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Ime Garcia

Mrs. Salby


07 February 2020

Mid-year reflection
Throughout this year I have learned many new things which have helped me improve my

writing skills. One of the most important things I learned so far was understanding rhetorical

situations. Compreding rhetorical situations really helped me break down stories, narrative and

plays easier. It also helped my writing better by thinking about what, why and who I am writing

for. For Example, in the food politics essay we wrote back in November had to have a message

and a purpose directed to a specific audience. Rhetorical situation gave me an idea of what my

paragraphs had to focus on and on who I had to direct it to. For instance, that report would be

intended to an adult audience who cares about their health. The report focuses on how organic

foods benefit our body. This also helped me find examples and quotes to provide in the

paragraphs. Understanding rhetorical situation also really helped me write the Daily Me app

review. It helped my writing by allowing me to think about who's the audience and culture this

app review is aimed too. For example, the essay would mostly be directed to young adults, who

are the people who are most involved with technology .

Other than Rhetorical Situation, one of my biggest strengths in reading and writing is

annotating. Even though annotating does not seem like a big deal, it has helped me breakdown

articles, stories and plays that were kind of too much for me to understand by just reading it. A

few methods I used when annotating is underlining key words that I feel are important to the

topic or plot. I would also write questions on the side on things that seem unclear to me which

can be answered as I read further. A weakness I have in writing is being able to put my thoughts

in a sentence. A lot of times I have an idea of what I should write. It's difficult to put it into

words. I will continue to work on that so I can better my writing . A weakness I have as a reader

is being able to keep track of the characters in stories and plays. It always takes me a while to

recognize each character and know and remember who they are. I will try to use different

strategies on how to remember character throughout the remainder of the year. I will also

continue to improve my writing.

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