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An Introduction to :

IT Service Management (ITSM)

Pertemuan 5
Best Practise ITSM
pada organisasi kecil
Hasil Pembagian Studi Kasus
• Layanan akses internet - MIPA
– Kelompok?
• Layanan web hosting – IF  Lihat pertemuan 2
– Kelompok?

• Per kelompok dapat mengirim 1 orang sbg

perwakilan utk terjun lapangan
(membantu/ mengamati)
• Service
• Proses
• Service Support
• Service delivery
dalam struktur organisasi

• Komponen horizontal ini yang disebut sebagai proses

Small Organizations?
(ITIL Small Scale Implementation, TSO, OGC, 2005)
1. Small budgets and staff numbers
2. Disproportionate IT supports org
3. Minimal disposable budgets to investigate new initiaves
4. Restricted time fremes in which to demonstrate improvement
5. Restricted collaboration from colleagues and customers
6. A stable organization with significant resistance to innovation

Specific target groups :

1. Org delivering IT services with limited fiscal resource
2. IT organizations with a low ratio of IT staff to customers
Both  compromises are required in the form of amalgamation of
roles, simplification of processes, reduced resilience, etc.
ITIL Guidance will require adaptation,
because :
1. There are a lot of small organizations and, as the
importance of ITSM is recognized across all sectors,
small organizations realise that it makes sense for
them to adopt the ITIL guidance.
2. ITIL has (wrongly) been accused of being overly
bureaucratic and requiring large numbers of
managers and specialists to deliver. This inevitably
puts off small organizations, where simply is not the
resource to separate roles and tasks. In fact,
combination of roles can increase the effectiveness
of ITIL.
3. Smaller organizations tend to be less formal than larger
ones, and this informality often manifests itself in a
casual approach to using structured processes.
4. Smaller organizations have less specialism, to the extent
that ITSM is only one part of the group’s responsibility.
5. Managers (and their staff) working in small
organizations are inevitably working closer to the front
line, have less time and money to investigate
improvement initiatives and approaches, and, crucially,
may well dismiss the ITIL approach as too complex and
resource-hungry to be appropriate to them.
Characteristics of Small Organizations
1. Informal culture
2. Team Spirit
3. Quick communication
4. Responsive
5. Flexible
6. Understanding of the business
7. Relying on individuals
8. Nowhere to hide
9. Wide knowledge
10. Limited knowledge
11. High organization costs
12. Per capita complexity
Model Organisasi TI
• Model organisasi TI yang banyak diadopsi oleh perusahaan
secara umum
1. Strategy
bertujuan utama memastikan kesejajaran antara strategi bisnis
dg strategi TI.
2. Projects Investments
terfokus pada kegiatan implementasi, serta pengawasan
terhadap proyek2 TI.
3. Operations
terfokus pada pengelolaan layanan TI, serta kegiatan operasional
4. Business support
terfokus pada kegiatan2 internal pengelolaan sumber daya org TI
5. Risk control
Pengelolaan resiko2 TI, dlm bentuk kegiatan2 audit
Model organisasi TI
untuk organisasi kecil, Contoh : UKM
• Mengonsentrasikan struktur organisasi pada fungsi
support atau pendukung kegiatan bisnis.
• Mengacu pada model sebelumnya, maka terpetakan
pada komponen operation dan business support
– Komponen operations
• Staff bidang sistem : server, jaringan, serta aplikasi2
infrastruktur, seperti OS, mail system, web server, dll
– Komponen business support
• Staf bidang aplikasi bisnis (jika perusahaan tersebut
menggunakan aplikasi bisnis tertentu)
• Komponen lain :
– Strategy  manajer dan supervisor
– Projects investments  keroyokan
– Risk control  hilang  di outsource kan
Panduan Memulai implementasi
Where Are We Now?
• Tidak dimana-mana/ titik nol ?
• Mulai dengan service desk dan incident management
[Jimmy H. Pinontoan]
1. Susun proses sederhana yg berfokus pada bgmn staf/
karyawan di organisasi harus bertindak jika ada insiden
atau gangguan infrastruktur atau aplikasi bisnis.
2. Mengadopsi aplikasi service desk sederhana
3. Dokumentasikan semua insiden, baik yg dilaporkan via
email, sms, hingga telepon kedalam aplikasi;
kategorisasikan, tugaskan staf yg berkompeten, dan
tutup insiden jika masalah sudah selesai.
...Where Are We Now?
• Pengategorian insiden ke dalam kategori2 spt : server,
hardware, jaringan, aplikasi, dll akan sangat membantu dlm
mengaitkannya dengan layanan TI apa yang terganggu.
Inilah dasar ITSM.
Where Does
the Business want us to be?
• Berikutnya, menerapkan proses Service
Level Management (SLM).
– Output dari proses ini adalah Service Level
Agreement (SLA). Disini pihak bisnis dan TI
bersepakat mengenai metriks operasi dari
layanan TI, serta tanggung jawab masing-masing
Where Does
the Business want us to be?
• Untuk UKM :
– SLA tidak berupa penalti finansial
– Lebih ditujukan untuk memberikan kejelasan
prioritas kerja serta memberikan jaminan
kualitas layanan TI kepada user.
• Dalam SLA mencantumkan antara lain :
– Uptime, availability, waktu respon service desk,
recovery time, dll
How Do We Get There?
• Diteruskan dengan implementasi Change
management dan Configuration
• Kategorisasi perubahan dan identifikasi
resiko perubahan.
How Do We Keep Improving?
• Analisa strategis
– Business and IT alignment  Visi dan Misi
• Problem management
• It service continuity management
• Release management
• Availability management
• Capacity management
• IT Financial management
Lalu, Siapa mengerjakan apa?
• Interaksi antar komponen di dalam struktur
organisasi ketika dihadapkan suatu masalah
Contoh Rangkap Jabatan ITSM
Proses Rangkap Jabatan Keterangan
Kedua proses tersebut biasanya
Service Level Management IT Supervisor/ Manager/
memerlukan kapasitas manajerial untuk
Capacity Management Direktur
dapat memastikan kesuksesan proses.

Proses tsb dpt di-outsource ke dept

IT Financial management
- keuangan perush, dg kendali tetap di
Capacity Management
tangan manajer atau direktur TI.

Service Desk/ Incident

IT Supervisor/ Manager Sudah jelas

Problem management IT Supervisor/ Manager Sudah jelas

Configuration Management
IT Staff/ Supervisor/ seorang staf TI secara minimal dpt ditugaskan
Change Management
Manager untuk memastikan proses telah berjalan
Release Management
Availability Management
IT service continuity IT Supervisor/ Manager Sudah jelas
• ITSM dan ITIL bukan hanya milik perusahaan
besar saja.
• Semua perusahaan dengan skala apapun dapat
mengambil hikmah dari penerapan ITIL ini.
• ITIL mentransformasi komponen2 organisasi TI
mjd bagian2 yg saling berinteraksi
– Tidak hanya vertikal (bos dan anak buah)
– Namun juga horizontal (tim software dan tim
Practitioners comment
• IT Service Management should be a core competency for
all IT professionals, much like Risk Management or
Security should be.
• For the smallest of the small orgs, at least understanding
the basic concepts and the need for process can make a
world of difference.
• For example, if I know nothing about a car, it is hard to
effectively shop for one. If I at least know the
fundamentals about cars, I can make a better decision.
• Obviously, the more I know, the better off I am. But,
there is that trade off...cost/business value benefit.
Practitioners comment
(small size IT organization)
I think there is a huge amount of value in ITSM practices in small organizations (as
defined above). I have 5 staff in my IT organization, yes that is only 5 I did not
leave off a 0. We are working to implement ITIL practices. Will we implement
the entire ITIL structure? Probably not. However, I am implementing the things
that make sense for us and that support our outcomes and needs. I think if you
have more than two people on your IT staff you can find value in ITSM practices
and the methodologies that exist to implement it.
As a matter of fact I have submitted a proposal for a presentation at the Long
Beach conference to talk about that exact topic. I refer to it as Bite-sized ITIL (a
term we came up with in a discussion at the DC conference). The main point I
think it is important to remember about ITIL and Ivor has also stated this in this
forum, is that it can scale.
You don't have to have 18 different people performing the myriad of roles that ITIL
defines. Take what works and apply it to your environment. If you don't use a
particular part of the methodology then don't worry about it.
So I would say that I am an example that you don't have to have 50 people for ITIL
to be successful. I think that small organizations have even more ability to
benefit from these practices than large organizations. One reason is we can
move faster (in most cases) and our cost to implement is usually significantly
less. In addition, with small staffs any ability to improve process and establish
expectations is a huge value in an organization my size.
Practisioners comment
(human vs tools)
My last comment. Tools are an important aspect of implementing a
successful ITSM strategy, regardless if it is ITIL or MOF or Six Sigma.
However, I think the idea that you can completely automate and
remove the human element from service management is unrealistic. I
don't want to remove the human element from service management
nor do I think you can. Part of service management is customer and
user expectation management. An automated system does not deal
with expectation management.
Another part of ITSM is the constant improvement of processes. Most
tools do not have the ability to look at themselves and continually
evolve based on improvements in process. I think tools are good, but I
also think an organization that tries to automate out the human factor
in ITSM would be less successful than one that uses tools as a tool
rather than as the core of the process. As technologists, we often think
that technology is the answer to everything, but I happen to think that
technology is only the answer where it adds value to the desired

Andy Atencio
Gambaran tahap Penelitian

1,2,3,4 merupakan tahapan dokumen hasil penelitian

Kormat : Roby Hanintyo

Kel 1 Kel 2 Kel 3 Kel 4 Kel 5

Alfam Hanifah Gebby M. Yunus R. Devi
M.Rizal Hadri Umi Harlina Aryo swand
Nurul Dewi Mita Eko Huda
Wahyu Afri Hapsari Syifa Tajul
Abidah Ina Fikri Sesar Silmi
Lindri Hesty Anita Nikmah Moko
Henny Annisa Rherhe M. Ali M. Shoffa 07
Aditya 07 Rahman 07 Lupy Amalia Nur aulia
Dinnisa Puspita M.Febry Fahd 07 Prastianto
Helmi Khabib Riyandika Puput Lulu
Bias 07 Ni luh Nona Desti Farisa
Detil untuk tugas minggu depan :
• Presentasi : Resume ITSM
– Waktu presentasi maksimum 15 menit
– Tanya jawab 10 menit
– Minimalkan definisi-definisi
• Dokumen resume
• Target, mampu menunjukkan penguasaan thd materi
dasar ITSM mnrt ITIL
– Arti penting ITSM
– Keterkaitan ITSM dengan ITIL
– Service delivery dan service support : Goal, definition, and
– Dapat menunjukkan keterkaitan antar proses
– Contoh2
• Referensi :
– Minimal mengacu pada  PCMedia : Pengenalan dan konsep
– Dilengkapi referensi yang lain : buku ITIL versi 2, slide
Terlampir : Karakteristik Organisasi Kecil
1. Informal Culture
• Environment of larger IT organizations :
– Procedures and formality are much more prevalent
– Submissions and requests are more impersonal
– Aimed at fitting rules rather than people’s view
• The decision-makers’
• Some degree of formality is a necessary part of
managing; without it, small IT organizations can
lose control over essential of the service, with
very costly results.
2. Team Spirit
• In small organizations, members are likely to see
themselves as members of a single team, with
common goals.
• This sense of unity fades as the organization grows in
– Potential rivalry between the different IT branches
– Block collaboration
• In small organizations the team sense is likely to
expand beyond the walls of traditional ITSM and
enable closer collaboration with testing, application
development, procurement, and other associated
3. Quick communication
• Since each person will be responsible for several
roles, when there is a communication of interest, it
will spread across the entire organization quickly
• This can encourage strong informal communications
beween the IT org and the business. 
– Help to ensure that things are done with the minimum
number of complications, but can also lead to things
happening without sufficient consideration,
consultation, and documentation, or even on occasion
without financial or management approval.
• Larger organization  communication is
almost always a problem. Everything must
be formally recorded and procedures are
needed to make sure all the right people
kept in touch with each other.
4. Responsive
• Responsive  developing and amending
plans and prodedures as they go, benefit:
– Allowing initiatives to get started with less
– Tailoring ideas during a project or service
– Tailoring services to small numbers of staff
5. Flexible
• Small organizations can react to changes and
new ideas very quickly
• All the major players can be brought
together  new ideas are more likely to get
attention or support
• Can reach decision-makers, everyone knows
each other
6. Understanding of the business
• Can clearly see the supply and process chain
that delivers the organization’s business
products or services  ITSM staff who,
aware of their role in the overall
organization, have an advantage in tailoring
their work to better fit the business needs.
7. Relying on individuals
• Relience on one person to know things and be
the local expert is inevitable
– Try to plan properly for times they will be absent
from the office
– Document their existence, identify risks and
frequently confirm they remain acceptable
– Ensure they stay up to date in their field of
expertise, attending relevant training events and
– Do what you can to retain them in the organization
through incentives and job satisfaction
8.Nowhere to hide
• If things go wrong  fewer options for
solving problems
– Personality clashes
• Small org  little solutions
• Larger org  the staff can be moved around,
organize people into meaningful groups or sections
9. Wide knowledge
• Lack of specialists
• Specialist : should know about customers’
business practices and the latest
developments in relevant areas
10. Limited knowledge
• Small IT organizations is likely to have Gaps in its
knowledge things
• Combine several roles within a single post
• Staff as generalists rather than specialists
• Another way of maximising skills :
– Let the skills that are actually available define the structure of
the organization  more efficient than trying to create a
structure around a theoretical requirement
– As staff change, the structure can be reorganized
• Where skills are not available ??
– Specialist services from 3rd party suppliers
– outsources
11. High organization costs (1)
• Total costs of employing of IT staff will be
higher, reflecting, among other things:
– Higher training and skill levels
– Higher relative costs of essential sw tools
– Cross-training can be more costly to a small
organization, but may well be critically
important in protecting business services
High organization costs (2)
• The cost of IT per user is also likely to be
higher because :
– Hw and sw license costs will be relatively higher
– Relatively more consultancy will be required
(although if funds for consultancy are not
available this would result in lower service levels
being delivered)
• Higher costs to operate small IT organization
add to the burden of constraints from an
overall ITSM perspective
12. Per capita complexity
• Small = Simple ?
• For each customer, there is likely to be a
larger amount and more variety of :
– Incidents
– Configuration items and configuration
– Networking software and hardware
– Applications, locations, and usability issues

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