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COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA ‘David E. Brown, D.C, ‘Health ‘wewew hy Beas re eet Rei Hanrtoo, Virgirta 23233-1463 February 4, 2020 William W, Will, Veterinarian eis e sere Mead WYN 72bb F404 2325 3848 3) . Basnemeaon RE: Case Number 183234 Dear William W. Will: ASteched is a Notice of Formal Hearing and Statement of Allegations, For infortion reguring this ype of mrootedng, fouding Frequently Asked Quotons ‘Health Professions Conference regarding Disciplinary Proceedings, directions to the Department of Cece, structions for requonting sobpoenas, he text of te Adminitrative Proeas Act endothe eens and regulations cited —_ herein, other information, please see ‘www.dhp virginia govivet/vet_Hearings.htm. If you do not bave Intemet access, you may request a hard copy of any of this information by calling Kelli Moss at (804) 597-4129. If you have any questions, you contact Ms, Moss at (804) $97-4129 or signin gov. Pleas ntily the Board ells ofyour Labatt tiead ae this proceeding. In the event of inclement weather, please be advised that Board of Veterinary Medicine hearings vill be held unless state offices are closed. Please listen to television or radlo announcements to provide infomation sbout oficial stato closings or delays. 1 there ia delsyed opening, henings wil begin at the time of th agency opening, recorded snnouncsment pain to closings ot delays wil lobe svalable by calling the main telephone number for the Department of Heath Professions a (B04) 367- Sincerely, ‘William W. Will, Veterinarian - NOTICE OF FORMAL HEARING February 4, 2020 PAGE20F2 oc: Claire Foley, Adjudication Spectalist, Administrative Division ams honk, Duty Drees Adare Pocondage ‘Sherry Foster, Regional Manager - Central, Division of Enfurcement Julla Beonet, Avstant Attoroay General ‘Board Members BEFORE THE VIRGINIA BOARD OF VETERINARY MEDICINE INRE: — WILLIAM W. WILL, VETERINARIAN License Number: 0301-001190 Issue Date: February 17, 1973 Date: December 31, 2020 Case Number: 183234 NOTICE OF FORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STATEMENT OF ALLEGATIONS ‘You are hereby notified that a Formal Hearing has been scheduled before the Board of Veterinary Medicine your license to practice veterinary medicine in the Commonwealth of Virginia, ‘TYPE OF PROCEEDING: | This is « formal administrative hearing before a panel of the | Boerd. ‘DATE AND TIME: ~ | Mare 5, 2020 a W30PM ‘Department of Health Professions LEGAL AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION: ‘is being held pursuant to Virginia Code $§ 2.2-4020, 2.2-4024(F), and Ea 4 Ts ponding lb come ee meng pant Vg ads ction” At the conclusion of the proceeding, the Board is authorized to take any of the following * Exonerate you; * Roprimand you; ‘+ Require you to pay a monetary penalty; * Place you on probation and/or under terms and conditions; * Suspend your license; © Revoke your license, ‘Willlam W, Wil, Veterinarian- NOTICE OF FORMAL HEARING February 4,2020 ‘Page2of7 ABSENCE OF RESPONDENT AND RESPONDENT'S COUNSEL: If you and/or your counsel fail to appoar at the formal hearing, the Board may proceed to hear this matter in your absence and may take any of the actions outlined above. RESPONDENT'S LEGAL RIGHTS: ‘You have the right tothe information on which the Board will rely in making its decision, to be represented by counsel at this proceeding, to subpoena witnesses and/or documents, and to present relevent evidence on your behalf COMMONWEALTH'S EXHIBITS: Enclosed is a copy of the Commonwealth's exhibits thet will be distributed to the members of the Board ‘for their review unless an objection is received within the timeframe specified in Section [ff below and sustained by the Panel Chair or acting Board officer. These documents are enclosed only with the notice sent by certified mail, which you may be required to claim at the post office, Please bring ‘these documents with you to the formal hearing. FILING DEADLINES: If you want to submit evidence or use expert witneases, below are the deadlines forthe submission of such evidenosor your expr witet lis, The eadins fer ling objections ifany, tothe exits and exper L =. DEADEINE DATE Kept asf Document vdeo Galading Spat | ‘witness reporta) February 14,2020 {| {Submit 10 copies to Kell Moss, Deputy Executive Director) oe ‘Deadline to to Respond to Respondeas Submision Feb 24,2020 Commonwealth’ Addressed to Kelli Moss, Deputy. Executive Director) |_ Seer ‘Respondent's Desdline fo Respond to Commonwealti's Obiéetion _77Miaren 2, 2020 NOTE: Any documentation or evidence that you previously submitted for an informal conference that is ‘ot already pert of the Commonwealth's evidence must be resubmitted as an exhibit if you want the Board to consider it ot the formal edministrative hearing. {UL Objections to Commonwealth's Exhibits — "Respondents Objections to Commonweai's Eakibis Rome Ifno objections have been received by February 14, 2020, the exhibits will be distributed to the Board members for their review. ‘Response Submit, in writing, to First Last) ‘William W. Wil, Veterinarian NOTICE OF FORMAL HEARING February 4,200 Page 4of7 STATEMENT OF ALLEGATIONS — ‘The Board alleges that: 1, At all times relevant ‘hereto, William W. Will, Veterinarian, was Licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 2, Dr. Will violated Virginia Code §§ 54.1-3303(A), 54.1-3409, and 54,1-3807(3), (4), and (S) and 18 VAC 150-20-140(6) and (7), 18 VAC 150-20-172(A), and 18 VAC 150-20-190(A) of the Regulations Governing the Practice of Veterinary Medicine effective on August 10, 2016 (“Regulations”) in that between or about June 19, 2017, and July 17, 2017, he dispensed Schedule VI medications to Client A, the unlicensed owner of Fur, Feathers N Fins pet shop in Halifix, Virginia, to administer to canines in the pet shop at Client A's discretion, Specificelly: 4. On of about June 19, 2017, Dr. Will dispensed metronidazole 250mg and doxycycline 100mg to Client A for “puppy litters,” and not for a specific canine patient. b. On or about July 17, 2017, during an ingpection of Fur, Feathers N Fins pet shop by the Office of Animal Care and Emergency Response of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Corssumer Services (OACER), Client A reported that he obtains Albon (sulfadimethoxine), doxycycline, azithromycin, Clavamox (amoxicillin end clavulanic acid), and metronidazole from Dr. Wil to administer at his own discretion. & On or about July 17, 2017, prescription bottles for metronidazole 250mg and doxycycline 100mg dispensed by Dr. Will were found by OACER at Fur, Festhers N Fins pet shop. “Dogs” was listed as the patient on both prescription bottles. 4 Onor about July 17, 2017, an unlabeled box of Albon dispensed by Dz, Will was found by OACER at Fur, Feathers N Fins pet shop, Ww. a7 3. Dr, Will violated Virginia Code § 54.1-3807(4) and (5) and 18 VAC 150-20-140(6) and 18 ‘VAC 150-20-190{C) of the Regulations in that labels on Schedule VI medications that he prescribed and spensed to Client A did not contain all required information. Specifically: 8 Onor about June 19, 2017, Dr, Will dispensed doxyeyeline 100mg to Client A. The prescription label lacked the identification of the client and the identification of tho animal. b. — Onor about July 11, 2017, Dr. Will dispensed metronidazole 250mg to Client A. ‘The prescription label lacked the Identification of the animal. & Onan unknown dete prior to July 17, 2017, Dr. Will dispensed Albon to Client A. ‘There was no prescription label affixed to the box. 4. Dr, Will violsted Virginia Code § 54.1-3807(5) and 18 VAC 150 20-140(7) and (8) of the Regulations in that between or about April 2017 end Ootober 2017, he performed cherry eye removal procedures on six dogs with e local anesthetic only and did not maintain any other reconds regarding the procedures, 5. Dr, Will violated Virginia Code § $4,1-3807(5) and 18 VAC 150-20-140(6) and 18 VAC 150-20-195(A) of the Regulations in that he failed to maintain epproprlate treatment records at Loveshop Rond Veterinary Clinio, LLC, where he is the owner and Veterinarian-in-Charge, Specifically: ® —_0F60 records reviewed between or about January 2, 2017, and February 15, 2017, for patients thet ware administered a bordatella vaccine, none included physical examination findings; tests performed and results; and procedures performed, treatment given, and results. Of the 60 records reviewed, 11 also lacked any identifying information for the patient. Of six records reviewed between or about April 2017 and October 2017 for patients on which Dr, Will performed a cherry eye removal procedure, none included physical examination findings; testa performed end results, drugs administered, and the results of the procedure. i, Veterinarian NOTICE OF FORMAL HEARING i ‘William W. Wal, Veterinarian-NOTICE OF FORMAL HEARING ‘Rebruary 4, 2020 Page6of7 ©, Of eight records reviewed between or about March 2017 and July 2018 for patients ‘to which Dr, Will prescribed and dispensed medications, none included physics! examination findings; tests performed and results; and procedures performed, treatment given, and results. Seo Confidential Attachment for the name of the client referenced above.

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