DLP Perdev Cot 1

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Personal Development

Grade Level: 11



 A. Content Standard

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the skills and tasks appropriate for

middle and late adolescence, and preparatory to early adulthood.

B. Performance Standard

The learners shall be able to make a list of ways to become responsible adolescents
prepared for adult life.

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives

1. The learners classify various developmental tasks according to developmental stage.

2. The learners evaluate one’s development in comparison with persons of the same age
group. Esp-PD11/12DS-Ic-3.1 Esp-PD11/12DS-Ic-3.2II.


Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence


A. References: Personal Development by: DEPEDB.

B. Other Learning Resources: Textbook pages: 17-20

C. Materials : working materials such as activity sheets, answer sheets, photos, laptop


A. Preliminary activities

1. Prayer
Please stand let us pray In the name of the father…

2. Greetings
Good afternoon class…. Good Afternoon Ma’am Jane

3. Attendance
Do we have an absent?

4. Checking of Assignment
Pass your assignment (scrap book) (students will pass their assignments)

5. Review of the previous lesson

Before we proceed to our topic, let us
have first a review.

Who can give me a recap. of the last Possible Answers:

topic we had? Student : It is about Developing the Whole
Alright, thank you for your answer.

Any additional information? (students give varied sentences related to

previous lesson)

Thank you for your answer. Now I am

pretty sure that the last topic is clear to
you. Am I right? Yes Ma’am

Let us proceed
(Introducing the objectives on the

6. Motivation (5 minutes)
the students are asked to line up in the
order of their birthdays, so that the order
goes from oldest to youngest. However,
they cannot speak to one another to The students will now start the activity.
figure out when their birthdays are. The
students will try different things like
charades and writing to figure out the

A personal timeline portrays the
influential events and happenings
of a person’s life so that he can Students will work on the activity using the
understand where he has gone available resources or just pen and paper.
wrong and right in the past. It helps
to plan the future in a better Presents their output
constructive way.

7. Developing Mastery
Quiz (1-10) Developmental Stages The students answers the question given by
and its characteristics. the teacher.

8. Finding practical application of

concepts and skills in daily living

Write about your Personal

Timeline which you made in class.
Answer the following questions: 1.

Identify the turning points in your

timeline. What were the thoughts, Students answers vary
feelings and actions that you
experienced? 2.

Who are/were the most significant

people in your life? How did they
influence you?

9. Making generalizations and

abstractions about the lesson
Ask the students about the lesson Students answers vary
they have gained about the topic. If
you will give a title for your
timeline what would it be and why?



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

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