Why Me Lord

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“Why me Lord?

“Why me Lord?” “Why not someone else?”
My response makes big difference.
1. It happens to each of us . To you and to me. Something very difficult or painful comes into
my life and I say “Why me Lord? Why not someone else?” That's not a new question by any
means. All through the ages people have asked the same thing.
2. God called Abraham and Sara when they were old and asked something difficult of them.
God told them to leave their home and their homeland and go to a distant and unknown
country. Abraham could have said, “Why me, Lord !” But he didn't. He went. Sara could
have said, “Why me, Lord !” But she didn't. She went. God sometimes asks me to let go and
work on a new Adventure.
3. One day, as Moses was tending his sheep. God called him to lead His people out of Egypt.
Moses. Moses said, “Why me, Lord ? I am not the person for a job like that.” But God said,
“Don't worry; I will be with you.” So reluctantly, Moses went. God doesn’t promise to solve
all my problems. But God does promise to be with me always.
4. Elizabeth was up in years, well beyond normal child-bearing time. But she conceived John
the Baptist. She could have said, “Why me, Lord.” Instead she welcomed her cousin Mary
and gave praise to God. There is a plan to my life, but it's not always my plan. God's ways
are not always my ways, Your will be done.
5. God asked a young maiden of Nazareth to become Mother of the Saviour. Mary could have
said, “Why me, Lord ?” But all she said was, “How can this be?” and then, “Let it be
according to your word.” There were other times, like the flight to Egypt, or the loss in the
Temple, or at Calvary, when Mary could have said, “Why me, Lord ?” Why did I ever say
'yes'?” But every day and in every way she said, “Let it be.” One of the best prayers in the
world is one of the shortest; Lord, Your will be done!
6. Peter and James and John were simple fisherman, just going about their business on the sea
of Galilee. When Jesus called to follow Him they could have said, “Why me, Lord ?” But
they didn't. They followed Him. Faith would be easy if I knew all the answers. But I don't.
Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.
7. Isn't my life a bit like Abraham and Sara, Moses, Mary, Elizabeth, and the Apostles? In so
many strange and unexpected ways God asked things of me. Sometimes difficult or painful
or sorrowful things. Sometimes things just don't seem to make sence or have any value at
all. My impulse is to say, “Why me, Lord ?” It's natural to react that way. But there's another
way to respond; “Yes, Lord.” “Let it be, Lord.” “Your will be done, Lord.” My response
makes all the difference!

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