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hi my name is John Kennedy here at leuco

incorporated and I'm going to explain

today how to properly tension and track

a belt the first thing you want to do

before while tracking your belt is you

want to make sure that your conveyor is

level with the floor you want to make

sure that it's Square to itself that all

your ends don't sag you want to make

sure this doesn't sag up or down make

sure that this is level with the bed

same with your other end make sure that

it's level with the bed that your

pulleys nice and split in between itself

at the drive end needs to be the same

way to make sure that this is all level

and square to itself that the pulley is

nice and split the next step is to go

ahead and get the proper tension to your

belt so as you can see here the belts

still loose and they have a slide back

and forth from side to side on the

pulley you want to get that right in the

middle of the split then what you want

to do is go ahead and start adjusting

these tension screws out evenly you want

to make sure they're even all the way

usually start out with a common like say

go half an inch on each side then check

to see how tight it is the easiest tool

to use while tracking a belt is a 3/8

ratchet with a with a 12-point 3/4

socket your first step is to start

tensioning out the pulley so you usually

want to stick with like a common

denominator like half an inch or

something like that just to get a basis

of where what you're doing so I get it

out a little bit more

that's a half an inch

that's a half an inch on that side but

as you can see I can still move my my

belt back and forth so I have not

received quite proper tension yet

now I have it out to about

three-quarters of an inch so I'll match

the other side to the same

sounds up to fifteen sixteenths as you

can see I can still move my belt still

not tight enough so I'll continue to

tension it out

got about an inch on that side so I'll

match my inch to the other side

still can move my belt so still not

tight enough they working it out in

small increments got that side to inch

and a quarter still need to go a little

farther out that out to just over inch

and a half about inch of 9/16 tension

this side out to match the other side

about inch and 9/16

nine-sixteenths still got to go just a

little farther starting to get there


spot inch and three-quarter as you can

tell it's still not there yet I can move

it pretty easily from side to side so

I'll continue to tension it out

I got about two inches on that side

about two inches on that side still got

a little bit of play in there

quarter inch increments are pretty good

to work with while tensioning out your

belt you want to work it evenly across

both sides but always use like a quarter

inch on this side quarter inch on that

side so you don't get the belt too tight

but you make sure that you get it tight

enough where it's not going to slip on

your pulleys still tensioning it out get

this size of two and a quarter okay as

you can see it looks like we got there

now we can't move our belt on our pulley

anymore looks like we're good that's

pretty good okay always something to

remember while tension in your belt you

want to be able to take your fist and

fit it in between the belt and bed and

then you know you have a pretty good

tension on the belt now that you have

your conveyor run and you just want to

kind of look at the belt and see what

it's doing as you can see it's beginning

to track off to the side but we'll just

let it keep going a little bit to make

sure that it's not going to go too far

as you can see the pulleys tracking off

to one side so as I tension up this

screw it's going to bring my belt back

to the other direction

a little bit goes a long way in this

step if you move it too much it may work

itself too far the other way you may

have to move it back the belt starting

to work its way back so now I'll just

stand back and observe and see what the

belts going to do a rule of thumb while

tracking you always want to remember

that the faster your belts moving the

quicker it'll it'll go through

adjustments say you go a little bit on

this side it may go really really fast

scenes that your belt goes fast with a

slower moving belt like this one it may

take a little more time for your

adjustments as you can see here my

adjustment on this side has caused my

belt to run a little bit off to this

side so I can either back this side off

a little bit or I can tension this side

out just a little to see if it responds

so I'll decide to go ahead and tight

tighten this side out some more just a

couple turns

and then we'll stand back and see what

our adjustments have done as you can see

it's already starting to work its way

back onto the pulley so we'll just stand

back and watch it it's starting to track

itself off and you want to make sure

that it's doing the same down at the

drive-in so down here at the drive end

we have another adjustment it's called

the snubber roller that's this roller

here it has small adjustment to help

your drive stay on course

to track so what I'll do is seems that

it's tracking over this direction I'll

loosen this side up okay with the

adjustment down here I can loosen this

bolt here and I can pull this roller

towards me

tighten that up and we'll just see how

that change takes course as you can see

it looks like it's already starting to

work its way back to the other direction

belt tracking usually is pretty tedious

you have to make sure that you take your

time and that you make proper

adjustments to the belt it may take some

time and it may take a little effort to

get it to track properly but once it's

tracked then you shouldn't have to mess

with it during tracking it's always

important to remember you may not be

able to get it completely perfect but as

you see here we're doing a good tracking

job but it may track a little bit more

to this side or a little bit more to

this side one key thing to remember is

you never want it to run off the end of

the pulley here or off the end of the

pulley here or vice versa at the drive

end as long as it's working itself over

and coming back working itself over and

coming back it's getting pretty good

tracking as long as you're not tearing

up the edges of your belt by tracking

too far this way or too far that way

you're doing pretty good I just wanted

to thank you for watching our video

about belt tracking just remember belt

tracking is a fairly easy process but

you always want to take your time while

doing it to make sure you do it properly


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