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Executive Summary

This business plan will show how an absolute speculation of $101,500 could yield aggregate net
benefits in excess of Rs. $600,000 over a five-year time span, and normal monthly sales of
$72000, while keeping up sufficient levels of liquidity.
We-Like-Pizza, Inc. is a family-run new company devoted to giving magnificent quality “New
York-style pizza” to the inhabitants of Raj Nagar region, in a way that creates reasonable and fair
returns for present and future proprietors, and predominant worth to our clients. We have
practical experience in making and offering an assortment of delightfully extraordinary pizza.
The Raj Nagar zone has encountered touchy development in the course of recent years. Over half
a million people currently live/work in the zone. Nearby spots are gradually making up for lost
time with this new chance. We are opening another pizza take-out and conveyance management
that will concentrate on the Raj Nagar territory.
At present, the nearest pizza café is one mile away from our planned area in the Raj Nagar
territory. We-Like-Pizza, Inc. will offer a superior item, at a sensible cost, and will convey it on
time to the customer’s door.

Trends affecting Business Growth:

We have distinguished some headwinds of our business plan,

a) Cost factor related with keeping efficient equipment – Cost factor in maintaining the up
to date technological equipment but also creating the sustainability through efficiency
and effectiveness. Maintenance of the place and furniture’s would affect the cost.

b) We are new around – We are new into the area as players like Domino’s is serving in the
nearby area. They are a challenge for our start up because of the customer’s loyalty
towards the brand. Our uniqueness and good customer relationship management would
boost customers to be on our tables.

c) Challenges of a start up in India – Life cycle of start-ups in India does not show a
satisfactory image. There are numerous challenges that start-ups have to suffer through,
while they rise to the growth stage and can think about the maturity stage over a long run.

d) Slow recovery of the economy from the present crisis – Financial scenario of year 2019 –
2020 shows a slow growth in economy for coming years due to various political and non
– political issues that are on rise in India. Market is also into a challenging environment
but not to forget that this is the right time to position into the Raj Nagar Area.

e) Higher taxation policies – Taxation policies are directly into the control of the
government. Though the government seems like promoting the new business ideas and
opportunities in the state, still any affect into the taxation policies will directly affect the
finance of the firm.

f) The business property is rented, not owned – Business property will be taken on lease for
a definite time period. Though it will be a long – term investment but eventually it will be
a matter of concern and good relationship with the owner.

g) Tight credit times, higher loan cost, and higher inflation rate than expected – There might
be possibilities of downfall in the sales due to unavoidable reasons that more or less often
occurs, such situations might create tight credit times for the organisation. Inflation rate
will also affect the operating cost of the business.

Resource Requirements

Kitchen inventory and accessories consists of all the tools that will be needed for an outlet
delivering uniquely baked pizzas and providing with an ambiance to crave over them.
•Food plan: Covers, covers, blender, gloves, storing holders, plate, work tables, blenders, sauce
bottles, cleaning supplies and rigging, flatware, pots and compartment, dish sets, paper, pizza
skillet, etc.
• Pizza equipment's: material paper, grill brush, bobble popper, pizza plate rack, pizza separator,
and other pre-determined things.
•Utensils: cooking utensils, wheel cutters, cutting assistant, rocker blades, etc.

Kitchen equipment consolidates generally pizza broilers, pizza player gear (propelled scale,
blender, blend docker, customized hitter press, pizza sheeter, manual pizza press), pizza show
merchandiser, refrigerated game plan tables, coolers, cooler pack, and holding table with infrared

3 million worth of establishment and working of hardware's and apparatuses (long haul
resources) will be expensed throughout the following five years, using the straight-line
devaluation technique. An all-out summary of the hardware to be purchased, including expenses
and acquisition terms, will be made available for every one of the ventures.

Our association approach is to purchase simply new, forefront, imperativeness viable rigging
from strong suppliers in the sustenance business.

Other expensed gear includes neon pizza signs, tables and seats, espresso machines, coffee
channels, tea compartments, multi – drink gadgets, cleaning equipment, dish machines, etc.

Stock close by fuses pre - indicated components for pizza preparation, flour, flavours and pizza
fixings, sauces, juices and other soft drink pops, coffee, tea, trims, parmesan cheddar, treat
players, bread sticks and assorted baked good things that can be mentioned together with the
major menu alternatives. It is like manner fuses supplies that are used during the bundling, deals,
and movement process, and different supplies

Limitations and Risks
Association the management is liable for constantly surveying threats and taking helpful
exercises to give adequate neutralization, control and risk spares. We have perceived a
couple of threats that are connected with our undertaking.

a) External Risks (These threats begin from outside the association and are
dynamically problematic to safeguard and control.)

•Economic destruction - Current examples show that the fiscal downturn is landing at the
base, and chances are that the recovery technique will begin soon. Nevertheless, it is likely
going to be a moderate technique, and it will probably take a long time until complete
recovery and full improvement are practiced.
•Competition and obtaining practices change - There is a high risk of new participants in
the significant business focus. Our determined improvement of the administration and cost
control systems will help us with remaining over client need. The pizza client obtaining
practices are not inclined to inside and out change all through the accompanying five years.
Likewise, the masses advancement foreseen in the locale will grow the chances to keep up
and bolster bargains.
• Suppliers - Our association's purchases don't depend upon a single or a compelled
assembling of suppliers. There is a huge supply of materials and components for pizza
arranging, and other express things in Ghaziabad.
• Technology - New and continuously beneficial sustenance course of action gear is
required to get open. In any case, by deciding to purchase simply top tier, essentialness
beneficial apparatus, we acknowledge to have diminished this peril all through the
accompanying five years.
• Location - The picked territory will be rented for least five years, with the likelihood to
grow the lease over another practically identical period. There are no other improvement
headways foreseen in this uncommonly thick mass an area of Raj Nagar that may impact
our business territory in the near future.
•Inflation - As demonstrated by ace specialists, the expanding rate is most likely going to
remain leveled out all through the accompanying five years. We have spoken to a 5 percent
yearly development rate.

b) Internal Risks
• Personnel - There are various experienced and gifted workers in and close about
Raj Nagar territory. We will have the choice to pick the best new staff people from a
colossal number of noteworthy up-and-comers.
• Cash stream insufficiency - Our essential concern will be to have sufficient cash
close by to meet our portion responsibilities, and be set in the mood for alarming needs of
cash. Our conventionalist projections exhibit that our business can create positive earnings
and satisfactory cash stores to decrease the threat of income inadequacy

Objectives/Milestones Timetable of goals

Managerial Focus
Our administration is depended upon to use resources effectively, work beneficially, pay
commitments, also, conform to laws and rules. Our administration hypothesis relies upon bunch
work, commitment, and normal respect. People who work at We-Like-Pizza, Inc. would should be
a bit of our gathering since we work in a circumstance that engages inventiveness, grouped
assortment, improvement, and execution. Mr. Mohan Saxena will be the head of We-Like-Pizza,
Inc., helped independent from anyone else Mohit Mohan Saxena. The two of us have gone to a
couple of organizations the board courses sifted through by the close by Small Business
Development Center, reliably including business capacities and business getting ready at their
specific establishment. We ceaselessly revolve around steady improvement of their business by
applying present day the load up methods, for instance, full scale quality, activity-based
administration, theory of prerequisites, and at the last possible second working condition. The
faculty plan reflects the need to help our abilities to facilitate our situating.
We-Like-Pizza, Inc. will have the going with staff:
• Manager
• Cook (Substitutes required)
• Two kitchen staff part
• Two servers (Substitutes required)
To the extent we can anticipate, a gathering of five multi-skilled agents works best for our kind of
business. Filling in as a gathering is essential to our success. We see that human resources are We-
Like-Pizza, Inc's. most noteworthy asset. Our work power procedure bases on picking, getting
ready, satisfying, and animating all laborers in order to gather specialist reliability, and addition
execution. It will be anything other than hard to find and pick the best new representatives. In the
decision technique, the record check is an obvious prerequisite in this line of business. As our diner
will be open during the time from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM, the gathering of ten can work effectively
just by using elective work schedules that think about the busiest occasions of the day, the time
expected to set up the arrangement preceding opening, and a seventy-seven hours week. Here is
an instance of elective work plan for our cook in week 1:

Despite pay rates, huge prizes and impulses are associated with the staff table, that will be used
to compensate specialist execution, on a pay for-execution premise. The establishment of our
staff plan is to help productivity and point of confinement work weight of the association's
working expenses, while keeping up strong specialist guarantee to the achievement of exercises.
Endeavoring to appropriate compensation persuading powers to our association's introduction
targets, improves the likelihood that these destinations will be practiced. Our introduction-based
pay procedure considers the interfacing of laborer compensation to the achievement of
quantifiable business targets. Laborers that perform well are equipped for various sorts of
execution-based remuneration, for instance, cash rewards, awards, benefit sharing arrangement,
and venture opportunity program. An authoritative goal of all of our delegates is to meet or
outperform our customers' wants. They are by and large empowered to make any reasonable
move to keep up a key good way from a customer leaving our premises frustrated. Our tenacious
improvement plan encourages all specialists to continually scan for ways to deal with keep
invigorated with the latest development, to improve structures, decrease costs what's
progressively, save time. This approach serves the target of diminishing costs and movement
times, and extending the organization quality and customer devotion.

Marketing Strategies

The advancing technique of We-Like-Pizza, Inc. focuses on making and working up a corporate
character that clearly describes our market forte in wording that bit of leeway our retail likewise,
corporate customers. Market needs and examples. Since our target showcase consolidates two
huge pieces - low to-common laborers occupants in the Raj Nagar District Center, and close by
associations that are found inside or outside the District Center - their most critical needs are
organization, cost, and movement, in a particular request.
One of the key reasons for We-Like-Pizza, Inc.' philosophy is to focus on these target pieces that
know and understand these necessities, and are glad to pay a reasonable expense to have them
fulfilled. Elements, for instance, current close by designs and undeniable arrangements data of
rivals in the domain, ensure that the intrigue for pizza will continue all through the accompanying
five years. Examples are on the side of us: the last research discoveries we saw disseminated in
the Raj Nagar Area has inexpensive food besides, confined assistance bistro bargains creating at
10 percent for every year, while high end food diners, for example, experienced and will probably
continue watching in excess of 20 percent decrease in bargains. Our past inclusion with keeping
up a relative business shows that advancing expenses can without a doubt overwhelm another
business, so keeping exhibiting essential, imaginative and cost-capable will test.
To land at our potential customers, a blend of advancing techniques will be utilized:
•Local media - Paper advancing will fuse our inside arranging message, and the New York-style
pizza that we offer, to isolate our showcasing from the test.
•Sales composing - To drive bargains from the start, We-Like-Pizza, Inc. will utilize a four-shading
stock with a substitute spread including the association logo and contact address. We have
developed a worth sheet to be encased with each stock. Additionally, we will make in-house flyers
subordinate upon the circumstance that will in like manner serve to plug interesting events and
arrangements progressions. The flyers and records will be spread using ordinary systems: a)
section with coming up, b) encase in demand shipments, c) contract wholesalers or really hand out
in the Raj Nagar area, e) course at close by open expos and diverse business events sifted through
by the close by Chamber of Commerce, and f) associate business card and coupons.
• Direct mail
• Grand opening
• Promotions inside and around colleges
• Internet advancing
• Word of mouth
All elevating decisions concerning unequivocal media choices, repeat, size and costs will be
coordinated on an advancing reason with careful idea of results (made returns).

Financial Information
According to our moderate evaluations, We-Like-Pizza, Inc. is depended upon to keep up a sound
money related circumstance all through the accompanying five years. The going with game plan
follows the fiscal improvement of our association. The business will be from the start financed by
a $30,000 five-year term credit and a full-scale capital endeavor of $101,500. The source to repay
the credit will be the pay made from deals. The association will moreover back advancement
through pay. After a hidden time of five years, the association will have the choice to make a
further advancement. Around at that point, it is envisioned that a bank advance or worth financing
will be hoped to support the new improvement, in extension to held benefit. The foreseen spending
rundowns have been set up according to the general accounting norms, and on a very basic level
consolidate a couple of holes that rely upon reasonable evaluations and judgment. For accounting
purposes, the long stretch assets are expensed using the straight-line degrading method, and stock
is represented reliant on the First-In, First-Out (FIFO) strategy. The going with fragments plot
huge cash related information.

Break – even Analysis

For our make back the underlying speculation examination, we acknowledge running costs of
around $16,874 every month, which fuse money, utilities, security, rent and other fixed expenses.
We have to sell around 1,996 pieces for least $35,155 consistently to rise to the underlying venture,
considering our doubts. Since our customary working cutoff is 300 pizzas for every day (4,224
thing for $122,400 every month, as explained in the business gauge section), and the typical
foreseen offers of $72,000 consistently, or 176 pizza for consistently (at only 58 percent of
common working utmost) are depended upon to be much more important than the figured make
back the underlying venture point, we acknowledge that our association is most likely going to
adequately reach and care for advantage. We-Like-Pizza, Inc. is required to win back the first
interest in the third month of undertakings.

Projected Profit and Loss:

We hope to be profitable in the principal year of activities, with benefits expanding over the next
four years, as we set up and increment our client base. The accompanying table and diagrams show
the anticipated benefit and misfortune for a long time.

Figure 1Profit and Loss

Projected Cash Flow:

Various gainful associations flop because of pay needs. That is the explanation our rule concern
will be to have sufficient cash accessible to meet our portion duties, and be set ready for alarming
needs of cash. Our preservationist projections show that our business can create positive salaries
and satisfactory cash holds. Despite regular cash inflows and outpourings, we will focus on
working up satisfactory cash holds for conceivable outcomes. That fuses a potential acknowledge
expansion for our bank, that could be used in moderate arrangements periods too. This is a
conventional technique to control the cash stream possibility.
Likewise, bounty cash, as envisioned, should not remain dormant, especially during times of high
financing expenses. The going with table and diagram show the foreseen pay for quite a while.

Figure 2 Cash Flow

Figure 3 Expenditures

Recognition of operating and regulatory environment and proprietary needs

We-Like-Pizza, Inc. is a typical take-out restaurant where customers demand sustenance and
beverages at the counter, rather than semi-formal diners that give table assistance. Hold up staff is
thusly prohibited from our work gathering. As explained in the past territory, our guideline things
are a grouping of New-York style pizza, that are served at the counter, for take-out, as street snacks,
or passed on at the territories showed in the client's need. We take arranges on the web, by phone,
or at our territory. To design pizza, we use choice fixings and standard plans. State of-the-
workmanship essentialness compelling sustenance availability rigging and development will be
open to our kitchen staff, as we plan to place our capital in significant long stretch assets. Pizza
can be passed on hot or refrigerated. Exceptional pack offers security and quality safeguarding
during transportation. Re-warming rules are in like manner associated with the group, close by
various things mentioned by the customer, for instance, soft drink pops, treats, or of course other
treat things. The entire movement strategy will be coordinated through five standard sustenance
giving nourishment on-line organizations that have splendid references in the Raj Nagar locale,
and we can choose to be one of their taking an intrigue supplier. Thusly, we can get a good deal
on transport costs likewise, coordination's, and at the same time use the high Internet presentation
of our associates. In development, movement people will use their own vehicles, so the business
won't have to purchase transport vehicles or agreement drivers.


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