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What about the "democratic" south korea and the attitude of the
"democratic" west against DPRK? Imperialism against DPRK,
both then and now.
Contemporary imperialism towards DPRK during Kim Jong Un's time 2011 - present

● Most things you hear about North korea are racist nonsense
● The weaponization of Human rights as a means of the imperialists to undermine DPRK
● Why the west wants the workers party of korea out? Rare earth minerals in one of the
● How the cia and western media dechived the world into thinking that north korea is a
● How NASA manipulates satellite images to present a "north korea is falling apart" view
● West sanctioning DPRK because they exercised their right for technological
innovation; Launching a satellite in the space.
● Youtube censorship and deletion of pro-dprk chanels. So much for western freedom of
● Why privilege discourse predominates: Case on DPRK

western academics complained about this event, ​stating that these chanels gave a view you could
not see in western media, helping them form opinions
South korean army killed person swimming back to DPRK

● Reality and hypocrisy: DPRK nuclear tests condemned by the nuclear powers
● North korea and UN propaganda machine
● Human rights imperialist campaigns. Who are they fooling?
● The dangerous tone of US media towards DPRK
● Christian missionary spies send to DPRK by US.
● The racist, dehumanization of North korea
● On the DPRK: Isolated, demonazied, and dehumanized by the west
● Alek singley: An imperialist agent
● Darwin, an imperialist bastion of US in Australia
● Botswana leaders, nothing more that imperialist puppets working to undermine
● Israel calls for quick responce against DPRK. Once again, their imperialist nature is
● According to Israel, the axis of evil, is Iran-Syria-DPRK. According to them, they are
the worst threat for the world. For this only, all of us should support these three states
● Understanding and defending DPRK
● DPRK punished for helping to liberate africa
● Brazen american imperialist aggresion
● Genocide by sanctions: UN double standarts
● The real reason US is worried about Koreas ICBM test
● US bans entry to south korean anti-war activists
● Media complicity increases possibility of a new korean war
● Imperialism's drive to war in korea
● US degenarate old bastard threats DPRK with extinction
● What is the US military presence close to DPRK?
● Tillerson talks of pre-emptive strines on DPRK
● US aggresion after park government
● Dangerous tune of South korea
● 300000 troops under pentagon command ready to attack dprk
● How are koreans in Japan treated?
● South's plan to assassinate Kim jong un
● "North korea should be destroyed"
● Pentagon:Ground invasion to destroy DPRK nuclear program
● Better a million dead north korea ex US army official said....You can understand now,
that US army is nothing more than some paid murderers with approvement
● Kim jong un Decapitation unit of South korea army
● The Interview’ in historical perspective: endless war against North Korea
● Korean crisis:1994-present
● One of the reasons CIA targets DPRK is opium
● Human rights watch, an imperialist tool​ part 2 ​{Part 2}
● UN report could be about US or ROK
● UN report a propaganda tool
● Was otto warmbier tortured?
● This is from comrade ​u/Prettygame4Ausername​ ​The otto warmbier case
● US image of DPRK is not reality

Imperialism in DPRK historically

● The destruction and reconstruction of DPRK after the american war. More bombs were
throw in korea than the entire pacific theatre of ww2. At least 10% of the dprk
population perished. War crimes were commited.
● The secret genocide in South korea you propably never heard of
● Report:US dropped plaque infested fleas in north korea in 1952
● Biologic warfare in Korea and china
● Supreme allied american commander during the 50s, admits that american crimes in
Korea are no different than the ones commited by the nazis
● Detailed bombing of north korea from 1950-1953
● War crimes in Korea: Guilty as charged. US coalition crimes against humanity in
Korean war
● The US imperialists started the Korean war
● Korean war:The first defeat of US in the 20st century
● Japan's war crimes: Past and present
● The puppets installed in the south by the west
● Historical record of US was crimes in Korea
● The grand deception
● Close to 30% of population murdered by US bombing
● Western investigation of north korea war crimes ludictus beyond words
● DPRK still digging US bombs, 64 years later
● US biological warfare exposed by excpert
● Jesu island massacre
● Ian goodrom's thread
● The invasion of North korea
● FinnBol's take on the korean invasion
● Soviet archives on the Korean invasion
● Why they hate us?
● A soviet interpretation of Korean war
● How the war looked?
● Americans have forgot what they did in Korea
● US lied about biological and chemical warfare in DPRK
● No gun ri massacre
● suppresses report of 1952 anthrax attack
● South korea: brutal past
● Bacterial warfare in Korea
● War with DPRK:Propaganda vs reality
● South korea covered up mass murder of vagrants in 88 olympics

Hermit kingdom? No photos? No non-government accounts?

Do we have photos from dprk? Can foreign citizens travel out of pyongyang? Foreign citizens
experience in DPRK

● everyday life in pyongyang in photographs

● Every day life outside pyongyang, in rural north kore in photographs
● Rapper Marcel cartier travels in DPRK, 13 misconceptions corrected
● traveling from wonsan to pyongyang
● tourists takes photos of happy people in DPRK
● A huge collection of photos from DPRK.
● A huge collection of videos from DPRK, given to us by SAO documentary
● another collection of photos
● My brothers and sisters in North korea
● What about Michael huniewicz "kim jong un does not want you to see" photos?
Laughable, here is the responce, if one is even needed
● Is really DPRK "isolated"? No.
● Greek journalist resided for two years in DPRK, shares her opinion
● The north korea the western media does not want you to see
● Norwegian coach in DPRK
● The happist country on earth
● An african american journalist in DPRK
● The Propaganda in North Korea Documentary

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