Past Tenses Review A2

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Put the verbs in the correct Past Tense

I __________ (play) with my dog when it started raining.

He got up, brushed his teeth and _________ (go) to school.

Jack was washing the dishes while Mary _________ (listen) to music.

____________ (you/go) to the park yesterday?

I ___________ (not/know) how to write when I was five years old.

By the time I got home, my flatmate ___________ (already/leave) for work.

Choose the correct item

She was tired, as she ____________ (work) all evening.

a) worked
b) had worked
c) had been working

It was a lovely day; the sun ___________ (shine) and birds were singing.
a) shone
b) was shining
c) shining

Albert Einstein __________ a famous physicist.

a) had been
b) being
c) was

He didn't pass the exam because he ___________ (not/study) enough.

a) wasn't study
b) hadn't studied
c) didn't studying
Use : since, for, already, by the time, while, when, how long, before

She was sleeping ________ she heard a strange noise.

___________ had he been looking for a job ___________ he found one?

Yesterday I went out with my cousin. I hadn't seen her _________ last April.

He had been trying to fix the TV _________ five hours, until he finally gave up.

____________ it stopped snowing, we had __________ built a snowman.

I was tidying my room _________ my brother was reading his book.

Choose the correct item

When we were younger, we would/used to go to the park every day.

Did you use/used to live in Larisa?

I used to/would work as a teacher when I was thirty.

I didn't use to/wouldn't like meat when I was five.

Form questions with the word in the brackets

Rachel wanted to eat ice cream. (Who)


Kim bought a new coat. (What)


This box is for Kelly. (Who)


Choose the correct item

It was so/such a good book that I couldn't put it down.

He felt so/such tired that he fell asleep.

My mum cooks such/so delicious food.

It was such a/so boring movie that I turned the TV off.

It's such/such a beautiful day today!

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