6 IOM - Idirect NMS Ibuilder Module, v7.0, 061407

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System (NMS)

Installation, iBuilder
Operations &

iDS v7.0

June 2007 Chapter 6

Copyright Notice
iDirect Technologies Technical Training Manual
Copyright © 2002; 2004 - 2007, iDirect, Inc. All rights reserved. This
training material may not be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the
permission of iDirect, Inc.
All other brands or product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.
Printed in the USA.
No part of this work covered by copyright may be reproduced in any
form. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written
permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
This publication is provided by iDirect Technologies as-is without
warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited
to, the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. iDirect Technologies shall not be liable for any errors
or omissions which may occur in this publication, nor for incidental or
consequential damages of any kind resulting from the furnishing,
performance, or use of this publication.
Information published here is current or planned as of the date of
publication of this document. Because we are improving and adding
features to our products continuously, the information in this document
is subject to change without notice.

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 2

NMS Training Objectives
Network Management System Training Objectives
Introduction to NMS Features &
Introduction to NMS Components
iBuilder, v7.0.x (IOM Chapter 6)
iMonitor, v7.0.x (IOM Chapter 7)
iSite, v7.0.x (IOM Chapter 8)
Familiarization with NMS GUI/Client
iDirect Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
Instruction on Network Configuration using iBuilder v7.0.x
Menus, Commands and Controls
Network/Component Configuration Tasks
Instruction on Network Monitor Functions using iMonitor v7.0.x
Menus, Commands and Controls
Network/Component Monitor and Status Reporting

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 3

Introduction to the NMS
What Can the NMS Do for You?
Intuitive GUIs for
Building Networks
Controlling Networks
Monitoring Networks
Reporting on Networks
Back-End Servers for
Storing Configuration Data
Archiving Network Statistical Data
Automatically Consolidating
Network Data
Measuring Network Performance
Stand-Alone Tools for
Installing Remote Sites
Reporting Performance and
Configuration to End Customers

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 4

NMS Basic Features
Supports Hundreds of Remotes Easily
Client-Server, 3-Tier Architecture
Modularity, Flexibility, Simplify Maintenance
Windows Front-End
Familiar Look-and-Feel
Compatible with Windows 2000 & XP
Linux Server Back-End
Performance, Stability, Maturity, Accessibility
SQL Database
Standard Database Storage System (MySQL)
Secure Access w/Individual User Logins with Privilege Levels
Virtual Network Operator (VNO) Support (Licensed Feature)
Customer Network Observer (CNO) Support (Licensed Feature)
Remote Access, Even Across Slow Links (i.e. dial-up modem)
SNMP Interface – Reporting Warnings & Alarms
VLAN Tagging (End-to-End)
IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 5
NMS Primary Features
Configuration and Control
Creates Network Components
Controls Operational Parameters

Async Reporting of Events, Alarms,
Real-time and Historical Network
Data Access
“Network Probe” for Detailed
Remote Continuous Wave (CW)
carrier from Probe

Site Installation Tools
Direct Connection to a Modem
GUI Client for iSCPC and Network

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 6

NMS Admin Discussion Topics

Review NMS Client-Server Architecture

Examine Server Operational Environment
Provide Additional Server Operational Details
Introduce SNMP Proxy Agent
Describe MySQL Database Basics
Describe Special Tables
Activity Log
Historical Status & Statistics Archive Consolidation
Maintaining the Backup Database
Automatic database backup to Backup NMS Server
Uses dbBackup and dbRestore

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 7

NMS Architecture

Linux Back-End

iMonitor Suite
Firmware Updates

NOC NetModem
Station Control Networks

Config Real-time
iBuilder Archive Real-time
Network Data

Station Monitor and
Control Archive


IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 8

NMS Client-Server Architecture

(GUI, utility,
Code or another

API Logic DB
Code Interface
network I/F



IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 9

NMS Process Architecture


SNMP Proxy

elements NRD
Server IP Stats,
Hub Stats,
Remote Status,
NMS Monitor Config Control Networks
parameters Measurements
elements Probe

Protocol Control NOTE: For very large networks, these NMS

Processor Server server Processes can be ‘Distributed’ across
PP Blade Controller several NMS server machines. A configuration
samnc script allows for ease of implementation.

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 10

Distributed NMS Option
Starting with iDS v7.0, the NMS server processes can now be
‘distributed’ across multiple physical IBM e-server machines

Example of a Common
NMS Process
Distribution Scheme

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 11

Distributed NMS Option
The primary benefits of a Distributed NMS are two fold . . .
Improved server performance
Better utilization of disk space
‘Distributing’ the NMS should be considered when . . .
The number of supported remotes reaches 500-600
A Distributed NMS platform has successfully tested with >3000
Distributed NMS Server Architecture
All servers can run on one e-server machine as always
NMS server processes can run on their own machine also
Provided script enables distributed NMS server configuration
Remains unchanged, across upgrades unless manually changed
iBuilder/iMonitor GUI access thru the NMS Configuration server
Config server knows location of all other servers
Client GUIs automatically connect to the correct servers

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 12

Distributed NMS Option
Distributed NMS Server – Configuration & Management
Setting up the Distributed NMS Server
Use Script: NMS-configuration-client.pl
Resides on the ‘Configuration Server’ NMS server machine
Script queries local subnet for the following:
ƒ IP addresses of all NMS servers found on the subnet
ƒ The current processes configured to run on each machine found
Operator is then prompted to specify which machine to run each process on
Managing a Distributed NMS Server Platform
All servers are ‘restarted’ by running another simple script file
Use Script: NMS-domain-commands.pl
dbBackup & dbRestore and the Distributed NMS
Same scripts remain compatible with new NMS
Also, choose a one-for one or one-for-n database redundancy
If one-for-n, ensure backups are handled properly in the script file

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 13

Distributed NMS Option
Distributed NMS Server Platform – Database Redundancy
Example shows three separate servers, one backup NMS
If NMS1 fails, db already restored (automatic process)
If NMS 2 or 3 fails, dbRestore must be run prior to the swap
Maintains & adds to archive data in the failed servers database
Several server processes MUST
be run on the ‘Primary’, or Config
dbBackup &
dbRestore with a Server machine
Distributed NMS
Control Server
Revision Server
SNMP (Proxy Agent) Server
All other NMS Server processes may
run on separate e-server machines
NRD, etc.
IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 14
NMS Operational Environment


nrd cfg snmpsvr evt utils lat ctl

executable, executable, executable, executable, startup executable, executable,

log files log files log files log files scripts log files log files

options image set db_maint
dirs options
dirs stand-alone
dirs fileoptions
dirs db scripts
dirs fileoptions
file dirs file dirs

Server Process Status/Startup commands:

service idirect_nms status <server>
service idirect_nms stop <server>
service idirect_nms start <server>
service idirect_nms restart <server>
service idirect_nms upgrade (typically used during the
server upgrade process only)
(NOTE: For use on a Protocol Processor blade, substitute ‘hpb’ for
‘nms’ in the command lines shown above)
IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 15
NMS Server Details
Each NMS server process has a telnet console
telnet localhost <port number>
Console ports exist for the following NMS server processes:
Config server: 14123
NRD server: 13257
EVT server: 13259
LAT server: 13261
SNMP server: 13263
CTL server: 13123
Rev server: tbd
“Help” at console prompt gets a list of specific server commands
Note: exercise care -- commands designed for debugging only
Kicking off a user who has the write lock:
telnet into cfg server using port address, (as shown above):
>telnet localhost 14123
Kick off the offending user with the following:
>kill <ip address>:<port #> (IP:port provided in the
NMS message denying access to the database)
IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 16
NMS Revision Server (RevSvr)
Also known as the NMS Configuration & Upgrade Assistant
Revision Server provides the ability to upgrade firmware and/or
configurations automatically with minimal iBuilder interaction
Upgrade unreachable remotes later using Revision Server after normal
upgrade has completed
Apply multiple new configurations after modification automatically, and in
the background
Query Revision Server on upgrade status of remotes at anytime
Stop the Revision Server at any time
Upgrade multiple networks simultaneously
Revision Server was designed to make upgrades & configuration
changes simple & reliable for all sizes & types of iDS networks
Large networks make upgrade/downtime scheduling difficult
Many networks operate with itinerant terminals which can be expected to
be in-network < 50 % of the time

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 17

NMS Revision Server (RevSvr)
NMS Revision Server – How it works . . . (Duty Cycle)
Revision Server sits idle, waiting for command input
Once initiated, the duty cycle continues until . . .
All assigned tasks are complete, or . . .
Command received from NMS to stop (via iBuilder user)
First, list of any down – rev’d remote determined (after command input)
NMS tracks options file version & software/firmware versions separately
‘Down – rev’d’ remotes do not match NMS server version for one or both
RevServer then creates a single package containing required image
package and/or options files for all down – rev’d remote
Package is then multicast to remotes using 10 % of Downstream channel
RevServer waits calculated amount of time for operation to complete
Remotes receive the package and process it, as always
Remotes pick out the images (if upgrading) and its own options file, writes to
flash & resets
RevServer repeats steps for all remaining remotes in list
If # down – rev’d remotes = 0, RevServer reverts to inactive (idle) mode
IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 18
NMS Revision Server (RevSvr)
NMS Revision Server – Duty Cycle
Startup Complete
Begin Startup
GUI “Stop” Inactive State
Command (Idle) GUI “Start Upgrade”

Sleep for Nothing

Configurable to do
Then . . .

Determine list
GUI “Start Commit” of down – rev
Collect, archive ,& Command remotes
report results

Determine list
of Changes

package at @
10% of
data rate Build mcast
package (s) See Release 7.0 Features Document
for current RevServer NMS screens

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 19

NMS Revision Server (RevSvr)
NMS Revision Server – Using the Revision Server
Revision Server is used for Image Package and/or Options Files
Use it for either operation from any configured networks context menu
Launch for software/firmware upgrades with/without options files
Launch for options file only downloads (more frequent use)
Parameters are selected, specifying how the RevServer is to behave
RevServer visibility is provided, displaying steps taken by the server
Messages provided indicate remotes completed & removed from list
Upgrade in progress need not be observed; dialog box can be closed
iBuilder provides monitoring capabilities with Real-time & Historical logs
New tab appears with Network Tree labeled ‘Revision server’
All In Process operations are shown by default
Parameters dialog box can also provide visibility, if reopened
Cancelling an upgrade while in process is also on Parameters dialog box

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 20

NMS Database Basics
The NMS uses MySQL; open source relational database engine
Suggested reading: any book on MySQL
Database names:
nms – the configuration database
nrd_archive – the statistics archive database
The tool “mysql” allows direct database queries:
mysql <database name>
The mysql tool understands standard SQL syntax
WARNING: Direct database modification will certainly break the
NMS and is NOT supported!

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 21

NMS Database Restructuring
Background, prior iDS Releases
Each archive data type was contained in a single MySQL table
Real-time stats written & historical queries performed on this table
Large networks required large tables, sometimes exceeding 1 GB
This created a serious performance load on the NMS server
ODBC external access to the table has changed; consult TAC
New Database Structure
One table is now many tables, called a table set
Table set exists for each type of statistical data
Table set for each type is sized in two dimensions
Unique ID
The Time dimension consists of two configurable parameters
The number of tables (in set - default 6)
The duration of the time segment (default 360 minutes)

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 22

NMS Archive Database Striping
NMS Archive Database Striping

Default Data Striping

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Table 0 00:00 – 12:00 – … 00:00 – 12:00 –

Default Table Set 06:00 18:00 06:00 18:00
Table 1 06:00 – 18:00 – … 06:00 – 18:00 –
12:00 24:00 12:00 24:00
Table 2 12:00 – … 00:00 – 12:00 – …
18:00 06:00 18:00
Table 3 18:00 – … 06:00 – 18:00 – …
Data is striped across 24:00 12:00 24:00
six tables in six-hour
Table 4 … 00:00 – 12:00 – … 00:00 –
segments (6x360)
06:00 18:00 06:00
Table 5 … 06:00 – 18:00 – … 06:00 –
12:00 24:00 12:00

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 23

NMS Special Database Tables

In nms database:
Contains results of database conversion scripts run during upgrades
Contains archive consolidation parameters
Contains global warning limits and per-remote overrides
These limits & thresholds are controllable via iBuilder GUI for iDS v7.0
Contains iBuilder activities per-user
Tables changes, resets, firmware downloads, options file applies, etc.
Requires manual mysql queries to read (no GUI interface yet)
NOTE: Contact iDirect’s TAC if you want to change
any values in these tables!
IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 24
Backing Up the NMS Database
dbBackup and dbRestore keep backup NMS in sync with primary
(release 4.0 and later)
Scripts require manual configuration at each site
dbBackup runs on the primary NMS
Backs up the database every night
Maintains a configurable number of backups (7 suggested, 2 by default)
Saves the nms, nrd_archive, or both
Supports copy to multiple locations
dbRestore runs on the backup NMS
Restores the saved database every night
Database will at most be 24 hours out of date
No manual intervention required after initial setup
For complete NMS failover procedure, see the tech note entitled
“NMS Redundancy and Failover Procedure”
IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 25
Archive Consolidation
• Runs nightly to consolidate older statistics
• Script Controlled by Parameters in Database
• Contact iDirect’s TAC if you wish to change the defaults:
Table Name Contains Data Saved For
raw_ip_stats IP stats sent from the 24 hours
protocol processor
ip_minute_stats raw IP stats consolidated to 30 days
one record per minute
ip_hour_stats IP minute stats consolidated 6 months
to one record per hour
lat_stats latency measurement 1 week
nms_hub_stats hub line card statistics 1 week
nms_remote_status remote information 1 week
nms_ucp_info uplink control adjustments 1 week
event_msg events sent from protocol 1 week
processors, hub line cards,
and remotes
state_change_log hub line card and remote 30 days
state changes (conditions
raised and lowered)
pp_state_change_log protocol processor state 30 days
chassis_state_change_log chassis state changes 30 days

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 26

External Database Access via ODBC

Designed for customers who want to write their own reports

MySQL ODBC libraries available for Linux, Windows
ODBC compatible with Excel, Access, etc.
Requires read-only account in MySQL database
Account set-up and security are client’s responsibility
Assistance is available from iDirect
Database structure subject to change with each release
Tech note will stay in sync with database
Changes to reports are client’s responsibility
For more info, see tech note entitled “Accessing the NMS
Statistics Archive”

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 27

SNMP Proxy Agent

Proxies real-time network status to SNMP clients

Provides basic configuration information:
Serial number
IP address
Provides real-time state of network elements
Current state
List of active warnings and alarms
Supports SNMP v2 traps and Get requests
No configuration capability – Proxy is read-only
Actual SNMP interface details up to each customer
MIB ships with each release (on NMS server)
Default MIB location: /usr/share/snmp/mibs
May have to be customized for your SNMP client
For more details, see tech note entitled “NMS SNMP Proxy”

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 28

NMS QoS Queuing Schemes
Two new queuing schemes have been
added in iDS v7.0
Priority Queuing (P1 – P4) Highest Possible
Best-Effort Queuing (Round-Robin, only if all
other queues are empty)
Existing Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing
(CBWFQ) remains as before
All Priority Queues will transmit until
empty, in round-robin fashion
Any Priority Queue can starve bandwidth from
other queues
Use Priority Queues carefully
Once all Priority Queues are emptied,
CBWFQ Queues have priority
Best-Effort Queues may only be serviced
after all others queues have been emptied

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 29

QoS Queuing Schemes – Priority Queues

QoS Queuing Schemes – Management Traffic

Priority P1 Queues are auto created for NMS traffic to/from remotes
NMS Priority 1 – Traffic is minimal under steady-state operations
NMS Traffic is greater during upgrades, configuration updates & other such routine
NMS operations
The default P1 NMS Queues are shown in the table below:
Direction Traffic Types Details
NMS_TCP Upstream/Downstream TCP traffic Reliable options file and reset
NMS_ICMP Upstream/Downstream ICMP traffic Latency server measurement
NMS_UDP Upstream UDP traffic events, remote status

The NMS Priority Queue may be modified, but it is not recommended

Important statistical information may be lost
Remotes may be reported as ‘Down’
Operational control could be affected/lost

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 30

QoS Queuing– CBWFQ & Best Effort
QoS Queuing Schemes – Other Queues
Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing
No change in this existing queuing technique for CBWFQ
Allows all queues to be serviced, even low-priority queues
Grants credits to lower queues, increasing their priority slightly each pass –
eventually gaining enough to transmit
Under normal conditions, this is the best overall technique, providing the best
user experience across a wide range of traffic
Best-Effort – As the name implies, lowest priority queues
Only allowed to transmit if all other queues are empty
All traffic in BE queues is the same, low BE priority
Round-Robin transmission is distribution method for BE queues
Typically used for low priority, late night transfers i.e. FTP traffic

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 31

QoS Queue Selection
QoS Queuing Schemes – Configuring Queue Types
All queues are selectable for
each QoS Service Level
Create a new profile & select the queue
type (Scheduling)
Edit existing QoS Profile Service Levels
to modify queue type
Other parameters selected as before

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 32

iDS v 7.0 Network Topologies
NMS Three Network Topologies S

Star networks, SCPC to TDMA (IOM Level I)

Mesh networks, TDMA to TDMA (IOM Level II) SCPC Downstream

iSCPC networks, SCPC to SCPC
TDMA Upstreams
(IOM Level II)

Tunnel Subnet
Remote Upstream Remote 1
Remote 2

Mesh Links

iMonitor Protocol Tx Rx
Processor Remote 3
Upstream Subnet

NMS Server
NOC iSCPC link
Station iSCPC
iSCPC OR remote-to-HLC)
Downstream Downstream
iBuilder iSCPC
iMonitor Upstream S

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 33

Gathering Statistics
NMS Monitoring of Networks

To Internet
Mesh Traffic Stats Collected Here

Remote 1
Upstream Router
Upstream Lan Segment

Tunnel Lan Segment

Remote 2

IP Traffic Stats Collected Here SAT Traffic Stats Collected Here

Remote 3

Mesh, SAT and IP Statistics collection

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 34
NMS Client Software Installation
Loading iDS Client Software Components
Download the latest nms_clients.zip from
TAC webpage (version dependent)
PC System Requirements
Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP
Windows 2000 Must have Service Pack 3
Windows 98/95 are Not Supported
NMS Client – Load Software
Uncompress Files (Using WinZip, Pkzip, etc.)
Includes EDAS.zip file for addressing
chassis EDAS board (unzip and run
Setup.exe to install EDAS SysCheck 3.0)
Run NMS Clients Setup.exe to Install NMS
Clients (GUI)
¾Creates Desktop Folder
¾Folder Contains Shortcut Icons for the
Installed GUI Version

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 35

NMS iBuilder Client Software Login
‘Operator’ Login Information

(initial default)

‘select’ Server;
enter IP address

(Enlarged for viewing)

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 36

Accept/View Changes

No Pending Toolbar
Changes “Tool”



“Accept Changes” Icon Turns Red When Changes Have Been Made By
a Second Operator, via iBuilder Since Last Login
Click on This Red Icon to Open “Accept Changes” Dialog Box
Agree to “Accept Changes” to Refresh iBuilder Display Only
“Accepting Changes” does not confirm agreement or authorize changes
View current changes via “View Æ Configuration Changes” window
Without Accepting, Operator Display is ‘Stale’ and potentially inaccurate
Closing and re-opening iBuilder will refresh display and ‘accept changes’
IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 37
iBuilder – Main Screen

Window Banner

Menu Bar
Min, Max, Close

Tool Bar

Open Window

Component &
Subcomponent Folders
Network ‘Tree’

Status Bar

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 38

iBuilder – Main Screen/Tree View

Expandable/Contractible “Tree” View

Windows Standard “+” and “-” Controls View Detail
Displays NMS Configuration Reference Information
(Network Tree)
Single-Click Right Mouse Button to Access
Component Pull-Down Menu for Possible Actions
Network Tree
(Add, Delete, Modify, Clone, View, etc.)
Provides One Entry Point for Configuration Data by
“Configuration Status” for a Network Component
Can Be Toggled On/Off Via ‘View’ Menu Option

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 39

Configuration Status - “View” Menu

1. Select Menu Option “View”, “Configuration Status”, Etc.

2. Tree Changes to Show the Current Status of All Components
™ “Nominal” Indicates Applied/Up to Date
™ “Changes Pending” Indicates Changes Made/Not Applied
™ “Never Applied” Indicates No Config. from NMS Applied
™ “Deactivated” Indicates Remote is Non-Operational
3 ™ “Incomplete” Indicates Config. Record is Missing Detail
3. “View; Legend” Opens Status Legend for Reference
4. “View; Configuration Changes” Opens Table for Viewing
5. “View; Details” Opens Configuration Detail for Reference

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 40

Working with Multiple Elements


It is possible to work with multiple elements in several ways

‘Retrieving’ and ‘Applying’ Saved & Active Configurations (Options)
Upgrading Software and Firmware
Modifying Parameters on multiple elements at the same time
Elements to be modified must all be of the same type
Multiple elements may be selected only from the ‘Details’ view
Only items that have the same, or no value yet at all may be modified

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 41

Configuration State

Create New Remote

(via iBuilder) DEACTIVATED


Apply Configuration
& Reset
Commission Remote
Confirms Configuration
with NMS (after every
CHANGES Configuration Network Acquisition)

Does NOT Match

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 42

Configuration State
Nominal Network, The element is completely Remote:
Chassis, Line configured, is alive in the network Hub:
Card, Remote and there are no unapplied changes Network:
Changes Pending Network, The element is completely configured Remote:
Chassis, Line & is alive in the network. There are Hub:
Card, Remote database changes that have not yet Network:
been applied Chassis:
Incomplete Network, The element is partially configured; Remote:
Chassis, Line one or more key components are Hub:
Card, Remote unspecified (e.g. carriers, IP address, Network:
serial number, etc.) Chassis:
Never Applied Network, The element is completely configured Remote:
Chassis, Line but the configuration has never been Hub:
Card, Remote applied to the element Network:
Deactivated Remote The remote was at one time ‘active’ Remote:
in the network, but is now deactivated

IOM Chapter 6 - NMS iBuilder 43

System (NMS)
Operations & iBuilder

(IOM) Thanks, . . .

iDS v7.0
Questions? . . .
June 2007 Chapter 6

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