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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S.

May Extend Tax Deadline as Infections Pass 1,000

A British health minister said she had the virus, leading lawmakers to consider suspending Parliament.
Italy remains on lockdown, and other European nations stepped up containment efforts.

RIGHT NOWPoland is closing all schools, kindergartens, universities, theaters, movie theaters, museums
and art galleries for two weeks, starting Friday.

Here’s what you need to know:

Governments step up fiscal interventions as the virus disrupts daily life for millions.

The I.R.S. could extend the tax payment deadline past April 15.

The U.S. caseload has surpassed 1,000.

In Wuhan, China, residents slowly get back to work. But in Beijing, a quarantine for all travelers.

A British health minister says she is infected.

Common questions from parents about the coronavirus, and other ways to prepare.

ImageThe Bank of England in London on Wednesday. The British central bank has pushed the interest
rate down to one-quarter of a percent.

The Bank of England in London on Wednesday. The British central bank has pushed the interest rate
down to one-quarter of a percent.Credit...Henry Nicholls/Reuters

Governments step up fiscal interventions as the virus disrupts daily life for millions.

The effort to stem the economic fallout of the coronavirus took on new urgency around the world on
Wednesday as ever more sweeping restrictions on the free movement of people threatened to upend
daily life in more than 100 countries dealing with the public health crisis.

The Trump administration is considering extending the tax filing deadline from all Americans beyond
April 15, while lawmakers are discussing a stimulus package.


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The Bank of England joined central banks in the United States and Australia in taking steps to bolster
investor confidence and ease pressures on the economy. The British central bank announced a surprise
interest rate cut of half a percentage point — pushing the rate down to one-quarter of a percent.

The European Council, comprising the heads of government of the European Union members, has set up
a $28 billion investment fund to help in the crisis.

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