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Queenzie Alyssa A.

Pedroso BSBA- I

Art is age and timeless because anyone can do a masterpiece. When you say art
it is not only talking about the paintings or sculptures. Art is everything. It is the only way
you can express your emotions, feelings, through imagination. The agelessness of
human creativity and to actively demonstrate that when it comes to human worth, it is
the mind and spirit, not the age that counts, not the time that spent, it is just only
yourself and your own imagination. Art is ageless because anyone can do art, even a
child can do a masterpiece. It is timeless because every generation has their own art,
their own creativity and their own imaginations. The ideas or emotions expressed with
art are ones that are experienced universally, making its value independent of age or
time. As a student, way back on my high school life, all I can do is to draw or make
some artworks. It has helped me to imagine how life is so amazing. Art is one of my
hobbies. It can help me be relieved from stressed, overthinking and etc. During that time
I sketched some things that other people really appreciated. When I studied at ACLC
College School of Bukidnon, I started sketching again. I love to see those people who
really liked what I was doing so I went out and bought an acrylic starter set for myself
just to enhance my skills and talents. For me, creativity is about ego. I want to hear
people tell me ‘good work’ or ‘that’s lovely’ when they see my paintings or appreciate
my works. That hasn’t changed at all during my life. My creativity and my ego have
helped me to guide and helped me to express my emotions through my imagination.
This only shows that art is ageless as well as timeless. It only depends on the interest or
purpose of someone to do or still do arts, because making it must came from anyone’s
hearts’ desire.
In my entire life I've seen a lot of arts or masterpiece like paintings, sketching,
drawings and etc. Those people are in love and passionate but some are not because
of their experiencing life with (Hatreds, struggles, testing, obstacles). I saw a lot of
people making an artwork or masterpiece expressing their feelings and emotions for
them to be okay or "comfort". If you are only focusing in one aspect in art like paintings
you cannot see the beauty of the other side because dancing is a form of art also and
you are expressing your feelings and emotions through dancing. And if go further you
will see and appreciate the beauty of God's masterpiece means the artwork of God. The
Word of God says you/we are the masterpiece of God and I think the first author of ART
is Him —> God. Look at yourself in the mirror, look straight to your nose, eyes, lips, and
the shape of your face. Look at the buildings, vehicles, gadgets, mountains, river, sky,
moon, stars above the earth, the galaxies, even the outside of galaxy it is an art and
form by art created by gracious, loving and amazing God. That's why ART is ageless
and timeless because the first author of art is ageless and timeless which is God.
Everything you see inside and outside in our city, our province, our nation or even in this
World is a form of Art. Art changing like our culture but Art will never die, the culture is
changing because there are a lot of cultures around the world and you can adopt their
culture depends on what you believe or what you love. Also Art is ageless and timeless
because you can share your skills or talents to another generations and that generation
will also do the same. Like teaching, if you mind it teaching also a form of art because
teaching is expressing ideas, thoughts, feelings, skills and your talents, because you
can teach whenever you are. Are you in the top of the mountain? Are you top of the
skies or under the water? You teach or impart something that can change their entire or
someone's life.
It is not about the age, or how young, and adult you are, it is not about the time
you spent. It only depends on the interest or purpose of someone to do or still do arts,
because making it must came from anyone’s hearts’ desire.

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