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To add information In addition/ Moreover/ What’s more/ Besides/

Furthermore/ And
To describe a consequence Consequently/ As a result/ Therefore/ So/ Thus/
For this reason/ That is why
To show a sequence First of all/ Then/ After that/ Eventually/ In the
end or Finally
To describe a cause Because/ Since/ As/ Due to

To contrast ideas However/ Althoutgh/ In contrast/ Whereas/

But/ Nevertheless/ In spite of/ Despite
To list ideas Firstly/ Secondly/ Finally/ In the first place/
To show purpose To/ In order to/ so as to/ So that

To express personal In my opinion, I believe (that)/ I feel (that)/ It

seems to me/ In my view/ As I see it/ I agree/ I
opinions don’t agree/ I think/ Personally
To conclude the topic In conclusion/ To sum up/ In short/ all in all/

 As quick as lightning
 As clear as daylight
 As good as gold
 As beautiful as rainbow
 As tough as bull
 As agile as monkey
 As graceful as swan
 As rich as a king
 As pure as gold
 As busy as a bee
 As quiet as graveyard
 As good as new

 To cry over spilt milk A penny for your thoughts
 To turn a new leaf
 Bread and butter
 Be between the devil and the deep blue sea
 Plan B
 Fit for a king
 Wipe the simle off someone’s face
 White elephant
 White bread
 A picture is worth a thousand words
 Under the weather
 All skin and bones
 Bad shape
 Arm and leg
 Breadwinner
 Best for both worlds

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