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QUEVEDO, John Paul Jr. T.




It was the first day of classes on Industrial Processes and our instructor gave us a quick

summary on what we are going to tackle on this class. After his short explanation, he said that

we would have to group ourselves up and report the industrial processes of certain projects.

There were 10 groups and they picked Powdered Fruit Juice, Bullets, Ball Point Pens,

Crankshafts, Coins, Cheese, Condoms, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks, and last but not the least, Instant

Noodles. With that wide of an arrangement in topics, I was anticipated on how are my classmates

are going to explain the different Industrial Process that is related to the products mentioned


Group I: Powdered Fruit Juice

As the saying goes, “First impressions lasts”, the first group will be the ones that will be

able to set the tone on how others are going to tackle the reporting on industrial processes on the

products that they were assigned with. The first group gave a methodical approach and explained

the history and context behind said products and continue further with the processes behind its

creation as well as the notable Powdered Fruit Juice products.

The group in my opinion was able to convey the ideas clearly but lacked the hook that

will be able to captivate the whole class since everyone else was focused on something else that
isn’t the report that is being presented to them. I think that lack of audience interaction inspired

the other groups to have their own twists in reporting so that the whole class will be captivated

when their group is reporting in front of them. It’s such a shame that hours of hardwork will be

ignored in favor of other things that are occupying them.

Group 2: Bullets

If this presentation taught me anything besides the industrial processes behind Bullets, is

that you don’t go present something underprepared. With that under preparedness the class

wasn’t able to grasp the information that they were conveying yet the ideas they were presenting

captured my attention since the creation of bullets peeked my interest. It was a short and concise

report but the group themselves knew that they could’ve done better if they had more time in

their hands.

Group 3: Ballpens / Ball Point Pens

Every student has a ballpen, so their choice in topic wasn’t surprising to them. As they

explained the history of Ball Point Pens, I was surprised on how far the tools for writing have

evolved from gathering feathers from birds to the point that we can produce them en masse and

give a lot of people tools that will help them in their everyday tasks and academic works. They

also showed how many ball point pens you can make with such smaller space compared to the

other products the other groups presented

Group 4: Crankshaft

Crankshafts are such an integral part in our field of Mechanical Engineering that learning

them how they are made are a must for every Mechanical Engineering Student that is planning to

tackle the Automotive field. By far this has been the product that has the largest equipment that

is used in the creation of products. The processes here as well tackled information that every one

of us are familiar with since we already learned it in our Workshop subject.

Group 5: Coins

“Money runs the world” as the saying goes and the manifesting of it may as well be the

key to unlimited power. Not so fast, only Central Bank Mints are the only ones that has the

ability to create. Since the specifications of creating them are a heavily guarded secret. The

group instead opted out for the materials used and the final appearance that they will have. It

may have the same processes as metal products but it is the final product that dictates its final

value. I was surprised on how are people in the past are able to mint coins out of way more

valuable materials than the coins we have today. This group has the shortest presentation

compared to the other groups.

Group 6: Cheese
Now we return to the familiar world of Food Manufacturing and the sixth groups presents

us with the Industrial Processes behind Cheese. They showed us the evolution of cheese

manufacturing which came from small farms to the factories that create large quantities of cheese

to be consumed by the masses. They also showed us that even though the creation of cheese is

modernized to the point of specialized machines on creating cheese, some manufacturers still opt

to traditional methods or a hybrid of the traditional and modern method since the cheese

manufactured that way yields way more taste which means higher quality cheese can still be

produced albeit with a long creation process. This was also the first group in a while to capture

the whole class’ attention by holding a challenge to some unlucky guy foolish enough to take on

that challenge. That challenge was to eat the cheese which they deemed impossible to eat since

they added “special process” in that cheese, one daring guy from our class accepted the challenge

and to his surprise the “special process” was the presenter licking the cheese and challenging the

person of eating it. The whole class roared in laughter and the guy was unable to the cheese.

With a challenge like that, I’m pretty sure that even the most distracted person wouldn’t turn and

see the ruckus happening in the presentation. This was the first report to set the trend of inputting

audience interaction in their respective reports.

Group 7: Condoms

This was the group that everyone in the class was anticipating since their choice in topic

was interesting in the eyes of hormonal young adults that populate this class. They went through

with the motions as usual, History, Materials, Process, and Products but this time most of the

class was actually listening and interacting with the group themselves. They also explained the

different types of condoms and how they enhance the “creation process”. They didn’t stop there
yet they were also eager to show examples and even a demonstration on how to put on a

condom. Of course the whole class erupted in laughter when they used a cucumber as a

substitute for a penis. Now I’m fairly certain that the whole class has their eyes glued on the

presenters as they humorously put the condom in the mock penis. I give these guys the

recognition for best audience interaction and reactions

Group 8: Cigarettes

“You know what comes after sex? Smoking!” as quoted by the presenters. They went

with an appropriate follow-up for a topic with inappropriate undertones. I was surprised on how

powerful the tobacco industry has become to the point raking in billions for such a deadly

substance that began with American Natives using it for medicinal and ritual purposes and

spread like wildfire in Europe since a guy fooled a continent for saying this vice is a healthy

thing. Rants about the tobacco industry aside, the group was able to convey the ideas and

information about the Industrial Processes about Tobacco. They went a step further and shown

an alternative in the form of E-cigarettes or Vape as the cool kids like to call it. It’s still a vice

but the risk of developing cancer was significantly lowered, I mean if you compare everything to

one of the most deadly objects on Earth everything else would like a cakewalk with it. They also

prepared a video showing vape tricks which captured the attention of the class somewhat.

Group 9: Soft Drinks

Speaking of potentially dangerous vices, we go to the diabetes inducing world of Soft

Drinks. Similar to Cigarettes, the industry of the soft drink started as a sham as a pharmacist put
cocaine on their signature medicine called Coca Cola. Of course the cocaine put on the Cola was

gone by now but the impact made by Soft Drinks is shown everywhere and sold everywhere

nowadays. With that huge of a demand, Soft Drink plants requires an ungodly amount of

freshwater just to create a sweetened drink that is sold worldwide. The group also shared a

sample to the class but without the “special process” added in thankfully. As lucrative as the Soft

Drinks Industry is I was interested in the topic as usual. Its has processes similar to the first

group it tackles the Beverage industry as well.

Group 10: Instant Noodles

Last but not the least, here I welcome our presentation which tackles the world of Instant

Noodle on how it came to be. A product of Japanese ingeniousness, the Instant Noodles became

a symbol of Japanese recovery after the World War. With a food product that is easily accessible,

the world got into the Instant Noodle craze as well. The idea of putting the Instant Noodles in the

cup was another mark of Japanese ingeniousness since it favored practicality over everything

else. With the many pros that the Instant Noodles presented comes the stingy cons that will make

you wary of consuming these at a daily basis. Apparently these things can take a long time to

digest and would be detrimental to the person who consumed it. With that comes an end to the

presentations done by our section. Some groups are better than others but they all left us valuable

information that may be used if the student is interested in these fields.

QUEVEDO, John Paul Jr. T. BSME V-3

PLANT INSPECTION August 29, 2019




CONTROL” took place on August 13 2019 at the Tahahan ng Alumini at the Polytechnic

University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa Main Campus. The Seminar was presented by Engr.

Ericson Valenzuela which was our prior professor at Engineering Research and his insights on

the industry is well suited as he explains to us the usual Industrial Processes as well as the

standards that it complies upon. This seminar furthered our understanding on our Plant

Inspection subject as well as the Industrial Processes subject. He gave us a quick rundown on the

industrial processes made in the industry as well as giving us real life examples on said

processes. It may sound redentdant to people that students partaking Industrial Processes take

this seminar but there is a strong argument that seminars like these helps students to further

strengthen their understand so that they will be ready for the professional world fresh as soon as

we get our Engineering License. Engr. Valenzuela gave a great seminar regarding this topic and

his presenting skills is what sells this event in general. With that knowledge in mind I would like

to see more seminars such as these that will further our understanding as Mechanicla

Engineering Students

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