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CSE - English Grammar and Correct Usage Part 5

Sentence Completion

Each sentence below has blanks each blank indicating that word has been a
mined. Beneath the sentence are five numbered sets of words.

Direction: Choose the set of words that best fits the meaning of the sentence
as a whole.

1. After having listened to his lecture I ___________ really interested to learn

how to conduct an action research.

a. am

b. was

c. is

d. were

ans: a

2. It was in july 1969 when Armstrong and Aldrin _______ on the moon.

a. have landed

b. had landed

c. were landed

d. landed

ans: d

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3. The answer to the economic woes of the Philippines _______ development

of manpower.

a. will be

b. is

c. are

d. was

ans: b

4. The effects of climate change ______ the world's food supply.

a. threatens

b. will threaten

c. threaten

d. would threaten

ans: c

5. The student was ______ to explain his side after a heated encounter with a

a. allowed

b. will threaten

c. threaten

d. would threaten

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ans: a

6. The last fifty years of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
____ that as a whole, the Association is greater than the sum of its parts.

a. proved

b. proves

c. have proven

d. had proven

ans: c

7. Keeping up _____ the fashion drains one's pocket.

a. to

b. with

c. in

d. for

ans: b

8. Fill ____ the blanks with the correct answer.

a. with

b. in

c. up

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d. out

ans: b

9. Please ______ your sister on which course to take in college.

a. advice

b. advises

c. advise

d. adviced

ans: c

10. The teenage girl didn't listen to her mother's _______.

a. advice

b. advices

c. advise

d. advises

ans: a

11. To work abroad means to live away from ______ ones.

a. beloved

b. loving

c. love

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d. loved

ans: d

12. ________ in a while, one has to take a vacation for health reasons.

a. One

b. One's

c. Once

d. Once's

ans: c

13. Teamwork ________ a must for a group's success.

a. can be

b. is

c. should be

d. are

ans: c

14. The secret to cooking pinakbet _______ not to put too much water.

a. will be

b. should be

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c. is

d. was

ans: c

15. She believes in destiny, _______ she?

a. did

b. doesn't

c. does

d. didn't

ans: b

16. These are computer - generated data, ________?

a. is it

b. isn't it

c. are they

d. aren't they

ans: d

17. Did you _____ to the meeting?

a. goes

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b. go

c. went

d. going

ans: b

18. She ______ every weekend.

a. do teach

b. is teaching

c. does teach

d. do teaches

ans: c

19. She doesn't want to remember her ______.

a. past

b. past passed

c. passed

d. passed past

ans: a

20. A contract is an agreement ________ two parties.

a. among

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b. of

c. between

d. with

ans: c

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