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April Annual Review Appraisal for Lee

Employee Manager Position Appraisal Archive By Period
Lee Shropshire Juan Camacho 2 - Asset Enhancement 4/25/2020 7/15/2019 - 4/25/2020

Position Description
Position 2 - Asset Enhancement description

Asset Enhancement Competencies 3.75

Analytical Thinking 3
Business Acumen 3
Communication 3
Creativity 3
Dependability 3
Drive for Results 3
Interpersonal Skills 3
Problem Solving 3
Initiative 3
Job Knowledge 3
Negotiating 3
Organizing 3
Sales Skills 3
Work Quality 3
Work Quantity & Productivity 3


Professional Development
Key Achievements & Successes
Career Development
Long Range Goals

Strengths & Weaknesses
Manager/Associate Relationship

Summary Comments

Overall Score 3.75

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Asset Enhancement Competencies 50%

Analytical Thinking Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Able to analyze problems by considering alternatives, followed by the systematic rejection of unacceptable alternatives.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Business Acumen Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Knowledge of general business principles as well as current and possible future policies, practices, trends, and information a ecting the

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Communication Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Communication refers to the ability to inform orally and in writing, with clarity and good e ect. It means to understand clearly and quickly when
instructions or orders are received. It means judgment about what information is important and what is not, and what should be communicated,
how, to whom and when.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Creativity Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Authors new and unique ideas. Easily makes connections among previously unrelated notions and tends to be seen as original and value-added in
brainstorming settings.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Dependability Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Refers to the ability to be relied upon to perform a task in the way required and to complete the assigned job duties and responsibilities.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

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Drive for Results Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Pursues goals with energy, drive, and a need to finish. Does not give up, faces resistance or setbacks well; pushes self and others for results.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Interpersonal Skills Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Able to operate within the work environment through social communication and interactions. Interpersonal skills are how people relate to one
another and involve using skills such as active listening, tone of voice, and cooperation.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Problem Solving Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Able to solve problems using logic, judgment and data to determine effective solutions.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Initiative Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Identifies opportunities and issues, proactively acts and follows through on work activities to resolve or capitalize on them.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Job Knowledge Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Refers to the amount of relevant job knowledge and skill an employee has. Includes awareness and possession or mastery of special facts,
practices, manual skills and techniques and decision-making methods. How well the employee is knowledgeable of services, policies and

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

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Negotiating Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Able to negotiate with both internal and external groups. Finds solutions that match the needs of all parties.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Organizing Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Able to use resources (people, funding, material, support) to get things done. Able to orchestrate multiple activities at once to accomplish a
goal. Uses resources effectively and efficiently. Arranges information and files in a useful manner.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Sales Skills Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Able to bring sales opportunities to closure or drive incremental revenue.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Work Quality Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Able to achieve desired outcomes with a minimum of avoidable errors and problems.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Work Quantity & Productivity Score: 3 Weight: 6.7%

Work Quantity and Productivity refers to the employee's work in terms of both the quality and quantity. Includes general attendance as well as
perseverance on difficult or unfavored assignments.

N/A Unsatisf actory Satisf actory Very Good Exceptional

Clearly exceeds job requirements.

Section Score 3.75

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Goals 50%

Use this section to add qualitative goals for the employee. These goals should be big picture competencies that the employee should be
focused on this year.

For instructions on how to add goals, copy and paste these links in another tab of your browser:
Managers: http://www.trakstar.com/how-to-add-goals-to-an-employees-appraisal/
Employees: http://www.trakstar.com/how-to-add-a-goal-to-your-own-appraisal/

Professional Development 0%

Key Achievements & Successes

What have been your key achievements and successes?


Lee Shropshire

Being able to analyze and solving and problems

Career Development
Are there elements that would be helpful for your job or career development? Is there training you would like to receive?


Lee Shropshire

1.Getting more training and understanding of job knowledge.

2. Working more breaking down and analyze equipment.
3. Working with co-worker help me to trouble and analyzing more of my , work quality.

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Long Range Goals
What long-range goals would you set for yourself? Are you working towards reaching those goals now?


Lee Shropshire

Working towards reaching these goals.

Gain more experience.
Improve communication skills.
Improve leadership skills.
Develop a career plan.
Improve efficiency rates with completing projects.

Questions 0%

Strengths & Weaknesses

Describe at least 2 of your strengths. Then, describe at least 2 areas you have room for improvement.


Lee Shropshire

1.Being able to follow instruction and complete task.

2. Improving communication and listening.
1. Being able to lean and analyze mechanical equipment.
2.Being to focus on solving Problems.

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Manager/Associate Relationship
How can our relationship be improved?


Lee Shropshire

Being able to communicate more effectively in skills and performances.

Lee Shropshire

Building and maintaining good working relationships to help me to engaged, and committed to my job; Develop my people skills.
· Identify my relationship needs.
· Schedule time to build relationships.
· Focus on my EI.
· Appreciate others.
· Be positive.
· Manage my boundaries.
· Avoid gossiping.
· Listen actively.

Summary Comments


Lee Shropshire

Building and maintaining good working relationships to help me to engaged, and committed to my job; Develop my people skills.
· Identify my relationship needs.
· Schedule time to build relationships.
· Focus on my EI.
· Appreciate others.
· Be positive.
· Manage my boundaries.
· Listen actively.

Overall Score
Final Score 3.75

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Employee Signature Date

I have reviewed this document and discussed the contents with my manager. My signature means that I have been advised of my performance as
sessment. My signature does not necessarily imply that I agree with the evaluation.
Manager Signature Date

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