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Regulatory Framework for Business Transactions (RFBT) The Review School of Accountancy "Floor CMFF! Building 813.Cor R Papa and S. Loyola Sts. ‘Sampaloc. Mania {735-9807 / 734-3089 / (0910) 439-1320 resarevew@notmall com Atty. R. Rosales « Atty. J. Domingo Atty. N. Valderrama RFBT - 13: SPECIAL CONCERNS EASE OF DOING BUSINESS AND EFFICIENT ‘GOVERNMENT SERVICE DELIVERY ACT RA 11032) Objectives: 1 To improve the country's competitiveness and case of doing business. 2 To further improve and speed up the delivery of ‘government services by simplifying the issuance of permits and licenses. Vo promote transparency and cut red tape in the government for a more conducive business ev ronment Benefits: 1. For the citizens: Transacting with government should be hasslefree. The law prescribes Processing time. If documents are complete and in ‘order. should be easier and faster to get a passport. driver's license, birth certificate. NBI clearance ete For the business. sector: Whether starting a business or running a business, the issuance of business permits and licenses must be simple, speedy, and streamlined in all government ‘agencies: 3 For public employees and officials. Public service is a public trust. Goverment personnel are expected to deliver timely and _ efficent government service and must be held accountable, They must demonstrate integrity at all simes, Prescribed Processing Time: All_government agencies, national or local, government-owned: and-controlied corporations (GOCCs government insirumentalities located in the Philippines oF abroad shall comply: with prescribed processing time as follows. + Simple transactions: 3 working days = Complex transactions: 7 working days Highly technical transactions: 20 working days Streamlined Procedures forthe Isuance of Loca Busnes Licenses, Clarancen Perma or Authriatlons ied sins sptcion frm tomation‘of tunes permits and Hcenses Tot = Fstublshment of Bases Ose Stop Shop BOSS) - Ghranga_learancs_and_permils are now ied a ey or pay Streamilined Procedures for Securing Fire (Clearances and Certificates: Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) officials and ‘employees are not allowed to sell, offer. or recommend specific brands of fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment Issuance of fire safety evaluation clearance (FSEC), fire safety inspection clearance (FSIC), and cenifcation of fire incident (CFI) now streamlined shall now be go-focated in the BOSS oF tated by the city municipality rency farls to Automatic Approval: In case an approve or disapprove an original application within the prescribed processing time. the said application shall be deemed approved. Citizen's Charter: All government agencies shall set up current and updated Citizen's Charter to indicate in detail the = Chechlist of requirements for each type of application of request + Person's responsible for each step = Amount of fees Procedure to obiain a particular service Maximum time to complete the process ~ Procedure fo fling complaints" Zero Contact Policy: No contact in any manner with any requesting party concerning an application or request except during submission of documents Centeal Business Portal: DICT to establish central business portal to receive and capture application data on business-related transactions, and provide links 10 online registration of national government agencies Philippine Business Databank: This shall provide NGASLGUs access to data and information to verily the validity and existence of business. entities Applicants need not submit the same documenta Eequirements previously submitted Interconnectivity Infrastructure Development Processing and approvai of licenses, clearances, permits or authorizations for the installation and ‘operation of telecommunication, broadcast towers. facilities, equipment. and service shall be expedited. Creation of the Anti-Red Tape Authority: The Anti-Red Tape Authority shal: Implement and oversee national policy on anti- red tape and ease of doing business and implement reforms to improve competitiveness ranking + Monitor compliance of agencies and issue Aotices 10 erring and non-compliant government employees and officials = Initiate investigation motu propio. or upon teceipt of a complaint or file cases for violations = Review proposed major regulations of government agencies. upon submitted regulatory impact assessments ReSA — The Review School of Accountancy Creation of the EODB/ART Advisory Council: The Ease of Doing Business/Anti-Red Tape Advisory ‘Council shall be a T-persom policy and adviscry boxy ‘composed of DTI Secretary (Chair) ARTA Director-General (Vies Chair) DOF Secretary DICT Secretary DILG Secretary 6. Two (2) representatives from the private sector (appointed by the Presisemt fora term of 3 years) Penalties: + Two-strike poliey for government officials and ‘employees found in violation of LODB/EDGSA + First Offense: Administrative viability with six (6) months suspension, excspt for fixing or collusion with fixers where the Revised Penal ‘Code shall apply + Second Offense: Administrative and criminal liabilities (© Dismissal from service © Perpetual disqualification from holding public office © Forfeiture of retirement benefits (© Imprisonment of one (1) year to six (6) years (© Fine of not less than PSG0,000 hut nct miaee than P2,000,000 + Any person who commits any such act as bit not limited to bribery, extortion, or_malisious solicitation of favor shall be criminally liable and shall be punished under the Revised Penal Cod= and other special laws. Source: Department of Trade wad Industry Competitiveness Bureau (DTI-CB) ~The temporary Secretariat of the Anti-Red Tape Authority MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Simple transactions with government agencies ‘must be processed within __ working days: Al B 2 C3 DS 2. Which of the following transactions must be processed within 20 working days” ‘A. Basic transactions B. Simple transactions C. Complex transactions D. Highly technical transactions 3. In case a government agency fails to approve or disapprove an original application within the prescribed processing time, the said application shall be ‘A. Deemed approved B. Deemed denied C. Deemed pending. D. Returned tothe filer 4. Which government agency is mandated 10 cstablish a central business portal to receive and capture application data on businest-relared twansactions, and provide links t online registration of national governmient agencies? A. DTI B. DICT RFBT - 13 c. DOT D. DOF What shall provide NGASLGUs access to data and information to verify the validity and existence of business entities? ‘A. Philippine Business Databank B. Philippine Business Database CC. Philippine Business Portal D. Philippine Business Data Registry Which of the following is not a function of the ‘Anti-Red Tape Authority? ‘A. Implement and oversee national policy on anti-red tape and ease of doing business and implement reforms to improve ‘competitiveness ranking 1. Monitor compliance of agencies and issue notices to erring and non-compliant ‘goverment employees and officials C. Initiate investigation motu propio only or file ceases for violations D. Review proposed major regulations of government agencies, upon submitted regulatory impact assessments ‘The Ease of Doing Business/Anti-Red Tape Advisory Council is composed of how many persons? pos ‘Who chairs the Ease of Doing Business/Anti-Red Tape Advisory Council? A. DTI Secretary B. DICT Secretary CC. DILG Secretary D. DOF Secretary ‘Who appoints the two (2) representatives from the private sector to sit in the Ease of Doing ‘Business/Anti-Red Tape Advisory Council? ‘A. DTI Secretary B. DOF Secretary C._ Executive Secretary D._ President |. How long is the period of suspension for {government officials or employees violating the Ease of Doing Business Act for the first time? ‘A. 3 months B. 6 months C. 9 months D. 1 year ISWERS: >||>|o) aT 1 2 _3 4 Ba Page 2 of 2

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