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Customer User Guide

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Customer User Guide

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Pre-requisites ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Potential Customer .............................................................................................................................. 4
Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Individual Potential Customer .............................................................................................................. 4
Non Individual Potential Customer .................................................................................................... 19
List of Potential Customers by Mnemonic ......................................................................................... 31
Customer ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Individual Customer ........................................................................................................................... 32
OTHER ACCOUNTS version ............................................................................................................ 47
Non Individual Customer ................................................................................................................... 48
Change Individual and Non Individual Customer Status ................................................................... 61
Authorise Individual Customer .......................................................................................................... 63
Authorise Non-Individual Customer ................................................................................................... 64
Change Department Account Officer ................................................................................................ 65
Authorise Change Account Officer .................................................................................................... 66
Customer Enquiries ........................................................................................................................... 70
Customer Portfolio View .................................................................................................................... 70
List of Accounts by Customer ............................................................................................................ 73
Customer Listing ................................................................................................................................ 74
Officer Listing ..................................................................................................................................... 75
Customer Changes ............................................................................................................................ 76
Search for Individual Customer ......................................................................................................... 77
Search for Non-Individual Customer ................................................................................................. 79
List of Customers by Mnemonic ........................................................................................................ 81
Screen ............................................................................................................................................... 81
Total Values of Products by Customer .............................................................................................. 83
List of Customer Relation .................................................................................................................. 85
List of Unauthorised Account Officer Changes ................................................................................. 86
List of Account Officer Changes ........................................................................................................ 87
Notes ................................................................................................................................................ 89

2 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

In order to get the most out of this manual, it is essential that you are familiar with the standard procedures
regarding navigating your way around the system. This includes items such as program access via menus,
data entry and editing, mandatory and multi‐level fields, committing details, and so forth. All of these are
described in detail in the Navigation Manual. Also refer to the Role Based Home Pages Manual.
You can access the following menus and sub‐menus:

Potential Customer Menu

 Individual Potential Customer
 Non Individual Potential Customer
 List Potential Customers by Mnemonic

Customer Menu
 Individual Customer
 Non Individual Customer
 Change Individual Customer Status
 Change Non Individual Customer Status
 Authorise Individual Customer
 Authorise Non Individual Customer
 Change Account Officer
 Authorise Account Officer Change

Customer Enquiries
 Customer Portfolio View
 List of Accounts by Customer
 Customer Listing
 Officer Listing
 Customer Changes
 Search for Individual Customer
 Search for Non Individual Customer
 List of Customers by Mnemonic
 Total Value of Products by Customer
 List of Customer Relationships
 List of Unauthorised Account Officer Changes
 List of Account Officer Changes

3 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Potential Customer
A Potential Customer is an individual (or non‐individual) who has approached your institution for
information or who has made a loan application, but who has either not yet decided to make use of the
facilities offered by your institution or who has not yet been accepted by your institution.
To bring a Potential Customer into the ‘Customer Live File’, you merely call up the Customer Menu >>
Individual Customer or the Customer Menu >> Non Individual Customer Option (as the case may be)
and indicate that you are creating a Customer from a Potential customer by accessing the Potential
customer code via a drop-down list.
All the fields on the Customer file will be populated with the information previously captured for the
Potential Customer and you will be able to amend data as required. There are some additional fields to
be captured.
The record in Potential Customer is updated once the Potential Customer identification number is
transferred to the Customer live file to prevent the same Potential Customer being brought into the
Customer file more than once.

Individual Potential Customer

The term individual is used for a customer who is a person who wishes to deal with your institution on
his or her own behalf.

Potential Customer Menu>>Individual Potential Customer
Customer Service Agent RBHP>>New Potential Individual Customer

This menu option allows you to either:
 Capture details for a new Potential Individual Customer
 Change details for an existing Potential Individual Customer

Capture details for a new potential individual customer

To capture details for a new Potential Individual Customer do the following:
1. Click on Potential Customer Menu>>Individual Potential Customer.
2. Click on the New Deal icon. The system allocates the next sequential number.
3. Enter all the fields as described below.
4. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

Fields for entry

Mandatory fields are identified by a red asterisk to the left of the input area and needs to be filled
with relevant data.

4 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

PERSONAL version

Field Description

ID The system calculates the next available Potential Customer number and
displays the value in this field.

Customer Type This value is displayed, based on the menu option that you selected, and
cannot be changed.

Surname The Last Name of the customer

First Names The First Name/s of the customer

Preferred Name The name by which the customer prefers to be called – this may be a nick
name or short name. For example, Suzie instead of Susannah.

Former Name If the customer was formerly known by another name, for example when a
woman marries and takes her husband’s last name.

Title The title of the customer. This can be selected from the lookup list maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables.

Date of Birth
Enter the date of birth of the customer.

5 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,

1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the pop‐
up calendar.

Age (years) This value is calculated by the system and you cannot change it. This
represents the current age of the customer and will always be recalculated for
Initials Enter the customer’s initials. This field will accept four characters, or example,
you may enter M.S. or MSAJ. These are the first letters of each of the
customer’s first name/s (excluding the Last Name). Only the first initial is used
when calculating the Mnemonic (see below).

Mnemonic This number is calculated by the system to prevent duplication of customer

The mnemonic is compose of the first 3 characters of the Surname (Last
Name), the first initial (entered in the Initial field), the last two digits of the year
of birth, the two digits of the month of birth and a sequential number.
For instance, if Mrs Julia King was born in the 12th of April 1976, the mnemonic
will be calculated as:
If someone else, with the same first three characters in the Surname, Initial
and Year and Month of Birth becomes a Potential Customer or a Customer,
the Mnemonic will be KINJ760402. The user will receive a message to check

The Mnemonic is calculated by the system and duplicates are not allowed.

Customer Opening This is the date on which the Customer effectively joins your institution. The
Date default is the current system date, but you may change this if required.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the pop‐
up calendar.

Gender The gender of the Customer is selected from the lookup list by clicking on the
radio icon. The choices are Female, Male or Other (for Non-Individual

6 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Resident Y/N State whether your Customer is a Resident of the Country of your institution
by clicking on the appropriate radio icon. Options are: Yes, No or Pending.

Nationality Select the Nationality of the Customer from the lookup list. This is a system
table which cannot be changed. The country code of your institution is
displayed by default.

Residence Select the Country of Residence of the Customer from the lookup list. This is
a system table which cannot be changed. The country code of your institution
is displayed by default.

ID Type Specify the type of Identification Document the Customer presented. You may
select form the lookup list which is maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>ID Type.
Validation of the ID will take place in accordance with the parameter defined
on the COMPANY record. Options are None, Unique (no duplicates) or Date
of Birth (the first eight characters to be equal to the YYYYMMDD of the Date
of Birth of the Customer) and only if the ID type is equal to ‘1’.

ID/Passport Number Enter the number of the Identification Document presented by the Customer.
Validation conditions may be defined in the COMPANY application. Refer to
the System Setup Manual.

Expiry Date Enter the expiry date of the document if applicable.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the pop‐
up calendar.
When the ID type is a Passport, the system will expect an expiry date.

Alternate ID Type Specify the type of alternate identification for the Customer. You may select
this from the lookup table that is maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>ID Type.

Alternate ID Number Enter the Number of the Alternate ID. The Alternate ID Type and Alternate ID
Number fields are associated and may be multivalued as many times as

Customer’s The system defaults the value in this field to the language of your institution.
Language Accept it of select the customer’s language from the lookup list. This list is
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Customer
This will help your institution to give the best possible service to customers in
their own language, such as provide account statements in the language of
the customers’ choosing.
The language of the customer (Swahili) need not be the same as the language
of the institution (English) or the user (French).

7 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

ADDRESS version

Field Description

Physical Address Enter the street name and number

Town Enter the town of the physical address

County Enter the county of the physical address

State Enter the state of the physical address

Postal Code Enter the postal code of the physical address

Current Address Y/N Specify whether this is the current address of the customer. This may be
‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
If ‘No’ is entered then mail should not be sent to this customer but
retained at the institution/branch for collection.

Date Address On entering the value in the field below, the system calculates and
Occupied displays the approximate date this address is occupied. This is as most
people remember how long they have been at an address as opposed to
remembering the exact date on which they took occupation.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or

8 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

YYYYMMDD, such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the

pop‐ up calendar.

Period at Current Enter the period since the customer has resided at this address. Valid
Address input is 16W, 24M or 8Y.
The system calculates the approximate date of occupation against the
current system date and displays the value in the field above.

Accommodation Type Select the customer’s accommodation situation from the lookup table,
which is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Types
of Accommodation.

The next group of fields relate to the customer’s previous address

Copy over old In the Potential Customer application there is no option to copy over an
address? old address as the customer record is not live as yet. See Individual
Customer Information later in this manual for more details on the use of
these fields. You may manually enter:

Physical Address Enter the street name and number of the previous address

Town Enter the town name of the previous address

County Enter the county of the previous address

State Enter the state of the previous address

Postal Code Enter the post code of the previous address

Period at previous Enter the period that the customer occupied the previous address. This
address can contribute towards the results in credit scoring.

Accommodation Type Select the customer’s accommodation situation from the table that is
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Types of

The next group of fields relate to the customer’s postal address

Same as Physical Specify whether the Postal and Physical addresses are the same. If you
select ‘Yes’, then all subsequent fields will be defaulted to the Physical
If changes are required, select ‘No’ and enter the details.

Correspondent Name This is either the customer name (defaulted by the system from
information entered on the Personal version (title, initial and surname))
or the name of a person designated by the customer to whom
correspondence should be addressed.

PO Box Number Enter the post office box number or street name and number.

Town Enter the town of the postal address

County Enter the county of the postal address

State Enter the state of the postal address

Postal Code Enter the post code of the postal address

9 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide


Field Description

Employment Number Enter the Customer’s employment number. This is a number allocated by
the Customer’s employers. (In the event of your institution offering payroll
processing, the employee number may be used as an additional means
of validation before salaries are posted to customers’ accounts.

Employment Status Select the Employment Status code from the lookup list provided. This
list is a system table and cannot be changed.

Education Level Select the appropriate Education Level from the lookup list provided.
These are maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining
Tables>>Education Level.

Occupation Describe the customer’s occupation, e.g. teacher, administrative clerk,

farmer, etc.

Income Level Select an Income Level from the lookup list provided. These ranges are
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Salary Range.

Employer’s Code Select the Employer’s Code from the lookup table provided. These are
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Employer List.

Employer’s Name If you selected code 9999, enter the Employer’s Name. Alternatively, the
system will populate the appropriate fields with information captured in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Employer List.

Date of Employment On entering the period for which the customer has been employed in the
field below, the system calculates and displays the approximate date of

10 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Period Employed Enter the period for which the customer has been employed. Valid input
is 24W, 16M or 6Y.
This may be with the existing employer or when employment history
commenced, depending on the institution’s requirements.

Employer’s Address Enter the Street Name of Post Office Box number of the Employer.

Town Enter the Town of the employer’s address

County Enter the County of the employer’s address

State Enter the State of the employer’s address

Postal Code Enter the Post Code of the employer’s address

Main Income Source Specify the main source of income of the customer, for example, Full
Time Employment or Pension.

Secondary Source of Enter a secondary source of income if applicable. This could be from a
Income hobby, rental income from property or some such source.

11 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

OTHER version

Field Description

Marital Status Select a code to denote the customer’s marital status from the lookup list
provided. This list is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining
Tables>>Marital Status. This field is mandatory as in many communities
the borrower’s contractual status depends on the marital arrangement.

Souse’s Customer In the event of the customer’s spouse being a customer of your institution,
Number enter the spouse’s customer number or select from the lookup list.

On entering an existing customer number in this field, the values in the fields below are
populated with the information held on the customer file.

Spouse’s Name If the customer’s spouse is not a customer of your institution, enter the
spouse’s name in this field.

Spouse’s Occupation If the customer’s spouse is not a customer of your institution, enter the
spouse’s occupation in this field.

12 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Spouse’s Employer’s If the customer’s spouse is not a customer of your institution, enter the
Name spouse’s employer’s name in this field.

Employer’s Address If the customer’s spouse is not a customer of your institution, enter the
spouse’s employer’s address in these 5 fields.

Town Enter the spouse’s employers Town details.

County Enter the spouse’s employers County details.

State Enter the spouse’s employers State details.

Postal Code Enter the spouse’s employers Post Code details.

Relationship Indicator Specify whether there is a relationship with another existing customer.
The relationships are captured between ‘real’ customers.

Classification Select a classification code from the lookup list. This list is a system table
and cannot be changed.

Customer Status Select a status code from the lookup list. The default value is ‘4’, pending
approval of the customer application. The codes are held in a system
table and cannot be changed.

Officer Select ‘Yes’ if the customer is a staff member or official of your institution.
Typically staff/officials customers may not operate on their own accounts.

Type of Officer Select the type of Officer from the lookup table. This list is maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Types of Officer.

Blocked Y/N Select ‘Yes’ if the status of the customer is ‘blocked’ for example foreign
exchange regulation, deceased or any other reason. Blocked customers
will not be able to open any new accounts (savings, current, deposit or
loan) until the record is unblocked. When Past Due Obligations are
written off, the customer record is ‘blocked’ during the next COB batch

No of Dependants Enter the number of dependants the customer has. This may be useful
for credit scoring, affordability calculations and marketing.

Tax Registration No Enter the customer’s tax registration number if available. The system will
validate the number against those already held to ensure that no
duplicates are entered.

Mailing List Y/N ‘Yes’ will put the customer on the institution’s mailing list. This will result
in him/her receiving all mail items sent by the institution, such as
marketing mail shots, newsletters and so on.

Mailing List This is used for indicating that account statements will be mailed.

Mailing List Letters This is used for indicating the letters will be mailed.

Mailing List Labels This is used for indicating that the customer details will be included in
bulk label production.

13 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

OTHER version continued

Field Description

Additional Info Enter any other information that may be relevant in this free-format, multi-
value field.

Credit Check Done Indicate that a Credit Check has (‘Yes’) or not (‘No’) been done on the

Credit Indicator Select the results of the Credit Check from the lookup table. This list is
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Credit

Consent to Disclosure Indicate whether the customer has signed Consent to Disclosure in terms
of the Data Protection Act.

Date of Signature Enter or select from the calendar the date on which the Consent to
Disclosure was signed by the customer.

Student Indicate whether the customer is a student by selecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Should the indicator be set to ‘Yes’, the following three associated multi-
value fields become mandatory.

Place of Study Enter the name of the institution where the customer is a student at.

Duration of Course Indicate the duration of the course.

Field of Study Enter the details. These fields are used for marketing purposes.

14 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

This functionality is typically used by Community Banks/Credit Unions to capture details of the person/s
to receive value from the savings account on the member’s passing. Institution rules will apply.

Field Description

Nomination Form Customers may nominate whom savings balances held with the
institution may be paid to. In order to capture details of each nominee,
the following associated multi-value fields may be used.

Member Number Should the beneficiary be a customer of your institution, enter the
customer number (or select from the lookup list) and the related fields
below will be populated.

Beneficiary Name Enter the full names of the beneficiary.

Address Enter the street number and name of the beneficiary’s physical address.

Town Enter the town of the beneficiary.

County Enter the county of the beneficiary.

State Enter the state of the beneficiary.

Postal Code Enter the post code of the beneficiary.

Phone Number Enter the phone number of the beneficiary. This field does not populate
from the customer record (if a customer of your institution) as the
opportunity is given to ensure that the contact details are correct. You
want to be sure to carry out the member’s final wishes and by being able
to contact the beneficiary/ies, you will have a better reason for success.

Relationship to Select the relationship code from the lookup list which is maintained in
Member Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Relationship.

Amount or Percentage Enter the Amount or Percentage of the legacy to be left to this beneficiary.
of Legacy Valid input is CCY1000 or 25%

15 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide


Field Description

Industry Select a code representing the Industry relating to the economic activity
of your customer from the lookup list. This list is maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Industry Codes.

Sector Select a code representing the Sector in which your customer is

employed from the lookup list. This list is maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Sector Codes. The intention is for the
sector to be in a defined industry, as can be seen in the example above.

Loans Written Off Indicate whether loans of this customer had previously been written off
by selecting from the lookup table.

Account Officer Select a code representing the Account Officer responsible for
maintaining the relationship with this customer from the lookup list
provided. This list is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining
Tables>>Account Officer.
Also refer to the Account Officer Update manual.

BUSINESS version

This version is typically used when customers wish to apply for facilities (loans) to start a business.

16 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Field Description

Name of Business Enter the Name of the Business.

Nature of Business Describe the Nature of the Business.

Business Type Select the Business Type from the lookup table, this is maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Business Type.

Business Plan Indicate whether the Business Plan is held (Y) or not (N).

Role in Business Enter the role of this Customer in the Business.

Business Address Enter the physical address details of the Business.

Town Enter the town of the physical address.

County Enter the county of the physical address.

State Enter the state of the physical address.

Tax Clearance Held Indicate whether the Confirmation that Tax is in Order (issued by the local
Y/N Tax Office) document is held (Y) or not (N).

Tax Clearance Expiry Enter the expiry date of the Confirmation that Tax is in Order document.
Date The system will not accept dates earlier than the current system date.

No of Employees Enter the number of people employed by this business. This information
may be useful for monitoring business progress, affordability calculations
and marketing.

CONTACT version

Field Description

Home Tel No Enter the customer’s home telephone number if applicable.

Work Tel No Enter the customer’s work telephone number is applicable.

Mobile Tel No Enter the customer’s mobile (cellular) telephone number if applicable.

e-Mail Address Enter the customer’s e-mail address if applicable.

Fax Number Enter the customer’s facsimile number if applicable.

17 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide


Field Description

Account No with Other If the Customer holds an account at any other Bank(s), enter the Bank
Bank Account Number.

Bank/Branch Enter the Bank or Branch Name in this field.

Sort Code Select the Sort Code from the lookup list. This is also used for Direct
Debit purposes. This list is maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Sort Codes.

Date Account Opened Enter the date on which the account was opened with this Bank. This can
contribute to the credit score.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Change details for an existing potential individual customer

To change details for an existing Potential Individual Customer do the following:
1. Click on the Potential Customer Menu>>Individual Potential Customer. The first screen will display.

2. Enter the Customer ID or click on the Drop‐down icon to display the list of customers to choose

3. Click on the Edit icon.

4. Change the fields you require.

5. When everything has been completed click the Commit icon.

18 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Non Individual Potential Customer

A non‐individual is an entity such as a Company, Partnership, Group, Club, and so forth .

Potential Customer Menu>>Non Individual Potential Customer
Customer Service Agent RBHP>>New Potential Non-Individual Customer

This menu option allows you to either:
 Capture details for a new Potential Non-Individual Customer
 Change details for an existing Potential Non-Individual Customer

Capture details for new potential non individual customer

To capture details for a new Potential Non Individual Customer do the following:
1. Click on Potential Customer Menu>>Non Individual Potential Customer. The first screen will
2. Click on the Next Deal icon. The system allocates the next sequential number.
3. Enter all the fields as described below.
4. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

Fields for entry

Mandatory fields are identified by a red asterisk to the left of the input area and needs to be filled
with relevant data.

19 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide


Field Description

Non Individual ID The system calculates the next available Potential Non-Individual
Customer number and displays the value in this field.

Customer Type This value is displayed by the system in the no-input field. It indicates that
you are in the Non Individual Potential Customer application.

Name of Entity The full name of the entity or non-individual, for example organisation,
group, club, association or company.

Abbreviated Name An abbreviated name of the entity or non-individual. The system

populates this field with the data in the ‘Name of Entity field above, and
you may change it. It is a mandatory field. An example is Fruit Juice
Bottling Company Consolidated being known as Juice Consolidated.

Date Registered Enter the date on which the entity was registered (if applicable). Dates
are entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN2015,
12 JAN 2015 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be

20 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

used), or YYYYMMDD, such as 20150112 (12th of January 2015) or

selected from the pop‐up calendar.

Registered Years The value in this field is calculated by the system and you cannot change
it. It will be recalculated on the anniversary of the date registered (field
above). This represents the number of years since the entity was

Registration Number Enter the entity’s registration number if applicable.

Mnemonic This is a number composed by the system containing the first 8

characters of the Entity Name, followed by a two digit sequence number.
Should the Entity Name be comprised of a series of words, the first letter
of each word will be used, filled with the remaining letters until 8
characters have been used. Mnemonics for entities with fewer than 8
characters in their name will be filled with dots (.)
For instance a customer called RAINBOW SEASON LTD and another
called RAINBOWS UNLIMITED will have mnemonics RAINBOWS01 and
RAINBOWS02 respectively.
You will never be able to change this mnemonic.

Customer Opening This is the date the customer effectively became a potential customer of
Date your institution. The default is the current system date, but you may
change it if required.
Dates are entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN2015,
12 JAN 2015 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be
used), or YYYYMMDD, such as 20150112 (12th of January 2015) or
selected from the pop‐up calendar.

Customer’s Language The default is the language of your institution. Change it by selecting the
language code from the lookup list. This list is maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Customer Language.

Entity Type Select the code that represents the Entity Type from the lookup list
Options are:
1. Individual Full Member, this record is for a legal entity on its own.
2. Group Full Member, this record is for a legal entity such as a group
where full Customer Information Files are held for each associated
customer. Typically where loans are granted to the Group, these are
to the members of the group in their personal capacity. Cross
guarantees are held in the names of the individual members.
3. Group Abbreviated Member, this record is for a legal entity such as
a group where no Customer Information Files are held for the
members of the group.
Industry Select a code representing the Industry in which the entity operates from
the lookup list provided. This list is maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Industry Codes.

Sector Select a code representing the (economic) Sector in which the entity
operates from the lookup list provided. This list is maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Sector Codes.

Credit Check Done Indicate that a Credit Check has (Y) or not (N) been done on the Potential

21 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Credit Indicator Select the results of the Credit Check from the lookup list provided. This
list is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Credit

Consent to Disclosure Indicate whether the Non-Individual Potential Customer has signed
Consent to Disclosure in terms of the Data Protection Act.

Date of Signature Enter the date on which the Consent to Disclosure was signed by the
Non-Individual Potential Customer.

Loans Written Off Indicate whether loans of this Non-Individual Potential Customer had
been written off by selecting from the lookup list.

Account Officer Select the code that represents the Account Officer responsible for
maintaining the relationship with this entity on behalf of your institution
from the lookup list provided.
This list is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining
Tables>>Account Officer.

Customer Status Select the status code from the lookup list provided. These codes are
held on a System Table and cannot be changed.

Resident Y/N State whether the Potential Customer is a resident of the country of your
Options are:
Y = Yes
N = No
P = Pending

Nationality Select the nationality of the entity from the lookup list provided.
These codes are help in a System Table and cannot be changed.

Residence Select the country of residence of the entity from the lookup list provided.
These codes are held in a System Table and cannot be changed.

22 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

ADDRESS version

Field Description

Gb Physical Address Enter the street number and name

Town Enter the Town of the physical address

County Enter the County of the physical address

State Enter the State of the physical address

Postal Code Enter the Post Code of the physical address

Current Address Y/N Specify whether this is the current address of the customer. The value
may be Y (Yes) or N (No). If N (No) is entered then mail will not be sent
to the customer but retained at the institution (branch) for collection.

Date Address On entering the value in the field below, the system calculates and
Occupied displays the approximate date this address is occupied. This is as most

23 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

people remember how long they have been at an address as opposed to

remembering the exact date on which they took occupation.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the
pop‐ up calendar.

Period at Current Enter the period since the customer has resided at this address. Valid
Address input is 16W, 24M or 8Y.
The system calculates the approximate date of occupation against the
current system date and displays the value in the field above.

Accommodation Type Select the customer’s accommodation situation from the lookup table,
which is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Types
of Accommodation.

The next group of fields relate to the customer’s previous address

Copy over Old In the Potential Customer application there is no option to copy over an
Address? old address as the customer record is not live as yet. See Individual
Customer Information later in this manual for more details on the use of
these fields. You may manually enter:

Physical Address Enter the street name and number of the previous address

Town Enter the town name of the previous address

County Enter the county of the previous address

State Enter the state of the previous address

Postal Code Enter the post code of the previous address

Period at Previous Enter the period that the customer occupied the previous address. This
Address can contribute towards the results in credit scoring.

Accommodation Type Select the customer’s accommodation situation from the table that is
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Types of

The next group of fields relate to the customer’s postal address

Same as Physical Specify whether the Postal and Physical addresses are the same. If you
select ‘Yes’, then all subsequent fields will be defaulted to the Physical
If changes are required, select ‘No’ and enter the details.

Correspondent Name This is either the customer name (defaulted by the system from
information entered on the Non-Individual version (entity name)) or you
may capture the name of a person designated by the customer to whom
correspondence should be addressed.

PO Box No Enter the post office box number or street name and number.

Town Enter the town of the postal address

24 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

County Enter the county of the postal address

State Enter the state of the postal address

Postal Code Enter the post code of the postal address


Field Description

Relationship Indicator Enter the Customer’s employment number. This is a number allocated by
the Customer’s employers. (In the event of your institution offering payroll
processing, the employee number may be used as an additional means
of validation before salaries are posted to customers’ accounts.

Mailing List Y/N ‘Yes’ will put the customer on the institution’s mailing list. This will result
in him/her receiving all mail items sent by the institution, such as
marketing mail shots, newsletters and so on.

Mailing List This is used for indicating that account statements will be mailed.

Mailing List Letters This is used for indicating the letters will be mailed.

Mailing List Labels This is used for indicating that the customer details will be included in
bulk label production.

Blocked Y/N Select Y (Yes) if the Customer status is ‘blocked’ for any reason.
Customer’s with blocked status set to Yes will not be able to open any
new accounts with your institution.

Classification On creating the Customer record, the classification is defaulted to 4 –

Pending Customer. Once membership at your institution is approved, the
classification of the Customer may be changed to 1 – Full Customer.

Additional Info Capture any other information that may be relevant. This is a free-format
multi-value field.

25 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

BUSINESS version

Field Description

Name of Business Enter the name of the Business

Nature of Business Describe the nature of the Business

Business Type Select the Business Type from the lookup table. These are maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Business Type.

Business Plan Indicate whether the business plan is held (Y) or not (N)

Tax Clearance Held Indicate whether Confirmation that Tax is in order Document is held (Y)
or not (N)

Tax Clearance Expiry Enter the expiry date of the above document. The system will not accept
Date date prior to the current system date.

State whether any of the following documents relating to the Entity are held by your institution.
The options are:
Y = Yes
N = No
P = Pending
 Memorandum of Association

26 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

 Articles of Association
 Certificate of Incorporation
 Founding Statement
 Certificate to Commence Business
 Trust Deed
 Partnership Agreement
 Constitution
 Certificate for Change of Name

Note: These are typical company registration documents and may not apply to your environment.

We recommend that you leave these fields blank in this instance.

Associated Entities Enter the names of any associated entities, this is used for marketing and
relationship purposes.

Business Start Date Enter the date on which the business started operation.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as
12JAN1957, 1JUN1972 or YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of
January 1957) or select from the pop-up calendar. Validation is carried
out; the Business Start Date cannot be earlier than the Business
Registration Date.

Monthly Turnover Select the appropriate value from the lookup list which is maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Salary Range.

27 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

CONTACT version

Field Description

Contact Name Enter the name of the person to be contacted when you wish to
communicate with this Entity. This may be the accountant, chairperson,
general manager and so forth.

Contact Position Enter the position of the contact person.

Contact Work Enter the contact person’s work telephone number if applicable.
Telephone Number

Contact Home Enter the contact person’s home telephone number if applicable.
Telephone Number

Contact Mobile Enter the contact person’s mobile (cellular) telephone number if
Number applicable.

Contact e-mail Enter the contact person’s e-mail address if applicable.

Contact Fax Number Enter the contact person’s facsimile number if applicable.

AUDITOR version

Field Description

Auditor Name Enter the name of the firm who acts as auditor for the entity.

Auditor Telephone Enter the contact number of the auditing firm.


28 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide


Field Description

Signatory Code/Name Enter the name of the person authorised to act as a signatory on behalf
of the entity. If the signatory is a customer of your institution, enter the
Customer Number in this field and the appropriate details will display.

Signatory ID Type Specify the type of Identification Document the signatory presented and
will present in future dealing (for verification).

Signatory ID/Passport Enter the number of said Identification Document.


Passport Expiry Date Enter the expiry date if applicable.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as
12JAN1957, 1JUN1972 or YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of
January 1957) or select from the pop-up calendar.

Signatory Telephone Enter the telephone number of the signatory.



Field Description

Account Number with If the Customer has an account at any other Bank(s), enter the account
Other Bank number.

Bank/Branch Enter the Bank and/or Branch name in this field.

Sort Code Enter the sort code, this is also used for Direct Debit purposes. This list
is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Sort Codes.

Date Account Opened Enter the date on which this account was opened.

29 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

GROUP version

Field Description

These fields are described for institutions who do not make use of the Group Management
functionality only.
When Entity Type is 3 (Group Abbreviated Customer), then the details below are to be captured in
the associated multi-value fields.

Member Name Enter the name of the individual member of the group. One record per

Date of Birth Enter the date of birth of the member.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as

12JAN1957, 1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name
are to be used), or YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of January
1957) or selected from the pop‐up calendar.
Gender The gender of the member maybe selected from the lookup list.

Member Text Any free-form text that may be required to furnish additional information.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Change details for an existing potential non-individual customer

To change details for an existing Potential Non-Individual Customer do the following:
1. Click on Potential Customer Menu>>Non Individual Potential Customer. The first screen will
2. Enter the potential customer ID or click on the Drop‐down icon to display the list of records to choose
3. Click on the Edit icon.
4. Change the fields you require.
5. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

30 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

List of Potential Customers by Mnemonic

This menu option displays the normal Enquiry Selection Box and allows you to select to display
customers according to selections based on the Mnemonic. It produces an on‐screen report of all
records matching the selection criteria.

Click on Potential Customer Menu>>List Potential Customers by Mnemonic

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐ screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

These records are the Potential Customers that have not been upgraded to ‘full’ Customers as yet.

31 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

A Customer is an individual (or non‐ individual) who has been accepted by your institution as such and
who makes use of one or more of the facilities you offer, for example as savings accounts, loans and
so forth.

Individual Customer
The term individual is used for a customer who is a person who wishes to deal with your institution in
his or her own right.

Customer Menu>>Individual Customer
Customer Service Agent RBHP>>New Individual Customer

This menu option allows you to either:

 Capture details for a new Individual Customer

 Change details for an existing Individual Customer
 Delete an unauthorised Individual Customer
 Authorise an Individual Customer

Capture details for a new individual customer

To capture details for a new Individual Customer do the following:
1. Click on Customer Menu>>Individual Customer. The first screen will display.
2. Click on the Next Deal icon. The system allocates the next sequential number.
3. Enter all the fields as described below.
4. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

Fields for entry

Mandatory fields are identified by a red asterisk to the left of the input area and needs to be filled
with relevant data.

32 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

PERSONAL version

Field Description

Customer Type This value is displayed by the system and you cannot change it. This is
to show that you are in the correct application.

Potential Customer It is possible to migrate a prospect from the Potential Customer

Number application to be a full customer. By selecting the Potential Customer
reference number from the list, all the fields will automatically populate.
Review the data for correctness, edit where necessary and commit the
record. The customer record needs to be authorised before it may be
used, for example to open accounts or contracts.

Note: the list will contain all customer records that were created in the
Potential Customer Application, whether migrated to Customer or not.
Surname The last name of the customer.

First Name(s) The first name(s) of the customer.

Preferred Name The name by which the customer prefers to be called, this may be a
nickname or a short name, for example Suzie instead of Suzanne, Pete
instead of Peter.

33 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Former Name If the customer was previously known by a different name, for instance
when a woman takes her husband’s last name, enter the maiden name.

Title The title of the customer. Select from the lookup list which is maintained
in Administrator >>System Tables>>Title

Date of Birth Enter the date of birth of the Customer.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as
12JAN1957, 1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name
are to be used), or YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of January
1957) or selected from the pop‐up calendar.

Age This value is calculated by the system and you cannot change it. It
represents the current age of the Customer and is recalculated for display
during the Close of Business batch process. It is the difference between
the system date and the date of birth entered above.

Initials Enter the customer’s initials. This field will accept 4 characters, for
example you may enter M.S. or MSAJ. These are the first characters of
the customer’s name/s (excluding the surname); Michael Stanford
Alexander James.

Mnemonic This value is composed by the system containing the first three
characters of the Surname, the first of the initials (entered in the Initials
field), the last two digits of the year of birth, the two digits of the month of
birth and a sequence number.
For instance if Mrs Mary Jones was born on the 12th of August 1972, the
Mnemonic will be composed as JONM720801.
If someone else with the same first three characters in the Surname,
Initial and month and year of birth becomes a customer, the Mnemonic
will be JONM720802.
The Mnemonic is not redefined on a name change.

Customer Opening This is the date on which the Customer effectively becomes a Customer
Date of your institution. The default is the current system date and may be
changed if required.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as
12JAN1957, 1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name
are to be used), or YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of January
1957) or selected from the pop‐up calendar.

Gender Select the gender of the customer from the lookup table. The options are;
M = Male
F = Female
O = Other (for non-individual customers)

Resident Y/N State whether the Customer is a Resident in the Country of your
institution. The options are:
Y = Yes
N = No
P = Pending
The values have been defaulted for your implementation of the software.

34 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Nationality Select the Customer’s Nationality from the lookup list provided.
The values are on a system table which cannot be changed and are
defaulted for your implementation of the software.

Residence Indicate the country of which the Customer is a Resident. A Nigerian

National may be Resident of the United Kingdom and your institution in
the Philippines.
The values are on a system table which cannot be changed and are
defaulted for your implementation of the software.

ID Type Specify the type of Identification Document the Customer presented. You
may select form the lookup list which is maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>ID Type.
Validation of the ID will take place in accordance with the parameter
defined on the COMPANY record. Options are None, Unique (no
duplicates) or Date of Birth (the first eight characters to be equal to the
YYYYMMDD of the Date of Birth of the Customer) and only if the ID type
is equal to ‘1’.

ID/Passport Number Enter the number of the Identification Document presented by the
Customer. Validation conditions may be defined in the COMPANY
application. Refer to the System Setup Manual.

Expiry Date Enter the expiry date of the document if applicable.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the
pop‐ up calendar.
When the ID type is a Passport, the system will expect an expiry date.

Alternate ID Type Specify the type of alternate identification for the Customer. You may
select this from the lookup table that is maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>ID Type.

Alternate ID Number Enter the Number of the Alternate ID. The Alternate ID Type and
Alternate ID Number fields are associated and may be multivalued as
many times as necessary.

Customer’s Language The system defaults the value in this field to the language of your
institution. Accept it of select the customer’s language from the lookup
list. This list is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining
Tables>>Customer Language.
This will help your institution to give the best possible service to
customers in their own language, such as provide account statements in
the language of the customers’ choosing.
The language of the customer (Swahili) need not be the same as the
language of the institution (English) or the user (French).

35 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

ADDRESS version

Field Description

Physical Address Enter the street name and number.

Town Enter the town of the physical address.

County Enter the county of the physical address.

State Enter the state of the physical address.

Postal Code Enter the post code of the physical address.

Current Address Y/N Specify whether this is the current address of the customer. This may be ‘Yes’ or
If ‘No’ is entered then mail should not be sent to this customer but retained at the
institution/branch for collection.

Date Address On entering the value in the field below, the system calculates and displays the
Occupied approximate date this address is occupied. This is as most people remember how
long they have been at an address as opposed to remembering the exact date on
which they took occupation.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or YYYYMMDD,
such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the pop‐ up calendar.

Period at Current Enter the period since the customer has resided at this address. Valid input is 16W,
Address 24M or 8Y.
The system calculates the approximate date of occupation against the current
system date and displays the value in the field above.

Accommodation Select the customer’s accommodation situation from the lookup table, which is
Type maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Types of

36 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

The next group of fields relate to the customer’s previous address

Copy over old Options are Y or N. Should you wish for the address previously recorded in the fields
address? above to be copied to the ‘old’ address, select ‘Y’.
Update the period at the previous address accordingly. When you validate the
record, the fields will be populated with the details of the previous address.
If you do not select ‘Y’ in the field above and validated the record, then you may
manually enter the fields below:

Physical Address Enter the street name of the customer’s previous physical address.

Town Enter the town of the previous physical address.

County Enter the county of the previous physical address.

State Enter the state of the previous physical address.

Postal Code Enter the post code of the previous physical address.

Period at Previous Enter the number of weeks, months or years that the customer was at residence at
Address this address.

Accommodation Select the accommodation type from the lookup table which is maintained in
Type Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Types of Accommodation.

The next group of fields relate to the Customer’s postal address

37 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Same as Physical Specify whether the Postal and Physical addresses are the same. When you enter
Y (Yes), all the subsequent fields will be defaulted to the Physical address. You may
not be required to make any changes.
If the addresses differ, select N (No) and enter the details as required.

Correspondent This is either the Customer name or the name of a person designated by the
Name Customer to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The system populates this field with the details as entered on the main version, i.e.
title, initial and surname.

PO Box Number Enter the post office box number or street name and number.

Town Enter the town of the postal address.

County Enter the county of the postal address.

State Enter the state of the postal address.

Postal Code Enter the post code of the postal address.


Field Description

Employment Enter the Employment Number of this Customer. The value in this field will be
Number validated on Payroll processing and it is therefore important that you ensure the
details are correctly entered.

38 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Employment Status Select the Employment Status code from the lookup list provided. This list is a
system table and cannot be changed.

Education Level Select the appropriate Education Level from the lookup list provided. These are
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Education Level.

Occupation Describe the customer’s occupation, e.g. teacher, administrative clerk, farmer, etc.

Income Level Select an Income Level from the lookup list provided. These ranges are maintained
in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Salary Range.

Employer’s Code Select the Employer’s Code from the lookup table provided. These are maintained
in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Employer List.

Employer’s Name If you selected code 9999, enter the Employer’s Name. Alternatively, the system will
populate the appropriate fields with information captured in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Employer List.

Date of Employment On entering the period for which the customer has been employed in the field below,
the system calculates and displays the approximate date of employment.

Period Employed Enter the period for which the customer has been employed. Valid input is 24W,
16M or 6Y.
This may be with the existing employer or when employment history commenced,
depending on the institution’s requirements.

Employer’s Address Enter the Street Name of Post Office Box number of the Employer.

Town Enter the Town of the employer’s address

County Enter the County of the employer’s address

State Enter the State of the employer’s address

Postal Code Enter the Post Code of the employer’s address

Main Income Source Specify the main source of income of the customer, for example, Full Time
Employment or Pension.

Secondary Income Enter a secondary source of income if applicable. This could be from a hobby, rental
income from property or some such source.

39 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide


Field Description

Marital Status Select a code to denote the Customer’s marital status from the lookup list provided
which is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Marital Status.

Spouse’s Customer Enter the Spouse’s Customer Number if the spouse is a Customer of your institution.
Number Should you enter the number (or select from the lookup table) the related fields will
be populated with the details. In the event of the spouse not being a Customer, skip
past this fields and continue to enter the details as required in the fields below.

Spouse’s Name Enter the Customer’s spouse’s name(s).

Spouse’s Enter the occupation of the Customer’s spouse.


Spouse’s Enter the name of the Customer’s spouse’s employer.

Employer’s Name

Employer’s Address Enter the Street Name and Number or Post Office Box Number of the Employer.

Town Enter the Town of the employer’s address.

40 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

County Enter the County of the employer’s address.

State Enter the State of the employer’s address.

Postal Code Enter the Post Code of the employer’s address.

Relationship Specify whether this Customer has a relationship with an existing Customer of your
Indicator institution.
The options are Y (Yes) or N (No).
The following two fields are associated multi-value fields. This means that one
Customer may have an unlimited number of relationships.

Relation Code Select the applicable Relation Code from the look-up table. These codes are
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Relationship.

Related Customer Enter the Customer ID (or select from the lookup list) of the related Customer. The
reverse relationship is automatically done by the system and although not displayed
on the related Customer’s Information File, it can be viewed on the ‘List of Customer
Relations’ Enquiry on the Customer Menu.

Classification On creating the Customer record, the Classification is defaulted to 4 – Pending

Customer. Once membership at your institution has been approved, the
Classification of the Customer may be changed to 1 – Full Customer.
Customers younger than 16 will be assigned the Classification 3 – Juvenile and on
the 16th birthday, the status is automatically changed to 1 – Full Customer.

Deceased Date The date on which a Customer is deceased will display in this field. Use the
Customer>>Change Individual Customer Status application for capturing this
information. Accounts, Deposits and Loans of the Deceased Customer need to be
updated accordingly.

Customer Status The status has been defaulted to 5 for your implementation.

Officer Select Y (Yes) if the Customer is a staff member or official at your institution. This
allows the system to restrict operations on and viewing of staff accounts.

Type of Officer Select the Officer Type from the lookup list maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Types of Officer.

Blocked Y/N Select Y (Yes) is the Customer status is ‘blocked’ for any reason. The system
prevents the opening of new accounts/contracts for customers where the customer
has been blocked. Existing accounts/contracts continue as before, unless these are
blocked too.

Number of Enter the number of dependants the Customer has.


Tax Registration Enter the Customer’s Tax Registration Number if applicable. The system will check
Number for duplicates and provide a message accordingly.

41 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

OTHER INFORMATION version – continued

Field Description

Mailing List Y/N Y (Yes) will put the Customer on the institution’s mailing list. This will result in the
Customer receiving all mail items sent by the institution, such as marketing mail
shots, newsletters and so forth.

Mailing List This is used for indicating that statements will be mailed.

Mailing List Letters This is used for indicating that letters will be mailed.

Mailing List Labels This is used for indicating that the Customer details will be included in bulk label

Additional Enter any other information that may be relevant. This is a free-format multi-value
Information field.

Credit Check Done Indicate that a Credit Check has (Yes) or not (No) been done on the Customer. This
could be a manual check, or an interface to a third party credit bureau.

Credit Indicator Select the results of the Credit Check from the lookup table maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Credit Indicators.

Consent to Indicate whether the Customer has signed Consent to Disclosure in terms of the
Disclosure Data Protection Act.

Date of Signature Enter the date on which the Consent to Disclosure was signed by the Customer.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or YYYYMMDD,
such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the pop‐ up calendar.

Student Indicate whether the Customer is a student by selecting Y (Yes) then the following
three associated multi-value fields become mandatory:

42 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Place of Study Enter the Name of the Institution where the Customer is a student.

Duration of Course Enter the duration of the course. Entry may, for example, be 3W, 9M or 7Y (for three
weeks, nine months or seven years).

Field of Study Enter the details of the course.

These fields are used for marketing purposes.


Field Description

Nomination Form Customers may nominate whom the Savings Balances held with your institution may
be paid to. In order to capture the details of each nominee, the following associated
multi-value fields may be used.

Customer Number Should the beneficiary be a Customer of your institution, enter the Customer
Number (or select from the lookup list) and the related fields below will be populated
(with the exception of the telephone number which requires to be confirmed).

43 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Beneficiary Name Enter the Full Names of the Beneficiary.

Address Enter the Street Number and Name of the Beneficiary’s physical address.

Town Enter the Town of the Beneficiary.

County Enter the County of the Beneficiary.

State Enter the State of the Beneficiary.

Postal Code Enter the Post Code of the Beneficiary.

Phone Number Enter the Phone Number of the Beneficiary.

Relationship to Select the relationship code from the lookup table which is maintained in
Customer Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Relationship.

Amount or Enter the Amount or Percentage of the legacy to be left to this Beneficiary.
Percentage Legacy
Valid input is USD1000 or 25%.

BUSINESS version

Field Description

This version is typically used when Customers wish to apply for facilities (loans) to start a business.

Name of Business Enter the Name of the Business.

Nature of Business Describe the Nature of the Business.

Business Type Select the Business Type from the lookup table, this is maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Business Type.

Business Plan Indicate whether the Business Plan is held (Y) or not (N).

44 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Role in Business Describe the role of the Customer in the Business.

Business Address Enter the physical address details of the Business.

Town Enter the Town of the physical address.

County Enter the County of the physical address.

State Enter the State of the physical address.

Tax Clearance Held Indicate whether the Confirmation that Tax is in Order document is held (Y) or not

Tax Clearance Expiry Enter the expiry date of the Tax Clearance document. The system will not accept a
Date date earlier than the current system date.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or YYYYMMDD,
such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the pop‐ up calendar.

Number of Employees Enter the number of employees employed by this business. This could be used for
impact analysis studies.


Field Description

Industry Select the code representing the Industry in which the Customer is employed
from the lookup list maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining
Tables>>Industry Codes.

Sector Select the code representing the Sector of the Economy in which the Customer
is employed from the lookup list maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Sector Codes.

Loans Written Off Indicate whether loans of the Customer had been written off by selecting from
the lookup table maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>
Write Off Indicator.

45 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Account Officer Select the code representing the Account Officer responsible for maintaining
the relationship with this Customer from the lookup list, maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Account Officer.

Multi Group Allowed The system will indicate in this non-input field whether the customer is allowed
to belong to more than one group concurrently. The rules are maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Group Parameters

Member of Group(s):

Group ID The system will display the Group ID(s) of which this Customer is a member
of in this no-input field.

Cycle The system will display the cycle of the Group in this no-input field.

Type The system will display the Group type in this no-input field.

Status The system will display the status of the Group in this no-input field.

CONTACT version

Field Description

Home Telephone Number Enter the Customer’s home telephone number if applicable.

Work Telephone Number Enter the Customer’s work/business telephone number if applicable.

Mobile Telephone Enter the Customer’s mobile (cellular) telephone number if applicable.

e-mail address Enter the Customer’s e-mail address if applicable.

Fax Number Enter the Customer’s facsimile number if applicable.

46 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide


Field Description

Account Number with If the Customer has an account at any other Bank(s), enter the Bank Account
Other Bank Number.

Bank/Branch Enter the Bank and Branch Names in this field

Sort Code Select the Sort Code from the lookup table, maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Sort Codes. This is also used for Direct Debit

Date Account Opened Enter the date on which the account with the other bank was opened.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the pop‐
up calendar.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Change details for an existing individual customer

To change details for an existing Individual Customer do the following:
1. Click on Customer Information Menu>>Individual Customer. The first screen will display.
2. Enter the Customer ID or click on the Drop‐down icon to display the list of Customers to choose
3. Click on the Edit icon.
4. Change the fields you require.
5. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

Delete an unauthorised individual customer

To delete an UNAUTHORISED Individual Customer, please do the following:
1. Click on Customer Menu >> Individual Customer. The first screen will display.
2. Enter the code of the Customer you wish to delete.
3. Click on the Action icon and the record will open in a new window.
Note: Only UNAUTHORISED records can be deleted.
4. Click on the Delete icon.
Note: Changes to and deletion of records require authorisation in order to come into effect.

47 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Non Individual Customer

A non‐ individual is an entity such as a Company, Partnership, Association, Club, and so forth.
In previous releases of the application, Groups were managed in the Non-Individual Customer
application, this is now done in the Group Management application. Refer to the Group Management
user guide for further information.

Customer Menu >> Non Individual Customer
Customer Services Agent RBHP>>New Non-Individual Customer

This menu option allows you to either:
 Capture details for a new Non Individual Customer
 Change details for an existing Non Individual Customer
 Delete an unauthorised Non Individual Customer

Capture details for a new non individual customer

To capture details for a new Non Individual Customer do the following:
 Click on Customer Information Menu >> Non Individual Customer or Customer Services Agent
RBHP>>New Non-Individual Customer. The first screen will display.
 Click on the Next Deal icon. The system allocates the next sequential number.
 Enter all the fields as described below.
 When everything has been completed click on the Commit Icon.

Fields for entry

Mandatory fields are identified by a red asterisk to the left of the input area and needs to be filled
with relevant data.

48 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide


Field Description

Customer Type This is displayed by the system and you cannot change it. It indicates that you
are working in the Non Individual Customer application.

Name of Entity The full name of the entity – for example organisation, association, club or

Abbreviated Name An abbreviated name of the entity. The system populates this filed with the
information entered in the Name of Entity field above, but you may change it.
This is a mandatory field and is used in reports.

Date Registered Enter the date on which the entity was registered.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1957,

1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of January 1957) or selected from the
popup calendar.
Registered years This is calculated by the system and you cannot change it. The number of
years will be recalculated on each the anniversary.

49 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Registration Number Enter the registration number of the entity if applicable.

Mnemonic This is a number composed by the system containing the first 8 characters of
the Entity name, followed by a two-digit sequence number.
For instance, if you have a Non Individual Customer called RAINBOW
SEASON LTD and one called RAINBOWS UNLIMITED, then the mnemonic
of the first will be RAINBOWS01, and that of the second RAINBOWS02.
The Customer’s mnemonic will not be recalculated by the system, in the event
of a name change.

Customer Opening Date This is the date on which the Customer effectively became a Customer of your
institution. The default is the current system date, but you may change it if
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1957,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of January 1957) or selected from the pop‐
up calendar.

Customer’s Language The system defaults this to the language of your institution.

Entity Type Select a code which represent the Entity Type from the lookup list. This list is
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Entity Type.
Also see the Group Management User Guide for further information.

Industry Select the code that represents the Industry in which the Entity operates from
the lookup list maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining
Tables>>Industry Codes.

Sector Select the code that represents the Sector of the Economy in which the Entity
operates from the lookup list maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining
Tables>>Sector Codes.

Cycle Cycle Management is done in the Group Management application (see user
guide) and the value will be displayed in this no-input field when the Customer
is a Group.

Credit Check Done Indicate that a Credit Check has (Y) or not (N) been done on this Customer.

Credit Indicator Select the results of the Credit Check from the lookup table maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Credit Indicators.

Consent to Disclosure Indicate whether the Customer has signed Consent to Disclosure.

Date of Signature Enter the date on which the Consent to Disclosure was signed.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1957,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of January 1957) or selected from the pop‐
up calendar.

Loans Written Off Indicate whether loans of the Customer had been written off previously by
selecting from the options maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining
Tables>>Write Off Indicator.

Account Officer Select the code of the Account Officer responsible for maintaining the
relationship with the entity from the lookup list, maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Account Officer.

50 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Customer Status This value has been defaulted to 6 for your implementation.

Resident Y/N State whether the Entity is a resident of the country of your institution. The
options are
Y = Yes
N = No
P = Pending
The values have been defaulted for your implementation.

Nationality Select the Entity’s Nationality from the lookup list provided. These codes are
held on a System Table and cannot be changed.
The values have been defaulted for your implementation.

Residence Indicate the country of which the Entity is a Resident.

The values have been defaulted for your implementation.

51 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

ADDRESS version

Field Description

Physical Address Enter the street name and number.

Town Enter the town of the physical address.

County Enter the county of the physical address.

State Enter the state of the physical address.

Postal Code Enter the post code of the physical address.

Current Address Y/N Specify whether this is the current address of the customer. This may be ‘Yes’
or ‘No’.
If ‘No’ is entered then mail should not be sent to this customer but retained at
the institution/branch for collection.

52 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Date Address Occupied On entering the value in the field below, the system calculates and displays
the approximate date this address is occupied. This is as most people
remember how long they have been at an address as opposed to
remembering the exact date on which they took occupation.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1977,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19670112 (12th of January 1967) or selected from the pop‐
up calendar.

Period at Current Enter the period since the customer has resided at this address. Valid input is
Address 16W, 24M or 8Y.
The system calculates the approximate date of occupation against the current
system date and displays the value in the field above.

Accommodation Type Select the customer’s accommodation situation from the lookup table, which
is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Types of

The next group of fields refers to the Previous Address

Copy over Old Address Options are Y or N. should you wish for the previous address recorded in the
fields above to be copied to the ‘old’ address, select ‘Y’.

Period at Previous Update the period at previous address accordingly.


Postal Address Details

Same as Physical Specify whether the Postal and Physical addresses are the same. If you enter
Y (Yes), then all the subsequent fields will be populated with the information
captured for the Physical Address and you need not make any changes. If the
addresses differ, then select N (No) and enter the data in the fields below.

Correspondent Name This is either the Customer name of the name of a person designated by the
Customer to whom correspondence should be addressed.

PO Box No. Enter the post office box number or street number and name of the Customer.

Town Enter the town of the postal address.

County Enter the county of the postal address.

State Enter the state of the postal address.

Postal Code Enter the post code of the postal address.

53 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide


Field Description

Relationship Indicator Specify whether this Customer has a relationship with an existing Customer of
your institution. The options are Y (Yes) or N (No).
The following two fields are associated multi-value fields. This means that on
Customer may have multiple relationships to others.

Relation Code Select the applicable Relation Code from the lookup list. These codes are
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Relationship.

Related Customer Enter the Customer ID (or select from the lookup list) of the related customer.

Mailing List Y/N Options are Y (Yes) or N (No). Y (Yes) will put the Customer on the
institution’s mailing list. This will result in the Customer receiving all mail items
sent out by the institution, such as marketing mail shots, newsletters, etc.

Mailing List Statements This flag is used for indicating that statements will be sent.

Mailing List Letters This flag is used for indicating that letters will be sent.

Mailing List Labels This flag is used for indicating that the Customer details will be included in bulk
label production.

Blocked Y/N Select Y (Yes) if the Customer status is ‘blocked’ for any reason. Blocked
Customers are unable to open new accounts, contracts or arrangements with
your institution.

Classification On creating the Customer record, the Classification is defaulted to 4 – Pending

Customer. Once membership at your institution is approved, the Classification
of the Customer may be changed to 1 –Full Customer.

Additional Information Capture any other information that may be relevant. This is a free format multi-
value field.

54 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

BUSINESS version

Field Description

Name of Business Enter the name of the business.

Nature of Business Describe the nature of the business.

Business Type Select the code that represents the Business Type from the lookup list,
maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Business Type.

Business Plan Indicate whether the Business Plan is held (Y) or not (N)

Tax Clearance Held Indicate whether the Confirmation that Tax is in Order document is held (Y) or
not (N).

Tax Clearance Expiry Enter the expiry date of the document above. The system will not accept dates
Date earlier than the current system date.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1957,

1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of January 1957) or selected from the pop‐
up calendar.
State whether the following documents relating to the Entity are held by your institution:
The options are:

55 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Y = Yes
N = No
P = Pending
 Memorandum of Association
 Articles of Association
 Certificate of Incorporation
 Founding Statement
 Certificate to Commence Business
 Trust Deed
 Partnership Agreement
 Constitution
 Certificate of Change of Name
These are typical company registration document and may not apply to every environment. We
recommend that you leave the fields blank in this instance.

Associated Entities Enter the name/s of any associated entities. This is used for marketing and
relationship purposes.

Business Start Date Enter the date on which the business started operating.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1957,

1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of January 1957) or selected from the pop-
up calendar. The system validates against the date registered in the ‘Non
Individual’ version.
Monthly Turnover Select a Monthly Turnover level from the lookup list maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Salary Range.

CONTACT version

Field Description

Contact Name Enter the name of the person to be contacted when you wish to communicate
with the entity. This may be the accountant, the chairperson, general manager
and so forth.

56 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Contact position Enter the position of the Contact Person.

Contact Work Telephone Enter the contact person’s work (business) telephone number if applicable.

Contact Home Telephone Enter the contact person’s home telephone number if applicable.

Contact Mobile Number Enter the contact person’s mobile (cellular) telephone number if applicable.

Contact e-mail Enter the contact person’s e-mail address details if applicable.

Contact Fax Number Enter the contact person’s facsimile number if applicable.

AUDITOR version

Field Description

Auditor Name Enter the name of the firm who acts as auditor for the entity.

Auditor Telephone Enter the Auditor’s business telephone number.



Field Description

Signatory Code/Name Enter the Customer number (if the signatory is also a Customer of your
institution) of the person authorised to act as a signatory for the Entity,
alternatively, enter the name of the signatory.

Signatory ID/Passport Specify the type of Identification Document the signatory presented. You may
Type select this from the lookup list which is maintained in Administrator
Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>ID Type.

Signatory ID/Passport Enter the Identification or Passport number of the document presented by the
No. signatory.

57 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Passport Expiry Date Enter the expiry date of the document if applicable.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1957,

1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of January 1957) or selected from the pop‐
up calendar.
Signatory Telephone No. Enter the telephone number of the signatory

The fields above are a set of associated multi-value fields and may be repeated for as many signatories as
may be required. You may want to provide details of the signatories (number to sign, etc.) in order to transact
on an account in the ‘Signatory’ version in the Account menu.


Field Description

Account Number If the Customer has an account at any other Bank(s), enter the Bank Account
Number in this set of associated multi-value fields.

Name of Bank/Branch Enter the Bank and Branch Names.

Sort Code Select the sort code from the lookup list. This is also used for Direct Debit
purposes. This list is maintained in Administrator Menu>>Maintaining
Tables>>Sort Codes.

Date Opened Enter the date on which the account with the other bank was opened.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as 12JAN1957,
1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month name are to be used), or
YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of January 1957) or selected from the pop‐
up calendar.

58 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

GROUP version

As previously mentioned Groups are managed in the Group Management application, please also refer
to the Group Management user guide.

Field Description

Member Name Since the introduction of the Group Management application, there is no longer
any need to complete these fields. The version is provided to store data for
upgrading clients. Please refer to the Group Management user guide.

Date of Birth As above.

Gender As above.

Customer Text As above.

Group ID The Group ID (as defined in the Group Management application) is defaulted
in this field by the system.

Group Type ID The Group Type (as defined in the Group Management application) is
defaulted in this field by the system.

Status The Group Status (as defined in the Group Management application) is
defaulted in this field by the system.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Change details for an existing non individual customer

To change details for an existing Individual Customer do the following:
1. Click on Customer Information Menu>>Non Individual Customer or Customer Services Agent
2. Enter the Customer ID or click on the Drop‐down icon to display the list of Customers to choose
3. Click on the Edit icon.
4. Change the fields you require.
5. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

59 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Delete an unauthorised non individual customer

To delete an UNAUTHORISED Non Individual Customer, please do the following:
1. Click on Customer Information Menu>>Non Individual Customer or Customer Services Agent
RBHP>>Customer>>List of Unauthorised records.
2. Enter the code of the Customer you wish to delete.
3. Click on the Action icon and the record will open in a new window.
4. Click on the Delete icon.
Note: Only UNAUTHORISED records can be deleted.
Note: Changes to and deletion of records require authorisation in order to come into effect.
Note: It is NEVER possible to delete an authorised Customer record.

60 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Change Individual and Non Individual Customer Status

All new Customer records are created with the default status of ‘4’ - Pending Customer. Once the Board
has approved the Customer application, the status of these Customers is to be changed to 1 - Full
The statement above excludes Juvenile Customers who are assigned the default status of ‘3’ - non‐
voting Customer until their sixteenth birthday when the status is systematically changed to ‘1’ ‐ Full
On notification that a Customer is deceased, the status is to be set to 6. (For Community Banking
implementation, remember to change the Insurable and Dividend fields to ‘No’.)

To capture details of the new Customer status do the following:

1. Click on Customer Information Menu>>Change Individual Customer Status or Change Non‐
Individual Customer Status. The first screen will display.

2. Enter the Customer record number in the ID bar, or select the number from the drop‐down list.
3. Click on the Edit icon.
4. Enter the fields as described below.
5. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

Fields for entry

Mandatory fields are identified by a red asterisk to the left of the input area and needs to be filled
with relevant data.

61 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Note: All fields except for the Classification and Date Deceased are no-input fields.

62 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Authorise Individual Customer

All new Customer records as well as changes made to existing Customers must be authorised by a
mandated official, other than the one who originally captured the details. This is to ensure accuracy and
to prevent fraudulent entries.

Customer Menu>>Authorise Individual Customer
Customer Services Agent RBHP>>Shortcuts>>Pending Customers

First screen
The system displays a list of all unauthorised Customers.

Follow the Authorisation procedures as described in the Navigation manual. If you select a Non‐
Individual Customer, the system will warn you that there is a type mismatch and you will be required to
select another record.
1. Select the record and click on the Action icon.
2. Examine all fields.
3. When you are sure that the details are correct click on the Authorise icon.

In a standard implementation, the changes made can be found in a new tab named “Changes” in
which the old values as well as new values are stored.

Note: Remember that you must open each of the versions when authorising a new Customer, as this
is the only way the system knows that you have checked each field.

63 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Authorise Non-Individual Customer

All new Customer records as well as any changes made to existing Customers must be authorised by
a mandated official other than the one who originally captured the details. This is to ensure accuracy
and prevent fraudulent entries.

Customer Menu>>Authorise Non Individual Customer
Customer Services Agent RBHP>>Shortcuts>> Pending Customers

First screen
The system displays a list of all unauthorised Customers.

Please refer to the procedure as described under Authorise Individual Customer, as it is identical to
the procedure you should follow for this function.

Amendments to the record may be viewed in the Changes version.

64 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Change Department Account Officer

The purpose of this application is to change account officers for a bulk group of customers. All
Customer, Account, Contacts and Arrangements are updated with the new Account Officer details on
authorisation. Please refer to the Account Officer Transfer user guide for detailed information.

Customer Menu>>Change Account Officer

This menu option allows you to change the Account Officer for:
 The entire portfolio of one Account Officer
 Selected Customers
 An entire Group

Capture details to affect the change

To capture details for the Account Officer Transfer do the following:
 Click on Customer Menu >> Change Account Officer. The first screen will display.
 Click on the Next Deal icon. The system allocates the next sequential number.
 Enter all the fields as described below.
 When everything has been completed click on the Commit Icon.

Fields for entry

Mandatory fields are identified by a red asterisk to the left of the input area and needs to be filled
with relevant data.


Field Description

Action Select whether you wish to transfer the entire portfolio of an Account Officer,
selected Customer/s or an entire Group.

Groups/Customers Enter the IDs of the Customer and/or Group records to be updated with the
new Account Officer. This is a multi-value field.

65 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Current Officer The system displays the current Account Officer details in this no-input field.

New officer Select the ID of the new Account Officer from the lookup list, maintained in
Administrator Menu>>Maintaining Tables>>Account Officers.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Authorise Change Account Officer

The transfer of the Customer/Group records to a new Account Officer needs to be authorised in order
for the change to come into effect.

Customer Menu>>Authorise Change Account Officer

First screen
The system displays a list of all unauthorised records.

Follow the Authorisation procedures as described in the Navigation manual.
1. Select the record and click on the Action icon.
2. Examine all fields.
3. When you are sure that the details are correct click on the Authorise icon.

66 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

The guarantor application is used to create new external guarantors (i.e. not customers) that may
guarantee loans of the customers of your institution. For more on Guarantor management functionality,
please refer to the Guarantor Management User Guide.
A basic validation is carried out by the system when this record is created to ensure that the guarantors
do not already exist in the Customer table. An appropriate message is provided to the user:

General Menu>>Customers>> Guarantors or
All-in-One RBHP>>Customers>>Guarantor

To create a new Guarantor record:
1. Select the item from the menu
2. Click on the ‘new deal’ icon
3. Capture the details in the fields provided
4. Commit the record when done
5. Remember to have the record authorized in order for it to become available for use

Fields for entry

Mandatory fields are identified by a red asterisk to the left of the input area and needs to be filled
with relevant data.

67 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Field name Description

ID The system generates the record ID, prefixed with a ‘G’ indicating that this is a
Guarantor, followed by a sequential number.

First Name Enter the first name of the guarantor

Surname Enter the last name (surname) of the guarantor

Name The system populates this field with the first name and surname entered in the
above two fields

Initial Enter the initials of the guarantor

Date of Birth Use the calendar, or enter the date of birth of the guarantor in the format DD-
The information captured in the fields up to this point is used to calculate a
mnemonic and this mnemonic (unique identifier) is checked against all customer
records (potential, full, and LIVE records as well as those in IHLD and INAU status

ID Type Select the ID type from the user-maintainable look-up list

Identification Number Enter the number of the identification document offered by the guarantor

68 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Expiry Date Enter the expiry date of the identification document if applicable

Home Address Enter the residential address of the guarantor in this multi value field

Business Address Enter the business address of the guarantor in this multi value field

Type of Business Select the type of business in which the guarantor is active from the user-
maintainable look-up list

Telephone Contact Capture the telephone number where the guarantor may be contacted

Occupation Capture the occupation of the guarantor. Information here may be used for credit
scoring and eligibility checking

Employer Enter the name of the employer

Employer’s Address Enter the address of the employer in this multi value field

Employer’s Tel. Enter the telephone number of the employer


The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

69 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Customer Enquiries
Customer Portfolio View
This report provides details of all the accounts for a selected customer.

Customer Information Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>Customer Portfolio View
Customer Services Agent RBHP>>Search Customer>>Customer Portfolio

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

70 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

By selecting the option against a selected account, you are able to view the Loan Schedule, Account
Details and/or Account Statement as can be seen below:

The account statement allows you to further drill down into the options as can be seen in the image

Drill down on the transaction:

71 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

The image below are the account details:

72 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

List of Accounts by Customer

This menu option displays the normal Enquiry Selection Box and allows you to select to display
Customers according to selections based on the Customer Number. It produces an on‐screen report of
all records matching the selection criteria.

Customer Information Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>List of Accounts by Customer

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

73 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Customer Listing
This menu option displays the name and address details of all Customers.

Customer Information Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>Customer Listing

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

74 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Officer Listing
This menu option displays the name and address details of all officers of your institution who are also

Customer Information Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>Officer Listing

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

75 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Customer Changes
This menu option displays the name and address details of all Customers where changes have been
recorded. This enquiry may be used by the Internal Auditing Officers to monitor amendments to existing
Customer records.

Customer Information Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>Customer Changes

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.
The changes may be viewed in the History file of the customer record as described in the Navigation

76 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Search for Individual Customer

This menu option displays the normal Enquiry Selection Box and allows you to select to display
Customers according to selections based on the search criteria entered. It produces an on‐screen report
of all records matching the selection criteria.

Customer Information Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>Search for Individual Customer

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click Find icon
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report. Any number of selection criteria may be entered to invoke the search.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below. Scroll through the pages until
you find the record you require.

77 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.
You are able to drill down to the Account details or Contract details by clicking on the selection to the
right side of the data in the enquiry.

78 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Search for Non-Individual Customer

This menu option displays the normal Enquiry Selection Box and allows you to select to display
Customers according to selections based on the search criteria entered. It produces an on‐screen report
of all records matching the selection criteria.

Customer Information Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>Search for Non Individual Customer

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report. Any number of selection criteria may be entered to invoke the search.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below. Scroll through the pages until
you find the record you require.

79 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

You are able to drill down to the Account details or Contract details by clicking on the selection to the
right side of the data in the enquiry.

80 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

List of Customers by Mnemonic

This menu displays the list of all customers by their mnemonics.

Customer Information Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>List of Customers by Mnemonic

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the search criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.


A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

81 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

82 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Total Values of Products by Customer

This menu displays the current position with your institution. The on‐screen report shows all accounts
and contracts.

Customer Information Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>Total Value of Products by Customer

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

83 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

You are able to view the Customer Position by clicking on the option to the right side of the data in the

84 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

List of Customer Relation

This list displays all relationships captured for Customers.

Customer Information Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>List of Customer Relation

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report. You are able to enter a specific customer ID or do a system-wide search by leaving the
selection fields blank.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

View the reverse relationships by clicking on the option on the right side of the data in the enquiry.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

85 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

List of Unauthorised Account Officer Changes

This list displays all Account Officer Changes that are in unauthorised status.

Customer Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>List of INAU Account Officer Changes

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report. You are able to enter a specific customer ID or do a system-wide search by leaving the
selection fields blank.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

86 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

List of Account Officer Changes

This list displays details of all Customers/Groups where the Account Officer had been changed.

Customer Menu>>Customer Enquiries>>List of Account Officer Changes

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the select criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry
or report.

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

View details by clicking on the icon:

View the Exception Report by clicking on the icon:

87 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Any reason/s for the transfer failing will be reported under the Error Info section of the screen.
This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save
in a variety of formats.

88 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product
Customer User Guide

Use this page to record your own notes.

89 InclusiveBankingSuite: Product

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