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History of Bandung Sea of Fire

Bandung lautan api A day in March 1946, within seven days, approximately 200,000 inhabitants made
history by burning homes and their possessions, leaving the city of Bandung, toward the mountains in the
south. A few years later, the song "Halo-Halo Bandung" was written to symbolize their emotions, as the
promise of going back to his beloved city, which has become a sea of fire.

The incidence of tearing Flag

After the proclamation of independence on 17 August 1945, Indonesia has not fully independent.
Independence must be achieved gradually through the struggle of the people who are willing to sacrifice
everything. After Japan's defeat, the British army troops arrive to disarm the Japanese. They conspired
with the Dutch (NICA army) and manipulated Japan to colonize Indonesia again.

News reading of the text of the Declaration of Independence received in Bandung Jakarta through Domei
news agency on Friday morning, August 17, 1945. The next day, August 18, 1945, printed text has spread.
Printed in red ink by printing Siliwangi. In DENIS Building, Jalan Braga (now Bank Building Jabar),
tearing incidents blue flag of the Netherlands, so the red and white colors stay the Indonesian flag.
Tearing the bayonet was carried by a young man named Mohammad Indonesia Endang karmas, assisted
by Moeljono.

Dated August 27, 1945, formed the People's Security Agency (BKR), followed by the formation of the
Indonesian Women Warriors (Laswi) on October 12, 1945. Number of members 300 people, consisting of
the combat troops, Red Cross, investigations and supplies.

Events that aggravate the situation occurred on 25 November 1945. In addition to facing an enemy attack,
people facing major flooding Cikapundung overflowing river. Hundreds of victims washed away and
thousands of people homeless. This situation used to attack enemies of the people who were facing

Various pressures and continued attacks by the British and the Dutch. Dated December 5, 1945, several
British aircraft bombed the area Lengkong Large. On December 21, 1945, the British dropped bombs and
gunfire blindly Cicadas. More and more fall victim.

Bandoeng Laoetan Fire

Ultimatum to the Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI) to leave the city and its people, politics
spawned "bumihangus". People are not willing to be exploited by the enemy Bandung. They fled to the
south with the fighters. The decision to be taken by consensus burned London Assembly Priangan United
Struggle (MP3) in the presence of all the power struggles, on March 24, 1946.
Colonel Abdul Haris Nasution as Commander of Division III, announced the results of the deliberations
and ordered people to leave the city of Bandung. That same day, a large group of people running the
length Bandung to leave the city.

Bandung deliberately burned by TRI and the people with the intention that the Allies can not use it
anymore. Here and there, billowing black smoke rose high in the air. All power failure. England began to
attack so fierce fighting occurred. The most exciting battle in the Village Dayeuhkolot, south London,
where there are a large munitions factory owned by Allied. TRI intends to destroy the ammunition dump.
For that diutuslah youth Muhammad Toha and Ramdan. The young men blew up the warehouse with
hand grenades. Large warehouse exploded and caught fire, but the two young men were burned in it.
Bandung city administration staff will initially remain in the city, but for the sake of it at 21.00 was also
out of town. Since then, approximately at 24.00 South London has been empty of inhabitants and TRI.
But the fire still burned soar. And London was transformed into a sea of fire.

Scorched Earth Bandung is the right action, because the power of TRI and the people will not be able to
resist a powerful enemy. Furthermore TRI with the people to fight a guerrilla from outside Bandung. This
incident gave birth to the song "Halo-Halo Bandung" eager to burn the power struggle of the Indonesian

Lake of Fire Bandung became famous term after the arson incident. Many wonder where the term
originated. The late Major-General AH Nasution remembered during a meeting in Regentsweg (now Jalan
Dewi Sartika), after returning from a meeting with Sutan Sjahrir in Jakarta, to decide what to do about the
city of Bandung after receiving the British ultimatum.

So I came back from Jakarta, after talking to Sjahrir it. Indeed, in the talks on Regentsweg, at the meeting,
talk to everyone. Well, there arises the opinion of Rukana, Commander of the Military Police in Bandung.
He argued, "Let us make South London into a sea of fire." What he calls the lake of fire, but the actual sea
water "

A.H Nasution, May 1, 1997

Lake of Fire Bandung term appears also in the daily Suara Merdeka on March 26, 1946. A young reporter
at the time, namely Atje Bastaman, Bandung burning sight of the hills around Mount Leutik
Pameungpeuk, Garut. From the top it Atje Bastaman see a blush from Bandung to Cimindi Cicadas.

After arriving in Tasikmalaya, Atje Bastaman eagerly immediately write news and gives the title
Bandoeng Thus Laoetan Fire. However, due to lack of space for writing the title, the headline shortened
to Bandoeng Laoetan Fire

Nama/Kelas/No : Christian A/10 IPA 8/11

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