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I. True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

Write your
answer on the space provided before each number.
______1. Karma is the principle that every action has its positive and no negative consequences.
______2. Some people believe that Karma is a manual sanction; the evil doer suffers while the
righteous prospers.
______3. Parthasarathy explained that “the Hindus are polytheistic.”
______4. The book Religion 101 answers that “the man who would become the Buddha can be
seen as godlike mystic, rational philosopher, psychologist, physician, and social entertainer.
______5. It is narrated that the Buddha was born in a garden of salt trees called Lumbani
______6. Buddhism means “enlightenment with God”
______7. Hinduism teaches tolerance, violence and kindness even to the animals.
______8. Buddha taught his disciples that one can achieve enlightenment through seeking the
untruth from personal efforts such as right thinking and good deeds.
______9. Vishnu is often depicted to have an animal body, blue colored skin and four arms with
each hand.
______10. Polytheistic religion is a religion praising one God.

II. Identify the word/s being referred to by the statement. Write your answer on the space
_____________11. A Scottish social Anthropologist who was famous for his book “The Golden
bough”. He argued that religion started from magic.
_____________12. He theorizes that religion started in what he calls “father-figure neurosis”.
_____________13. An English anthropologist who suggested that religion started with animism.
_____________14. An English anthropologist who postulated an impersonal religion which he
called “animatism”
_____________15. It is the consciousness or acceptance that a statement is true or that
something exists.
_____________16. It is the structure and function of the religion organization.
_____________17. These are the results of religious rituals or ceremonies.
_____________18. These are the emotional and ceremonial practices.
_____________19. These are the signs used for sacred objects or situation.

_____________20. These are small groups within a religion.

III.Classify the following books from the Old Testaments whether Pentateuch, Historical,
Prophetic, or Wisdom book. Write A for Pentateuch, B for Historical, C for Prophetic and D for
_______21. Genesis _______26. Joshua _______31. Job _______36. Isaiah
_______22.Judges _______27. Exodus _______32. Jeremiah _______37. Psalms
_______23. Proverbs _______28. Lamentations _______33. Leviticus _______38. Ruth
_______24. Ezra _______29. Song of songs _______34. Baruch _______39. Numbers
_______25. Deuteronomy _______30. 1 Kings _______35.Wisdom _______40. Ezekiel

III. Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer. Write the letter of the best answer on the
blank before each number.
_________41. This is the consciousness or acceptance that a statement is true or that
something exists.
a. Anima b. Belief c. Religious Organization
_________42. Religionem is a Latin word that if translated would mean____________.
a. Bind fast b. respect for what is sacred c. consider carefully
_________43. Hope, fear and awe are called___________.
a. Emotions b. Signs c. Symbols

_________44. He stated that religion is a relationship not only of man to another man but also
the man to some higher power.
a. Malinowski b. Ogburn c. Robert Mclver

_________45. An example is the Pope, the Archbishops, Bishops and Parish Priest.
a. Religious Organization b. Sacred Object c. Sect

III. Enumeration: Enumerate the following

A. Two kinds of Religion

B. Monotheistic Religions

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