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NAME:_____________________________________________________ SCORE:_______________

SECTION:_________________________________________________ DATE:________________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the questions carefully and ENCIRCLE the
letter of the correct answer.

A. Read the selections carefully and classify the text types by encircling the letter of the correct answer.
1. Persuasive texts are often written in a special way to bring the text to your attention. Which of the
following methods is not used in the example below?


Do you owe more money than you are making?
Do you have lots of different debts?
Why not make your life easier and combine all of your debts into one easy affordable monthly
payment? For under $100 a month you could borrow $5 000 immediately with no questions

A. capital letters B. exclamation marks C. humor D. rhetorical questions

2. What is the purpose of the following passage of text?

Treatment aims
1. Control bleeding
2. Minimize shock for casualty
3. Prevent infection – for casualty and between yourself and the casualty
4. Arrange for casualty to go to the hospital if necessary

A. To describe the scene of an accident.

B. To persuade the reader to attend a First Aid course
C. To inform the reader that bleeding needs to be controlled.
D. To instruct the reader on what to do if they come across an accident.
3. What is the purpose of the following passage of text?

Bert Baxter was lying in a filthy-looking bed smoking a cigarette, there was a horrible smell in the room, I
think it came from Bert Baxter himself. The bed sheets looked as though they were covered in blood, but Bert
said that was caused by the beetroot sandwiches he always eats last thing at night.

A. To describe Bert Baxter and his room.

B. To inform the reader not to smoke in bed.
C. To persuade the reader to always clean their sheets.
D. To instruct the reader how to eat beetroot sandwiches.

4. Why might a personal loan company include the following line in their advertisement?

For under $100 a month you could borrow $5 000 immediately with no questions asked.

A. To persuade you to take out a loan for $5 000.

B. To inform you that your loan application will be accepted.
C. To describe the range of services offered by the loan company.
D. To instruct you to quickly contact the company to arrange the loan.
5. Which of the following are not normally used in descriptive texts?
A. adverbs
B. adjectives
C. step by step action to be taken by the reader
D. comparisons to enable the reader to picture something
6. The following passage is an example of informative text. Which of the following is the reader being
informed about?

Introduction to Yoga.
Description of Course:
This course is an introduction to the practice of yoga.
Aimed at beginners, yoga is great for men and women of any age or ability or fitness level.

A. That yoga is particularly suitable for women.

B. B. That the course is suitable for complete beginners
C. That the course will lead you on to the Stage 2 course.
D. That yoga is not suitable if you have a heart complaint.

7. Descriptive text often uses adjectives and comparisons to help the reader to picture things more clearly.
What does the following passage describe?
Will caught sight of the pair of them in a mirror, and was shocked to see that they could easily pass for
father and son; he had somehow imagined himself as Marcus’ elder brother, but the reflection threw age
and youth into sharp relief – Will’s stubble and crow’s feet versus Marcus’s smooth cheeks and gleaming
white teeth. And the hair... Will prided himself on having avoided even the tiniest of bald patches, but he
still had less on top than Marcus, almost as if life had worn some of it away.

A. The hair piece Marcus was wearing.

B. That Will had forgotten to shave that morning.
C. That shop mirrors make people look older than they are.
D. Will realizing that he was ageing when compared to Marcus.
8. What descriptive comparison does the piece of text make to Uma as she struggled for breath?

Uma knelt there, in the shallows, water pouring from her mouth and hair. She rose, gasping for
breath, struggling, flailing her arms and choking like a big, wounded water bird.

A. Uma was like someone flailing her arms.

B. Uma was like a big, wounded water bird.
C. Uma was like the water which was pouring from her.
D. Uma was like something rising from the waters
B. Direction: Context Clues. Read each sentence carefully and give the meaning of the underlined words
through how it is being used in the sentence. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

9. The crowd was boisterous. They screamed and yelled and cheered wildly.
A. noisy B. peaceful C. calm D. quiet
10. You don’t seem to trust me. Why are you skeptical?
A. trusting B. sad C. doubtful D. happy
11. If everyone is to have a good place to live, the city must augment housing allowances.
A. increase B. decrease C. prohibit D. forbid
12. He was awed by her beauty, he stared at her for a very long time.
A. dumbstruck B. afraid C. tantalized D. sleepy
13. They enjoyed the mouth-watering dishes served in the party.
A. hot and spicy B. rotten C. tasty D. moldy
14. The policemen scour the squatter’s site in search of the criminals who escaped from the jail.
A. reach across
B. self-satisfied
C. adjust easily from misfortunes
D. move about quickly search
15. My fingers have grown flaccid after two hours of continuous playing computer games.
A. nerve strength
B. lacking vigor or force
C. suggestive of coldness
D. longer
16. The poor usually live in a squalid cramped crowded place.
A. square B. dirty C. spacious D. clean
17. The students conducted classes in makeshift classroom after a huge fire accidentally, burned their rooms
into ashes.
A. improvised B. permanent C. comfortable D. strong
18. The residents tenaciously remained in their houses when the demolition team arrived.
A. bravely B. eagerly C. pleadingly D. persistently

A. Identify the literary device and elements being described. Encircle the letter of your answer

19. In the elements of poetry, the group of lines in a poem is refer to __________

A. line B. stanza C. rhyme D. rhythm

20. Which figure of speech is about the animation of objects because these are given human qualities?

A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Hyperbole

21. The repetition of consonants at the beginning of word is known as ____________.

A. Assonance B. Consonance C. Alliteration D. Rhyme

22. It is a device used for readers to create an image that encompasses the five senses.

A. Theme B. Meter C. Symbolism D. Imagery

23. It is the central message of a poem or story.

A. Theme B. Meter C. Symbolism D. Imagery


Choose the appropriate word that will complete the sentence. Encircle the letter of the correct
24. This is my favorite (pare, pair, pear, per) of jeans.
A. pare B. pair C. pear D. per
25. (He’ll, Heel, Heal, Hill) be here in a few minutes.
A. He’ll B. Heel C. Heal D. Hill
26. Words that have the same spelling and same pronunciation but different meanings are called. _______
A. Homonyms B. Homographs C. Homophones D. Synonyms
27. Words that have the same spelling, but different in pronunciations and meanings are called __________.
A. Homonyms B. Homographs C. Homophones D. Synonyms
28. Words that have the same pronunciations, but different in spelling and meanings are called _______.
A. Homonyms B. Homographs C. Homophones D. Synonyms
For No. 29.
Salem Hayek: A Star
Salem Hayek is a Mexican and American film actress, director, and producer. She was born on
September 2, 1966, in Mexico. She is married and she has a daughter. Her brother is a designer, and her
father is an opera singer.

29. The example above is an example of?

A. autobiography B. capsule biography C. biography D. biographical sketch
30. It is a story of a person’s life as told by that person is called ________________.
A. autobiography B. capsule biography C. biography D. biographical sketch
A. Supply the sentence with the appropriate preposition. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
31. Fry the onions ______________ high.
A. in B. at C. over D. on
32. Pour the sauce ______________the chicken.
A. in B. at C. over D. on
33. Put the bread _____________ the oven.
A. in B. at C. over D. on

34. Add the tomatoes ______________ the peas.

A. over B. at C. to D. on
35. Boil the pasta _______ four cups ________water________12 minutes
A. with, to, for
B. in, of, for
C. on, of, for
D. at, of, for
36. He fell _______ the ground and we crept __________ the elevator.
A. on, in
B. in, into
C. on, into
D. at, on
37. The elevator inched _________us, but we jumped _______ a ventilation shaft.
A. toward, through
B. beside, in
C. on, through
D. at, at
38. We escaped _______ the base and we looked ____ the documents, which were ungraded school
A. to, at
B. from, at
C. in, on
D. in. from
A. Complete each sentence with correct form of the verb. Take note of the time expressions. Encircle the
letter of your choice.
39. Crystal usually ____ the classroom after classes.
A. clean B. cleans C. will clean D. cleaned
40. This afternoon she _________ to do it.
A. forget B. forgets C. will forget D. forgot
41. She_____ it tomorrow early in the morning.
A. do B. does C. will do D. did
42. Arjay and James often _____ her with her work.
A. help B. helps C. will help D. helped
43. But, tomorrow, Crystal ______ to do it by herself.
A. has B. have C. will have D. had
44. Alwyn and Jelwin _____ go to school that early.
A. does not B. do not C. will not D. did not
45. Right now I _____ of helping poor Susan.
A. think B. thinks C. will think D. thought
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate Wh- questions. Encircle the letter of your answer.
46. __________ month is the Chinese New Year?
A. What B. When C. Where D. Who
47. ________ did Neil Armstrong say when he first landed on the moon?
A. What B. Why C. Where D. Who
48. ___________ did he first land?
A. Why B. When C. Where D. Who
49. ______ students in Grade 7 class?
A. How much B. How many C. Whose D. What
50. __________ handkerchief is this?
A. Why B. Who’s C. Whose D. Whom

A. Supply the sentence with the appropriate preposition. The picture above serves as the clue.
Encircle the letter of the best answer.

39. Pour the sauce ______________the chicken.

a. in b. at c. over d. on

40. Fry the onions ______________ high.

a. in b. at c. over d. on
41. Put the bread _____________ the oven.
a. in b. at c. over d. on

42. Add the tomatoes ______________ the peas.

a. over b. at c. to d. on

43. Boil the pasta _______ four cups ________water________12

a. with, to, for
b. in, of, for
c. on, of, for
d. at, of, for

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