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Spoken poetry

 To assess the knowledge level among students on their critical thinking and
ability to make piece.
 To enhance your ability to be creative, enthusiasm and avoid being anxious as a
future educator.
 To describe the flow or interaction of financial literacy on our daily lives.
Individual or by partner
Criteria for judging
Criteria % Score
Role presentation 40
 The spoken piece must be delivered from the heart.
 Connection to the audience was established from the start.
 Facial expression, hand and body gestures emphasized the different
elements of the performance.
 Eye contact pulled the audience to the message of the spoken words
 Audience’s attention and interest were captured and sustained
throughout the delivery.
 Speaks clearly with appropriate vocabulary and information. One
should speak in articulate manner and the audience should understand
what is being spoken.
 Words are pronounced distinctly and correctly. Does not stutter nor
 Appears comfortable with audience. One should display his/her
Content 40
 The content of the spoken piece is relevant and related to the theme.
 The piece has a powerful and meaningful message to the audience.
Voice 10
 Uses tone, speed and volume as tools. (May use microphone)
Props 10
 Use of props that is related to the topic/ theme

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