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Recommended Practice for Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes AASHTO DESIGNATION: M 145-91 (1995) 1. SCOPE Disturbed Soil Sam- from the minimum test data required ples for Test inthis clasifeatonsrangement and 38 Li This recommended practice de- 22 ASTM Standard: feed in eect weed dips, ccu's poem ir totieg wll D'Ti40-Amowotof Mate ine defied as follows for ake goon be hry Soils Face Than Ge ALA Gravel—Mateil passing determination of particle-size distribu- No, 200 (75-ym) sieve with 75-mm (3-in.) square open- So ted ta a pining inte Sieve i a til 200mm sive Exaaton of ls win ich gowP it NOTE 1s AASHTO T$4,orT 11" 4.2 Coarse Sand_—Mateil past Semen e, rors Sitchin Dinawiuieameds alee Oe, Qari Sucteeence Speman bisa he ace including group index should be useful sification. ‘the 0.425-mm (No. 40) sieve and retained in determining the relative quality of 3. CLASSIFICATION ‘on the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve. Laer ee cal tw tay cca 31 Te cdot may gate ce Sate, cttees, ont beet? Weg eos SAO tal omy tne SE ver, forthe detailed design ofmportnt values shown in Table 1. tfa more de- “Gig peetters and Cobbles (0e= structures addtional data concerning tailed classification is desired, a futher ined on 75-mmn (Sm) seve) ehould strength or performance characteristics subdivision ofthe groups shownin Table fr acladed from the portion of he same of the soil under field conditions T may be made, An example of the Pics nich the eleeicaton is applied, ‘usually be required. classification with such subgroups as ir ine ie of sch : 1.2 ‘The vals stated in SI nits ae shown in Table 1 may be made. An ony ‘ne he carafe should be seeended, to be regarded as the standard. example of the clasification with such "4:16 "The term “ity” ix applied to subgroup is shown in Table 2. The liq- gee nogerat Nery okeaict 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS id limit and plasticity index ranges for {pKa and te eee seine” he a the Af, A-5, A-G, and A7 soil ETOUPS plied to fine material having plasticity 24. AASHTO Standards. are shown graphically in Figure 2 aaa ‘T11_ Materials Finer Than 32° Classification Procedure—With index of 11 75-ym (No. 200) required test data available, proceed from Sieve in Mineral Ag- left to right in Table 1 or Table 2and the 5, DESCRIPTION OF sgregates by Washing correct group will be found by process of CLASSIFICATION GROUPS 127 Sieve Analysis of elimination. The fst group from the left Fine and Coarse Ag- into which the test data will tis the $1 Granular Materials ~Contain- regates comect classification. All limiting test ing 35 percent of less passing 0.075-mm 187 Dry Preparation of values are shown as whole numbers. If (No. 200) sieve, Note 2. Disturbed Soil and fractional numbers appear on test reports, $1.1. Group A-1—The typical mate- Soil Aggregate Sam- convert to nearest whole number for pur’ sil ofthis group isa well-graded mixture ples for Test poses of classification. Group index val-Sfstone fragments or gravel, coarse sand, 188 Panicle Size Analysis es should always be shown in parenthe- fine gand and a nonplastic ot febly plas- of Soils ses after group symbol as: A-2-6(3), A- tic sol binder. However, this group also 89 Determining the Lig- 45), A-6(12), A-7-5(17), ete includes stone fragments, gravel, 1 ‘uid Limit of Soils 4, DEFINITIONS OF GRAVEL, ‘coarse sand, volcanic cinders, etc. with- T 90 Determining the Plas- SAND, AND SILT-CLAY ‘out soil binder. tie Limit and Plastic- SALLI Subgroup A-I-a includes ity Index of Soils 4.1 The terms “gravel;" “coarse those materials consisting predominantly \ T1146 Wet Preparation of sand,” and “silt yeas yo sod eas wep own | se orfewor| emi | om | amor] enor] aN = =e apa ADBSRE ‘on ty | eeu op } ome ry | rm op | orm iy | seu oy | uw ty | xem oy | — = ee aaa come a RABY (or 0x) tm scy'9 Seed wonsey 0 ssnsH=eMID == (ODE ON) we SLO (Gr on) wm sz¥0 (1 oN) ew 09 ‘upsed yond sheur 9015 ‘wr 9e| on ge] ww oc] unm oe] sow gel xem gel wu se| mu se| eeu or wu sc] =u si] =P pt PP PH) orm is) cam os} ae oc | ~ Tp oTf Tp TP Sp Tp SPE | SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS ov | ow | ev | ev | cov | sev | sev [ev | ev [ory [ev sew womoy9 dao oy By cow Cant “Tea 0 Fag 7] 30 WIG HT Suro fussy mE Se Ur 201%) seam sD RUE AMIDA DRT PED aR eRSATAY 0S Pu ATMS JO WOREUINELD CATEVE “EY 210 EJ fatns aero sanp pt sna eRe 162 Copyright by the American Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials Wed Dee 04 10:11:01 2002 M145 at ot without a well-graded binder of fine ‘material, ‘S12 Subgroup A-1-b includes those materials consisting predominantly of coarse sand either with or without a ‘well-graded soil binder. 5.1.2 Group A-3—The typical mate- rial of this group is fine beach sand or fine desert blow sand without silty or clay fines or with a very small amount ‘of nonplastic silt. The group includes also stream-deposited mixtures of poor- ly-graded fine sand and limited amounts of course sand and gravel. S13 Group A-2—This group in- cludes a wide variety of “granular” mate- rials which are borderline between the Se P Sheet Pay tare Ls Sut nk an Panay ne | capcom m—neewenere ‘ea sentnet re ett ge SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS 3 5 bA-2-6ond 2-74 ¥ PERCENT PASSING 0.075-mm (No. 200) SIEVE FIGURE 1 Group Index Chart materials falling in Groups A-1 and A- 3 and silt-clay materials of Groups A- 4, AS, A-6, and A-7. It includes all materials containing 35 percent or less passing the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve Which cannot be classified as A-1 or A- 3, due to fines content or plasticity or both, in excess of the limitations for those groups. S.A3.1 Subgroups A-2-4 and A-2-S include various granular materials con- (wining 35 percent or less passing the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve and with a ‘minus 0.425-mm (No, 40) portion having. the characteristics of the A-4 and A-5 groups. These groups include such mate- rials as gravel and coarse sand with silt Copyright by the American Association Of Slate Highway And Transportation Officials Wed Dee 04 10:11:01 2002 163 contents or plasticity indexes in excess of the limitations of Group A-1, and fine sand with nonplastc silt content in excess of the limitations of Group A-3. ‘5.132 Subgroups A-2-6 and A-2-7 {include materials similar to those de- scribed under Subgroups A-2-4 and A- 2.5 except thatthe fine portion contains plastic clay having the characteristics of, the A-6 oF A-7 group. NOTE 2—Clasifiction of materials in the various groups applies only to the fraction pssing the 75mm Grin) sieve. Therefore, any specifications regarding the use of A-I ‘A, of A3 materials in construction should ‘sate whether boulder: retained on the 75- ‘mm (in) sieve are permitted. $2. SilClay _ Materials —Con- taining more than 35 percent passing the (0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve. S21 Group A-4—The typical mate al ofthis group is a nonplastic or mod- cerately plastic silty so usually having the 75 percent or more passing the 0.075- 1mm (No, 200) sieve. The group includes aio mixtures of fine sity soil and up to 64 percent of sand and grave retained on 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve. ‘822 Group A-5—The typical mate- Sal ofthis group is similar to that de- scribed under Group A-4, except that it is usually of diatomaceous or micaceous character and may be highly elastic as indicated by the high ligui limi. 523 Group A-6-—The typical mae- al ofthis group isa plastic clay soil tusually having 75 percent o more pass- ing the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve. The ‘group includes also mixtures of fine clayey sol and up to 64 percent of sand and gravel retained on the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve. Materials of this group usually have high volume change be- tween wet and dry sats $24. Group A-7—The typical mate- rial of this group is similar to that de~ seribed under Group A-6, except that it has the high liquid limits characteristic of the A-S group and may be elastic as well as subject to high volume change. S241 Subgroup A-7-5 includes those materials with moderate plasticity indexes in relation to liguid limit and which may be highly elastic as well as subject to considerable volume change. $242 Subgroup A-7-6 includes those materials with high plastic in- dees in relation o igi limit and which | i 164 are subject to extremely high volume change. NOTE 3—Highly organic soils (peat or rmuck) may be classified in an A-B group. Classification of these materials is based on visual inspection, and is not dependent on peveentage passing the 0.075mm (No. 200) Fieve, liquid limit or plasticity index. The material is composed primarily of partially decayed organic mater, generally has a f- ‘ous texture, dirk brown or black color and cdr of decay. "These organic materials are unsuitable for tse in embankments and subgrades. They are highly compressible and have low strength. 6 GROUP INDEX GA The group index is calculated from the following formula: Group index = (F ~ 35) (02 + 0005 (LL - 40) + 001 F = 15) Pl = 10), in which, F = percentage passing 0.075-mm (No, 200) sieve, expressed as a ‘whole number, This percentage is based only on the material passing the 75-mm (3-n.) LL = liguid timit PL = plasticity index 6.11 When the calculated group index is negative, the group index shall be reported as zero (0). ‘6.1.2 The group index should be re- ported to the nearest whole aumber. 62. Figure 1 may be used in estimat- ing the group index, by determining the partial group index due to liquid limit and that due to plasticity index, then obtain- ing the total of the two partial group in- dexes. 63 When calculating the group index of A-2-6 and_A-2-7 subgroups, ‘only the PI portion of the formula (or of Figure 1) shall be used. 64 ‘The following are examples of calculations of the group index: 4.1 Assume that an A-6 material hhas 55 percent passing the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit of 40, and plasticity index of 25. Then, Group index = (55 ~ 35) [0.2 + 0.005 (40 — 409) + 001 (55 ~ 15) SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS. Mas [NOTE—A2 eo conti ets than 35 perenne than he OO7S-am (No. 200) sve FIGURE 2 Liquid Limit and Plasticity Index Ranges for Silt-Clay Materials @5 = 10) = 40 +60 = 10 GA2 Assume that an A-7 material has 80 percent passing the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit of 90, and plasticity index of $0. Then, Group index = (80 — 35) [0.2 + 0.005 (90 ~ 40)] + 0.01 (80 ~ 15) 60 ~ 10) = 203 + 260, or 46.3 643 Assume that an A-4 material thas 60 percent passing the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit of 25, and plasticity index of 1. Then, Group index = (60 ~ 35) (0.2 + 0.005 (@5 ~ 40)] + 0.01 (60 = 15) a - 10) = 25 x (02 - 0.075) + 0.01 (45) (-9) =31-41= -10 Report as 0. 644 Assume that an A-2-7 material hhas 30 percent passing the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit of $0, and plasticity index of 30. Then, Group index = 0.01 G0 - 15) G0 — 10) = 3.0 or 3 (Note that only the PI por- ton of formula was used.) Copyright by the American Assocation Of Slate Highvay And Transportation Officials Wed Dee 04°10:1:02 2002 7. BASIS FOR GROUP INDEX FORMULA 71 The empirical group index for- mula devised for approximately within- ‘group evaluation ofthe “clayey granular materials” and the “siltclay material is based on the following assumptions: 71.1 Materials falling within Groups A-I-a, A-1-b, A-2-4, A-2-5, and AB are satisfactory as subgrade when properly drained and compacted under moderate thickness pavement (base and/or surface course) of a type suitable for the traffic to be caried, or can be rade satisfactory by additions of small amounts of natural or artificial binders. 72 Materials falling within the “clayey granular” Groups A-2-6 and A- 2-7 apd the “silt-clay” Groups A-4, A~ ‘5, A-6, and A-7 will range in quality as subgrade from the approximate equiva leat of the good A-2-4 and A-2-5 sub- ‘grades to fair and poor subgrades requir- ing a layer of subbase material or an increased thickness of base course over that required under Section 7.1.1 in order to furnish adequate support for traffic loads. 71.3 The assumed critical minimum percentage passing the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve is 35 neglecting plasticity, M145 and 15 as affected by plasticity indexes sreater than 10, 7.1.4 Liquid limits of 40 and above ‘are assumed to be critical. ‘TAS Plasticity indexes of 10 and above are assumed to be critical. 71.6 For soils that are non-plastic ‘and when the liquid limit cannot be deter- mined, the group index shall be consid- cred zer0 (0). SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS. 7.2. There is no upper limit of group index value obtained by use of the for- mula. The adopted critical values of per- ‘centage passing the 0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve, liquid limit and plasticity index, are based on an evaluation of subgrade, subbase and base course materials by several highway organizations that use the tests involved in this classification system. Copyright by the American Assocation Of Slate Highway And Transportation Officials Wea Dee 04 1011-2 2002 165 73. Under average conditions of ‘200d drainage and thorough compaction, ‘the supporting value of 2 material as subgrade may be assumed as an inverse ‘aio to its group index; that is, a group index of 0 indicates a “good” subgrade ‘material and a group index of 20 or ‘greater indicates a “very poor” subgrade ‘material. TOT

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