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Developing Lesson Study in Mathematics Education

for Primary School Mathematics Teachers
SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Mathematics
Yogyakarta, 19 July – 1 August 2019

Written/Prepared by : Muhammad Fajri

School : SDN Pondok Petir 01
City : Depok City
State : West Java
Country : Indonesia
E - mail :
Phone/Mobile : +62813 1581 1698

Acknowledged by,

Deputy Director for Programme, Course Supervisor,

Dr. Ganung Anggraeni Ms. Passtita Ayu Laksmiwati

A. Rationale

The dynamic of life always influences the process of life

itself. All things related to life will be influenced by how

individuals think in living their lives. In the context of life,

mathematics is a subject of learning that will never be

separated. Therefore, mathematics learning needs to be

developed in line with the evolving context of life. In

addition, the futuristic concept needs to be considered so

that the learning experience gained can be used as a

provision for the life of the students of his day.

Various innovations in the context of learning continue to

be developed in line with the dynamics of the developing

paradigm. One of the many innovations developed is

lesson study. Lesson study is one of the many educational

innovations that are developed in the series of learning

processes carried out. Development of learning through

lesson study is an effort made so that the learning process

can be carried out through a progressive dynamic process.

The series is step by step simple but brings many benefits

and in the end creates a real effort in improving the

learning process through a series that refers to lesson study.

The development of lesson study is carried out through 3

simple steps, namely: (1) plan; (2) do; (3) see. The planning

context is carried out through a series of activities carried

out through the development of the learning plan that will

be carried out. In addition, various considerations need to

be made regarding the context and material concepts that

students will learn. The teacher also needs to think about a

series of optimal learning steps so that the achievement of

competencies that are expected to be achieved in full,

holistic, and comprehensive. The stage "do" is the stage

where the teacher implements learning as planned in the

previous stage. At this stage, a teacher implements learning

and is observed by all the teams incorporated in lesson

study. Observer may not interfere with ongoing learning,

the existence of observers can be assumed as a subject that

is not seen in learning. The last stage is "see" at this stage,

the practice of all observers observing and photographing

the ongoing learning sequence. After the learning takes

place, all observers and teachers gather in one room to

discuss the learning that has been done.

All elements provide input based on a series of learning

that has been done. In the end, the teacher will try to

improve and optimize the learning done at the next

meeting. in the end, the teacher can create innovative,

creative and comprehensive learning.

The result of the implementation in attending the course

held by the SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in

Mathematics is expected to have a positive impact not only

to the participant representing the country/school but also

to the institution/school where the participant works, and

to the teachers who are willing to be involved in small

working groups for lesson study. Therefore, I propose this

sharing session to disseminate knowledge and skills I have


B. Objectives

The objectives of this action plan are to:

1. Improve knowledge and skills of the participants of

lesson study especially in mathematics education in

primary school;

2. Promote sustainable professional development for

teachers and education personnel in the area of any

subject particularly in mathematics in primary school;

3. Provide intellectual forums for policy makers and

experts in the field of mathematics; and

4. Establish networks and partnerships at the national,

regional, and international levels;

5. Making lesson study as one of the main alternatives in

the development of teacher professionalism in primary


C. Expected Outcomes

At the end of implementation this action plan, the targets

should be able to:

1. apply innovative learning through approaches and

learning strategies that are affiliated with students and

competencies developed in primary school’s learning


2. design a lesson study based on mathematics teaching

materials (for teacher alumni)

3. create mathematics teaching model applying lesson

study in their class (for teacher alumni)

4. increase students’ learning in learning mathematics (for

students inprimary school)

5. increase students’ mathematics learning achievement by

using the lesson study approach (for students in

primary school)

6. understand the meaning of lesson study in mathematics

education (for primary schools teacher colleagues)

7. increase mathematics teacher’s in primary school ability

in arranging lesson study approach (for teacher


8. provide support in the form of guidance to alumni (for

the head of institution or stakeholders)

D. Plan of Action and Schedule

No. Programme Activities Schedule Target
1 Sharing information within the Informing and describe to all August, 5th All teacher and
school environment about teachers at SDN Pondok Petir 2019 principal at SDN
lesson study 01, Depok City about the Pondok Petir 01,
concept, development, and Depok City
implementation of lesson
study activities
2 Focus group discussion about - Sharing about the concept, August, 20th Members of
lesson study in primary school development, and 2019 curriculum
implementation of lesson development
study activities in primary team in the
school education office
- Comparing learning of Depok city
innovations such as lesson
study with other
professional development
approaches or strategies
that are commensurate and
- Finding a simple and
developed strategy in
optimizing learning in
elementary schools is one
of them through the
development of lesson

No. Programme Activities Schedule Target
3 Workshop on Lesson Study for One day workshop on sharing September, Primary school
primary school teacher Lesson Study 3rd August teacher in Depok
2019 City
4 Implementation of lesson study - identify problems in September,
at SDN Pondok Petir 01, Depok learning mathematics 5th to 6th 2019
City - choose or determine the
topics in mathematics
learning that are priority to
be implemented using the
LS approach
- planning lesson plan
together with math
- carry out classroom
learning with teachers
colleagues as observer
- reflection and discussion
with the observer teachers
after the learning ends
- revision and improvement
of lesson plan resulting
from reflection and
5 Disseminate the results of lesson Disseminate the results of September to Primary school
study through seminars lesson study through seminars October 2019 teacher,

No. Programme Activities Schedule Target
by becoming speakers academics, and
6 Disseminate the results of lesson Send lesson study results Before Periodical
study through periodic journals through submitting to journals December journal with an
published regularly 2019 ISSN

E. Sources of Funds

1. School budget

2. Dinas Pendidikan Kota Depok/Education Department of Depok City

3. Participants’ contribution

F. Legal Bases

The proposal of Action Plan submitted to and approved by:

1. Director of SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Mathematics

2. Course Supervisor, Ms. Pasttita Ayu Laksmiwati

3. Head of SDN Pondok Petir 01, Depok City

4. Head of Education Department of Depok City

G. Evaluation

Each programme in this action plan will be evaluated. For implementation

in the classroom, students will get test achievement of learning outcomes,

while for other programme, each participant will be given a questionnaire

form to evaluate the programme and its implementation by expressing

their perception regarding the programme and its effectiveness in

developing mathematics knowledge and skills among mathematics

teachers as required in the objectives of the course on lesson study in

mathematics education.

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