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A Study of Synchronous Machine Model Implementations in Matlab/Simulink

Simulations for New and Renewable Energy Systems

Z. Chen, F. Blaabjerg, F.Iov

Institute of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, DK-9220, Denmark

Abstract-A direct phase model of synchronous machines ductance may be directly found with the fluxes, which are
implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK is presented. The used as the state variables in the simulation model. The
effects of the machine saturation have been included. Simu- model of synchronous machine has been implemented in
lation studies are performed under various conditions. It has MATLAB/SIMULINK. The effects of nonlinearity of the
been demonstrated that the MATLAB/SIMULINK is an
effective tool to study the complex synchronous machine and machine have been included in the model. Simulation
the implemented model could be used for studies of various studies are performed under various conditions. It has
applications of synchronous machines including in renew- been demonstrated that the MATLAB/SIMULINK im-
able and DG generation systems. plemented model has the potential to be used for studies
of various applications of synchronous machines such as
I. INTRODUCTION in renewable and DG generation systems.
Synchronous machines have been widely used in
power systems, they are not only the main generation II. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE MODELS
units in large scale conventional power stations, but also Both direct phase model and commonly used dqO
in small and remote stand alone systems. Various new frame model that is used for considering the saturation
types of synchronous generators are being developed for effects are briefed in this section.
newly emerging renewable and distributed generation
(DG) systems, including multi-pole machine for wind A. Direct phase model
power conversion systems. These machines play a very The six circuits of an idealized synchronous machine,
important role to achieve a high efficiency and reliable 3 phase windings, a field winding and two equivalent
power system with good power quality. A detailed and damper coils, are shown in Fig. 1.
accurate model is essential to investigate the performance
of a synchronous machine and its control strategies. kQ a
O01 r / a
Various modelling and simulation techniques have
been reported to study the belabour of synchronous ma- (o,
chines, dqO reference frame models of synchronous gen- f kD
erators are widely used due to the simplicity, however, b, .ryy)n
these models have some limitations [1,2], for example in
studying unbalanced and nonlinear loading conditions. On
the other hand, a direct phase model is possible to provide C,
a more accurate solution [3] and has the potential to study Fig. 1. Diagram of idealized synchronous machine.
the performance of various new type of synchronous gen- The performance of a synchronous generator can be
erators. Also, various conditions, such as sudden applica- described by the voltage equations in direct phase quanti-
tion and removal of balanced and unbalanced loads, con- ties for the three armature phases, the field and two
nection of power electronic converters and symmetrical equivalent damper coils. The position of the rotor at any
and asymmetrical faults, can be easily investigated. instant is specified with reference to the axis of phase a by
Currently Matlab/Simulink is a widely used simula- the angle Or. In terms of flux linkage, the voltage equa-
tion tool for dynamic systems. A wide range of compo- tions for the six circuits can be expressed in phase frame
nents will be involved for modelling large dynamic sys- as:
tems, for example, power system, including prime mov-
ers, generators, transformers, power electronic converters. [V]=[R].[i]+ d[A]
Matlab/Simulink is an effective tool for such applications where
[4]. [V] = [Va Vb VC 0 0 Vf 1
This paper presents important aspects regarding the
implementations of a direct phase synchronous machine [i] [ia 2b Pc
'Q'D D
f r

model. It first briefs the synchronous machine model in

both abc frame and qdO frame, then discusses the satura-
tion considerations, the saturation is considered in q-d
[R]= diagonal[r, rb r, rQ rD rfT
frame as usual way, however, an mathematical expression
is used to relate the current and inductance, then the in- The flux is related to the current by:

[A I = IL I * [id (2)
Where L is the machine inductance matrix, which is a Where
function of the rotor position and the saturation condition [/2abc] [= a Ab A,]T and [iabc]= [ia 'b i ]T are the 3
of the machine. The general form of the inductance matrix phase flux linkages and currents of the stator windings.
may be expressed as
KD ] ifY] and QDJ] = [ jD jf]T are the
L 2abc Lss
L Lsr labc 1 (3) flux linkages and currents of damper and field circuits.
2AQDf L _Lrs Lrr j LiQDf j The sub-matrices in the flux equation (3) are given in (4)
The stator inductance sub-matrix
Ls+Los L2scos 2Or LOS /2-L2SCoS(20r- 2wT13) LOS /2-L2S CoS(20r + 2W 13) (4.a)
[LSS ] = LOS 2I /2-L2S OS-L20S LIS +L S-L2S CoS(20r + 2w-T3)
CoS(20r-+2S2w 13)
C 3) LOS /2-L2S COS 20r
-LOS / 2-L2S cos(20, + 2;T 13) LOS /2-L2S cos 20r LIS +L S-L2S CoS(20r- 2wT/ 3)]

The stator and rotor mutual inductance sub-matrix introduced briefly here. For synchronous machine study,
I Lsq cOW, Lsd sinO, Lsf sinO 1 (4.b) the dqO model is commonly referenced to rotating rotor
[Ls, ] = [Ls ] LsqCOS(O,- 2ff 3) Lsd sin(O,- 2ff 3) Lsf sin(O -2fT 3)
= frame, and then only the stator parameters need to be
Lsq COS(0 + 21ff 3) Lsd sin(O, + 21fI 3) Lsf sin(O, + 21ff 3)j transformed, such as
The rotor inductance sub-matrix
0 0
[VqdO] [T][Vabc]
LIQ + LmQ (4.c)
[Lrr] 0= LID +LmD LfD [ZqdO] [T][2abc,]
0 LDf Lif + Lmf [iqdO I= [T][Iabc,]
Clearly the components of the stator inductance sub-
matrix, the stator and rotor mutual inductance sub- where
matrixes are the functions of O, which is the angle differ- [Vqd O ] [vsq Vsd VO j ['qd O] [isq sd AO | [iqd 0] [sq isd io
ence between the reference frame and the magnetizing Apply the above transformation to the voltage and
axis of stator phase a. Therefore these elements are time flux equations, the following set of equations may be ob-
varying. tained:
The differential equation to be solved can be ex- The voltage equations:
pressed in terms of winding flux as dA,q
= rsq dt d
Vs +

d [A ]= [V ]- [R ]. [L ]'[ ] dt
Vsd --:rsisd +dAd_Os
Or in terms of current as dt r

dt ([L ][i = [V] - [R ]. [i] d2Q

dt~~~~~~~~ (6) (9)
d (h[ I = [L] '([V ] [R ]. [] d ([L [J )
iQ +
dt dt

Both equation (5) or (6) can be used as basic d ifferen- o ri' DD+dD
tial equations for simulation, the expression of e quation
(5) is simple. The output electromagnetic torque of the v = i
generator and rotor motion equations can be calcullated in A dt
usual way, such as The flux equations related to mutual inductance are:
Pe Vala + Vblb + VcIc (7) 2sq = LIS isq+ Lmq imq
Te =
° rm
o rm
sdK= LlISd +L md imd (10)
and AQ = LQiQ + Lmqmq
dcor 2H
(T +TmechO-rKd) (8) XD
dt C0b
Af =Llf if +Lmdmd
b, co,9r the rated angular speed and rotor angular s where
Te, Tmech electrical and mechanical torque,
Kd damping constant. imd isd +iD +if and imq =isq + iQ (11)
Also the q and d-axis magnetizing flux may be respec-
B. qdOframe model tively defined as
Many proposed methods of considering electri cal ma- 'mq
= Lmqimq and 2md= Lmdlmd (12)
chine saturation are based on dqO frame [5-10], and so
does this reported model. Therefore, the dqO frame' is also

After the transformation to rotor frame, the inductance T 1 (16)
parameters are no longer the function of 0r, which simpli- qE 1 1 1
+ +
fies the calculation significantly. Lmd and Lmq are mutual Lmq LIS LIQ
inductances along d and q-axis, which can be saturated
and may be considered as functions of currents, imd and and
imq, respectively. 'm=
imd md
1 = (2sd
( S+ 2 D+ 2 r) Lddl (17)
(qmq 2 + 2"Q) L ql

A. Flux and current relationship Lmq Lis LIQ mq

In the discussed model, the leakage flux saturation and Keeping Lmd, and Lmq in (17) as constants, LmdO and
cross saturation are ignored, only main flux saturation is LmqO, would result in a non-saturated magnetizing induc-
considered. tance machine model. However, Lmd and Lmq are varying
In some studies [6,7], it is assumed that a saliency fac- with operation condition and the variation may be signifi-
tor m denoting parameters and variables associated with cant in certain conditions, and therefore the variation of
the magnetizing flux is constant as in (13), i.e. it is as- Lmd and Lmq will be taken into account in the reported
sumed that d- and q- axis are saturated to the same degree. model.
m Lmq 0 LLmd = Lmq L md const (13) B. Saturation considerations
Then the anisotropic salient pole machine may be con- In general, a magnetizing characteristic can be ob-
verted into an equivalent isotropic machine by means of tained by testing the electrical machine. A typical magnet-
saliency ratio as izing characteristic of an electrical machine is shown in
Fig. 2.
= nd+ Aq /m2 and in Imd +miq
So that it becomes possible to define a unique magnet-
izing inductance
Lm = Am / im
Then the open circuit d-axis magnetizing curve may
be used as function A. = f (im ) for saturation considera-
tion. However, q- and d-axis magnetization may be con-
sidered separately by using (12).
Using (10), (11) and (12), the currents may be ex- Magnetizing cret(p.)

pressed as: Fig. 2. Magnetization curve

* _ isd md The magnetizing inductance characteristic may be rep-
sd T resented as [9]:
Asq mq
L =L 0 for i < i(t) (1 8.a)
L LimO for im > im(sat) (1 8.b)
ZQ -Zmq 1 + a(im m(sat) )
iQ (14)
A resultant magnetizing curve with (18) is shown in
Fig. 3.
= AD md .1 .-,. .,


_f md

Then the magnetizing flux linkage components can be

expressed with d-q stator and rotor flux linkages and the
current variables are eliminated, as

AKd = (d+ + )Ldy 0

0 2 4 6 a 10 12

LIS LID LI1 magnetizing cret(p.)

Fig. 3. Magnetizing inductance

= (L sq~ + LA)
A"mq Amq ) )Lq
(15) Equation (18) gives the relation of magnetizing cur-
rent and inductance. The relationship between the fluxes,
magnetizing current, imd and imq, and inductance, Lmd and
where Lmq may be established by substituting equation (16) into
L dY - I (17)
1 1 1

L,d LIS LID Lc 1md 1-+-+-))

± 1 ± =(sd + AD + ) (19.a)

(I + L,,q
i"q/(1± L((L+

lL,.dO _-)
1 I

1) +


Equations (19.a) and (19.b) may be used for both
saturated and saturated conditions. For saturation condi-
tion, (1 8.b) can be rewritten as

ax ( Lmd
)m( for imd > imd(sat)
Then equation (l9.a) can be expressed as


Equation (20.a) is a second order equation of the mag-

netizing inductance Lmd, therefore the saturated Lmd can be
directly solved out from a set of values of d-q axis flux
Similarly, the q-axis equation can be obtained as



( l(n'Xt- + 'mq(,at) IU + Lmq(L + L
a L(l9.a)
Equations q and )~
(l9.b) may
Li,be LlQj
If the q-axis magnetizing curve is unknown,
sumption of (13) may be used.
The model discussed above has been implemented in
MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Equation (5) is used
as the basic differential equation for the implemented
J L L)
= LI,bothLID un-20.b
used for

model, i.e. the fluxes of the six circuits shown in Fig. 1 are
the state variables.
In order to simplify the implementation, the main
computation part has been written in a function format.
The simulation model is shown in Fig. 4, where a Matlab
function is used.

0 Y 1h, >


Fig. 4. Synchronous machine simulation model



+ Q

the as-

age drop (to 7000 of the rated voltage) occurs at 8 seconds

V. SIMULATION STUDY and lasts for 300 ms. The machine speed, angle, voltages
A synchronous machine system has been simulated and currents are presented.
with the developed abc direct phase model, the same pa- 2I
rameters as given in Synchronous machine projects 1 of :3-1 I .....
Telec -

reference [5] are used. .


The machine is driven by a mechanical torque as 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
shown in Fig. 5 (a), it can be seen that the machine first
operates as a generator with a leading angle and change to
a motor mode at simulation time of 3 seconds due to the
change of the direction of the mechanical torque. The ac
system voltages, machine stator phase and rotor circuit
currents are given in Fig. 5 (b), (c) and (d). Also the varia-
tion of magnetizing reactance of the machine is shown in
Fig. 5 (e).
Fig. 6 gives the results of the machine under the same 2 3 4 5
time (seconds)
6 7 8 9

driving condition as that of Fig. 5, but a three phase volt- (a) Machine torques, speed and angle

system voltages Mechanical and Electrical Torque
21 2

:31 0
c 4'- ----
Z5 -2
1 Tmech
2 -41
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Machine speed
1 -j5l 1 .05
1 II .
1 ',-.

-277 -L -L -L -1 -L -L -1 0.9
0 1 2 -1 11 0 2 4 6 10 12 14
Machine angle
, -
II .
-5 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
time (seconds) time (seconds)

(b) AC system phase voltages (a) Machine torques, speed and angle
Stator currents system voltages

0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 -2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1


-1 0
0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
_1 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ttrcret
time (seconds)

(c) Machine stator three phase currents

Rotor currents (b) AC system phase voltages
-:31 5
le7 0
C) EL 0
Z 'W -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 2 I1 I I 10 I 12 I

-51 l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-1 0
o 2 4 L-
10 L-
12 'L


-:31 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ie(scns
,e7 ~ ~ ~ d 2ahn roo-icitcret
0 2 4 10 12 1
time (seconds)
(c) Machine stator three phase currents
Rotor currents

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

21 =8

1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
O 1 2 3 4 51 6 7 8 9

(e) q-and d- axis mutual reactance 4

Fig. 5. Simulation of normal operation of a synchronous machine 3

The results presented in Fig. 7 are under the same 1

conditions as that of Fig. 6, except that the voltage drop is 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
a single phase (to 30°0 of the rated voltage) and occurs on tidM n (seconds)
phase "a". Fig. 6. Simulation of the synchronous machine under a three phase volt-
age drop to 70% of the rated voltage

Mechanical and Electrical Torquuje

This paper presents a synchronous machine model in
.s- abc frame implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The

_4 1
-4o 4 6 10 12
- saturation considerations have been considered, an mathe-
matical expression is used to represent the saturation ef-
Machine speed

:.. 1.05
1.11I fects and implemented in the model. Simulation studies
E. are performed under various operation conditions. It has
L 0.95
been demonstrated that the MATLAB/SIMULINK is a
0 2 4 6 8
Machine angle
10 12 14 powerful tool to implement the complex synchronous
machine model.

V -1
The direct phase model can easily integrated into other
power system model for simulating various loading or
-21'o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
time (seconds)
fault, balanced or unbalanced conditions. The imple-
(a) Machine torques, speed and angle mented model could also be used for studies of various
system voltages
2, applications of synchronous machines including renew-
able and DG generation systems.

o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
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Stator currents
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time (seconds)
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Rotor currents
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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
time (seconds)

(d) Machine rotor circuit currents

Fig. 7. Simulation of the synchronous machine under a single phase "a"
voltage drop to 30% of the rated voltage


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