Carrisafracis SBA On Crop (Agri Science)

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Name: Carrisa Francis

Grade: 11 Science

Teacher: Miss Scott

Topic: Crop Production




Problem statement…………………………………………………………..

Aim (technical and business)……………………………………………….



Data Collection………………………………………………………………






Cost Analysis……………………………………………………………….

 This is to determine the effects of stocking density on broiler production in

agriculture. Will it affect the growth rate of broiler production in stocking density (high,
medium, and low).
Technical Aim:

To determine if callaloo fertilizer with organic manure will grow faster than callaloo fertilized
with artificial.

Business Aim:

To determine the profitability of growing callaloo using artificial fertilizer and organic manure.


It was used to refine soil and excrete weed

Pick oxe

The pick oxe was used to dig up the furrow

Stone rake

It was used to remove rocks and stones from the soil

Wheel barrow

The wheel barrow was used to bring the stones

Water can

The water can was used to water the plants

Hae fork

The hae fork was used to plough the land


The shovel was used to remove seedlings from seedbed as well as digging wholes in plots

Land clearing is the process of removing tress, stamps, brush, stones and other obstacles from an
area as required to increase the size of the crop producing land base of an existing farm or to
provide land for a new farm operation. Land clearing is used to clear often untouched lands that
were originally a habitat for native for agricultural purposes one most not only remove native
plants, trees and boulders, but also must break up the soil.

Tillage is the agricultural preparation of soil by mechanical agitation of various types, such as
digging, stirring, and overturning. Soil loses nutrients, like nitrogen and fertilizer and its ability
to store water. Tilling the soil results in dislodging the cohesiveness of the soil particles thereby
including erosion.

Is a comprehensive text for developing sustainable farming systems. While it is challenging, the
common factors clearly indicate that farm profit can be achieved by reducing cost through
economics of scale and input.

Encompasses the study of the life and development of edible, ornamental and native vegetation,
including grasses, vines, shrubs and trees.

This is a application of controlled amounts of water to plants at needed intervals. Water helps to
grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and
during periods of less than average rainfall. Water also has other uses in crop production,
including frost protection, suppressing, weed growth in grain fields and preventing soil

A weed is any plant or vegetation that interferes with the objectives of farming or forestry, such
as growing crops grazing animals or cultivating forest plantations. Some weed attract beneficial
insects, which in turn can protect crops from harmful pests. Weeds can also prevent pest insects
from finding a crop, because their presence disrupts the incidence of positive cues which pests
to locate their food.

Mulching refers to organic or inorganic material that can be used in your garden or landscape in
area to erosion.

Fertilizer is a natural or artificial substances containing the chemical elements that improve
growth and productiveness o plants. Farmers turn to fertilizer because these substances contain
plant nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium.

This is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields.


Agricultural marketing covers the services involved in moving an agricultural product from the
consumer. These services involve the planning, organizing, directing and handling of agricultural
produce in such a way as to satisfy farmers, intermediaries and consumers.

Callaloo will be grown on two separate plots. One plot will use organic manure while the other
will use artificial fertilizer. Then plants from each plot will be randomly selected and measured
each week. Data will be collected.
Data Collection 

Organic Fertilizer 

Number of weeks Length Width 

Week 1  11.4 cm 14.3 cm

Week 2 19.1 cm 22.4 cm 

Week 3 51 cm  54.2 cm

Week 4 70.4 cm 34.2 cm

Week 5  38.4 cm 44.5 cm 

Inorganic Fertilizer 

Number of Weeks  Length  Width 

Week 1 16.9 cm  14.6 cm 

Week 2 25 cm 27.9 cm 

Week 3  42.3 cm  44.7 cm

Week 4 27.7 cm  52 cm

Week 5 26.1 cm 55.5 cm 


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