zodhiates,
OF REBELLION against the
Westcott, Kenneth Wuest, scholars who have ditched the
Fee, Palmer, Farstad, Ryrie, King James Bible and who
et al. and, finally, to the “King have held the Body of Christ in
Clones” of the Cult itself:
Hort, Philip Schaff, A. T. bondage to their opinions and
Robertson, Origen, Benjamin preferences, now, for over a
Warfield, Charles Hodge, hundred years.
Caspar Gregory, Eberhard
Nestle, Trench, Thayer, Eu-
gene Nida, Aland, Metzger,
Using anecdotes from military
et al. history, Dr. Ruckman illustrates
All faculties and staffs of the battle he has fought against
all major “militant fundamen-
talist, evangelical, and con-
Christian scholarship for nearly
servative seminaries and fifty-four years.
universities will fit into these
slots. The purpose of this book is to
They are “mutually corrup- get the Christian soldier to
tive,” sustaining each other
with a constant two-century- think and act in a disciplined
long repetition of dead, or- manner so he can “WAR a
thodox clichés which will good WARFARE” in the battle
keep them in control of the
minds of every ministerial for the truth. 187 Pages
student who is unfortunate
$ 95
enough to take them seri-
1. The outstanding mark
of all those involved—you
will find a list of 320 of them
(Plus postage—see page 10)
RK-134 10
April, 2004 B.B.B. Page 3

Satan’s New Testament Bro. Donovan’s

Plan of Salvation Schedule
Continued from page 1 though Samson (Judg. 3:20–21; 1 John 3:1–3). No April 2–4
Corner states the Holy 16:28–30; Heb. 11:32) did “Christian” in Corner’s theol- Lakeview Bapist Church
Spirit never abides “FOR- NOT. That is just Roman ogy could even SING about 3450 New Lake Road
EVER” in any believer (see Catholic bunko. thirty songs in a standard Spring City, TN 37381
John 14:16), and Romans Daniel Corner, as all hymn book for the simple (423) 365-4668
4:5 is a lie because of what Bible-perverting heretics, reason that he would by LY- Pastor Paul Doan
James wrote to “the twelve has two purposes, or goals, ING every time the song was
tribes of Israel” (James 1:1, in mind for publishing his about rejoicing in his abso- April 30–May 2
2:24)—NOT the Body of work. Neither have anything lute assurance of eternal sal- Lakeside Baptist Church
Christ. to do with edifying the saints, vation, as a present posses- Box 694
Corner further states (pp. evangelizing the lost, build- sion. Nonetheless, Corner Pahokee, FL
471–466) that if you ever ing up the Body of Christ, sings all of those songs, (561) 924-7592
murder (p. 367) anyone you enlightening the ignorant, or KNOWING he is lying all the (561) 924-7952
lose your salvation—al- causing any Christian to re- time he sings. He then uses Pastor Ted Hines
though Moses (Exod. 2) and joice in his future—which Revelation 21:8 to prove he
David (Psa. 51) did not, and
that if you are a suicide you
Paul says is FIXED as be-
coming exactly like Jesus
himself will wind up in Hell.
Like a typical Catholic,
1865 Valera
go to Hell (pp. 470–472), al- Christ (Rom. 8:29; Phil. Campbellite, or Charismatic
(or Moslem or Hindu for that Spanish
Dr. Ruckman’s October 14–17
White Plains Baptist
matter!), Corner is a com-
plete AGNOSTIC (“non- Bible
Preaching 506 Old Hwy. 601 knower”) when it comes to
White Plains, NC 27030 life after death. Like all Bud-
Schedule (336) 786-6310 dhists, evolutionists, athe-
Pastor Bill Tucker ists, and humanists, he has
April 16–18
no assurance, whatsoever,
Bridgeport Baptist Church
1250 U.S. Hwy. 70 October 29–31 that any “gospel” will land
Hope Baptist Church him in New Jerusalem with
Valdese, NC 28690
6250 South Ave. Jesus Christ; not even Paul’s
(828) 879-9294
Pastor Jim Lince Toledo, OH 43615 “gospel of the grace of God.”
(419) 867-9996 His two avowed purposes,
Pastor Rick Sowell for which he quoted more
May 21–23
Covenant Baptist Church than 200 verses from four
November 12–14 corrupt English translations
4287 Hwy. 407
King James Bible Baptist (Amplified Version, NASV,
French Camp, MS 39745 BL-4088
NIV, NRSV), are these:
(662) 262-4481 123 S. Busse Road
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 1. To talk every born-
Pastor Jonas Horn HARD
(847) 593-3612 again child of God in BOUND

June 6 Pastor Chris Huff Continued on page 5 (Plus postage—see pg. 10)
Bible Baptist Church
2601 N. St. Mary St.
Beeville, TX 78102 Photographic Reproduction
(361) 358-1611
Pastor Sam Ingram Of the First Edition
July 16–18 King James New Testament
Autauga Heights Baptist The original pages were separated from their binding,
1393 Hwy. 31, North photographically reproduced at 70 percent of their size,
Prattville, AL 36067 printed, and hand collated to produce a convenient
(334) 365-9483
Pastor Mike Matheny
8½x11 inch shelf-sized edition. This is not a re-typeset
edition but an actual photo-
August 13–15 graphic reproduction of the BL-4185
Bible Believer’s Baptist second printing of the First
$ 00
3857 Hartley Road
Jacksonville, FL 32223
(904) 260-8370
Pastor David Peacock
Edition King James New
(Plus postage—see pg. 10)
Page 4 B.B.B. April, 2004

The Keys to Apostasy

Continued from page 1 Biblical Scholarship, and The would not accept ANY book reference to ANY version
the last church in church his- Scholarship Only Contro- as your final authority. Rick besides the King James and
tory. It is followed by a sick- versy. Norris, last year (2003), without any reference to one
ening washout (Rev. 3:15– What “key” can one find struck the apostates’ major Textus Receptus Greek
17). to open the door of explana- chord (the tonic) by titling a manuscript or any Alexan-
This downward plunge in tion for this mammoth, critique of the King James drian Greek manuscript ex-
Revelation 3 is immediate. It wholesale rejection of the Bible, The Unbound Scrip- tant. Here it is:
takes place in less time than Holy Bible as the final au- tures. He did this knowing “Sanctify them through thy
the FIVE church periods that thority in the life of more than that your King James Bible truth: thy word is truth” (John
preceded the Philadelphia 400,000,000 Americans in was a Book, published with 17:17).
period. Its “falling away,” the twenty-first century? covers on it and BINDINGS “For this cause also thank
from a standing position, is Why, at least 4,000,000 of in it—as all commercial we God without ceasing, be-
so dramatic that you cannot them are professing Chris- Bibles are. cause, when ye received the
count on ONE THING that it tians (Charismatics, Catho- Norris begins his apostate word of God which ye heard
professes to be the truth. lics, J.W.s, Mormons, Sev- critique with Pilate’s question of us, ye received it not as
See the list (Rev. 3:17). It is enth-day Adventists, Prom- about relative truths: “what the word of men, but as it is
“professors” (Rom. 1:23; 2 ise Keepers, Lutherans, is truth?” in truth, the word of God,
Tim. 3:7) ONLY: and false Mennonites, Anglicans, Pen- With the answer right be- which effectually worketh
profession at that. tecostals, Amish, non- fore him (as Pilate had it be- also in you that believe” (1
Nobody needs one trans- denominationalists, “Breth- fore him), Ricky simply slams Thess. 2:13).
lation outside of a King ren,” Baptists, Quakers, the King James Bible shut “Study to shew thyself ap-
James Bible (in any edition) Methodists, Greek Orthodox, and refuses to accept the proved unto God, a workman
to see this truth. You do not and others). Holy Spirit’s definition of “the that needeth not to be
need one “TR Greek manu- Well, here is THE key, or truth.” This was done so he ashamed, rightly dividing the
script” from Erasmus, Elze- the “keys.” could ramble off through 484 word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15).
vir, Stephanus, Colinaeus, or I will show you how any pages of relative truths that “By the word of truth, by
Beza to “understand” the born-again, saved, Bible-be- were no more “Scripture” the power of God, by the
“original.” lieving Bible scholar could than they were “the HOLY armour of righteousness on
Between 1880 and 1980 wind up teaching heresy his SCRIPTURES” (Rom. 1:2). the right hand and on the
something went “all to entire lifetime (while quoting The answer to “What is left” (2 Cor. 6:7).
pieces.” It was not just the Scripture) when his motive truth?” can be found in the “For the law was given by
“modernists” and “liberals” in at the start was to pose as universal language of the Moses, but grace and truth
the NCCC, WCC, and ecu- YOUR final authority so you twenty-first century, without Continued on page 12
menical councils set up by
the Vatican or the NCCC.
The Fundamentalists just
pretended that that was the
“falling away.” Somewhere
between the RV (1885) and
the ASV (1901), the Chris-

tian leadership of saved
Christians, in the Body of
Christ, was blinded and led
off into a bottomless pit of
“relative truths” and “relative
authorities,” from which they

never escaped. Jim Lince—Doctrinal Lessons From the Prodigal Son, Scott Strobel

The proof for that state- Breathe, Leaning On Jesus’ Bosom, Romans 8:28
ment will be found in 2,000 Scott Strobel—Who Can Find a Faithful Man, A Tale of Kopaczewski
pages of documented mate- Two Churches, Wait On the Lord, Spiritual Hangover,
Glorifying God in the Fire
rial anyone can get from our Jim Kopaczewski—Men Ought Always to Pray, How Are
bookstore: Ruckman’s Bible In Vinyl Album
Things With Mom and Dad, Dogs, Don’t Sell the
References, The Unknown Farm
Bible, The Christian Liars’ Entire Set
Library, The Mythological Thirteen sermons preached at Bible Baptist Church
Septuagint, two volumes of (January 22–25, 2004)
The History of the New Tes- PLUS: Special Music of the Blowout (2 tapes)
tament Church, How to SP-BJ0300A
(Individual cassettes and videos listed on page 11) (Plus postage—see pg. 10)
Teach the “Original” Greek,
The Christian’s Handbook of
April, 2004 B.B.B. Page 5

Satan’s New Testament Plan of Salvation

Continued from page 3 Now, I have just finished with the Abramic Covenant he would wind up (2 Tim.
America out of his salvation a two-hour tape in which I in Genesis 15:18–21. All 4:8), nor Peter, who knew
so that he will be perma- review this book. I call it three covenants were UN- where he would wind up (1
nently nullified as a SOUL- “Satan’s New Testament CONDITIONAL. Pet. 1:4–5), nor John, who
WINNER and a witness to Plan of Salvation.” On that The first line of print in knew where he would wind
“the grace of God” (Acts tape you will find ALL of Corner’s book says, “Scrip- up (1 John 3:1–3).
20:24). Corner’s “proof texts” dis- ture makes it CLEAR that a The author of “Conditional
No “child of God,” in this cussed, including texts with person may be ETERNALLY Security” cannot even tell
age, could ever win anyone which he didn’t even dare SECURE with God, but the you where HE will wind up;
to Jesus Christ if he told him deal, and I will give you his question is [see Gen. 3:1!] he is a perfect carbon copy
beforehand that by receiving exact Scripture quotations is that ETERNAL security of Mother Teresa and Mo-
God’s “free gift” (Rom. for proving that not one conditional or uncondi- hammed. They didn’t know
5:15,18) he would have to promise in either Testament tional?” Silly boy. If you can where they were going ei-
WORK to keep it or God is UNCONDITIONAL. How lose it, it never was “eter- ther.
would take it back (Rom. Corner missed all three un- nal.” Now, what you need to do
11:29). conditional covenants that The next 758 pages are is obtain this two-hour cas-
So Corner’s first purpose God made with man in the written to prove that “ETER- sette from the Bible Baptist
is to stop Christians from pro- FIRST book in the Bible NAL” does not mean eter- Bookstore so you can check
claiming Romans 8:29, 4:5; (Gen. 3, 9, 15) is beyond nal; it means “conditional.” all of Corner’s material with
Galatians 3:13; Ephesians comprehension. Hence, the title of the book the Scripture. The tape will
2:5–8; and Colossians 1:14. There is not one condition is The Believer’s CONDI- answer more than 200 ques-
Corner does this by cancel- mentioned in the Adamic TIONAL Security—not “Eter- tions which Corner implants
ling those verses with cita- Covenant (Gen. 3:14–19). nal” Security. in the minds of his readers
tions written to Old Testa- There is not one condition No “child of God” is ever (pp. 539–558) in order to get
ment Jews under the Law (all mentioned in the Noahic predestinated to wind up like them to doubt Christ’s aton-
the material found in Mat- Covenant (Gen. 9:12–27), Jesus Christ (see Rom. 8:29) ing work and God’s free sal-
thew, Mark, Luke, and John) and there is not one condi- according to Corner; not vation.
and the books that were writ- tion mentioned in connection even Paul, who knew where Continued on page 6
ten to Hebrews (Hebrews)
and the twelve tribes of Is-
rael (James 1:1).
2. His second purpose for
assembling this mass of con-
Tell the True Story
fused, misleading, totally un-
godly material, by quoting
Scripture(!)—as Satan did in
of the Passion
Luke 4:10—is to prevent sin- VIDEO TAPES
ners from accepting Christ by Jesus’ Donkey/Lessons Learned at Calvary ................................ EV-1005 $14.95
making them think that if they The Gospel/The Great Jury Trial .................................................. EV-1008 $14.95
can’t live like Corner lives, The Only Man Who understood the Crucifixion/
they will go to Hell anyway, The Pasover ............................................................................ EV-1011 $14.95
even if they DO accept The Tabernacle/Wounded in the House of My Friends
Christ. Behold the Man ....................................................................... TV-3715 $14.95
Corner’s purpose, then, in The Great Murder Mystery/A Mother’s Request ............................ VT-210 $14.95
his publication, is clearly The Light of the World .................................................................. CK-3010 $19.95
manifest: it is to damn sin-
ners and shut the mouths of DVD
the saints. The Light of the World .................................................................. CK-4010 $19.95
That was his “life work.”
To those ends he adver- AUDIO TAPE
tised himself as giving you a The Crucifixion/The Resurrection ................................................... SPTC2 $19.9
“comprehensive, exhaustive”
work, “fully documented” and COMIC BOOK
“fully indexed” with twenty- King of Kings .................................................................................... CK-250 $3.50
five chapters, thirteen appen-
dices, 700 footnotes, and TRACTS
190 reference sources. All of The Empty Tomb (packet of 25) ..................................................... CK-295 $3.50
it was done to produce two The Gospel of John ....................................................................... BL-4053 59¢
things: unstable, unsure
Christians and Gospel-reject- (Plus postage—see page 10)
ing sinners.
Page 6 B.B.B. April, 2004

Satan’s New Testament Plan of Salvation

Continued from page 5 questions. The correct an- His “proof texts” are all 2 Timothy 2:15 could not be
Following Satan’s ex- swers (according to Corner) taken from the Old Testa- found in that corrupt version;
ample—Satan always speaks are to be arrived at by re- ment or the pre-resurrection the whole verse had been
with a QUESTION MARK jecting the entire Pauline Gospels, or the Hebrew- altered so Corner would lose
(check Gen. 3:1; Job 1:9; revelation as given between General Epistles (Hebrews, his method for studying his
Luke 4:3; Matt. 27:40–43; Romans and Philemon, and James, 2 Peter, 1 John). Not Bible.
etc.)—Corner tries to erase canceling every promise in understanding the first thing What this type of Satanic
Romans 4:5; Ephesians 4:30; those Pauline Epistles, writ- about 2 Timothy 2:15—which theology produces is what
John 10:28; 1 John 5:13; 1 ten by “the apostle to the shows the believer HOW to we call “retreads.” This sim-
Corinthians 1:6–8; Philippians Gentile” (Rom. 15–16) in the study the Bible—Corner ply means that when any
1:6; Romans 8:29; and 2 Body of Christ (Eph. 1; Col. quotes the NIV more than modern evangelist (there are
Corinthians 5:10 with 233 1). fifty times, not realizing that Continued on page 8

Bulletin Reprints!
A twenty-two year collection of the articles
printed in the Bible Believers’ Bulletin.
Corrupt Bible Versions
Doctrinal Studies
Politics and Conspiracies
Worldwide Damnation
Homosexuals This sixth of twelve books contains the
The Pope and the Vatican
articles on Worldwide Damnation and Ho-
mosexuals gleaned from twenty-two years
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Essays on Biblical Topics The first issue of the Bulletin was
Essays on General Topics printed in May, 1978. Over the years, it
News From Far and Wide has been dedicated to the support of the
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These articles are being reproduced in
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April, 2004 B.B.B. Page 7

Correcting the “Greek”

With the “Original” English
Continued from page 2 Such are the “Christian” ible (absolutely “astounding”) would always switch stan-
Receptus, and twenty-five ways of DEATH and SIN in hypocrites preached or dards as soon as he ob-
editions of the Hesychian the twenty-first century. taught Romans 12:11—US- jected to any reading. He
(Alexandrian) text (Mace, I will demonstrate. (No “al- ING a Book they did not be- had no absolute standard for
Bengel, Semler, Harwood, legations,” please!) lieve!!—they failed to tell you either reading or (as is often
Griesbach, Lachmann, Hort, I will correct the Textus that the “Greek” said “serv- the case in choosing “read-
Nestle, et al.). Receptus with my dimestore ing the TIME” (no “the Lord”) ings” in any set of Greek
All apostate Christian “Gideon” Bible; it is an En- in the passage. You see, ev- manuscripts) none for as
Fundamentalists attack the glish Bible first produced in ery lying hypocrite who com- many as FIVE different read-
very same Book that more 1611. plained about “correcting the ings.
than 5,000 scholarly infidels “Not slothful in business; Greek with the English” was b. His incurable fear of
attacked between 1611 and fervent in spirit; serving the a professional corrector him- being ridiculed and losing his
2004. Lord” (Rom. 12:11). self, except he was handi- “scholarly image” would
Modern apostate Funda- I just corrected Donald capped by TWO fateful dis- force him to continue to use
mentalists, like David Soren- Waite’s “TR” and Dell eases which disqualified him the AV, without believing it—
son, Arlin Horton, Dell Johnson’s “TR” with the in- from correcting ANYONE while, at the same time,
Johnson, Theodore Letis, fallible English of 1611. The with ANYTHING. knowing that he is preach-
Donald Waite, David Hunt, fact that their “TR” was in a a. In choosing between ing or teaching lies accord-
A. V. Henderson, James dead language (Greek) “readings,” he had NO au- ing to his own inward con-
Price, and Bob Jones III, of- meant no more to me than if thority to go by but the opin- victions.
ten “throw kisses” at the AV it had been written in Pig- ions or preferences of some That is Semler’s Accom-
while rejecting it as their fi- Latin. practical atheist like HIM- modation Theory. Semler
nal authority every time they Every time these incred- SELF. The proof is that he Continued on page 11
find a verse they don’t un-
derstand or don’t like (say,
for example, 1 Tim. 6:5,10;
2 Cor. 2:17; Rom. 1:18,25; 1
Cor. 1:21; Acts 12:4; Acts
New Reference Work
1:3, etc.). The Annals Of the World
Not one man in that list
has ever seen, heard, or James Ussher
read one single verse of
“scripture,” as defined by the Originally published in Latin in the 1650s,
“HOLY SCRIPTURES,” in Ussher’s masterpiece is a literary classic.
the “SCRIPTURE” (Rom.
1:2; 2 Tim. 3:16; Dan. 10:21). Almost completely inaccessible to the public
3. The final way to spot for three centuries, this book is a virtual
these apostate Laodiceans historical encyclopedia with information and
is by the fact that they con- footnotes to history from Creation to A.D. 70
tinually use a Book they do that otherwise would have been lost forever.
not believe and thereby
(without even being aware of As a historical work, Ussher’s The Annals of
it), they are, themselves, not the World is a must have for libraries of all
only withholding what they sizes. Universities, public and private
themselves call “the truth” schools, independent scholars, and pastors
(John 17:17) from their stu- will find a treasure-trove of material
dents and congregations, but
previously unavailable.
are actually correcting all
four families of Greek manu- Born in Dublin, Ireland in 1581, James
scripts as found extant in Order RF-1660 Ussher devoted himself wholly to the defense
Philadelphia, London, Glas- of the Christian faith.
$ 99
gow, Berlin, Ann Arbor, Len-
ingrad, Paris, Rome, Ham- Hardbound, 959 pages, and includes a CD of
burg, Vienna, Princeton, Ox- colorful charts and helpful study material.
ford, Athens, Sinai, Dayton,
Cairo, Utrech, Dublin, Flo- (Plus postage—see page 10)
rence, Cambridge, etc.
Page 8 B.B.B. April, 2004

Satan’s New Testament Plan of Salvation

Continued from page 6 “fallen,” they must be living Corner says that if any go to work to prove that if
a handful of exceptions) like he is living (pp. 588– sheep fails to “follow” Jesus any professing Christian
presses his audience for “de- 602). Christ he is turned from a there who believed that (or
cisions,” he can never report He claims he is sinless on sheep into a WOLF or a PIG professed to believe it)
“conversions” until he talks twenty-nine sins that Chris- (see his comments on 2 Pet. doesn’t dress right, live right,
the congregation OUT of tians commit. 2:22 and John 10). Paul did talk right, go to church regu-
their salvation. This is the 4. But! According to his not follow Jesus Christ in his larly, etc., they are actually
way a modern revival “altar” work (pp. 574–613) this ministry according to Acts. lost sinners who didn’t get
is “packed.” The other way “conditioned” security can Was he one of Christ’s saved. The example of sal-
to get fake conversions only be kept by living a “sheep”? vation held up before them
(used by ALL “big time” sinless life (pp. 629–630). What Corner has done is Continued on page 19
evangelists) is to convert So Corner, without realiz- what all modern evangelists
phrases like “the blood ing he has cut his own stu- (1960–2004) are doing “to
atonement,” “the finished pid throat from ear to ear, get results.” Many “traveling Satan’s
work of Christ on the cross,”
“Jesus Christ bore your sins
has accidently pretended
that he has no old nature
missionaries” (who do not
stay on the field) report hun-
New Testament
in His own body,” “the blood (Rom. 7). When he hits a sin- dreds and even thousands Plan Of
of Jesus Christ cleanseth ful Christian in 1 Corinthians of “conversions” on the for-
us,” “you must be born 5:5 he has to “ditch” the AV eign field. They do this in Salvation
again,” “turn or burn,” or “it’s text and get a phony Bible one week by getting sinners A detailed examination
better to be Hell scared than to read “destroy” the sinners’ to pray a prayer which most
Hell scorched,” with such “in- OLD NATURE—not his of them have been praying of the theology behind
offensive, productive, shar- “FLESH” (AV: 1 Cor. 5:5). at least twenty times a year the contemporary “re-
ing and caring phrases” like: I have never seen, in fifty- since they were five years treading” evangelism.
“Let Christ come into your six years, any Church of old. If that prayer was an-
life,” “Make your decision God preacher, Pentecostal swered (see Rom. 10:13), A critique of the book
FOR Christ,” “You need spiri- preacher, Assembly of God every one of these “conver- The Conditional Secu-
tual renewal,” “The Gospel preacher, or Charismatic sions” was a “retread”; saved
rity of the Believer by
will enrich your life,” “Renew preacher whose “OLD MAN” sinners would be getting
your vows,” “God loves you,” (Rom. 7:22–25) was “de- “saved again” according to Daniel Corner
“Christ loves you. Learn how stroyed” in anyone’s sight Corner’s book. Three Tape Set
to love yourself,” “You are but God’s sight (Rom. 6:6– In local church evange-
valuable to God; He needs 7). John said—and 1 John lism, what people like Phil SP-30525
was used by Corner forty Kidd (and fifty more just like
you,” “Make your commit-
$ 95
ment to Christ,” “Get a new
insight into your relation-
ships,” etc., and similar pa-
gan, antibiblical, godless
times to get rid of John
14:16—Daniel Corner was a
The Apostle John said
him) do, is first insist on sal-
vation by the free grace of
God in the finished atone-
ment of Christ, but then they
(Plus postage—see page 10)

garbage. that Corner was a “liar” and

If you go by “conditioned”
security instead of “eternal”
“the truth” was not in him (1
John 1:8,10). That is from Prayer
security, several obscene, the same chapter (1 John 1)
vulgar, ridiculous conse-
quences follow: Corner fol-
that Corner quotes to prove
that your sins were not FOR-
lows about ten of them. (Get GIVEN at Calvary (Col. A reminder and an
the tape.) 1:14). encouragement to
1. Although all Christians keep constant in
can lose their salvation, Cor- FEBRUARY prayers, this little
ner has never lost his; nor SERMONS booklet is useful for
did Jimmy Bakker, Gorman, Dr. Ruckman
individual or congre-
or Jimmy Swaggart! It seems ILLUSTRATED—$3.75 ea. gational use. There
that only Baptists can! IT-6405 The Man in a Mess are over ninety blank
IT-3340 Kingdom of God versus
2. Corner openly con- Kingdom of Heaven pages with headings
fesses that he is able to tell IT-6845 Wounded in the House of
My Friends
to record your prayers
whether you are saved or not IT-2225 The Greatest Verse in the Bible and answers to those
IT-9810 The Whole Armor of God
at any moment, of if anyone UNILLUSTRATED—$3.00 ea.
is saved or not (pp. 336, 341, UT-8460 Pilgrims and Sojourners NV-1446
UT-6819 When Will You See Jesus?

353). UT-6270 How to Get Fixed
3. He does this by simply UT-0560 Sorrow and Suffering
UT-2825 Why Men Don’t Read the Bible
measuring their life by his
(Plus postage—see page 10)
life, and since he has not yet (Plus postage—see page 10)
April, 2004 B.B.B. Page 9

Touch Not the Unclean Thing

Continued from page 1 Sorenson). It is called Touch You are not to believe that right WORDS, and you must
1970), but a confirmation of Not the Unclean Thing. The ANY “Holy Bible” on the face consult them again to get the
The Christian’s Handbook of idea behind the work—al- of this earth is God’s final right translation. That has
Biblical Scholarship, The though naturally he does not and absolute revelation of been the only motive (car-
Christian Liars’ Library, The dare state it as clearly as I THE TRUTH, containing His nal, fleshy, sinful PRIDE) for
Scholarship Only Contro- will—is that BJU’s NASV, “words” (John 8:47, 15:7, every modern translation
versy, How to Teach the the Promise Keeper’s NIV, 14:23; Psa. 12:6; Matt. (over 214 of them now) since
“Original” Greek, and The and Jerry Falwell’s NKJV 24:35). 1880. That was Sorenson’s
Last Grenade. are “UNCLEAN”; you must You must consult the motive in writing his book.
The faculties of fifty Chris- separate yourself from them. Scholars’ Union to get the Continued on page 10
tian colleges, seminaries, Of course he does not say
and universities (including this, but his title betrays him,
Stuttgart and Heidelberg in for he states that if you are
Germany!) suddenly found going to live a “separated,”
themselves being crushed clean life, you must consider
beneath a pile of Bible ce- “THE TEXT ISSUE” as the
ment blocks that would break major factor. Look at the
an elephant’s back. This ma- cover on his book.
terial came from O’Reilly in Of the 261 pages of non-
England, Dennis Lloyd in essential, irrelevant material
New Zealand, Song Lee in Sorenson records, he does
Korea, Verhoef in Holland, exactly what every apostate
Kumar in India, Ho Soo Kam Alexandrian in the Cult has
in China, Chris Rue in the done since 1880: HE RE-
Ukraine, McArdle in Cuba, FUSES TO IDENTIFY “THE
plus Sightler, Son, Coats, TEXT.”
Cummings, Gipp, Vance, For more than twenty-five
Heaton, Ray, and two dozen years we have printed this
others in the USA. entire operation in every is-
Adjustments had to be sue of the Bible Believers’
made to “save face.” Bulletin. I insisted that it be
Even BJU, Tennessee in the Bulletin every month:
Temple, and Liberty Univer- printed exactly the same
sity had to “cool it” as the way, word for word, and so
expression goes. BJU, for it was done. Read the last
example, held a “World Con- statement in this cultic, he-
gress” on the “Authority of the retical “creed,” and you will
Scriptures” and then hid a see the conclusion arrived
sign behind their chapel pul- at by every corrector of the
pit saying: “Please use only AV text since 1800. They
the King James Version from ALL arrive at the same ter- This 190-page study course was devel-
this pulpit.” (Naturally they minus whether they take oped by a Bible-believing chaplain who has
removed it after that informa- ANY Greek text or ANY Ger- worked many years in the Leon County,
tion got out.) PCC was the man text or ANY English Florida jail system and comes highly recom-
latest casualty (1998), hav- text in ANY edition of ANY mended by Dr. Ruckman. This course is de-
ing to switch from the ortho- version. signed to lead a person to salvation and
dox, historic position of ev- They all wind up with their maturity in Christ. It covers the devotional,
ery major Hebrew and Greek own creed (The Scholars’ doctrinal, prophetic, and practical aspects of
scholar in Europe and Union) in charge of YOUR the Bible and Christian life. It includes a se-
America between 1880 and final authority and YOUR ries of tests that may be given on each les-
A.D. 2000. They had to dump source of Biblical revela- son. It is a thorough and tested Bible study
the two “oldest and best” tions. system with simple but helpful charts in-
Greek manuscripts of the In over 300 cases—which cluded.
New Testament (A and B) for are listed and NAMED in

$ 95
the “late” manuscripts used The Christian Liars’ Li-
by Erasmus, Beza, and brary—I do not know of ONE Order
Stephanus. exception.
The “latest” is an Alexan- Sorenson’s final authority GN-9215
drian excursion published by for YOU is his opinions
Northstar Baptist Ministries in about the opinions of other (Plus postage—see page 10)
Duluth, Minnesota (David scholars’ “preferences.”
Page 10 B.B.B. April, 2004

Touch Not the Unclean Thing ORDERING

Continued from page 9 had been concealed from his manhood and integrity of a
He lists what he calls the eyes the entire time he was Hillary Clinton. Ordering and Questions
“basic ERROR of Peter writing and were concealed 2. Over 100 verses in the (850) 477-8812
Ruckman.” And what was from his eyes in the first New Testament (in any Toll-Free – Orders Only
this error? He doesn’t dare classroom he attended Greek or English text pub- (800) 659-1478
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Mike Randall, Bob Jones Jr., Note that the basic foun- (from the original “New Tes-
Closed Weekends & Holidays
Bob Jones III, Stewart dation of Sorenson’s whole tament autographs,” accord-
Custer, Marshall Neal, Fred book is laid on rotten swamp ing to all Conservatives, MAIL ORDERING
Afman, James Price, Harold ground. apostates, Fundamentalists, Please print clearly. We can’t
Willmington, Jerry Falwell, 1. A detailed account of and Evangelicals) does not fill your order if we can’t read
Curtis Hutson, John Rice, “double inspiration” and how match the “verbally inspired” it. Most orders are shipped
Shelton Smith, et al., he says it works, given in minute de- Old Testament verses found within 24 hrs. Please give a
simply that Ruckman’s “ad- tail, will be found in Jeremiah in any copy of any Hebrew street address! Allow from 1
vanced revelations” from the 36 in ENGLISH. Old Testament on the mar- to 3 weeks delivery time. For-
AV text—given in print, to the That is the Holy Scriptures ket. eign orders should allow
tune of more than forty-eight advanced revelation given to David Sorenson proved, from 6 to 12 weeks delivery
documented cases ( Ruck- David Sorenson who had the Continued on page 14 time. Uninsured orders will
man’s Bible References, The be shipped at your risk. For
Unknown Bible, and the this reason we recommend
commentaries on Exodus, insured UPS.
Job, Ecclesiastes, Hebrews,
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This explains why Soren- $ 5.01-$20.00 ................. add $7.00
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April, 2004 B.B.B. Page 11

Correcting the “Greek” What’s New?

With the “Original” English Books
Bread of Life (Bible Course—Warmack) ........... GN-9215 $12.95
Continued from page 7 ity of the Alexandrian Cult in Original KJV New Testament (Reproduction) ... BL-4185 $25.00
was an unsaved practical every Christian school in Annals of the World (Ussher) ............................. RF-1660 $69.99
atheist who rejected every America. Life Story of C. I. Scofield ..................................... BG-1261 $6.95
miracle in the New Testa- All Practical Atheists ma- Blowout Cassette Tapes ($3.00 each)
ment, including the bodily jor in “self-preservation,” like Scott Strobel
resurrection of Jesus Christ. every monkey man in Char- Who Can Find a Faithful Man ................................. SPBJ0401
“Yea, a man may say, lie Darwin’s evolutionary A Tale of Two Churches ......................................... SPBJ0403
Thou hast faith, and I have jungle. Wait On the Lord ..................................................... SPBJ0408
works: shew me thy faith They judge all books by Glorifying God in the Fire ........................................ SPBJ0411
without thy works, and I will THEMSELVES as the final Spiritual Hangover ................................................... SPBJ0410
shew thee my faith by my authority in all matters of be-
Jim Lince
works” (James 2:18). lief (faith) and conduct (prac-
tise). They are their own Doctrinal Lessons From the Prodigal Son ............. SPBJ0404
Pardon me. I just cor-
rected all Greek Textus Re- gods, according to Genesis Breathe ..................................................................... SPBJ0406
ceptus manuscripts used by 3:1–5. Their sole purpose for Leaning On Jesus’ Bosom ...................................... SPBJ0409
Erasmus, Stephanus, Beza, BREATHING is to take ONE Romans 8:28 ........................................................... SPBJ0413
and the “Majority Text.” So BOOK out of your hands and Jim Kopaczewski
did YOU if you taught that replace it with their prefer- Men Ought Always to Pray ..................................... SPBJ0402
verse the way I just printed ences and opinions. How Are Things With Mom and Dad ...................... SPBJ0405
it. “This is a faithful saying Dogs ......................................................................... SPBJ0407
What standard did you go and worthy of ALL accepta- Don’t Sell the Farm ................................................. SPBJ0412
by in doing this, you ole’ tion!” Blowout Tapes (Sets)
junkyard dog “Ruckman,” Very recently a “fourth di-
Thirteen Sermons (no album) ........................... SPBJ0400 $34.95
you? Simple. “Simple Simon” mension” (a fourth way to
spot an apostate Fundamen- Thirteen Sermons and 2 Music Tapes
always says: “I use the same
standard by which to judge talist or Evangelical) has (with album) ............................................. SPBJ0400A $48.95
anything, including your hair, popped up. This came about Blowout Video Tapes ($14.95 each)
your walk, your family, your because of one of Peter Tape 1—VTBJ0401
church, your speech, your Ruckman’s nasty tricks Who Can Find A Faithful Man?–Strobel
art, your music, your race, which he pulled on the stu- Men Ought Always To Pray–Kopaczewski
your Greek manuscripts, pid, little, spoiled brats in the Tape 2—VTBJ0402
your sex, your English ver- Scholars’ Union. You see, for A Tale Of Two Churches–Strobel
sions, your library, your phi- forty years “Ruckman” has Doctrinal Lessons From The Prodigal Son–Lince
losophy, your ministry, your been demanding that one Tape 3—VTBJ0403
theology, and your ‘God.’” sucker like James White,
How Are Things With Mom And Dad?–Kopaczewski
In James 2:18 I correct John Rice, Harold Rawlings,
Robert Sumner, Stewart Breathe–Lince
“THE Greek text” (Ho, ho,
ho!!!) which read “BY thy Custer, Bob Jones III, or Tape 4—VTBJ0404
works” to “WITHOUT thy Jerry Falwell send him a de- Dogs–Kopaczewski
works.” tailed account of how that Wait On The Lord–Strobel
So did every cheap, rot- self same sucker got talked Tape 5—VTBJ0405
ten, graceless, powerless, out of a Book that was re- Leaning On Jesus’ Bosom
backslidden, lying Funda- sponsible for his salvation Spiritual Hangover
mentalist in the USA if he and (usually) his “call” to the Tape 6—VTBJ0406
read or preached or memo- ministry. Sunday School Class–Ruckman (Neh. 6:4–Neh. 6:15)
rized the verse as it stands It has been as silent as a Glorifying God In The Fire–Strobel
in the AV, while pretending turkey farm on Thanksgiving
Tape 7—VTBJ0407
that the Greek Textus Re- afternoon.
It has been a “dead calm” Don’t Sell The Farm–Kopaczewski
ceptus was able to correct
ONE BOOK; ONE BOOK for more than forty years. Romans 8:28–Lince
ONLY. Not ONE sqeak from that Cassette Tape Sets by Dr. Ruckman
No Greek Textus Recep- crew (and all of their follow- Satan’s N.T. Plan of Salvation (3 tape set) ....... SP-30525 $8.95
tus fanatic (Waite, Burgon, ers) for nearly half a cen- Ezra (9 tape set) ..................................................... BS15-9 $32.95
Johnson, Horton, Farstad, tury, while ALL of them have The Apostate Fundamentalists (2 tape set)
Hodges, et al.) had any other been reading my material. (Critique of Rick Norris’ Unbound Scriptures) .. SP20075 $5.95
motive for taking it as his fi- The reason is painfully FUTURE DATES FOR BLOWOUTS
nal authority, instead of the obvious to anyone with a September 23–26, 2004 February 24–27, 2005
English, than to reinforce sixth-grade education. Every Please note that the Blowout in early 2005 is now
and reestablish the author- Continued on page 18
scheduled in February.
Page 12 B.B.B. April, 2004


The Keys to Apostasy The

A postate
Continued from page 4 ica, is to leave you floating up in the Lake of Fire. F undamentalists
came by Jesus Christ” (John in uncertainty so that you will Now, what greater “polari- Dr. Ruckman’s office cri-
1:17). come to HIM (or his men- ties” could you find on this tique of Rick Norris’ book
“And because I tell you tors and role models) to find earth? The Unbound Scriptures.
the truth, ye believe me not” out “WHAT IS TRUTH?” Why, they are not in dis- (Two Tape Set)
(John 8:45). We have printed Ricky’s agreement at all when it SP20075
Ricky Norris sidestepped main creedal belief once a comes to quoting “Scripture”!
$ 95
every Scripture in the Scrip-
tures as soon as he quoted
month for twenty-six years in
the Bulletin. Where it deals
One set (the Catholics,
Charismatics, Methodists, 5
(Plus postage—see page 10)
it. Why? Because, in dis- with “the holy scriptures” as Mormons, Campbellites,
cussing “the TRUTH,” these your final authority, it Greek Orthodox, Lutherans,
verses show up—in a King
James Bible; they are not to
matches the creedal beliefs
of every unsaved modernist
Assemblies of God, Church
of God, Pentecostals, etc.) Life Story of
be found in an ASV, NASV, or every unsaved “liberal” in can rustle up 100 verses in
NIV, or NKJV. the NCCC or WCC.
(Don’t you misquote me,
the New Testament to prove
that YOU can undo your new
C. I. Scofield
“For the wrath of God is
revealed from heaven you God-defying apostate! I birth and become a child of
against all ungodliness and said, “WHERE IT DEALS the devil after being adopted
unrighteousness of men, WITH . . . FINAL AUTHOR- as God’s son (Rom. 8; Gal.
who hold the truth in ITY.” Don’t “put on airs” just 3).
unrighteousness” (Rom because you’re crooked.) The other set (Plymouth
1:18). Now watch this for a real Brethren, Presbyterians, Cal-
“Who changed the truth of treat! vinists, Baptists—most of
God into a lie, and wor- Here are two mammoth them!—Dispensationalists,
shipped and served the groups of Bible-correcting, non-denominational “Chris-
creature more than the Cre- Bible-rejecting “Christians.” tians” who followed Scofield,
ator, who is blessed for ever. One group believes in the Larkin, Darby, and the
Amen” (Rom. 1:25). eternal security of the be- Pauline Epistles) can rustle
“And the burden of the liever after the New Birth. up 100 verses in the New
LORD shall ye mention no The other group (outnumber- Testament to prove that you
more: for every man's word ing the first group by about couldn’t wind up in Hell if you
shall be his burden; for ye fourty to one) believes the tried, after the Holy Spirit put
have perverted the words of believer can lose the Holy you into Jesus Christ’s Body Dr. Ruckman recom-
the living God, of the LORD Spirit, get out of the Body of as “bone of his bone and mends the Scofield Study
of hosts our God” (Jer. Christ, and unless he is born flesh of his flesh” (1 Cor. 12; Bible as the best study Bible
23:36). again and again, after los- Eph. 4–5; Rom. 8, etc.). available.
The Unbound Scriptures ing his “new birth,” he winds Continued on page 13 Now learn about the man
is not a reference to “the LIV- behind the book. This autho-
rized biography by a per-
ING words of the LIVING
God” running to and fro
God Has Sent A Famine sonal aquaintance of Dr.
through the earth, in Ricky’s The following poem was sent to us by an anonymous Chris- Scofield covers Scofield’s life
mind, although THAT is what tian poet who sends us material like this from time to time. as an unsaved Confederate
the Scripture is (see Psa. We thought you might like to see this one. soldier and drunken lawyer,
147:15), and the Scripture is his glorious salvation and
I’m in search of a church that is not ashamed deliverance from drink, and
ALIVE (John 6:63; Heb.
To stand up for the Old King James. his many years of Christian
4:12–13). Ricky is preparing Where the version is crucial . . . it really matters,
you to reject any BOUND service.
But each day, my heart grows sadder. Also includes Scofield’s
BOOK as containing the
Concerned more about what the people are “giving,” Rightly Dividing the Word of
words of God—like the Preachers hide behind making a living.
bound volumes of the HOLY Truth and other helpful ar-
Giving lip service, but deep down inside, ticles.
SCRIPTURES from which
They don’t believe Truth: they believe a lie.
Jesus, Paul, the eunuch, the God has sent a famine, not for bread,
Pharisees, and the Bereans Over 210 pages.
But the Words of the LORD, like Amos eight said.
READ: (see Luke 4; John 5; Running to and fro, from sea to sea,
Acts 8, 17, etc.). The scrolls
$ 95
Men thirst not for water but that which agrees:
themselves were rolled up
That God has given the absolute,
SHUT and tied.
Unblemished, untarnished, Infallible Truth!
His purpose, as the pur- Fewer and fewer are standing bold.
pose of every outlet of higher
It makes me wonder if they’re a part of the fold?
Christian education in Amer- (Plus postage—see page 10)
April, 2004 B.B.B. Page 13

The Keys to Apostasy

Continued from page 12 “reconciling the Scriptures 4:6–7). Psalm 24:1–5 does with eternal security.)
What, then, is the differ- so they don’t contradict.” not teach eternal security of 2. If they cannot “Greek-
ence between the groups? What both groups do any kind “by grace through ify” the words of the Holy
Well, for awhile let us pre- (quoting Scripture), to do it, faith,” nor does Spirit out of existence, they
tend we are Darwinian- is make a LIAR out of the Deuteronomy 30:13–16. immediately refer you to
evolutionarly “Positive Think- Holy Spirit. Let’s see you compare some corrupt Bible pub-
ers” who look for “similari- Every verse in the Old Deuteronomy 31:14–15 with lished AFTER 1880: there
ties” instead of “differences,” Testament that can be made its “companion verse” in Ro- are more than 214 of them
shall we? Let’s! to teach “eternal security” is mans 10:8–10. in the English language, so
Both groups can use the used by the “Once Saved Al- When this first bunch of anyone can actually find
same Bibles to prove their ways Saved” group, but in heretics gets to the New anywhere from one to forty
point. Both groups correct order to do this they have to Testament and runs into He- verses in them that will say
the AV where it doesn’t “say” pretend that no NEW cov- brews 3:6,14, 12:14, 6:1–6, what they want them to say
what they want it to “teach.” enant replaced the OLD cov- or 10:26, they immediately that the AV did not say.
Both groups insist that sal- enant. They are forced to resort to “artifacts” to destroy Both groups use the same
vation in the Old Testament deny John 10:28; Romans “the HOLY SCRIPTURES.” method to get rid of the King
and the Tribulation is IDEN- 10:13; and Acts 13:39–40, 1. They will go immedi- James text.
TICAL to salvation in the although they don’t INTEND ately to some Greek lexicon Both methods support the
New Testament, so both to. Ezekiel 18:24 does NOT or grammar to rid the reader same LIE: the lie that salva-
groups quote the Old Testa- teach eternal security, no of the WORDS found in the tion in the Old Testament
ment to get rid of anything matter how you mangle or King James Authorized Ver- and the New Testament are
they find in the New Testa- misquote it. Nor does Psalm sion. (You will see in a mo- identical, as well as salva-
ment that doesn’t match their 51:11 teach eternal security, ment that the second group tion in the Millennium and
own private interpretation; even though the man that of heretics does EXACTLY the Tribulation.
and vice versus. When they wrote it prophesied a future the same thing when deal- Not one man in either
mangle these verses and time when his prayer would ing with all the passages in group was anything but a
misplace them they call it not have to be prayed (Rom. John and 1 John that deal Continued on page 17

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Page 14 B.B.B. April, 2004

Touch Not the Unclean Thing

Continued from page 10 tus, Weighing and Counting, and Central Baptist Theo- spitze.” They have NOTH-
in print, that he was unable What About Erasmus?, The logical Seminary in Minne- ING to offer anyone who
to read fourth-grade English Issue Today, Problems in the apolis. His “doctorate” was “takes their Bible studies
in his own language and was NASV and NIV and NKJV, given to him less than nine SERIOUSLY.”
absolutely IGNORANT of the and the Weakened Doctrine miles from the Pensacola No man in that list ever
so-called “LXX” readings in in the Critical Text) without Bible Institute in Pensacola, dared to list Ruckman’s “ad-
the New Testament. With grasping the fact that he had Florida. Arlin Horton thought vanced revelations” that
261 pages of HOT AIR he denied the verbally, “ple- Sorenson had “earned” his came from “THE TEXT.” Not
actually accused “Ruckman” nary,” original, Greek “auto- doctorate. So the Pensacola one apostate Fundamental-
of telling the truth after he graphs” of more than 100 Theological Seminary gave ist in America or Europe, in
had been lying about it any- verses in the New Testa- him the “cap and gown.” the last fifty years, has ever
where from one to twenty ment? That shows you the spiri- dared publish Ruckman’s
years before he wrote his Not one scholar in the tual mentality of Dell John- “reasons” for saying the AV
book. Scholars’ Union believes that son, Arlin Horton, Theodore text is a “better” text than a
“Ruckman’s ERROR” was ANY translation could be Letis, and Donald Waite. All pile of lost manuscripts or an
nothing but absolute truth given “by inspiration,” al- three are “halfway houses” available pile written in a
which can be found in the though “double inspiration” is on the road up the “Sug- Continued on page 16
“HOLY SCRIPTURES” (Rom. given in detail in the King
1:2), which Sorenson couldn’t James’ text, and then more Sunday Morning Radio Program
find in any Greek or Hebrew than 100 verses in the New
manuscript or any English Testament “originals” turn These lessons are from the International Sunday School Hour radio programs taught by
version of either Testament: out to be translations: they Dr. Ruckman each Sunday morning over the radio in Pensacola.
nor could 320 of his prede- came from Hebrew to Greek,
SS-667 A Time To Remember
cessors (1800–2003). and then to English.
A Time To Love
$ 00
There are TWO samples
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found in a King James Bible
That is the “scholarship”
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which Sorenson was totally trained in unbelief of the AV

ignorant of while pretending at Pillsbury Baptist College
he could tell you how to live
a “separated life” as it re- BOOK
lated to “THE TEXT ISSUE.”
He had no text.
The Universe and
Every “text” he cites in his Handbook of The Pyramids
work—including the King
James’ text—failed to show Manuscript
him the TRUTH about inspi-
ration, preservation, separa- Evidence By Brian Donovan
tion, or revelation. I only
listed TWO “advanced rev- Presents arguments for
elations” found in the AV text the King James text that A Fascinating Subject
he missed. You will find four
have never been refuted,
dozen listed in the works I
including evidence that This video study was originally
mentioned above, published
by the Bible Baptist Book- the phony “Septuagint” taught in Sunday School at Bible Bap-
store—not “The TEXT Bap- never existed before 100 tist Church in Pensacola.
tist Bookstore.”
Understand that all of this
A.D. Excellent study
modern rubbish—and Soren- for those whose faith in On this video tape, Brian Donovan shows that
son is just as fouled up as the King James Version early civilizations were more highly advanced than
any of the rest of them—ma- has been attacked. our modern technology and that this superior
jors in “perambulating knowledge came from man’s contact with the
around the pole of veracity”
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(“beating around the bush”).
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ity of Christ - The Sinlessness of Christ - The Character of Christ - Symbols of the Bible - Supposed Contradictions - Creation Story -
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Page 16 B.B.B. April, 2004


Touch Not the Unclean Thing

Continued from page 14 “SCRIPTURE” in anything Dobson, Afman, Price,
dead language to which only he listed (all the “texts”) Panosian, Willmington, Bob
professional liars have ac- which meets the Scriptural Jones III, Palmer, Fee,
cess. definition of “scripture” (2 Farstad, Metzger, Bruce,
All of this material has Tim. 3:16), as found in the Robertson, Vincent, Zodhi-
been in print since 1970: that “HOLY SCRIPTURES” ates, Trench, Thayer, Kittel,
is thirty-four years ago. (Rom. 1:2). He has no “text.” and Nestle could not find out
Not one “revelation” in He is 100 percent agnos- if they had the “verbally in-
Sorenson’s entire book gives tic when it comes to “SCRIP- Dr. Ruckman’s most re-
spired original manuscripts” cent (2003) study of
even one piece of informa- TURE,” as defined in the in their hands.
tion that was not in print “SCRIPTURES.” We have this book at the Bible
Birds of a feather flock to- Baptist Church Sunday
somewhere before 1900. them; he doesn’t. Same
gether. School
All he does is apply that song, same tune, same key,
same band, same sheet mu- The “birds” in Mark 4:4 are
information, given before Nine tapes
sic. called “SATAN.” with album
1900, to the contemporary BS-15-9
scene. Since none of it has Your mother and grand- So much for the issue of
Christian “separation” (Sor- (Plus postage—see page 10)
even been relative to the mother had access to the
“contemporary scene,” since “scriptures.” So did you enson).
World War II, there is no great-grandmother and your
point in wasting time with the great-great-grandmother and
rehashed trash.
Sorenson’s final author-
her mother. If any of them
had a fourth-grade education
they could have found forty-
The History of
ity—like everyone of his
highly-educated Bible critics eight Scriptural truths in their
(1800–2000)—is HIS OWN copies of “the Scriptures”
NOODLE. At the end of the that poor Biblical illiterates
book he does not even SUG- like Donald Waite, Arlin by
GEST that he himself has Horton, Mike Randall,
ever read one verse of Sumner, Hindson, Hobson, J.A. WYLIE

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cal of every Charismatic
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This material is abso- This unique book, long out of print, will be a bless-
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standing the current apos- themes. J. A. Wylie pulls back the divine curtain
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April, 2004 B.B.B. Page 17

The Keys to Apostasy

Continued from page 13 I will give you one sample mouth full of peanut butter every MAN [is] a liar.” Any
Laodicean apostate, when out of several hundred. and whistle Yankee Doodle. man who changes anything
he used a Book he didn’t re- No one, including Satan, Ahem! But you could IF to make it FIT his theologi-
ally BELIEVE. could reconcile Acts 20:24 you used a Greek grammar cal system is a crook and a
One group insists that all and Galatians 1:8–10 with to destroy the verses so they heretic. “Ruckman” adjusts
salvation from Genesis 1 to Revelation 14:6–7 and He- would match or redefine the his theological system to the
Revelation 22 is “by faith and brews 4:2. You would have word “gospel” so it could fit WORDS printed in a King
works,” and the other group to run to the Greek or run to anything. James Authorized Version.
of apostates teach that all an NIV or NASV even to at- Note that both groups lie That is what makes him ap-
salvation from Genesis 1 to tempt ,and then, it wouldn’t and teach a lie, and each pear to be a “heretic.” He
Revelation 22 is by “grace work. You will still be forcing one of them insists that the never has to change ONE
through faith”—without works. the Holy Spirit to lie. other one is going to wind WORD in either Testament
This makes two groups of No one could make Ro- up in Hell because “all liars, to prove anything. He
Bible-rejecting, Bible-cor- mans 8:29, 8:38–39; 1 Cor- shall have their part” etc. doesn’t have to. “THY word
recting, Bible-perverting inthians 1:6–8; Philippians (Rev. 21:8). IS truth.” It is “true from the
“Fundamentalists” who use 1:6, 3:20–21; and Ephesians Why you silly child! If the BEGINNING.” “The WORDS
EXACTLY the same meth- 4:30 teach “conditional se- King James’ English text is of the Lord are pure
ods for getting rid of the curity” unless you went back correct you are BOTH going WORDS.” “Ye hear them not
truth. into the Old Testament or to wind up in the Lake of because ye [not Ruckman]
The KEYS to the apos- went to a Hebrew-Christian Fire, if you can’t get the dif- are NOT OF GOD!”
tasy, then, between 1880 epistle in order to make a ference between a saved See how you can use
and 1980 are perfectly clear: liar out of the One who wrote man who can LIE while he is “Scripture” to prove any-
it is rejection of the King those verses in Philippians, a Christian—not a “liar”— thing. I just “proved” in that
James English text as the fi- Romans, 1 Corinthians, and and an unsaved man who IS last reference that if anyone
nal authority in matters of Ephesians. The conceited a liar, not a “Christian.” (But in the Church Age messes
“sound doctrine.” The proof asses brag about reconcil- I had better slack off here; with the WORDS in a Holy
is that both groups of Chris- ing verses when all they do the faculties at Louisville Bible he can lose his salva-
tians quote Bible verses to is PERVERT THEM to force Seminary and Pensacola tion. Of course I don’t be-
prove that “the other side” is them to “match.” Theological Seminary and lieve that. I think the Chris-
teaching a falsehood, while You could no more make Bob Jones University could Continued on page 18
both of them are teaching the “gospel” of Hebrews 4:2 never keep up with this!)
falsehood by using the same match the “gospel” of Mat- Both groups would call
method—exactly the same thew 24:14 or the “gospel” Ruckman a “heretic,” and
method: altering the words of Acts 20:24 or the “gospel” they do.
in a Book so they will teach God preached to Abraham Why? Easy. In “Ruck-
what they do NOT teach or (Gal. 3:8) than you could man’s” theological system
say. stand on your head with your God is always “TRUE, but

The Lord God Almighty

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poses what the Moslem religion is and from
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own beliefs. tra-Orthodox ghetto in Po-
It also documents what the Koran and Hadith land to Providence, Rhode
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Page 18 B.B.B. April, 2004

Correcting the “Greek” RADIO

With the “Original” English LOG
Continued from page 11 one of them to find anything throughout the 30s, 40s, and Evergreen
WPGG 93.3 FM 10:00 A.M. Sun.
cotton pickin’ one of those wrong with that holy Book. 50s. Ozark
premillennial Fundamental- They became secular hu- Now I told you who taught WRJM 93.7 FM 6:00 A.M. Sun.

ists was EDUCATED out of manists by following ADAM. me; you tell me who taught Pensacola

his belief in a King James That explains their lock- you. WBSR 1450 AM 7:30 A.M. Sun.
Bible by following a MAN. jaw. They wanted you to Watch it stupid! The Holy Lupton
The Holy Spirit didn’t lead think that YOU were follow- Spirit was supposed to have WMSD 90.9 FM
8:15 A.M. Mon.

ing a man (RuckMAN) when shown you the errors in the Pine City

The Keys to you kept your belief in the

Book. You see, they were
Book because He is sup-
posed to be IN you “guiding
WCMP 1350 AM

7:30 A.M. Sun.

12:00 Noon Sun.

Apostasy looking in a mirror: it was

MAN who had destroyed
you into ALL TRUTH” (John
16:13). Watch it, stupid, or York

WGCB 1440 AM 7 A.M. Fri.

Continued from page 17 their belief in it. Hence “the every student in your univer- WGCP 96.5 FM 9:30 P.M. Fri.

tian colleges, seminaries, fifth amendment,” for over sity and seminary will find Douglas

and universities are stuffed forty years. So the latest out how really stupid you KWOG 1470 AM Twice on Sat.

to the gills with saved sin- “gaffed act” is this: “A Sev- were for following MEN, as CANADA
Thompson, Manitoba
ners who spend their entire enth-day Adventist taught a humanist, instead of GOD CHTM 610 AM 1:30 A.M. Mon.
lifetimes in destroying your David Otis Fuller and J. J. as a Christian. 5:30 P.M. Sat.

faith in the absolute author- Ray and Edward Hills, and

ity of the Holy Bible. Their they taught Ruckman and
“ministry” is to get you to put
a Book down and look to
them for the truth. You al-
Ruckman taught Gipp and
Heaton, etc. . . . .”
Lied again, didn’t you, you
sick apostates? I had trans-
Crisis of Faith
ways can spot them when
they are lying because of the lated all of Nestle’s Greek
two simple keys I just gave text, including all of the criti-
you: multiple authorities (ver- cal apparatus in his foot-
sions) and running to a dead notes, from Matthew 1 to 1 In this compas-
language to correct a LIV- Peter 1, before 1954. I never sionate video,
ING BOOK (Heb. 4:12–13). saw anything by Hills, Wil- more than two
Those are the “KEYS to kinson, Fuller, Ray, or even
dozen former
the apostasy”—the great fall- Burgon, Hoskier, Miller, or
Scrivener till after 1957. I Catholics, includ-
ing away (2 Thess. 2:3) that
began in 1880 and reached translated Nestle’s ( three ing priests and
its apex in 1901. From then years) while studying under nuns, share how
on you are in “Laodicea” a private pupil of Dr. A. T. they found real
(Rev. 3). Don’t ever doubt it. Robertson of Louisville salvation through
Whenever you hear any her- Seminary (William T. Brun-
ner), and I came to the con- faith in Christ
etic say that “men are saved
in the Old Testament by clusion that the translators alone. Give it to
looking forward to the cross of the ASV (1901) were de- Catholics to watch
and after the New Testament ceived by the devil and had in the privacy of
by looking back at the been instrumental in the their own home.
cross,” you are dealing ei- apostasy at Bob Jones, Har-
Use to help train
ther with a lazy preacher or vard, Tennessee Temple,
Yale, Princeton, Baptist Bible soul-winners.
a stupid preacher or a
crooked, lying fool. Ditto College, Judson, Fuller,
when you hear any heretic Wheaton, Howard, Stetson,
say, “You can wind up in Hell Baylor, etc., before 1920 and 54
after the New Birth.” Both Minutes
groups make a liar out of (VHS)
God in more than 100 verses
in both Testaments, and they
BOOKSTORE CK-146—English
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April, 2004 B.B.B. Page 19

Satan’s New Testament Plan of Salvation All rights reserved. Reproduc-

tion or use of our name, prod-
ucts, literature, pictures, or il-
Continued from page 8 is going on in local Baptist conversions than Mahatma lustrations, in whole or in part,
is the evangelist himself: he churches today. Gandhi’s “conversion” or the in any form or medium, without
is a genuine “convert” be- Not one lost adult in ten conversion of the leaders of express written permission of
cause he lives right, talks “conversions” is getting the National Council of Bible Baptist Bookstore, is pro-
right, walks right, etc. THEY saved. Christian Churches. Accord- hibited.
DON’T. Daniel Corner’s mass of ing to Corner, ALL of them Any Internet link to our website
All of this “evangelism” is confused nonsense, forcing could have been “reconver- or Bookstore is not authorized.
an attempt to prove that the 400 verses in the Bible to sions”—the third or fourth
evangelist is a “man of God” contradict each other—and time, or even the fiftieth time.
and is “filled with the Spirit” using the NIV and NASV to To kill time and space, No part of this publication
so that any conversion un- do it with—is what produces Corner stuffed his book with or other mater ials au-
der his preaching is a genu- things like the “Brownsville at least 500 pages of com- thored by Dr. Ruckman
ine New Birth. All other Revival” (1998–2000); one of ments, biographies, quota- (wr itten, recorded, or
former “conversions” were the most ungodly, carnal, ri- tions, and historical notes drawn) may be reproduced
diculous fiascoes ever pre- that have no more bearing or transmitted in any form
false because the sinner got
or by any means, elec-
“saved” at the wrong time. sented by professional ac- on what the “holy scriptures”
tronic or mechanical, in-
They had to be saved in tors who could lose their “sal- SAID than if they had never cluding photo-copying, re-
“God’s time,” and “God’s vation” every other day. been recorded. But as we cording, or any information
time” is when the evangelist These retreads recorded said before, if you want the storage, retrieval system,
shows up! more than 900,000 “deci- “whole bag” documented multi-media, or Internet
THAT is the “revival” that sions” that were no more with page number, para- system, without permis-
graph and wording, get the sion in writing from the
tape called “Satan’s New publisher.
THE CREED OF Continued on page 20
TV & Satellite LOG
1. There is no final authority but God. ARKANSAS NEW YORK
2. Since God is a Spirit, there is no final authority that can be seen, Mena—Cable Ch 19 8:00 AM Sun. Broome—Time Warner Ch 6 4 PM Mon. /6 PM Wed.
CALIFORNIA Buffalo–Adelphia Ch 68 5:05 PM Sun.
heard, read, felt, or handled. Rolling Hills–Dominion Ch 33 7 PM Fri. Canandaigua—FLTV Ch 12 8 PM Sun.
San Diego–Cox Ch 24 & 18 4:00 PM Wed. Cortland–CAC TV Ch 2 10:30 AM Wed.
3. Since all books are material, there is no book on this earth that is San Diego–Time Warner Ch 16 Time varies 8 PM Thur.
the final and absolute authority on what is right and what is wrong: what CONNECTICUT Elmira–Corning Ch 1 9 AM Sun.
Willimantic–Charter Comm. Ch 14 2 PM Mon. Ithaca–Ch 78 8 and 12 PM Sun.
constitutes truth and what constitutes error. 5:30 PM Tue. 4 PM Sat.
FLORIDA Ch 13 5 PM Sat.
4. There WAS a series of writings one time which, IF they had all been Hilliard–Continental Cable Ch 8 4:30 PM Sun. Lockland–TKR Cable Ch 27 5:30 PM Tues.
put into a BOOK as soon as they were written the first time, WOULD GEORGIA Lockport–Ch 20
Macon–Cox Cable Ch 18 8:30 AM Mon. Lockport Comm. Cable 10 PM Thur.
HAVE constituted an infallible and final authority by which to judge truth 12 Noon Wed. Nassau Co–Ch 20 2:00 AM Thur.
HAWAII Rockland Nanuet–Ch 27 5:30 PM Tue.
and error. Honolulu–Oceanic Cable 52 4 PM Sat. Suffolk–Ch 20 7:30 AM Wed.
5. However, this series of writings was lost, and the God who inspired IDAHO Utica–Haarron Comm. Ch 3 3 PM Fri.
Pocatello–TCI Cable Ch 12 8 PM Sun.
them was unable to preserve their content through Bible-believing INDIANA NEW MEXICO
Mishawaka–TCI Cable Ch 3* 6 PM Sun. Albuquerque Community Cable–Ch 27 5 PM Mon
Christians at Antioch (Syria), where the first Bible teachers were (Acts *Simulcast Goshen Southbend Elkhart Plymouth Los Alamos–PAC 8 6 PM Sun.
13:1), and where the first missionary trip originated (Acts 13:1-52), and IOWA 2 PM Tue.
Cedar Rapids–Cox Cable Ch 18 8 PM Mon.
where the word “Christian” originated (Acts 11:26). KENTUCKY NEW ZEALAND
Lexington–Telecable Ch 14 Times Vary Mainland TV Nelson 9 AM Sun.
6. So, God chose to ALMOST preserve them through Gnostics and MASSACHUSETTS OHIO
philosophers from Alexandria, Egypt, even though God called His Son Springfield—AT&T Broadband Tiffin—Media 1–NCTA 2:30 PM Sun.
OUT of Egypt (Matthew 2), Jacob OUT of Egypt (Genesis 49), Israel OUT 4:30 PM Wed. Hamburg—Time Warner Ch 19 11:30 AM Wed.
8:00 PM Fri. Sayre–Ch 18 10 AM Sat.
of Egypt (Exodus 15), and Joseph’s bones OUT of Egypt (Exodus 13). MICHIGAN York–York CATV–Ch 16 9 PM Mon.
7. So, there are two streams of Bibles: the most accurate—though, of Ann Arbor–CTN Ch 9 2:30 PM Tue. 3 PM Tue.
Battlecreek–Access Vision Ch 11 3 PM Sat. TENNESSEE
course, there is no final, absolute authority for determining truth and Belleville–Amni Comm. Ch 43 7 PM Thur. Pikeville–S.E. Tenn. St. Regional
error: it is a matter of “preference”—are the Egyptian translations from Dearborn–Comcast Cable Ch 18 8 PM Thur. Correctional Facility Times Vary
Romulus—PAC TV Ch 43 7:00 PM Thur. TEXAS
Alexandria, Egypt, which are “almost the originals,” although not quite. Westland—Media 1 Ch 18 12 AM Tue.
Abilene–KTXS Ch 12 7 AM Sun.
8 PM Tue.
8. The most inaccurate translations were those that brought about Woodhaven—TCI Ch 44 4:30 PM Fri.
Brownwood–Ch 77 7 AM Sun.
Corpus Christi–KRIS Ch 6 6:30 AM Sun.
the German Reformation (Luther, Zwingli, Boehler, Zinzendorf, Spener, (Supplying Grossille, Lincoln Park, River
San Angelo–Ch 55 7 AM Sun.
View, Trenton, Woodhaven).
etc.) and the worldwide missionary movement of the English-speaking Wyandotte—Wandotte Cable Ch 21 5 PM Fri. WISCONSIN
MONTANA Tomah–Ch 19
people: the Bible that Sunday, Torrey, Moody, Finney, Spurgeon, White- Missoula—MCAT Ch 12 2 PM Mon. Hagen Sports Network 11:30 AM Sun.
field, Wesley, and Chapman used.
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Satan’s New Testament Plan of Salvation

Continued from page 8 do what is right” (p. 46). 4:30; Col. 3:1–4; 1 Thess. Spiros Zodhiates, or Dr. A.
Testament Plan of Salvation. That knocked out Peter 4:2–4) were LIES. T. Robertson.
If you really want to see (Gal. 2:11), Paul (Acts There is not one born- Order the tape today if
“bananas gone bonkers,” 22:28), David (Psa. 51), again “Christian” anywhere you can: “Satan’s New Tes-
look at the unholy, godless Moses (Exod. 2:12), Demas in the twenty-eight chapters tament Plan of Salvation.”
mess he gave regarding Ju- (2 Tim. 4:10), and Billy Gra- of Matthew from the first That is two hours examining
das Iscariot. Corner says ham (compromising with Lib- chapter to the last chapter. the most massive collection
that Judas was a saved devil erals), plus Charles Not one verse in one line of misapplied Scripture in
who lost his salvation, which Spurgeon (smoking cigars), of Scripture, in Matthew 22, this century. The writer has
he had as a devil! Billy Sunday (not raising his 24, or 25, applies doctrinally so little spiritual discernment
Citing John 17:12 in the sons right), DeWitt Talmage to any Christian who ever he actually thinks “inheriting
Nutty Idiot’s Version (NIV), (for preaching postmillen- lived on this earth between the kingdom” as a REWARD
Corner says, “THAT VERSE nialism), J. Frank Norris (for A.D. 33 and A.D. 2004. for works (Col. 3:24; 1 Cor.
proves that Judas was once an occasional cuss word), Daniel Corner, by his own 6:9) is getting to Heaven by
SAVED just like the other Jack Wood (for losing his profession, is NOT a child of a FREE GIFT.
apostles . . . Judas became temper), and a couple of God (see above), for he uses
spiritually lost” (p. 402). hundred Christians in Cor- Revelation 21:8 twenty times Bible Attitude
Now imagine any Chris- inth (2 Cor. 12:21). to prove that if anyone tells
tian with a sixth-grade edu- But it left Corner as a a lie he loses his salvation. Baptist Blowout
cation putting out that kind genuine “child of God”! Oh Corner has no more spiritual Dates for Bad Attitude
of ridiculous nonsense after my, my, my, my YES! He understanding of the verse Baptist Blowout services at
Jesus said: “have I not cho- “does right” by devoting his (Rev. 21:8) as it is related to Bible Baptist Church in Pen-
sen you twelve, and one of life to talking Christians out “the kingdom” (1 Cor. 6:9; sacola.
you is a devil.” A “SAVED of their salvation! He said he Col. 3:24; Gal. 5:21; Luke September 23–26, 2004
devil” under “conditional se- was doing right when he 19:12) than Shelton Smith,
February 24–27, 2005
curity”? Let’s see you top cited Matthew 10:22 twenty Bob Jones III, Doug Kutilek,
that one! times with Hebrews 3:14 to John Rice, Curtis Hutson, Of special note is that the
Corner says you are not prove that the Pauline prom- Harold Willmington, Robert winter Blowout is changed
a “child of God” if you do not ises (Rom. 5, 8, 10; Eph. Sumner, Hot Dog Hymers, from January to February.

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