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The people of Pakistan having very tough time today since independence in 1947. We as a
nation suffering from leadership crisis. We all need to look for the leader who take us out of this
crisis which is getting prolonged. The basic thing we all want to see in a leader is his sincerity. If
he is sincere he don’t lie with the nation, he don’t cheat with the nation, he don’t eat money of
the nation, he don’t left the nation in dark & enjoy his life in saudia, London, or dubai. Our
politicians are not sincere that’s why our nation face this problem. Leader should be
trustworthy so that people can follow him like Ahmedinejad. In a meeting of governers with
ahmedinejad a lady said in her speech that Mr President you are dearer to me than my life, she
said I pray for you a lot & there is no day in which I don’t pray for you, she said I pay sadqa for
you. Never think you are alone i am with you & my prayers are with you where ever you go in
any state. In last of her speech she said ALLAH protect you. Leader must live his life with
integrity & honesty. He live his life in a way such that no body having question about his/her
character. He or she takes decision by keeping personal matters & emotions aside.


The leader we need must practice what he preaches. E.g Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PEACE BE
UPON HIM) must practice what he preaches. The second thing he has to protect peoples around him &
he must able to develop others a good leader. The responces that we take & as far as in our opinion the
leader that we need in Pakistan is like imran khan. He is working very hard for the real change. Where as
the mostly other leaders are self conscious & they want to maintain their status quo . Regarding the
background & his acheivemnts He is honestand having good background of working for Pakistan in
cricket. He also doing social works, also speak well, & having an international recognition.Imran was
born in 25th nov 1952 in Lahore.


During 1990’s he become UNICEF special representative for sports and also promoted health
programmes in Pakistan, Bangladesh, thiland. He plays cricket b/w 1971-1992 & he became a captain in
1982. Under his outstanding leadership Pakistan become world champion in cricket in 1992. In 1996 he
founded shaukat khanam & it is the first and only cancer hospital in Pakistan whicj provides free
treatment. This hospital built in the memory of his mother who died from the disease. He also building
another hospital in Karachi by using his successful Lahore institution as a model.


In 1996 he launched an Pakistani justice movement (Pakistan tehreek e insaf) the mission &
ideology of his movement is to establish a free society based on justice and human values. In
2005 he become 5th chancellor of Bradford university . In 2008 he built a namal college in mianwali. While
speaking at the topic of youth & nation building Imran focus on four points need to change
existing system in country.


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These four points are 1) powerful democracy. 2) rule of law(all are equal) . 3) Educational reforms. Bcoz
there 3 parallel system of education exist in Pakistan 1) for rich people there are English medium
schools. 2) for poor people there are urdu medium. 3) third class go to govt schools or madrissas. He
also said if there is no rule of law then criminal can also be president. He said economic justice must be
there bcoz people pay 16% tax on each thing they buy. He said if there is rule of law feudalism is wiped
out from country. Credibility of imran khan is proven bcoz people gave him donations for shaukat
khanam and fund raising campaign fir flood effected people. It shows that imran khan is trusted by
masses. Wikileaks also reveals him that he is only politicians willing to standup against America & tell
them about their flawed policies. While speaking at Maju he focus on education by giving an example of
battle of bader in which Hazrat Mohammad(PEACE BE UPON HIM) as to the prisinors that if u teach 10
muslims read & write then u will be free without cost. It shows that Hazrat Mohammad also prefer
education instead of weapons or money. Because if someone having knowledge then he is more
powerfull than weapon.


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