Value of A Woman

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The earth is called mother earth because the legal entry point to earth is the
womb of a woman.A woman is not just an helper or a wife but a woman is a
gateway from the spirtitual realm to the earth realm even God respected this
law when he sent jesus Christ his son one earth he used a body and womb of a
woman called mary.It took God a man to sleep in order for him to create this
magnificent creation called woman,This clearly shows us that a man can only
know his true wife and value of a woman when he knows her takes
God for man to really understand a woman.

A woman was created for a purpose in Genesis 2 man was given a task to do in
the garden and he was doing everything well to whom much is given much
expected of,adam lived up to the very standards of God so God said let me
make life easy for the man as he is working,the woman is preparing water to
bath and food to eat.As a woman you must be with a man who is responsible
forget the looks the first thing a lady must look for in a man is responsibility a
woman was created to help a man in everything man is doing and not to be
abused or used.


Men are visionary but needs a woman to help them accomplish this visions a
man with a right woman is just a few steps from success.women are good
secret keepers than men God told man about the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil he never told the woman it was adam who told the wife about it so God
looked and said this is not good man will stress himself ,A very emotion
beautiful magnificent creature was introduced to a man,by nature man loves to
give and spend,ladies can spend but can also keep things so well.Leave the kids
and the kitchen to a man and you will get the shock of your life how things will
be so disorganized.A woman was designed to be an anchor of a mans vision so
a lady must know this in order to be available and useful when called
the idea that a woman is just for making love,making kids, having sex, cooking,
washing, cleaning the house is not really the main purpose.for a long time now a
lot of men have thought in those lines but I am bringing order and balance to the
vision and purpose of a woman.


We are living in a world full of fantas, lust ,passion for sex is the order of the
day the way people talk,move and dress its all sexual the energy that is around
youths today is the passion to be always sexually active.The way God designed
a body of a woman is sexual meaning a lady must make sure her body is not this before a woman was created she was inside the body of
adam meaning she was covered.Adan was put to sleep because GOD never
wanted adam to be looking at the lips and the hips or the curves because he
would have started misbehaving, GOD having that in mind he had to cause man
to sleep before he could start creating the woman.A woman is not a sex machine
like many boys think but when a woman meets a boy she will become a sex
machine,when a woman doesn’t know the difference between a man and a boy
she will be used abused and then refused.woman are moved by words so as a
lady you must be careful who you give your ears to 99 percent of ladies loves
fluttery words so boys have discovered that if iam saying words like your body
is so sexy goodness me girl you got some hips and curves your body is so so
very attractive when I am around you I am active.Most times ladies will be
foolish enough to play along .Note this,when a man or boy likes saying this so
called compliments and tells I love you”I will marry you” have to be very very
careful men in nature we love new things once a man gets between your legs the
chances of him marrying you are less this is true believe me.If you are single
this information comes at a very important time of your life for those are dating
and you have been doing it as a lady put a stop to it,if he cant wait for it then he
is not worthy giving it to him now.Not only is it a sin but it reduces your value,
men cant keep secrets if you think he has not told his friend how you look naked
you must think twice his friends friends knows he sleeps with you so imagine
how many know about it.if you think sex can keep a man then go ask men in
the bible not just ordinary men but men of GOD Solomon or his father David
the king what made them move from one woman to another despite sleeping
with them.


When we go to get bread in a shop you find bread put in the open for all to see
that they have bread in stock you don’t buy that bread you buy the one kept
safe somewhere in the shop.whatever you advertise you must sell.I see a lot of
my young sisters the way of dressing keeps going from bad to worse this has
lead to the demonic attacks on woma. if you go to church and finds a pastor
conducting deliverance you will find that a lot of woman are possessed by
demons now here is a mystery their is a connection between a naked body with
the spiritual world.adam and his wife lived in the presence of God remember
GOD is a spirit but the moment adam and his wife knew they were naked and
covered themselves with leaves the presence of God left them.a witchdoctor
never wears a shirt and shoes during his operation when a witch goes to kill or
attack people it goes naked most of our traditional festivals done in our villages
the men and women who are called to dance both dance half naked.They don’t
just do that no they know about the spiritual dimension they understand the
operation of spirits,hear me well being half naked wont get you a man it will get
you a boy being half naked doesn’t make you look attractive but only shows
how careless and value less you are as a woman if you exposed your body
chances of meeting a man who only see you good in bed alone are very high
and don’t think you will be having sex with him all day long nope not in this
world.Its better to dress well than to dress like an harlot.

Proverbs 7:10 The woman approached him,

    seductively dressed and sly of heart.

Proverbs 7:11 She was the brash, rebellious type,

    never content to stay at home.

Proverbs 7:12 She is often in the streets and markets,

    soliciting at every corner.



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