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A2: Complex Numbers

 General complex number is given by
z=x + yi
Where x is the real part of z ℜ ( z )=x

And y is the imaginary part of z ℑ ( z )= y

Conjugate of z=z z ¿ =x− yi (change the sign of y)
 i 2=−1

Roots of equations involving complex numbers

−b ± √ b2−4 ac
 Use quadratic formula z=
 2
Roots for quadratic equation a z +bz+ c=0 involving the use of complex numbers are always x + yi and
x− yi (the conjugate)

Square root of a complex number

Step 1 Let z=x− yi

z 2=( x + yi )2=x 2− y 2 +2 xyi


ℜ ( z )=x 2− y 2
ℑ ( z )=2 xy
Step 2 Use simultaneous to solve x and y
Step 3 Substitute the value of x and y into x + yi and x− yi
Modulus and Argument of complex number
 Modulus (length) of a complex number

|z|=√ x 2 + y 2
 Argument (angle) of a complex number

arg ( z )=tan−1 ( xy )
(arg must be in radian)
o Note: To find the argument of complex number z, we have to know in which quadrant do the
complex number z lies in
Laws of Modulus and Argument of Complex Number
 |z 1 z 2|=¿ z 1∨×∨z2∨¿
 ||z2
=¿ z 1∨ ¿
¿ z 2∨¿ ¿

 arg ( z 1 z 2 )=arg ( z 1 ) +arg ( z 2 )

 arg ( )
=arg ( z 1 )−arg ( z 2 )

Different Forms of Complex Number

 Algebraic form
z=x + yi
 Modulus-argument form (Trigonometric form)
z=r ¿
Where r =¿ modulus of z
θ = argument of z

 Modulus-exponential form (Euler’s form)

z=r e iθ
Where r =¿ modulus of z
θ = argument of z

 De Monre’s Theorem

z n=r n ¿
Where r =¿ modulus of z
θ = argument of z

To find a complex number when modulus and argument are given

 Substitute the modulus and the argument to the Modulus-Argument form

z=r ¿

And find the complex number in the form of x + yi

Loci of Complex Number in Argand Diagram

 Circle
o General form of a circle => |z|=k , where k is the radius of the circle
o |z−( x+ yi)|=k , a circle of radius k, at the centre ( x , y )
o Inequalities (Must Shade)
 |z|< k and |z|> k , dotted line
 |z|≤ k and |z|≥ k , solid line
 Argument
o General form of an argument => arg ( z )=k , where k is the angle
o arg ( z−( x + yi ) )=k , where k is the angle, half-line from ( x , y )
o Inequalities (Must Shade)
 arg ⁡( z)<k and arg ⁡( z)>k , dotted line
 arg ⁡( z) ≤k and arg ⁡( z) ≥k , solid line
 Perpendicular Bisector
o General form of Perpendicular Bisector

|z−a|=| z−b|

|z−( x 1 + y 1 i )|=|z−( x2 + y 2 i)|

o Plot the points a∧b, connect the points and construct the perpendicular bisector using your
geometry set.
o Inequalities (Must Shade)
 |z−a|<|z−b|,|z−a|>|z−b| , dotted line
 |z−a|≤|z −b|,|z−a|≥|z−b| , solid line

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