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A diet in which people reduce or required to reduce By reducing protein intake, people with kidney disease

their intake of protein who are not in dialysis can reduce stress on their kidneys
and prevent the buildup of urea in the bloodstream.
A diet generally reduces protein intake to make up
However, when the kidneys do not function correctly,
around 4-8%of your daily calories
urea builds up in the blood and causes symptoms such as
Allows a minimal amount of dietary proteins which nausea, fatigue, and loss of appetite. A 2018 review of 17
ranges from 20-40 grams per day studies reports that very low protein intake may slow
down the progression of advanced kidney failure. The
Prescribed for those with inherited metabolic
National Kidney Foundation advice that limiting protein
disorders such as Phenylketonuria and
intake can extend the amount of time before a person
Develop by dietitians and nutritionist in response to needs dialysis. Those already receiving dialysis treatment
adverse effects that protein can have on persons should not follow a very low-protein diet.
with kidney or liver disease A review of several studies reports that a low-protein diet
may improve the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy,
To help treat certain health conditions such as which refers to diabetes-induced kidney damage.
impaired liver function, kidney diseases and
disorders like Phenylketonuria and Homocystinuria Phenylketonuria (PHU) is a rare disorder that occurs when
the body does not produce the enzyme needed to break
To help ease the workload of the liver and kidney
down an amino acid called phenylalanine. For a person
who has PKU, eating foods rich in protein can cause
To treat abnormal kidney or liver function to
phenylalanine to build up in the body. If people with PKU
prevent worsening
do not receive treatment, it can lead to intellectual
To help improve protein metabolism and prevent a disability and other neurologic symptoms, such as
buildup of urea in the bloodstream hyperactivity, poor coordination, and seizures. The main
treatment for PKU is a lifelong, very low-protein diet.
Increase longevity or life expectancy and offer People with the condition should consume only the
protection or reduce the risk of chronic diseases minimal amount of phenylalanine necessary for health
like cancer, heart disease and diabetes for middle- growth and development.
aged adults Homocystinuria is an inherited disorder that affects the
To delay renal death and start of dialysis body’s ability to process methionine, another amino acid.
A buildup of methionine causes problems with vision and
bone health.

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