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The basic principles of computed tomography

and magnetic resonance imaging
Karen S. Caldemeyer, MD,a and Kenneth A. Buckwalter, MDb Indianapolis, Indiana

C omputed tomography (CT) and magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) are the most wide-
ly used cross-sectional imaging methods
used in medicine. CT was a revolutionary develop-
ment of the 1970s. The term computed tomography
derives from computed (with computer), tomo (to
cut), and graph(y) (pictures). CT uses ionizing radi-
ation, or x-rays, coupled with an electronic detector
array to record a pattern of densities and create an
image of a “slice” or “cut” of tissue. The x-ray beam
rotates around the object within the scanner such
that multiple x-ray projections pass through the
object (Fig 1). The internal structure of the object
Fig 1. Diagram of CT scanner. X-ray beam rotates around
can then be reconstructed from the multiple projec-
patient lying in the center of the scanner. X-rays pass
tions of that object.1 through the patient from multiple projections and are
As x-rays pass through the patient, they are atten- detected by an electronic detector array that records pat-
uated. The amount of attenuation depends on the tern of densities. Through complex reconstruction meth-
type of tissue through which the x-ray beam passes. ods, an image is generated that records internal structure
X-ray imaging contrast is generated as a conse- of object.
quence of differences in attenuation between adja-
cent tissues. The higher the attenuation of the x-ray
beam, the brighter the tissue on CT images, and the
lower the attenuation, the darker the tissue on CT
images. Therefore bone and calcification that signif-
icantly attenuate the x-ray beam are white. Fat,
being rich in carbon, is more transparent than water
containing oxygen, which attenuates x-rays to a
greater degree.1 Therefore fat is blacker than water
on CT. Air causes little attenuation of x-rays and is
very black (Figs 2 and 3). Regional or focal devia-
tions from the normal CT appearance will be Fig 2. Relative CT density of structures is shown.

From the Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology,a

and Division of Musculoskeletal Imaging,b Indiana University described as either increased (whiter) or decreased
School of Medicine. (blacker) attenuation or density.
Reprint requests: Karen S. Caldemeyer, MD, Indiana University CT is excellent for detection of calcification and
School of Medicine, University Hospital, Room 0279, 550 N
evaluation of bone structures. Iodinated contrast
University Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5253.
J Am Acad Dermatol 1999;41:768-71. media can be used to increase the contrast between
Copyright © 1999 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. normal structures and pathologic tissues and to
0190-9622/99/$8.00 + 0 16/1/98499 “opacify” the vascular structures (Fig 4). Iodine caus-

J AM ACAD DERMATOL Caldemeyer and Buckwalter 769

Fig 3. Axial CT scans of brain without contrast (A is inferior to B) show the relative density of
fat (1), air (2), brain (3), bone (4), cerebrospinal fluid (5), and calcification (6). Anatomic struc-
tures labeled include frontal sinus (2), sphenoid sinus (s), temporal lobe (t), cerebellum (cb),
cortex (c), white matter (w), falx cerebri (f), lateral ventricle (open white arrow), and calcifi-
cation on choroid plexus (6).

Fig 4. A, Axial CT scan without contrast shows no definite abnormality. B, Axial CT scan with
intravenous contrast shows two enhancing lesions (solid arrows), which were toxoplasmosis
in this patient with AIDS. Blood vessels are opacified with contrast and appear white (open
770 Caldemeyer and Buckwalter J AM ACAD DERMATOL

Fig 5. A, T1-weighted axial MR image shows relative signal of cerebrospinal fluid (1) that is
darkest, followed by gray matter (cortex, 2; basal ganglia, 3), and white matter (4). B, On T2-
weighted axial MR image, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (1) is brightest, followed by gray matter (2,
3), then white matter (4). C, FLAIR axial MR image is a T2-like contrast image, but CSF (1) is
very dark. This increases the conspicuity of lesions, particularly diseased lesions adjacent to the
lateral ventricles, which might otherwise be obscured by bright CSF on T2-weighted images.

es significant x-ray beam attenuation and therefore ferent from CT. MRI does not rely on “transmission”
appears white on CT scans. of x-ray photons like CT but on the absorption and
MRI, unlike CT, uses no ionizing radiation. The emission of radiowaves from tissue protons exposed
physical principles underlying MRI are markedly dif- to a strong magnetic field. Smaller superimposed
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Caldemeyer and Buckwalter 771

Fig 6. A, T1-weighted axial image shows large frontal meningioma (arrows). B, On T1-weight-
ed axial image with intravenous contrast, the mass is much more obvious (straight arrows).
Note posterior displacement of the lateral ventricles (curved arrow). (Compare with normal
appearance in Fig 5.)

magnetic fields are employed to encode spatial local- images. Relative tissue contrast is generally much
ization. Tissue contrast is the relative MR signal inten- greater on MR images than CT images, particularly
sity difference between adjacent anatomic with respect to soft tissue structures. Unlike CT, MRI
structures.2,3 The creation of MR images is complex is insensitive for detection of calcification and fine
and beyond the scope of this article. However, in clin- bone detail. Like CT, intravenous MRI contrast media
ical practice, two different image types are commonly may be used to enhance the contrast difference
generated: T1-weighted images, and T2-weighted between normal and pathologic tissue (Fig 6). This
images. These images look markedly different. On T1- “enhancement” is best seen on T1-weighted images
weighted images, cerebrospinal fluid is darkest, fol- and the enhancing tissues will appear bright.
lowed by gray, then white matter (Fig 5, A). On T2-
weighted images, cerebrospinal fluid is brightest, fol- REFERENCES
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