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Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas

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Overcoming Student Misconceptions about Photosynthesis: A

Model- and Inquiry-Based Approach Using Aquatic Plants
a a
Andrew M. Ray & Paul M. Beardsley
Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello
Published online: 07 Aug 2010.

To cite this article: Andrew M. Ray & Paul M. Beardsley (2008) Overcoming Student Misconceptions about Photosynthesis: A Model- and
Inquiry-Based Approach Using Aquatic Plants, Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas, 45:1, 13-22

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Overcoming Student Misconceptions
about Photosynthesis:
A Model- and
Approach Using
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 14:17 06 September 2015

Aquatic Plants
Andrew M. Ray and Paul M. Beardsley

Abstract. Even though photosynthesis is an obligatory part

of the science curriculum, research has shown that students
often have a poor understanding of it. The authors advocate
that classroom coverage of the topic of photosynthesis
P hotosynthesis is a biochemical process in which the
energy of sunlight is used to convert carbon dioxide
(CO2) into organic molecules. This vital process
supports nearly all ecosystems on earth. Photosynthesis
should include not only its biochemical properties but also removes CO2 from the atmosphere and replenishes oxygen
the role of photosynthesis or photosynthetic organisms in (O2), resulting in the storage of photosynthetically derived
matter cycling and energy transfers in natural ecosystems. carbon as plant, algal, and bacterial biomass. The cumula-
The authors discuss several activities on photosynthesis tive impact of photosynthetic organisms is responsible for
following the inquiry-based 5E (engage, explore, explain, biochemical conversion of nearly 200 billion tons of CO2
extend, and evaluate) learning model. The activities, which into carbohydrates annually (Taiz and Zeiger 1998).
incorporate different teaching styles to engage students with A useful understanding of photosynthesis is required
different interests and modalities, highlight the dynamic for any discussion of autotrophic organisms or the factors
nature of photosynthesis, looking at the process across time that influence the distribution of life (e.g., light, water).
scales ranging from minutes to days. The activities provide Additionally, the ability to produce carbohydrates through
opportunities for hypothesis testing, use of experimental photosynthesis represents a metabolic divide between the
controls, and application of summary statistics and statisti- plant kingdom and the animal and fungal kingdoms (Barker
cal analysis. They also incorporate locally available aquatic and Carr 1989a). The life science content standards for
resources and provide opportunities to conduct experiments Grades 9–12 in the National Science Education Standards
in natural settings. (National Research Council 1996) state that coverage of the
biochemical properties of photosynthesis is an obligatory
Keywords: aquatic plants, 5E learning cycle, photosynthesis part of the science curriculum, but education on photosyn-
thesis should also help students achieve a better understand-
ing of matter cycling and energy transfer in ecosystems.
ANDREW M. RAY is an affiliate faculty member in the Department
Students with a thorough understanding of photosynthesis
of Biological Sciences at Idaho State University in Pocatello.
should be capable of describing how plants, through pho-
PAUL M. BEARDSLEY, formerly an assistant professor in the tosynthesis, connect soil or water with the atmosphere
Department of Biological Sciences at Idaho State University, is
and use sunlight, CO2, nutrients, and water to produce
now a science educator with Biological Sciences Curriculum
Study in Colorado Springs, CO. carbohydrates that become biomass. Equally important is
Copyright © 2008 Heldref Publications an understanding that photosynthetically derived carbohy-


drates represent energy that fuels ecosystem processes and is not helped by the fact that photosynthesis is often briefly
matter that is cycled among organisms. Coupling processes covered, either as a quick follow-up to teaching about res-
like photosynthesis, consumption, and decomposition help piration or a related concept when talking about the carbon
illustrate the constant exchange of matter among the atmo- cycle. To increase students’ awareness of photosynthesis,
sphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. A basic we begin our introduction to it by asking students to list
knowledge of energy transfer is also necessary for students 10 products that depend on photosynthesis with which they
to develop a useful understanding of dominant patterns in interacted previously in their day. Most students write down
nature, such as energy pyramids. the plants they consumed, and some list other plant-derived
Several assessments of students’ comprehension of pho- products with which they are familiar, such as cotton. We
tosynthesis suggest that conventional teaching methods do place their responses in different categories (e.g., things we
not instill a useful understanding of the process (Amir and eat, things we wear). We often suggest categories not men-
Tamir 1994; Barker and Carr 1989b; Cañal 1999; Eisen tioned by students (e.g., medicines, energy supplies such as
and Stavy 1988). These researchers, as well as Hershey coal and oil).
(2004), have identified several common misconceptions.
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Making Misconceptions Apparent: The

For example, the biochemical process of photosynthesis
Importance of Carbon
found in most textbooks is described by the following sim-
plified equation (Equation 1): Engage
The film Lessons from Thin Air in the Minds of Our Own
series (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 1997)
Sunlight + 6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O
pointed out that many students, including graduates from
elite American universities, struggle with the concept that
However, this equation is inaccurate. The combination
plant biomass is built largely with CO2 extracted from the
of the reactants shown and chlorophyll is insufficient for
air. To expose the misconception that plants accumulate
photosynthesis; water needs are underestimated; and glu-
biomass solely through water and minerals from the soil,
cose (C6H12O6) is rarely the end product (Hershey 2004).
we present students with a seed and a large piece of wood
Hershey recommends that this simplified equation be aban-
(overheads of these items substitute nicely in large lecture
doned and replaced by the following (Equation 2):
classes). We then ask students to write down their answers
to the question, “What materials does a seed need to
chloroplasts, light, mineral nutrients
develop into wood?” We tabulate the results on the board or
H2O + CO2 O2 + (C6H10O5)n
overhead. Typically, students recognize the need for water,
water for transpiration or an aquatic environment
sunlight, and soil, but few understand the role of CO2. We
summarize the students’ results on the board with the head-
In the present article, we describe a series of activities
ing “What most of us think plants need to build biomass”
using aquatic plants that we designed to ensure students
while reserving further comment.
have a thorough understanding of photosynthesis. We inte-
grate the activities into the 5E (engage, explore, explain, Explore
extend, and evaluate) learning cycle framework (Bybee
A discussion of Johannes Baptista van Helmont’s wil-
1997). These activities include multiple opportunities for
low experiment in 1648 provides an opportunity to direct-
formative and summative assessments of student under-
ly address the misconception that plants build biomass
standing of (1) photosynthesis, (2) controlled experimen-
mostly from materials in the soil, and it gives tremendous
tation, (3) data presentation and analysis, (4) the interde-
insight into science as a process. In this activity, students
pendence among organisms, (5) the cycling of matter, and
form small groups and are given van Helmont’s descrip-
(6) the flow of energy through living systems. We have
tion of his experiment from the 1662 English translation
successfully used these exercises in high school courses,
of his book Oriatrike, or Physick Refined (qtd. in Hershey
but introductory activities are also appropriate for middle
2003, 79; text in brackets added to aid students in reading
school curricula.
the passage):
Making Photosynthesis Relevant But I have learned by this handicraft-operation that all Veg-
etables do immediately, and materially proceed out of the
Engage Element of water onely [only]. For I took an Earthen vessel,
in which I put 200 pounds of Earth that had been dried in
It is easy for instructors to forget that many students do a Furnace, which I moystened [moistened] with Rainwater,
not adequately understand the enormous impact of photo- and I implanted therein the Trunk or Stem of a Willow Tree,
synthesis on their daily lives (see Carr 2001). This situation weighing five pounds; and at length, five years being finished,

the Tree sprung from thence, did weigh 169 pounds, and about At this stage, we review the molecules of life and lead
three ounces: But I moystened [moistened] the Earthen Vessel students to the conclusion that biomass must be built from
with Rain-water, or distilled water (alwayes [always] when
organic macromolecules. We also remind students that
there was need) and it was large, and implanted into the Earth,
and least the dust that flew about should be co-mingled with carbohydrates can be transformed into the other macro-
the Earth, I covered the lip or mouth of the Vessel with an Iron- molecules. The general formula for a hexose (6-carbon
Plate covered with Tin, and easily passable with many holes. I monosaccharide), (C6H10O5)n, may then be substituted for
computed not the weight of the leaves that fell off in the four biomass. We ask students to create photosynthesis sum-
Autumnes [Autumns]. At length, I again dried the Earth of the
maries that are implied by the conclusions of each of the
Vessell, and there were found the same two hundred pounds,
wanting about two ounces. Therefore 164 pounds of Wood, experimenters listed in the Elaborate section. Ultimately,
Barks, and Roots, arose out of water onely. we present the modern summary equation (Equation 2) for
photosynthesis suggested by Hershey (2004).
After reading the passage, we ask each group of students We have found it helpful, as suggested in the Les-
to explain van Helmont’s experimental method, results, and sons from Thin Air video (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
conclusions. We include prompts to encourage students to Astrophysics 1997), to bring dry ice to class to reinforce the
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 14:17 06 September 2015

think about controls and variables not measured (e.g., water concept that CO2 has mass.
lost through transpiration) and to reflect on the importance
of soil nutrients to overall plant biomass. Delving Deeper into the Photosynthesis
Equation: The Role of Light
Thus far, we have emphasized the biochemical process
We ask students to take into account van Helmont’s
of photosynthesis and introduced the concept of matter
results and revisit the previous list of materials that they
cycling. The next series of activities illustrates the causal
believed a seed needs to develop into wood. We then ask
relationship between light and photosynthesis, allowing stu-
the class to consider whether van Helmont’s conclusion that
dents to visualize products of photosynthesis and beginning
only water is needed to produce plant biomass is justified
a discussion of the importance of energy transfer. In this
and, if not, why not.
exercise, students quantify photosynthetic rate as a function
Elaborate of distance from a light source using bubble production as
an indicator of photosynthetic activity. It is interesting to
We introduce students to the experiments and results of point out that this approach, developed by Jan Ingen-Housz
John Woodward, Joseph Priestly, Jan Ingen-Housz, and in 1779, was the standard method for quantifying photo-
other famous scientists who have studied photosynthesis synthesis of aquatic plants until the latter part of the 20th
by asking them to research their pioneering work. Their century (Bowes 1989).
experiments are widely cited in textbooks (Raven and
Johnson 2002) and on the Internet and collectively help Materials
explain why van Helmont’s conclusions were incorrect.
For example, after completing his seminal work in 1771, • Any submersed aquatic plant that is in good health and
Joseph Priestly stated that plants are involved in “restoring appears capable of photosynthetic activity (i.e., not dried
air” that has been “injured” by combustion and by animal or wilted). Plants can be harvested from local lakes or
respiration (ctd. in Raven and Johnson, 186). Priestly’s streams, which may reduce activity costs. Plants such
research demonstrated that sunlight and the green parts of as Canadian waterweed (Elodea canadensis) or coon-
plants were needed to support the process of O2 production tail (Ceratophyllum demersum) are commonly found
while metabolizing CO2. These experiments build a deeper throughout North America and would be appropriate for
understanding of the photosynthesis equation and reinforce this experiment. These or other plants, such as Brazilian
the tentative nature of scientific conclusions. waterweed (formerly Anacharis; Egeria densa) and water
milfoil (Myriophyllum elatinoides), can be purchased at
Explain aquarium supply stores or pet shops. We strongly dis-
After providing the class with information on classic courage introducing aquatic plants purchased from
experiments involving photosynthesis, we lead a discussion supply stores into local lakes or streams. Instead,
aimed at developing a summary equation for photosynthe- these materials should be discarded upon completion
sis. We start with the equation implied by van Helmont’s of the experiment.
experiments (Equation 3): • Glass test tubes (20 × 150 mm) to represent experimental
light, plant material • Racks to hold test tubes
H2O → biomass • A light source to represent the sunlight in Equation 2.

Light fixtures outfitted with full-spectrum 65-watt bulbs test tubes containing plants or plant surrogates have been
can be mounted on a ring stand to produce sufficient light exposed to the light for at least 15 min, students can begin
at the appropriate height. Common desk lamps available quantifying the rate of photosynthesis on the basis of the
in most classrooms can also be used. number of bubbles that emerge from the plant and float to
• Large- to medium-sized drinking straws. Straws from the surface. Because the control tubes will collect bubbles,
fast-food restaurants or the student cafeteria work well. it is important for students to count only the number of
• Standard thermometer for measuring water temperatures bubbles that come from the plant or plant surrogate and rise
in test tubes to the surface. On the basis of the rate of bubble produc-
tion observed, students should determine over what period
Engage of time (e.g., 15, 30, or 60 s) bubble production should
At the beginning of class, pass out the test tubes with be measured; the greater the bubble production, the less
plant segments (see Procedure) and ask students what they time necessary. If multiple lamps and test tube racks are
observe in the tubes and how this relates to the previously available, this experiment can be replicated by splitting the
developed equation for photosynthesis. Students quickly class into groups of three or four and carrying out the same
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 14:17 06 September 2015

realize that the bubbles must contain oxygen (although the measurements at each station.
bubbles also contain nitrogen; Hershey 2004). Lead a dis- Students should measure the temperature in all tubes at
cussion to demonstrate that the rate of bubble formation is the same time they count the number of bubbles. Increases in
a measure of the rate of photosynthesis. temperature can influence rates of photosynthesis and have
been implicated in the spontaneous generation of bubbles from
Explore nonphotosynthetic materials (Ganong 1906). Control test tubes
In this activity, students measure the rate of photosynthe- are necessary to demonstrate that, with the combination of
sis at different light intensities (Buttner 2000). We manipu- light and associated heat, bubbles may form at the surrogate’s
late light intensities by placing plants at different distances surface, but few, if any, of those bubbles will be released from
from the light source. We have had students develop their the surrogate and rise to the surface of the water.
own protocol for this lab or have prescribed a protocol for
them, depending on the level of the students. Sample Results
We tested Canadian waterweed (Elodea canadensis)
Procedure and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) along
Divide the test tubes into a treatment group and a control with a control (a drinking straw) at multiple distances from
group. An hour or more before class, place a 5-cm segment a light source (15, 30, and 45 cm; see Figure 1). A single
of an aquatic plant into each treatment test tube. In separate individual monitored each test tube and its contents (plant
test tubes, place an inert object similar in dimension to the or straw) over three 30-s intervals. Because bubble produc-
plant segments (e.g., a 5-cm section of a drinking straw); tion was monitored for each species and the control over
the test tubes with these plant surrogates act as controls. three sampling intervals, we were able to conduct among-
If multiple plant species are available, add an additional species statistical comparisons for each distance from the
test tube for each additional species and place 5-cm cut- light source using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
tings of those species into their own test tubes. You should Both the Elodea and Myriophyllum produced bubbles at all
attempt to have all plant clippings be as similar as possible distances during at least one of the observation periods. The
(i.e., taken from the same location on the stem of multiple control that was 15 cm away from the light source produced
plants). Fill all test tubes with the same amount of tap a single bubble. We detected differences among the plant
water, to within 2 cm of the top. Place all tubes at a known species, with Myriophyllum generating a greater number
distance from a light source and allow 15 min for the plant of bubbles at distances of 15 cm (p < .001) and 30 cm (p =
to acclimate to the new environment. Make sure to plan .001); the control had significantly lower bubble production
for enough test tubes to carry out this experiment using than did either plant species at both of those distances. At a
multiple distances. We have successfully used the follow- distance of 45 cm, there were no significant differences in
ing distances to manipulate light levels: 15, 30, and 45 cm the rate of bubble production between the two species and
from the light source. Fresh plants should be used for each the control (p = .118; see Figure 1).
light intensity experiment (e.g., do not reuse plants that
were used to examine photosynthetic rates at 15 cm again at Explain
30 cm or 45 cm). Ask students to construct a graph in their lab notebook
This experiment can be conducted with the classroom that summarizes their data (e.g., Figure 1) and to present it
lights on; overhead lights generally do not induce bubbling to the rest of the class, if time permits. Before the students
but allow students to see the experiment clearly. After the present their results, remind them of the summary equation

In fact, photosynthetically active aquatic plants are capable of

Elodea Myriophyllum Straw (control) altering the pH of water by as much as 3 pH units (1000-fold
change in the availability of hydrogen ions) over the course
of a single day (Spencer, Teeri, and Wetzel 1994).
Number of Bubbles (per 30 sec)

• A pH indicator such as bromothymol blue. Depending on

15 the alkalinity of tap water in your area, 1M NaOH may
also be needed to adjust the pH (see Procedure).
• Parafilm-brand flexible plastic film to seal the test tubes.
Rubber test tube stoppers may be substituted.
10 • Submersed aquatic plants such as those used in the previ-
ous activity
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• Glass test tubes (20 × 150 mm). All test tubes will be filled
with tap water at a level standardized among treatments.
• Test tube racks to secure test tubes in upright position
• A light source similar to that used in the previous exercise
• Large- to medium-sized drinking straws to act as plant
0 surrogates
15 30 45
Distance from Light Source (cm)
FIGURE 1. Graph of photosynthetic rates of water- In our experience, most students know that the major gas
milfoil (Myriophyllum), Canadian waterweed (Elodea that they (and other animals) exhale is CO2. The purpose
canadensis), and control (plastic straw), as indicated by of this engage activity is to build on this facet of student
number of bubbles emerging (per 30 sec) as a function
of distance (15, 30, or 45 cm) from light source. Bars knowledge and create a deeper understanding of the impact
represent mean scores from three replicate observa- of photosynthesis on a microcosm.
tions; lines above bars represent 1 standard error over
the mean. Absence of bars for control treatments at Procedure
30 and 45 cm reflects the lack of bubble production (0
bubbles/30 sec) at these distances. At 15 and 30 cm Fill all test tubes with tap water to within 2 cm of the
from light, Myriophyllum produced significantly more top. Add the necessary amount of bromothymol blue (see
bubbles than did Elodea, and both species produced instructions from the manufacturer) to provide a proper
significantly more than did the control (p < .05). At 45 indicator of the existing pH. The water in the test tubes
cm, the species did not differ significantly from each needs to be slightly basic, which will be reflected by the
other or from the control in bubble production.
blue color of the solution after the introduction of the indi-
of photosynthesis and ask that they present their conclu- cator. If the water is not basic enough, add drops of 1M
sions in the context of that equation. NaOH until the solution turns blue (indicating a pH higher
than 7.6).
Elaborate Ask students to blow CO2 into the test tube using a
Students with an extensive background in statistics can straw. After the sustained introduction of CO2, the solution
calculate means and standard deviations of bubble produc- will turn yellow. The yellow color indicates that the pH of
tion for each species and the control. A one-way ANOVA the solution is at or below 6.0. The change in pH occurs
can be used to test for differences between each plant spe- because as CO2 is introduced, a small percentage of it reacts
cies and the control at each distance. with the water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). Although
this is a very weak acid, it is sufficient to induce a color
Detecting Changes in pH Associated with change indicating the drop in pH.
Aquatic Plant Photosynthesis in Microcosms
In this exercise, students use aqueous indicator solutions
to detect changes in the pH of microcosms containing photo- At this point, introduce a 5-cm segment of plant material
synthetically active plants. This experiment builds on the idea into the treatment test tubes. Add the plant surrogate (e.g.,
that photosynthesis and respiration of aquatic plants influ- straw) to the control test tubes. The plant and control should
ence O2 and CO2 concentrations in natural waters and conse- be allowed to stabilize in the test tubes for approximately
quently affect the pH (Kelly, Hornberger, and Cosby 1974). 15 min.

In the first exercise, students documented the distances Monitoring Changes in Dissolved Oxygen and pH
from the light that resulted in high rates of photosyn- in an Aquarium Containing Aquatic Plants
thesis by measuring bubble production. Ask students to The final exercise allows students to use instrumentation
repeat this process using the test tubes with indicator commonly available in a scientific classroom to document,
solution at only a single location. Encourage them to over multiple days, changes in the dissolved oxygen (DO)
consider the relationship between photosynthesis and concentrations and pH of aquaria containing either water
pH by monitoring the formation of bubbles, the color and aquatic plants or only water.
indicator, and the presence of light. Depending on the
photosynthetic activity of the plant fragment and the pH Materials
of the water in the test tube, a color change may take
30–60 min to occur. • Submersed or free-floating aquatic plants capable of
photosynthetic activity, as described previously. Because
Explain macroalgae (e.g., species of Spirogyra or Cladophora)
Ask groups of students to develop a hypothesis to have been shown to produce diurnal DO patterns from
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account for their observations. Tell them that they need photosynthesis that are similar to those produced by
to be able to defend their hypothesis. Before the students vascular aquatic plants (Kelly, Moeslund, and Thyssen
present their results, remind them of the summary equa- 1981), these algae work equally well for this part of the
tion of photosynthesis (Equation 2) and have them assist experiment.
in generating the equation for the reversible chemical • Aquariums for experimental and control measures of
reaction through which CO2 and water form carbonic acid photosynthesis. One aquarium should contain aquatic
(Equation 4): plants or algae. It is important that no large heterotrophic
organisms are present (e.g., fish or amphibians; these
H2O + CO2 ↔ H2CO3 (carbonic acid) are used successfully elsewhere to illustrate respiration
[Buttner 2000]). The other tank should be clear of plants
We recommend that their hypothesis include the common and attached algae (see Figure 2).
elements of Equations 2 and 4. • Continuous monitoring device for recording changes in
DO and pH over an extended period (at least 48 hr). We
Elaborate used YSI-brand data sondes to record changes in DO over
Present students with the following hypothetical scenario: the course of a weekend. Most natural-resource agencies
or universities have instruments, usually requiring lim-
A fisherman finds fish floating in a small local lake. An
ited maintenance, that are capable of recording DO, pH,
industrial facility is blamed for discharging toxic materials
into the lake because the fish were found near the facility’s and other water-quality parameters for extended periods
outfall. The fisherman knows that the facility uses sulfuric and at regular intervals (e.g., hourly). Alternatively, the
acid to remove impurities from materials used to make Vernier DO and pH sensors found in many classrooms
widgets. The fisherman contacts the local newspaper and a can be used to track changes in these parameters. The
reporter promptly visits the site and documents the kill with
Vernier probes can record the data automatically, like the
photographs. The paper does a story about the kill and inter-
views a professor from the local university who confirms that data sondes, or you can use them to take manual mea-
acidic lakes tend to support fewer aquatic organisms than do surements to record in a laboratory book over the course
lakes with a neutral pH. The professor uses as an example of the school day.
of how devastating acid rain has harmed aquatic life in lakes
in the Northeast United States, noting that many lakes have Engage
been characterized as “dead” because of the radical changes
in pH. The Department of Environmental Quality contacts Show students authentic continuous data from a local
the university and asks it to design a monitoring program water-quality monitoring program. We presented students
that measures the pH of the lake and evaluates how pH may with a graph that showed daily changes in DO and pH (see
have influenced the death of fish. Because of the contentious Figure 3) from a local river (the Portneuf River) and asked
nature of the incident, it is possible that their findings will be
them to consider what in a river or lake could lead to such
used in a future lawsuit.
dramatic changes in DO and pH. We reminded them that
Ask students to develop a sampling plan that assesses pH is on a logarithmic scale, so a change of only one pH
the pH of the lake and design an experiment that describes unit actually reflects a change in the acidity or alkalinity of
the reciprocal relationship between pH and aquatic life. a solution that is one order of magnitude larger. Students
Encourage students to carefully consider how temporal and quickly realized the cyclical nature of the changes that
spatial changes in pH may influence the recommendations occur daily. They made the connection that changes in pH
that emerge from their findings. may reflect the daily photosynthetic activity of aquatic
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FIGURE 2. Aquariums used to monitor changes in dissolved oxygen and pH. We filled two 10-gallon aquariums with the
same volume of tap water. We added aquatic plants to one aquarium (left) and left the other without plants to act as a con-
trol (right). The gray cylinder in each aquarium is a YSI data sonde used to record dissolved oxygen and pH in each tank.

plants. We then led a discussion about how measuring the set to record over a student-defined period of time; a cloud-
changes in pH and DO represents a logical way to illustrate free weekend works especially well. The daily changes in
daily patterns of photosynthesis in aquatic ecosystems. both parameters can be tracked over multiple days.
Explore Explain
For this portion of the learning model, two 10-gallon (or Students should estimate the forecasted daylight hours
larger) aquariums are needed. (or, if a light bank is used, set the timer) for each day over
the course of the study period and use this information when
Procedure explaining changes in DO and pH. DO concentrations and
One aquarium should contain luxuriant stands of sub- pH can be plotted against time, and students should examine
merged or free-floating aquatic plants (see Figure 2). For a patterns in each parameter over the course of the study period
control tank, fill a second aquarium with water but no plants for both control and treatment aquariums. This builds on the
or algae. Fill both aquariums to a standardized volume with information they learned in the previous exercises.
tap water and place them in a greenhouse or below an auto-
mated light bank. Water-quality instruments, such as YSI Sample Results
data sondes, can be programmed to record measurements We programmed YSI data sondes to record DO and pH
of DO and pH at regular intervals over a defined period of at 10-min intervals. We placed one sonde in an aquarium
time. A data sonde should be placed in each aquarium and containing luxuriant growth of four aquatic plants (Elodea

DO (mg/L) pH
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)


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4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th
Date (in August 2005)

FIGURE 3. Graph of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations (mg/L; solid line and left y-axis) and pH (dashed line and
right y-axis) in the Portneuf River, Idaho, over a 2-week period (August 4–16, 2005). DO and pH were measured at the
Siphon Road Bridge (see using a YSI data sonde. Data shown is considered provisional
and was provided by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.

canadensis, Myriophyllum spicatum, Lemna minor, and predictions were made, we used online real-time data from
Azolla mexicana) along with associated filamentous algae; the Portneuf River Monitoring Project (http://www.port
the aquarium was located in the greenhouse, and natural to show students the changes in pH and DO
sunlight entered through skylights. We placed a second that occur in natural waters, using a locally relevant river.
sonde in an aquarium containing only tap water (see Fig- We found archived data from multiple seasons and con-
ure 2). The sondes were deployed at the close of school tinuous data for single or multiple years to be extremely
on Friday and retrieved the following Monday. Both DO valuable when demonstrating the relationships among day
(mg/L) and pH were plotted against time (see Figure 4). In length (photoperiod), DO, and pH. Water-quality monitor-
the aquarium containing plants, both parameters underwent ing programs are not unique to this river. For example,
dramatic changes over the course of the weekend. DO con- the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works has
centrations changed by as much as 19 mg/L over a single been monitoring water quality using continuous-monitoring
day, peaking at approximately 5:30 pm and precipitously instrumentation on the White River and its tributaries since
dropping thereafter. In contrast, the lowest oxygen concen- 1997, and it also provides real-time access (Tice 2005). In
trations occurred between 7:00 and 7:30 am, just after sun- addition, investigations examining the impact of nuisance
rise. pH levels underwent similar variations over the course aquatic plant growth on pH, DO, turbidity, and temperature
of the investigation, reflecting the direct impact of pho- are actively underway on the Lower Yakima River in Wash-
tosynthesis on pH. Maximum pH values corresponded to ington State, and data from these studies and other studies
maximum DO concentrations, and the two parameters were monitoring streams and rivers in near real time are available
strongly correlated (R = 0.939, p < .001). In the aquarium on the U.S. Geological Survey’s Web site (http://waterdata
lacking plants (i.e., the control), there was little variation We recommend contacting your local
in either DO or pH over the course of the 60+ hours we Department of Environmental Quality and inquiring about
observed them (see Figure 4). monitoring programs in your area that may have similar
data from a local lake or river.
To expand on the concepts in this teaching model, we Discussion
asked students to make predictions about how DO and pH Many of the activities in this article will not be new to
in natural waters change over the course of a day, week, teachers. However, we take a novel approach by incorporat-
season, and year. We required students to include biologi- ing several activities into a single teaching model following
cal, physical, and chemical factors that cause the variations the 5E learning cycle (Bybee 1997). We include activities
they described at each of the different time scales. Once that use different teaching styles to engage students with

and chemistry of their environment. We found that using

DO (mg/L) pH authentic monitoring data collected from a local river was
especially helpful in illustrating the interconnectedness of
With Plants organisms and their environment and how primary pro-
20 10.0
ducers alone affect their chemical environment through
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)

9.5 the combination of photosynthesis and respiration. Con-

sidering these processes in tandem and tracking them over
the course of several days gave students the opportunity to
10 visualize patterns of energy flow common in simple eco-

systems. Content knowledge that can be addressed from
5 8.0 these experiments includes the following:
7.5 • In many ecosystems, energy for life is derived from the
0 sun through photosynthesis.
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 14:17 06 September 2015

• Trace energy flows through ecosystems in one direction,

No Plants from photosynthetic organisms to herbivores, carnivores,
20 10.0 and decomposers.
• The distribution and abundance of organisms and popu-
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)

15 lations in ecosystems are limited by the availability of
9.0 matter and energy.
10 The combined use of these exercises highlights the

dynamic nature of photosynthesis and presents this across
5 8.0 three time scales: minutes, hours, and days. These exer-
cises focus on the process of photosynthesis and contrast
with other activities that simply test for the presence
7.0 or absence of carbohydrates. These experiments can be
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 altered and the experimental design expanded, but, in their
current format, they provide opportunities for hypothesis
FIGURE 4. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations (mg/ testing, use of experimental controls, and application of
L; solid line and left y-axis) and pH (dashed line and summary statistics and statistical analysis. In addition,
right y-axis) plotted against time (in hours). DO and pH by incorporating locally available plant material, these
were measured using a YSI data sonde. experiments provide opportunities for students to conduct
research in natural settings.
different interests and learning modalities, which likely
achieves greater success in teaching about photosynthe- Conclusion
sis than do conventional approaches (McKeown 2003). Our use of a local aquatic ecosystem and authentic data
Moreover, we provide a teaching model that emphasizes helped capture the attention of many students. We also found
the role of autotrophs and photosynthesis in ecosystems by that students enthusiastically participated in the exploratory
integrating physical, chemical, and biological characteris- component of each of the activities. We are still assessing
tics of ecosystems into individual activities. Others have the effectiveness of this approach to teaching photosynthe-
recommended a holistic strategy, considering ecosystem- sis, but our initial impressions are that students exposed to
level ramifications as an alternative to existing strategies the activities described here gained a deeper understanding
of teaching photosynthesis (Eisen and Stavy 1988; Lin and of photosynthesis and a greater appreciation of how plants,
Hu 2003). as a consequence of photosynthesis, are actively involved
Students in biology and Advanced Placement biology with energy transfer and matter cycling in ecosystems.
classes at public high schools in southeast Idaho used our
model to examine the process of photosynthesis as part Acknowledgments
of a larger unit on plants. Students began by monitoring Andrew M. Ray was supported as a graduate teaching fellow
the evolution of gaseous bubbles in the presence of an in the Idaho State University GK-12 Project, which is funded by
artificial light source. We then introduced activities that a National Science Foundation GK-12 Education Grant (DGE-
0338184). The authors thank Cara Sonnemann and Teri Mitton for
highlighted the relationships among O2, CO2, and pH in assistance in teaching these lessons; Rosemary Smith and Richard
natural waters and demonstrated to students how plants, Inouye for comments on a previous version of this manuscript;
in the presence of sunlight, can influence the productivity and Greg Mladenka for assistance with data retrieval and equip-

ment calibration. The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. 1997. Lessons from
(IDEQ) provided the YSI instrumentation used in the classroom. thin air. Vol. 2 of Minds of our own. VHS. Washington, DC:
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