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Ramon Chuajedton


English 7 L&L

28 Feb 2020

Unit 3 Formative 2

Freddy Travarish Hernandez the writer of “Here What It’s Like Aboard the World’s Worst

Airline”​ s​ hows biased in favor that the world’s worst airline is Air Koryo. The bias the writer used in

writing is shown through loaded language, personal pronouns and rhetorical questions. In the article

“Here What It’s Like Aboard the World’s Worst Airline” the writer continuously used exaggerated

adjectives to describe the airline. For example the writer used the words horrifying, most hellish, abysmal,

extraordinary, and crazy. The writer used these words to exaggerate the airline food, service, inflight

entertainment, and seats. This makes the reader feel that this is a bad airline and you shouldn’t book a

flight from this airline. In the seventh paragraph the phrase the writer used was I have no idea. This phrase

shows the writer's opinion through the use of personal pronouns. The writer is saying that the side dish is

nothing and it's just horrible. When the writer uses personal pronouns it makes the reader agree with the

writer because it's the only rating or opinion someone gave in this article. Finally in the first paragraph on

the last sentence it reads, “But what happens when the airline is consistently ranked the worst in the world

and only travels to and from one of the most hellish places known to man?” This is a rhetorical question.

Basically the writer is saying that the world’s worst airline only travels from and to the worst places and

has the worst service. This question from the start asks the reader a question to think about even before

they start reading why it's so bad. This question shows bias because the way the writer structure the

question with only mentioning the negative side of the airline. In conclusion the three literary devices

used in the article “Here What It’s Like Aboard the World’s Worst Airline” shows bias in favor that Air

Koryo is the worst airline in the world.

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