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CGT News

Volume 1, Issue 1

Editors: Christina Miller, Garrett Salter and Tawana King

Special Interest Central Michigan University
Articles pg 1:

• What you need

What you need to know about
to know about The International Planned licensed child and adolescent We believe the International
IPPF Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is a psychiatrist. According to IPPF, Planned Parenthood Federation
global organization whose most there are approximately 36 website would be beneficial to our
• How IPPF is informative website can be found million visits to over 58,000 IPPF peers. IPPF contains an abundance
at . The IPPF is a facilities located throughout the of valuable information from
global leader in human sexual world. Hormonal Contraceptives to the
Involved rights and healthy sexual living. location of these useful facilities.
The IPPF provides an Locations of these facilities can be
• IPPF Tools that The mission and purpose of the abundance of resources related found in 170 countries and include
you must know IPPF as defined in their website; to sexual and reproductive countries such as the Africa Nation,
“A global service provider and a health, i.e. family planning Europe and the Western
leading advocate of sexual and handbook, unsafe abortion Hemisphere Region to name a few.
reproductive health and rights for awareness, HIV/AIDS
all” (IPPF). In our opinion the IPPF awareness, adolescent sex As explained earlier, IPPF also has
is a great educator of human access to contraceptives and some great tools that can be used
sexual exploits and current human gender equality. such as articles, newsletters,
rights issues faced worldwide. guides, toolkits and even films to
The IPPF is globally involved in educate visitors on areas needing
The IPPF seems to have the influencing world and political support. Because of these
interest of a global community view related to unsafe sex resources within this site, peers can
versus a single region and /or practices and diseases. easily gain access to their database
country. They are long standing Additional to handouts the IPPF to find out certain rights and
fighter of human rights and they also provide videos related campaigns for sexual and
advocate sexual responsibility and to the topics mentioned in this reproductive health care.
responsible family planning with report. According to the IPPF
the ever growing world population they advocate the five “A’s” that We believe that this website
Special Interest increase. being abortion, access (gender provides us with new insights on the
Articles pg 2: equality), adolescents, advocacy many challenges that often go un-
The IPPF can be classified as an and AIDS/HIV. noticed. We were not aware that a
unbiased organization devoted to website like this existed and found it
human health and safety. The Currently, Dr. Jacqueline Sharpe assuring to know that something so
• What is information provided on their is promoting a legislation to educational is out there. We think
Trembling website is the most current with up promote abortions in Kenya, that this website needs to be more
Before G-d? to date information of healthy Africa. Dr. Sharpe indicates her exposed to children in international
sexual living. Additionally, the reason is to advocate women’s school settings, High School mainly.
IPPF has current event links to rights to fertility and to promote Exposing this website to these
• The mission of
global media outlets detailing up to safe abortion practices. students will allow them to become
Trembling date news articles related to either Currently, unsafe abortion more aware of the issues at hand,
Before G-d human rights and/ or information practices are being implemented and what they need to do to protect
about current sexual trends to also in Kenya placing lives at risk them if faced with any of these
• Is this film include sexual disease awareness. according to IPPF and Dr. challenges. Many countries are
resourceful for Sharpe. Additionally, the IPPF is naïve when it comes to one’s health
The website titled International taking a stance on gay and because of the lack of education,
our peers? Planned Parenthood Federation, lesbian lifestyles, promoting mainly third world countries
hereinafter, IPPF, is just that, an understanding and acceptance. therefore, this website would be a
organization based upon great source of valuable information.
international awareness related to
sexual and reproductive health. Please visit for more
The IPPF is chaired by Dr. information!
Jacqueline Sharpe who is a
Trembling Before G-d
Trembling Before G-D was produced In the documentary, This resource did provide us a new
by Simchaleid production and understanding and acceptance insight but didn’t challenge our beliefs
produced by Sandi Simcha and Marc of the gay lifestyle is being in any way. We believe the insight
Smolowitz. It can be viewed at advocated through the use of we experienced opened our eyes and awareness marches and allowed us to understand what
g before g d/ . awareness campaigns with very homosexuals face in terms of
little fan fare. However, very little bringing their sexual orientation in
The mission and /or purpose of this is still openly expressed due to front of their God. The shame and
production are to bring to light the the strong fundamentalist view of embarrassment these people felt and
struggles, trials and tribulation of being the majority of Jews. In fact, the heartache that occurred because
gay/ lesbian and practicing Judaism in Jewish Rabbi’s and strict they lost a loved one was an eye
today’s current society. followers in the documentary say opener. It was sad to watch how
that the punishment for being after so long, a man reached out to
This film highlights some who are gay is “death”. This leaves a his father who was nearing 90 years
practicing Judaism and are gay. They majority of the gay Jews at a old was still shunned by after asking
live in fear to be open about their struggle with their lifestyle and to be united to see him. The
sexuality. This is due to a strong religious beliefs; however, even confusion another man faced
fundamentalist base of staunch Jews; though they are gay they depict regarding his sexual orientation that
however, devotion to God is as strong a very strong devotion to their went as far as seeking therapy to
if not stronger by those who are gay religion and God despite their undo his sexual desires for men was
but, they still live in fear of reprisal, oppression from the majority. also something that showed us the
family/community rejection and intentions of these people.
“I thought for awhile, how religious outcast. As far as current projects
can I be a Jewish Lesbian? undertaken by the gay Jewish Those that are homosexual and are
The information was very current for community to educate on being Orthodox feel outnumbered and also
How does that go the day and defines social gay seems to be at a lack of are trying to find ways of justifying
together?” misunderstanding of the homosexual enthusiasm, mainly due to the their intentions, however each one
community, especially as it relates to hard stance of their peers and failed and are now learning to cope
“Women’s name not identified” religion. being outcasts. They, however, with the fact that they are
see themselves totally devoted homosexual.
We felt the information and dialogue to God and the Jewish faith.
within this film was unbiased, due to Their struggles continue and Overall the film is simply stating that
the fact we are speaking of human their propensity to stay secretive you cannot help who you are and
emotion and rights. Some could say for fear of reprisal is at the for who you love and that God will still
they view this as propaganda; front, again mainly due to a love you inspite of your sexuality.
however, we view this as informative strong fundamentalist view Love yourself and not be ashamed of
and step to tolerance in a hate filled expressed by the majority. who you are no matter what is being
society. The authors depicted in said about you.
“Trembling Before G-D” are credible This resource would be
and genuine people who detail and extremely beneficial for peers to
provide explicit dialogue into their view because it really hits home
complex lives as gay Orthodox Jews. as to how the Jewish feel about
They speak of their current status in their religion when faced with
their faith, that is being shunned and issues regarding their sexual
outcastes of their peers. This is orientation.
primarily due to a strong fundamental
Jewish belief practiced by a majority of It would also benefit our peers if
Jews. Furthermore, a gentleman by they had any questions about
the name of Dr. Yaakov Meir Weil a their sexual orientation when
psychiatrist speaks of gay Jews religion is highly practiced. Peers
confiding into him their gay lifestyle would know they are not alone if
insisting they have a disease that is they were in the same
curable through the use of predicament as we watched in
medications. Hence explaining the Trembling before G-d.
fear of acceptance and being openly
gay in the Jewish community.

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