Restore Prod To Dev

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FlexNet Manager Suite 2018 R1

Restore from Prod to Dev

Author: Steven Donovan/Matt Gunnels

Creation Date:
Last Updated:
Version: 1

FNMS Installation...................................................................................................................................3
Basic Production Architecture Diagram................................................................................................3
IIS settings for App Server and Beacons..........................................................................................4
Assumptions, Constraints and Limitations............................................................................................4
Prepare Environment for Upgrade.........................................................................................................5
FNMS Databases Upgrade......................................................................................................................5
Database Schema Upgrade...................................................................................................................6
Managesoft (FNMSCompliance) Database Upgrade.......................................................................7
FNMSDataWarehouse Database Upgrade......................................................................................8
Inventory Manger (IM) Database Upgrade.....................................................................................8
FNMSSnapshot Database Creation.................................................................................................9
FNMS Software Installation.................................................................................................................10
Configuring FNMS 2017......................................................................................................................20
FNMS Configuration Validation...........................................................................................................27
Business Adapter Studio Installation............................................................................................29
Inventory Beacon Upgrade...................................................................................................................32
Deploy Beacon....................................................................................................................................32
Uninstall of Congo’s.............................................................................................................................41
Flexera Analytics Installation................................................................................................................44
Configure FNMS for Cognos................................................................................................................52
Deploy Reports.............................................................................................................................53
App Server Log Location......................................................................................................................56
Beacon Server Log Location................................................................................................................56
Agent Upgrade through Policy..............................................................................................................57

This is a process if you want to take your production data and restore it into Model to do testing.

Basic Production Architecture Diagram

Dev Prod
Application Server
Database Server
Cognos Server
Beacon Server
Service account
Cognos account

Script to change database connections

declare @SQLServerName as nvarchar(50)

declare @BatchServerName as nvarchar(50)

-- Update the varibles with the correct server name

Set @SQLServerName ='YourSQLServerFQDN'

Set @BatchServerName ='YourBatchServerFQDN'

-- update ComplianceConnection table

update [dbo].[ComplianceConnection_MT] set [server] = @SQLServerName

where ConnectionName = 'FlexNet Manager Suite'

update [dbo].[ComplianceConnection_MT] set [server] = @SQLServerName

where ConnectionName = 'FNMPDataWarehouse'

-- Settings Table

update [dbo].[ComplianceSetting] set SettingValue = @BatchServerName

where SettingName = 'BatchSchedulerHostName'


update [dbo].[ComplianceSetting] set SettingValue =

'HTTP://'+ @BatchServerName +'/'

where SettingName = 'EndpointBeaconServicesURL'


update [dbo].[ComplianceSetting] set SettingValue =

'Http://' + @BatchServerName +'/ManageSoftDL'

where SettingName = 'EndpointDownloadLocationURL'


After SQL script is ran run this Powershell command

After the application has been installed, FNMS must be configured using PowerShell scripts. The PowerShell scripts
must be run on both the Application server.

Launch PowerShell as administrator (use the 64-bit version where available):

In the PowerShell command window, execute:
set-executionpolicy AllSigned
Respond to the warning text with the default Y.

In the PowerShell command window, Navigate to the E:\InstallSource\FLEXNET2017R3\FlexNet Manager Suite

Installer\FlexNet Manager Suite Installer\Support folder

.\Config.ps1 "Config\FNMS Windows Authentication Config.xml" forceUpdateConfig
(This script determines the type of server installation, and applies appropriate configuration. See also server-
specific comments below.)

Allow the script to run once, completing the requested details.

The PowerShell script asks for appropriate database connection details, depending on the configuration of the
current server

In each case, supply the host server name\instance name and the database name for each kind of database.
Use the following database names:
 The main compliance database: FNMSCompliance
 The database for inventory collected by the FlexNet inventory agent: FNMSInventory
 The data warehouse for trend reporting: FNMSDataWarehouse
 The snapshot database for performance improvement: FNMSSnapshot.

FNMS Configuration Validation

Services and Tasks
Open the windows service manager
In the list of services, ensure that both FlexNet Manager Suite Batch Process Scheduler and FlexNet Manager Suite
Batch Processor are both running. If not, right-click each stopped service in turn, and from the context menu,
select Start.

Open the windows task scheduler

Enable all tasks in the FlexNet Manager Platform folder:
 Data warehouse export
 Export to ServiceNow
 FlexNet inventory data maintenance
 Import SAP inventories
 Import SAP package license
 Inventory import and license reconcile
 Recognition data import
 Regenerate Business Import config
 Send contract notifications.
 Import Active Directory
 Import application usage logs
 Import discovery information
 Import installation logs
 Import inventories
 Import Inventory Beacon activity status
 Import Inventory Beacon status
 Import remote task status information
 Import security event information
 Import system status information
 Import VDI access data.

Download the ARL, SKU, and PURL Libraries

On the Application server, open command prompt as the administrator. Change directories to “D:\Program Files
(x86)\Flexera Software\FlexNet Manager Platform\DotNet\bin”

Enter “MgsImportRecognition.exe” at the prompt.

The ARL, SKU, and PURL Libraries have been downloaded and loaded into FMMS. Go to the System Health
Dashboard in the Web UI to confirm that the libraries have been downloaded with today’s date.

Verify the Installation

On the Application Web and Processing Servers verify that the Flexera Application Pools have been setup and
configured correctly. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and verify that the following Application
Pools are listed on either of the two servers and are running:

Flexera Beacon
Flexera Importers
Flexera Package Repository
FlexNet Manager Platform
SAP Optimization

Expand the Sites folder and then expand the Default Web Sites folder. Validate that the following are included in
the either servers list:



Verify that the Windows Authentication is enabled under “Suite” on the Application Web server. If it is not
“Enabled”, be sure to enable it.

About Flexera
Flexera is reimagining the way software is bought, sold, managed and
secured. We view the software industry as a supply chain, and make
the business of buying and selling software more transparent, secure,
and effective.  Our Monetization and Security solutions help software
sellers transform their business models, grow recurring revenues and
minimize open source risk. Our Vulnerability and Software Asset
Management (SAM) solutions strip waste and unpredictability out of
buying applications, helping companies purchase only the software
and cloud services they need, manage what they have, and reduce
license compliance and security risk. In business for 30+ years, our
1000+ employees are passionate about helping our 80,000+
customers generate millions in ROI every year.  Visit us at:


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All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered
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