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Payment Obligations & Splits

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Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Table of Contents
Document History ............................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Document Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 4
Assumptions ................................................................................................................................. 4
Exclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 4
References .................................................................................................................................... 4
Payment Obligations & Splits: Operations ....................................................................................... 5
Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Obligations and Splits Screen ....................................................................................................... 6
Payment Sources ...................................................................................................................... 6
Payment Obligations ................................................................................................................. 8
Payment Splits ........................................................................................................................ 10
Payment Split Processing ........................................................................................................... 13
Obligation Run Processing ......................................................................................................... 16
Payment Split Processing Service .............................................................................................. 17
Obligations & Splits: Configuration ................................................................................................. 18
Obligations and Splits Menu ....................................................................................................... 18
Payment Types ....................................................................................................................... 18
Obligation Actions ................................................................................................................... 20
Obligation Types ..................................................................................................................... 22
Notes .............................................................................................................................................. 25

2 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Document History

Author Version Date

Lukasz Czechowicz 1.0 6th December 2016


3 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Document Purpose
This document provides an overview of the Payment Obligations & Splits functionality and describes
how the functionality can be configured to meet specific business requirements. It is aimed at
business users that will work with the system and implementation teams that will configure it.

It is assumed that the reader of this guide is proficient in the Temenos CoreBanking system, worked
with the Browser channel application and understands the structure and navigation of the
InclusiveBankingSuite Role Based Home Pages. For configuring the functionality, it is assumed that
the reader has prior implementation experience and understands the technical concepts of the
Temenos CoreBanking system.


InclusiveBankingSuite Role Based Home Pages user guide.

4 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Payment Obligations & Splits: Operations

The Payment Obligations & Splits functionality provides customers with simple money management
features. The following are a few examples of how this functionality helps customers in meeting
their payment commitments.
 As a customer with active loan, I want to setup loan repayment obligation, so that I don’t
need to remember about repaying the loan as the required funds will be collected and
secured automatically by taking 20% of each of my incoming transfers, until the obligation
is met.
 As a customer, I want to setup a saving goal of USD50 monthly, so that I can save and
secure some amount every month by taking USD15 from my weekly incoming benefit
 As a customer, I want to setup rent payment obligation, so that the funds for paying the rent
are collected automatically by taking USD100 from my weekly payroll transfers and the rent
is paid on time every month.
The functionality is realised by:
 Introduction of a new account product ‘Obligation Account’, for earmarked spending (e.g.
to pay electricity bill, to pay rent).
 Definition of payment obligations / saving goals (e.g. repay monthly loan instalment, save
USD10 per week, pay USD30 electricity bill monthly).
 Definition of payment splits (e.g. take USD5 from each incoming transfer for electricity bill
payment, take 5% of each cash deposit for loan repayment).
 Tracking of obligation payments’ arrears.
 Triggering actions on reaching obligation/goal (e.g. transfer money to external beneficiary
– bill payment, open deposit).
 Alerting customer on missed obligation payments (TODO).
 Reporting on split payments executed (TODO).

5 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Obligations and Splits Screen

The Obligations and Splits section of Single Customer View screen presents configuration of
payment sources, payment obligations and payment splits for the selected customer.

Payment Sources
The Payment Sources section presents all payment sources available for the customer. Payment
source defines the trigger for payment split processing. Examples:
 Cash deposit in local currency with amount greater than 100 on current account
 Salary credit greater than USD1000 on current account
 Internal account transfer in local currency to regular share account

The following columns are included in this list.

Column Description

Payment Source Ref Payment source reference (ID).

Account No Payment source account.

Product Name Product (category) name of the above account.

6 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Payment Type Ref Reference (ID) of the payment type for the payment source.

Payment Type Name of the payment type for the payment source.

Active? Flag indicating if the payment source is active.

The options displayed above the list or beside each payment source, execute the following

Option Description

New Payment Source Opens Payment Source application for new record input.

View Payment Source Opens Payment Source record for viewing.

Edit Payment Source Opens Payment Source record for editing.

Payment Source
Payment Source application allows input/editing of the payment source records.

The following fields are available on this application:

Field Description

Payment Type Type of payment for the payment source.

Account Account on which the payment source is defined.

Customer Customer for whom the payment source is defined.

Active? Defines whether this payment source is active – if it is available for

payment split processing.
To terminate the instruction, change the value to ‘No’.

Conditions Tab

Field Field (or list of fields) that will be checked for executing the payment

Operand Operand for the above field check.

Value Value to be checked.

7 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

In the example above, the payment source will be subject to payment split processing if there is
an internal transfer to account 12847, with local currency amount greater or equal 100.

Payment Obligations
The Payment Obligations section presents the payment obligations setup by the customer.
Payment obligation is a commitment to save / collect money on an account. Examples:
 Save money for Christmas spending
 Collect money for monthly rent payment
 Collect money for monthly loan instalment

The following columns are included in this list.

Column Description

Obligation Ref Obligation reference (ID).

Account No Account on which the obligation is setup.

Product Name Product (category) name of the above account.

Description Obligation description.

Currency Obligation (account) currency.

Amount Obligation amount.

Frequency Obligation frequency.

Outstanding Outstanding amount of the obligation.

Next Run Date Next date to run obligation action (if defined).

End Date Obligation end date.

Active? Defines whether this obligation is active – if payment splits will be

made to it.

The options displayed above the list or beside each obligation, execute the following functions:

Option Description

New Payment Obligation Opens Payment Obligation application for new record input.

View Obligation Opens Payment Obligation record for viewing.

Edit Obligation Opens Payment Obligation record for editing.

View Run Details Opens Obligation Run Details enquiry.

8 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Payment Obligation
Payment Obligation application allows input/editing of the obligation records.
For new payment obligation input, the following application is displayed first.

The following fields are available on this application:

Field Description

Customer Customer for whom the payment obligation is being defined.

Account Number Account on which the payment obligation is being defined.

Obligation Type Type of obligation to be setup.

Obligation Description Obligation description.

The obligation record is then presented as below.

The following fields are available on this application:

9 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Field Description

Description Obligation description.

Customer Customer for whom the payment obligation is being defined.

Account Currency Obligation (account) currency.

Obligation Amount Obligation amount. This is the amount to be collected in the

obligation period.

Obligation Frequency Obligation frequency. Mandatory if required by selected obligation

type, defines the period for collecting the funds and frequency of
executing obligation action (if defined).

Start Date Obligation start date. This is the date from which funds are to be
collected for this obligation.

End Date Obligation end date. This is the date up to which funds will be
collected for this obligation.

Next Run Date Obligation next run date. This defines the end of the obligation

Active? Defines whether this obligation is active – if funds will be collected

for this obligation.
To terminate, set the value in this field to ‘No’. The instruction can
always be reactivated when the customer is ready again.

Run Incomplete? Defines whether obligation action (if defined) will be executed even
when the funds were not collected in full.

Track Arrears? Defines whether the system will try to collect additional funds to
cover arrears of the previous incomplete obligation runs.

Obligation Action Action to be executed on the obligation run date.

Action Parameter Parameter(s) of the selected action.

Value Value(s) for the above parameter(s).

Payment Splits
The Payment Splits section presents the payment splits defined on all the customer’s accounts.
Payment split defines how funds received in the account from selected payment sources should be
distributed to the payment obligations. Examples:
 If funds are credited to the current account by internal transfer, send 100 USD of the
transaction amount to the monthly rent obligation and 10% of the remaining amount to the
Christmas savings obligation.
 If funds are credited to the current account by cash lodgement, send 50% of the transaction
amount to the monthly loan repayment obligation.

10 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

The following columns are included in this list.

Column Description

Account No Account on which payment splits are setup.

Product Name Product (category) name of the above account.

Description Payment splits description.

Currency Account currency.

Payment Type Type(s) of payment that triggers splits from this account. Multiple
payment times on one account are allowed.

To Obligation Obligation(s) to be repaid using the above payment type. Multiple

obligations can be repaid using one payment type.

Split Reference User-defined referenced for the split transaction.

The options displayed above the list or beside each payment split, execute the following functions:

Option Description

New Payment Split Opens Payment Split application for new record input.

View Splits Opens Payment Split record for viewing.

Edit Splits Opens Payment Split record for editing.

Payment Split
Payment Split application is used for defining splits on the selected account.

11 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

The following fields are available on this application:

Field Description

Description Payment splits description.

Customer Customer for whom the payment splits are defined.

Account Currency Currency of the account where the payment splits are defined.

Payment Source Payment source that will be taken for split processing.
Multi-value field, i.e. multiple payment sources can be defined for
split processing on the selected account.

Payment Type Type of the above payment source.

Split to Obligation Payment obligation to be repaid using the above payment source.
Sub-value field, i.e. multiple obligations can be defined (repaid) from
the above payment source.

Split Amount Amount to be taken for the above obligation.

Split Percentage Percentage of the incoming payment source transaction to be taken

for the above obligation.

Split Reference User-defined reference for the split transaction.

12 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Payment Split Processing

When funds are credited to an account configured for payment splits, the system first checks if the
transaction qualifies as payment source. This is done based on the payment sources definition,
and is realized by the business events module. With the sample setup presented earlier, internal
account transfer to current account with local currency amount greater than 100 is considered a
payment source.
Once the transaction is qualified as payment source, the system reads the payment splits record
for the credited account and locates the payment source to check if splits should be done. If
matching payment source is found, the system tries to execute the splits one by one, until all splits
are executed or until the available transaction amount runs out. Splits to inactive obligations are
skipped in this processing.
 Customer has the following accounts.

 Internal account transfer is made to account 12847, with amount 120 USD.

 The transaction is qualified as payment source – internal account transfer in local currency.
The splits defined for this payment source are:
o Home Loan Repayment with 100 USD – to account 10747
o Rent to Jones with 50 USD – to account 12898
 The first obligation is not active, so it is skipped in split processing. The system makes split
only to the second obligation. Account balances updated as below.

13 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

 Obligation list updated – outstanding balances:

 Now let’s make the loan repayment obligation active and repeat the internal transfer
transaction for 120 USD.
 As the first obligation is now active, the system first takes 100 USD from the transaction to
repay the loan, and the remaining 20 USD for rent payment. The split for rent was defined
as 50 USD, but only 20 USD remained available after the first split. Account balances
updated as below.

 Obligation list updated – outstanding balances:

 Account statement for current account 12847

 Account statement for obligation account 12898

14 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

 Account statement for loan account 10747

15 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Obligation Run Processing

Obligations are processed in COB based on the obligation next run date.
For recurring obligations, the system will calculate the next run date according to the given
obligation frequency. For one-off obligations, the obligation is run once.
If funds were collected for the obligation, the system will try to execute action defined for the
obligation. The action will be executed if all funds were collected, or if partial funds were collected
– based on the Run Incomplete flag.
The amount outstanding on the obligation in the current obligation period (for recurring obligation)
can be moved into the next period – based on the Track Arrears flag.
The run details can be viewed from the Payment Obligations list. In the example below, the
system date moved to 26th May 2016, and the obligation Monthly rent payment was executed.
Next run date was rolled forward to 26th June 2016, and the current period amounts were reset.

The View Run Details option opens the following enquiry.

The total amount collected for the period ending on the 26th May 2016 was 340.00 USD. Because
the obligation had ‘Track Arrears’ and ‘Run Incomplete’ flags set, the system added the overdue
amount of 310.00 USD to the current period – as arrears – and executed the action defined for
obligation – external transfer. This can be seen on the account statement.

16 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Payment Split Processing Service

For processing events from the Business Event module, the EVENT service should run in AUTO
mode. This service is part of BE module. The subscriber routine defined on the payment types
generates the split transactions.

17 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Obligations & Splits: Configuration

Obligations and Splits Menu
The Obligations and Splits menu located in the Parameters >> Account Tables section of the
selected Role Based Home Pages points to the different enquiries used in the parameterisation of
the obligations and splits functionality..

Each of the menu items is explained in more detail in the following paragraphs.

Payment Types
The Payment Types enquiry lists available types of payments that can be used for setting up
payment sources on customer accounts. Payment type is related to the transaction data (e.g. input
channel, transaction type, currency) and can define additional parameters for setting up a payment

The following columns are included in this list.

Column Description

Payment Type Id Payment type record ID

Description Payment type description.

Status If ACTIVE, the payment type can be used for setting up payment
sources and triggering payment splits.

The options displayed above the enquiry or beside each payment type trigger the following

Option Description

New Payment Type Opens Payment Type application for new record input.

View Payment Type Opens Payment Type record for viewing.

18 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Edit Payment Type Opens Payment Type record for editing.

Payment Type
Payment Type screen allows input/editing of the payment type records. It uses the Business Events
TEC.ITEMS application. Please refer to the Business Events user guide for more information on
setting up TEC.ITEMS events.

The following fields are available on this application:

Field Description

Description Description of the payment type. This is multi-language field.

Status If ACTIVE, the payment type can be used for setting up payment
sources and triggering payment splits.

Application The application on which payment type conditions are configured.

Field Type How the fields on the above application are referenced – by field
name or using a keyword.

Field / Keyword The name of the field or keyword that is subject for event generation

Field Description Description of the field / keyword, that will be presented to the user
when setting up payment sources – only for inherited fields.

19 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Operand Operand for the field-value check.

Value Value for the field-value check.

Inherit? If Yes, then the field will be presented to the user during payment
source creation, to provide user conditions for the payment event

Obligation Actions
The Obligation Actions enquiry lists actions that can be run when obligation period ends. For
example, a monthly rent payment obligation could use external transfer action, to automatically send
funds to a landlord on the required obligation date.

The following columns are included in this list.

Column Description

Action Id Obligation action record ID.

Description. Obligation action description.

The options displayed above the enquiry or beside each obligation action trigger the following

Option Description

New Obligation Action Opens Obligation Action application for new record input.

View Action Opens Obligation Action record for viewing.

Edit Action Opens Obligation Action record for editing.

Obligation Action
Obligation Action application allows input/editing of the obligation action records.

20 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

The following fields are available on this application:

Field Description

Description Description of the obligation action. This is multi-language field.

Application Application used for generating the action transaction/record.

Version Version of the above application for generating the action.

Field Application field to be set during transaction/record generation. This

field together with Value forms a multi-value set.

Value Value to be set for the above field. Special keywords:

 &&OBL.ACCOUNT&& - will be replaced with the account
number where the obligation is set
 &&OBL.CURRENCY&& - will be replaced with the
obligation currency
 &&OBL.AMOUNT&& - will be replaced with the amount
collected on the obligation at the time of running the action

User Field Application field to be set during transaction/record generation, with

the value given by user during obligation creation. This field together
with User Type and User Prompt forms a multi-value set.

User Type The type of the above field.

 Beneficiary – user will need to provide beneficiary reference
 Account – user will need to provide account number

User Prompt Text displayed to a user for filling this field, when setting up
obligation with this action.

Action Routine A routine that will be executed with this action is run.

In the example above, the TRANSFER.EXTERNAL action will generate a FUNDS.TRANSFER

transaction, using EMERGE.OFS version, BC transaction type, set the debit account, currency
and transaction amount using the details of obligation where the action is attached to. When
setting up obligation with this action, user will need to provide beneficiary reference to pay the
funds to.

21 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Obligation Types
The Obligation Types shows the different obligation types that can be setup on customer accounts.

The following columns are included in this list.

Column Description

Obligation Type Obligation type record ID.

Description Obligation type description.

Amount Type of obligation amount.

Frequency Type of obligation frequency.

Active? If YES, the obligation type can be used for setting up obligations on
customer account.

The options displayed above the enquiry or beside each obligation type trigger the following

Option Description

New Obligation Type Opens Obligation Type application for new record input.

View Obligation Type Opens Obligation Type record for viewing.

Edit Obligation Type Opens Obligation Type record for editing.

Obligation Type
Obligation Type application allows input/editing of the obligation type records.

22 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

The following fields are available on this application:

Field Description

Description Obligation type description. This is multi-language field.

Amount Type Type of amount for this obligation type.

 User Defined – user will have to specify the obligation
amount when setting up a new obligation of this type.
 Track Loan Repayment – the obligation will get its amount
from the loan account it is being set on – repayment
(instalment) amount.
 Track Loan Arrears – the obligation will get its amount from
the loan account it is being set on – arrears amount.

Frequency Type Type of frequency for this obligation type.

 One-off – obligation run once. For example, save money
until some date.
 Recurring – obligation run many times, with frequency
defined by user. For example, collect money for rent
payment every month.
 Track Repayment Schedule – obligation run many times,
with frequency according to loan repayment schedule.

Allowed Category Start category defining the allowed category ranges where
Start obligations of this type can be setup. This field together with Allowed
Category End forms a multi-value set.

Allowed Category End End category for the category range.

Type Active? If set, this obligation type can be used for setting up obligations on
customer accounts.

Allowed Action Obligation actions available for selection when obligation of this type
is being setup. Multi-value field.

23 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

FT Transaction Type FUNDS.TRANSFER transaction type used for split payments made
to obligations of this type.

In the example above, the RENT.PAYMENT obligation type defines that during obligation input,
user will have to provide obligation amount and frequency. Obligations of this type could be setup
on accounts with category in range 6001-6100, and user could select external transfer to
beneficiary as an automatic action executed on obligation run date. The split payments done to
accounts with obligation of this type setup will use ACPS transaction type.

24 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Payment Obligations & Splits User Guide

Use this page to record your own notes.

25 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product

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