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Chapter 4 Writing Assignment 1

Chapter 4 Writing Assignment 

Tre Thomas Wingle 

NUAMES English 11  

Chapter 4 Writing Assignment 2

The Westernization of different cultures has often been regarded as a 

negative thing, with many decrying it as a brutish American assault on the 

world. That being said, though early forms of Westernization had involved many 

brutal and inhuman tactics, the recent change in humanity’s regard to the 

well-being of others has created a much tamer version of what once had been a 

brutal campaign. This is a good thing. In Khumbu of Nepal, the positive impacts 

of this new form of westernization is hugely apparent. Citizens find themselves 

leading happier lives by going with technology that can ease the woes of 

everyday life rather than sticking themselves in the traditional life, making life 

considerably harder for no reason. Besides, when being a Sherpa is a popular line 

of work, people can’t afford to go without the best they can afford.  

The notion that we must preserve these cultures by minimizing the 

exposure to western ideology is a ridiculous one. To do so is to deny the people’s 

right to lead their own lives, opting instead to forcefully make them into living 

artifacts of the past for people to goggle. The people of Khumbu have explicitly 

said themselves, recorded in Jon Krakauer’s ​Into Thin Air,​ that they are perfectly 

content with the lives they live now, with the only people wholey upset about 

their recent change in lifestyle being the very Westerners that used to stare 

fruitlessly at them (Krakauer, 1997).  

Chapter 4 Writing Assignment 3

While it may seem like the world has lost a part of itself, that part was one 

that could cause exceptional difficulty when compared to the standards of the 

modern world. People may have gotten on fine with what worked before, but to 

deny the choice for people to improve their lives in favor of putting on a 

humiliating little show is to deny people the right to lead their own lives. 

Pawson, I. G. (1984, August 1). Growth of Tourism in Nepal's Everest Region: Impact on 

the Physical Environment and Structure of Human Settlements. Retrieved from 

Krakauer, J. (1997). ​Into thin air​. New York: Villard Bks. 

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