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Urges international community's

intervention to stop carnage in Syria
Popular Front of India General Secretary M. Muhammed Ali Jinnah has urged the United Na ons and
the interna onal community to intervene and stop the harrowing carnage of children and civilians in
Syria by the Basharul Assad forces backed by Iran and Russia.

What is happening in Syria right now is one of the worst humanitarian tragedies of our me while the
world is watching silently. The city of Ghouta, where nearly 4,00,000 residents are trapped, is being
pounded with the most sophis cated weapons supplied by Russia. Even hospitals and medical
centers were not spared from the bombing. Nearly 700 civilians have been killed ruthlessly so far, of
which nearly half are children. Even aid workers are labeled as terrorists and targeted. Amnesty
Interna onal has stated that the a ack amounted to war crimes.

Only people with conscience across the world can stop further escala on of this crisis and ensure the
safety of the people besieged in Ghouta. Every individual who is opposed to the war can play his or
her part by crea ng awareness and being part of the relief campaigns. We request the Indian
government to exert its diploma c pressure on Syria to stop the inhuman killings of the civilians. We
also urge the United Na ons to bring to account Russia, Iran, and Assad for the war crimes and take a
lead role for finding a poli cal solu on to ensure peace, democracy and jus ce in the war-torn
(Issued on 28 February 2018)

Condemns ISIS killing of Indian workers

in Iraq
Popular Front chairman E. Abubacker strongly condemned the heinous killing of 39 Indian workers in
ISIS custody and conveyed condolences to the hapless rela ves of the vic ms. It is tragic that they
have to wait nearly four years in u er uncertainty to get a final confirma on of death once they went
missing in June 2014 from Mosul in Iraq. Since then, the External Affairs Ministry has been lying to
the na on that they are alive and efforts to rescue them are in progress. E. Abubacker called for a
thorough enquiry into the whole episode. He also demanded maximum compensa on to the
families of those who met with the tragic mass death.
(Issued on 28 February 2018)



Condemns Israeli carnage in Gaza

Popular Front of India Chairman E Abubacker in a statement has strongly condemned the brutal
violence unleashed by Israeli army on unarmed Pales nians in Gaza who assembled near the fence
with Israel.
“Innocent Pales nians are being massacred and their lands stolen on a daily basis while America
con nues to support Israel financially and militarily over the past many decades. Around 60 people
have died and 2000 wounded including women and children in Israeli firing at Pales nian people
who gathered to protest near the fence with Israel in Gaza. As usual, this me too Israel has jus fied
carnage by calling it “self-defence” even though there was no casualty on Israeli side from the
protesters. In fact, Israel is proving that it does not even tolerate Pales nian people protes ng when
they are being made to live like in an open prison with Israel controlling and shrinking all their spaces
from all sides.”

E Abubacker has also condemned American decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
“This is yet another shameful betrayal of Pales nians, especially when the country has always
presented itself as the mediator of the peace talks between Israel and Pales ne. It can only be
viewed as an open display of disregard for interna onal law and UN resolu ons. It will further
deteriorate the already vola le situa on in the region.”
“We urge UN and interna onal community to come out against Israeli crimes and human rights
viola ons and call upon world countries to take necessary steps to restore the rights and dignity of
Pales nian people.
(Issued on 15 May 2018)

India must not bow to US pressure

A statement issued by the Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India has asked
Government of India not to bow to the pressure threats from United States to halt our oil imports
from Iran. Such dictates from a third foreign country with regards to our interna onal rela ons with
another country can only be deemed as interference in our na on's sovereignty. Besides, U. S move
against Iran can only be viewed as part of expanding their tyrannical hegemony in the region by
destroying countries that refuse to surrender to their threats. This latest U.S dictate to India amounts
to undermining the dignity of our 1.35 billion ci zens. The mee ng reminded the central
government that if we fail to overcome these pressures from U. S., we would be opening the doors
for more direct U. S. interven ons in future.
(Issued on 29 June 2018)



Warns against attempts to suppress Dalits

Popular Front of India Chairman, E Abubacker in his statement has condemned the a ack on Dalits
who were celebra ng the 200th anniversary of the Bhima Koregaon ba le. The situa on shows that
the a acks were pre-planned. This is part of the a empt being made by Hidutwa forces in the state to
suppress Dalits by turning the Marathas against them. Failure of the state governmentand the police
in stopping the hooligans who were preparing to a ack the people who gathered for the anniversary
celebra on has resulted in the death of an innocentand caused the violence to spread. Now the
police, instead of going a er the criminals who a acked unarmed people, are falsely implica ng
innocents who a ended the programme including leaders like Jignesh Mewani MLA and Omar

This is yet another instance of the casteist violence on Dalits who are struggling to assert their rights
and dignity against the Brahminist oppression that has con nued for thousands of years. Such
violence has intensified ever since Hindutwa came to power in 2014. Dalit laborers were brutally
beaten for skinning dead cows in Gujarat; Dalit children were burned alive in Haryana by Upper
castes; an elderly Dalit man was burned to death in UP for entering the temple, and the list con nues.
People who protest against these are charged with draconian laws and locked up. Bhim Army Leader
Chandra Shekhar Azad is s ll in prison charged with draconian sec ons of the NSA.

We demand that the state government should iden fy and book culprits responsible for this heinous
act and to adequately compensate the family of the deceased and all vic ms who were injured in this
atrocity. We urge fellow ci zens of this country to stand with the struggles of the Dalit community for
their dignity and human rights.
(Issued on 03 January 2018)

RSS General Secretary challenges Judiciary

The NEC mee ng demanded ac on against RSS General Secretary Bhaiyaji Joshi's inflammatory
remarks that “Ram temple will be constructed at that place (Ayodhya) and nothing else can be built
there”. He also reported to have claimed that Mandir will be built there immediately a er Supreme
Court verdict. Such remarks, while Supreme Court order on the issue is s ll pending are indica ve of
the disdainful a tude of Sangh Parivar towards Judiciary and the democra c system of the country
at large. From this threat to build Ram Mandir at any cost, it becomes clear that Sangh Parivar either
doesn't care the apex court or they are pressurizing Supreme Court to have a verdict in their favour.
The mee ng appealed to the Hon'ble Chief Jus ce of India to ini ate legal ac on against RSS general
secretary and other RSS-BJP leaders who repeatedly subdues the autonomy of Supreme Court in
pending Babri Masjid – Ramjanm Bhoomi tle case.
(Issued on 15 March 2018)



Welcomes life sentence in Jharkhand

lynching case
Popular Front of India Chairman E. Abubakcer has welcomed the judgment by a fast track court (FTC)
in Ramgarh which awarded life imprisonment to 11 of the 12 Sangh Pariwar men convicted in
Alimuddin Ansari's lynching that took place in Jharkhand last year.
The judgment is a ray of jus ce and a relief to poor people who s ll live under the threat of criminal
gangs formed in the name of cow protec on called Gorakshaks, associated to Sangh Pariwar.
Increasing number of mob lynching incidents by these gangs has created an atmosphere tantamount
to lawlessness in the country and the state of Jharkhand witnessed several such incidents in recent
months. The central government policies like beef ban and restric ons on ca le trade provided the
criminals the moral support and impunity to commit any such act on innocent people. Mostly poor
Muslims who find their living from ca le trade or dairy farming were the vic ms. A situa on was
created that anyone can be publicly lynched merely on the accusa on of carrying beef, regardless of
whether it is true or false. It is the first me the accused is punished with life imprisonment in a
lynching case. The judgment is a warning to the cow vigilantes. It will help restore people's faith in
jus ce delivery system. We appreciate all those who worked for ensuring jus ce to Alimundhin
(Issued on 22 March 2018)

Killers and rapists emboldened by impunity

under BJP rule
Popular Front of India Chairman E Abubacker in a statement has strongly condemned the brutal gang
rape and killing of 8-year-old Asifa from Kathua district in Jammu and rape of a girl in Unnao in U ar
Pradesh by BJP MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar along with others.

The way some officers in J&K police along with communal poli cal mafia from the area gang raped
and killed Asifa must open our eyes to the crimes being commi ed jointly by the security agencies
and fascist forces. The incident cannot be seen separately from the rape of women, killings and
forced disappearances of thousands of youths that have been going on with impunity in Kashmir
valley since decades. The fact that Asifa was held cap ve in a Hindu temple for days before she was
finally murdered and the support these killers received by local Hindu community show the mean
level of their moral depravity and hatred for the other. Therefore, it is disingenuous to treat this as an
isolated case of gang rape; rather it is to be seen as part of poli cal agenda of revenging Kashmir
Muslims. There are also accusa ons that BJP minister Lal Singh's unholy a empts to encroach land
driving out the Muslims being the mo ve behind the crime. The callousness on the part of the local
people, including the BJP leaders and even lawyers at Jammu Bar who tried to shield the culprits


points to the higher level conspiracy. E Abubacker demanded an impar al enquiry under judicial
supervision to unearth all facts including the role of local BJP minister Lal Singh.

E Abubacker expressed deep resentment over the increase of poli cally backed atroci es against
weaker sec on in U. P. under Yogi Adityanath. He pointed out that the impunity being enjoyed by the
Hindutwa gangs led by local BJP leaders all over the state has emboldened criminals like BJP MLA
Kuldeep Singh Sengar to commit despicable acts like gang rape. The subsequent custodial death of
the vic m girl's father again shows that the state administra on and police are under control of
criminal BJP gangs. E Abubacker called upon all secular forces and peoples' movements in U. P. to
work out a joint strategy to save the state from the clutches of communal fascist mafia rule.
(Issued on 13 April 2018)

Demands to probe Maharashtra encounter

killings incident
Popular Front expressed concern over the mass killing in the name of encountering Maoist militancy
in Gadhchiroli in Maharashtra. It is shocking that decomposed dead bodies of alleged Maoists are
found floa ng in Indroli river along Maharashtra-Chha sgarh border. Reportedly, around forty dead
bodies including that of women have so far been found. Police explana on that they were killed in
'encounter' is difficult to be taken in the face value as we have a long history of fake encounters under
the pretext of encountering terrorism. Zero casual es on the part of police also suggest of a possible
unilateral mass killing and human rights viola ons. It is a shame for a progressive and democra c
society to unques oningly accept such killings and army excesses. The mee ng demanded
immediate ac on against responsible police personnel and a judicial enquiry about the incident.
(Issued on 30 April 2018)

Welcomes Shamsuddin Ansari lynching case

Popular Front welcomed the trial court judgment which awarded life sentence to 10 accused in
Shamsuddin Ansari lynching case in Bokaro district of Jharkhand. Shamsuddin Ansari's lynching
falsely accusing him of child-li ing was one in the series of horrific lynching happened in the state.
The judgment gives a clear warning to the racist and fana c elements that are spreading a lynching
culture across the country against innocent Muslim labourers and ca le traders. Such judgments are
rays of hope for the vic ms in their fight for jus ce.
(Issued on 30 April 2018)



Urges U.P. government to withdraw cases

against Dr.Kafeel Khan
The Secretariat of Popular Front expressed relief in the release of Dr.Kafeel Khan from his 8-month-
long imprisonment in Gorakhpur Jail a er being granted bail by Allahabad High Court. What was
done by Yogi Adityanath character like him who struggled against all odds to save lives of newborn
infants of impoverished families, was made scapegoat for the ghastly systemic failures of a corrupt
government shows the degenera on of Yogi Government. Now, when for want of evidence,
Allahabad High Court has granted bail to Dr. Khan, Yogi Government must withdraw cases against
him, apologize to him and compensate for the me he served in jail and the humilia on it brought to
him and his family.
Chairman E Abubacker presided over the mee ng which was a ended by M Muhammed Ali Jinnah,
EM Abdul Rahiman, K M Shareef, OMA Salam and Abdul Wahid Sait.
(Issued on 30 April 2018)

Attempt at Dr.Kafeel Khan's brother shows

the gravity of hate politics and
lawlessness in the Uttar Pradesh
Popular Front of India chairman E Abubacker, in a statement, has strongly condemned the gruesome
a empt at the life of Kashif Jameel who is the younger brother of Dr.Kafeel Khan at Gorakhpur.

Though the iden ty of the assailants is yet to be found, the incident points to larger law and order
problems prevailing in the state a er Yogi Adityanath government assumed power in the state. It is
well known that U.P. government is angry with Dr.Khafeel Khan since the deaths of 63 babies at BRD
Medical College in Gharkpur, due to lack of oxygen. Despite the fact that Dr. Khan did his best to save
lives, he was made a scapegoat for the systemic failures of the government and was sent behind bars
for six months. The shoo ng at his brother shows that whoever is angry with Dr.Kafeel Khan has not
stopped targe ng him and his family. This is a highly in mida ng situa on in terms of security,
especially for minori es and whoever the government finds unfavorable to their interests. All peace-
loving people of the state should come out against this deepening lawlessness and insecurity. E
Abubacker demanded judicial interven on in the killing spree in U. P. against poli cal opponents with
support of police and goons.

Meanwhile, Sangh Parivar goons con nue to target minori es in various parts of the country. In a
recent incident, Maulana Azharul Islam and his brother Maulana Imran were brutally a acked by a
mob while they were returning from mosque a er late night prayer in Agdu village of Ratu in
Jharkhand. E Abubacker stated that the studied silence on the part of Prime Minister and his cabinet
colleagues amounts to approving the criminaliza on of state machinery by the governments in
different BJP ruled states.
(Issued on 11 June 2018)

Stop cow terrorist attacks on minorities

The Na onal Execu ve Council (NEC) of Popular Front of India stated that central and state
governments have failed in providing basic right to security of life to Muslim community against the
communally frenzied mobs inspired by the propaganda of cow terrorism. Even a er the culprits were
punished by the court in a lynching incident in Jharkhand state, repeated occurrences of mob
lynching at various parts of the country show that hooliganism in the name of cow protec on is s ll
on the rise. A situa on has been created that at any me a mob might take a Muslim's life in broad
daylight and can freely get away with it. The latest images coming from U ar Pradesh show that state
police would only help the mob instead of saving the life of vic ms. Within a fortnight three different
incidents took place in Assam, Jharkhand and U ar Pradesh. The mee ng urged the Prime Minister
to stop hollow rhetoric and act upon his party chief ministers in states like UP, Jharkhand and Assam.
(Issued on 25 June 2018)

Jharkhand High Court suspending

punishment in lynching case unfortunate

A statement issued by the Na onal Execu ve Council mee ng of Popular Front of India held at
Bangalore has expressed dissa sfac on on the Jharkhand High Court ruling that suspended the life
sentence and granted bail to 11 of the 12 accused convicted in Alimudhin Ansari lynching Case.
Around 30 people have so far been brutally lynched by violent mobs in broad day light in the country
over the allega ons of cow slaughter, of which the first case where the accused were punished was
Alimudhin Ansari's case. The punishment given to them has brought hope of jus ce and relief to the
families of the vic ms while giving a clear warning to the fana c mobs who have become a threat to
the life of ca le traders and minori es. The Jharkhand High Court's decision to grant bail to them will
only encourage cow terrorism and mob lynching further. Meanwhile the mee ng condemned Union
Minister Jayant Sinha for felicita ng the convicts at his residence a er their release. It has been
proved that most of the cow terrorism incidents were ins gated by Sangh Parivar sponsored cow
protec on gangs and BJP func onaries were involved in many such cases. The government has
always washed their hands off the increasing number of such brutal mob killings calling them merely
aberra ons of isolated nature. But a unionminister felicita ng criminals convicted for lynching an


innocent Muslim, is not only the endorsement of the inhuman act but also giving the impression that
the criminals have government backing for their crimes.
(Issued on 07 July 2018)

'Mob lynching spree turns India into a wild

Popular Front condemned the new mob lynching incident in Bidar district of Karnataka in which a
so ware engineer Mohammed Azam was killed and three others were injured a er alleging them as
child kidnappers. During one year about 30 innocent human lives were lost in the country at the
hands of frenzied mobs accusing the vic ms as cow traders or child kidnappers. In more than 20
incidents fake WhatsAppsrumors played key role in organizing violent mobs. Both the exis ng laws
and the agencies responsible for implemen ng the laws have failed to check this mob-lynching spree.
Many cow terrorist lynching incidents happened with explicit poli cal patronage. The mee ng
demanded to enact a new law to deal with mob lynching.
(Issued on 07 July 2018)

Latehar lynching case verdict a victory of

legal fight
Popular Front of India General Secretary M. Mohammed Ali Jinnah has termed the sentencing of
eight GauRakshaks to life imprisonment for killing of ca le traders, Mazloom Ansari and Im yaz Khan
at Latehar in Jharkhand in March 2016, a victory of legal fight. He has hailed the verdict which was
issued today by the Latehar District Court.

Jharkhand is a state most hit by the atroci es on innocent Muslims by mobs ins gated by Hidutva
forces in the name of cow protec on. This is the second lynching case in which GauRakshaks have
been convicted. In March this year, a fast track court in Jharkhand convicted 11 accused including a
BJP leader for killing Alimudheen Ansari in Ramgarh, Jharkhand.

Mohammed Ali Jinnah pointed out that it was due to the courage and persistent follow up of the
Latehar case by the rela ves, jus ce was brought to the vic ms. There were a empts to in midate
them to withdraw from the scene. He remembered that Popular Front was in support of the families
at various stages of their legal fight. It is hoped that the punishment awarded to the culprits would act
as a deterrent to repe on of such lynching incidents. He also told that this legal victory is mo va on
for the families of other lynch vic ms also for remaining steadfast in legal fight.
(Issued on 21 December 2018)



Expresses concern over the issues raised by

senior Supreme Court judges; Says
politicization of the judiciary threat to
The Na onal Secretariat of Popular Front of India in a statement has expressed serious concern over
the issues raised by four senior Supreme Court judges before the media against the working of the
apex court.

It is highly concerning that four of the topmost judges in the country had to take ma ers about the
func oning of the Supreme Court out to the public as they are unable to air their views properly
within the system. Nor could they find a just solu on inside the fraternity. The honourable judges
have brought to the na on's a en on the nadir of degenera on in the apex court and are poin ng to
the poli cal influence on the judges. The allega on that there was an interference from the part of CJI
while assigning a number of cases of na onal importance sends a grim message to the people of this
country about the neutrality of the apex judiciary. These cases include the assassina on of Jus ce
Loya in which BJP president Amit Shah is one of the prime accused.

Even though Jus ce Deepak Mishra can jus fy his ac ons technically, they will remain ethically
suspicious in the eyes of the people. If the issue is not cleared now, it will destroy people's faith in the
judicial system. The Chief Jus ce of India owes this na on an explana on as to what is happening in
the Supreme Court. The ruling party BJP should desist from destroying the judiciary through various
means of interference and stop protec ng leaders accused of commi ng crimes.

The mee ng urged that the people and poli cal par es must take the current developments
seriously and come forward to protect the independence and neutrality of the Supreme Court.
(Issued on 14 January 2018)

Leave Hajj to believers; end all subsidies

to religious events
Referring to the Central government move to scrape off Hajj Subsidy, Popular Front of India Central
Secretariat has, in a statement, said that government shall leave religious func ons to believers and
end all the subsidies currently being granted to various religious events in and out of the country.
The sudden removal of the Subsidy for Hajj Pilgrim which has been in place since decades fails to
answer many ques ons. Muslim community will have no difficulty to agree that Hajj is not something
to be performed with financial aids from outside. Yet due to the way it is administered, the much
talked about HajjSubsidy has not been of any help to Muslims. With the monopoly of Air India on the
Hajj travels, the subsidy has been meaningless. For years, the government has been charging pilgrims
extra, more than the amount they are granted by way of subsidy. Once the monopoly of Air India and
government control on Hajj travels are li ed, cost of the Hajj will get reduced more than what it is
now with subsidy. Therefore, government must stop helping Air India's exploita on of Hajj pilgrims
and engage other airline companies who can provide the same service at lower costs.

The government presents the Supreme Court judgment as the reason for the decision. This claim
cannot be taken at the face value because we don't see the same diligence on the part of government
in implemen ng several other more important court orders. Moreover, there is no explana on as to
why a sudden end only to Hajj Subsidy while there are many other religious events that are s ll being
funded, like Kumbh Melas, Amarnath, Kailash, Manasa, etc. Hence the decision can only be viewed as
discriminatory and divisive. Popular Front, therefore, demands that, along with Hajj Subsidy, central
government take immediate steps to end all other ongoing funding to all religious events.
(Issued on 18 January 2018)

Budget 2018: claims don't match realities

A resolu on adopted by the mee ng stated that Modi government has failed in fulfilling a single one
of the numerous promises it had made to the people. It has brought economic disasters to the
country with absurd exercises like note ban and demone za on. The claims about 2018 budget don't
match with the reali es of the country. It serves interests of the rich and adds further difficul es to
vast majority of poor Indians. With announcement of various schemes for health care, agriculture
and rural development, the budget is being celebrated as pro-poor and pro-farmer. But the
insufficient alloca ons to the schemes prove that those are mere populist announcements of li le
substance. It should also be men oned that there isn't any announcement of loan waivers while
farmers s ll con nue to suffer to pay off their loans. Instead of measures for strengthening public
health care system on which the poor mostly depend, the budget declares health insurance
schemes. It will only cater to the insurance companies and private hospitals. Instead of increasing
direct taxa on to the ny percentage of ultra-rich, the budget has cut down corporate taxes.
Meanwhile it announces addi onal indirect taxes, which will have direct effect on common people.
The cut down in the alloca on for educa on is also a sinister trend. There has been a steady decline in
budget alloca on for educa on since Modi government has assumed power. It is a clear sign that
government is withdrawing from educa on giving way for more priva za on in the sector.
(Issued on 06 February 2018)



Mohan Bhagwat projects RSS above India:

E. Abubacker
Popular Front of India chairman E. Abubacker stated that for RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, his
organisa on is above Indian na on. He was responding to the controversial speech of Mohan
Bhagwat claiming RSS as more efficient than Indian army. Mohan Bhagwat while addressing an RSS
mee ng in Bihar had said that while 6 months are needed for Indian army to get ready for war, for RSS
it takes merely 3 days. E Abubacker told that these words were not casual, but reflec on of the real
RSS mindset. RSS thoughts and acts during the period of freedom struggle and a er independence
are enough proof that their communal and divisive agenda was dearer to them than the survival and
flourishing of the na on.

In fact, Mohan Bhagwat, more than eulogising his organisa on, insulted the military which is
guarding our na on from enemies. But the irony is that while the army fights against external
enemies, RSS fights against our own ci zens: their marked internal enemies such as Dalits, religious
minori es and secularists.Though any patrio c Indian ci zen cannot subscribe to the ideology and
approach of RSS, there is a single point in the speech of Mohan Bhagwat of which we may desperately
await implementa on by them. He had boasted that RSS which is having discipline like military is
ready to fight enemies on borders if required. E. Abubacker wished that the na on could witness
Swayamsevaks being deployed on our borders immediately, since it is the most required me as our
soldiers are being killed daily on the borders under the Modi government.
(Issued on 13 February 2018)

Seeks withdrawal of controversial statement

of Army Chief
A resolu on passed by the Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front took serious no ce of the
poli cal remarks made by the Chief of Army Vipin Rawat expressing concern over the growth of
Assamese poli cal party AIUDF. It is highly objec onable and unbecoming of his posi on and gives a
wrong signal about the role of the army. There is nothing to worry for an army chief about a
democra cally func oning poli cal party. We have watched in the past, when democracy was being
destroyed in our neighbouring countries by interference of the army in poli cs, we took pride in the
strength of our democracy and integrity of our army by keeping a line of control between them.
Though it might please present government and the forces behind it, he has actually set a dangerous
precedent for the army to interfere in poli cs. The mee ng demanded the withdrawal of the
controversial statement.


Chairman E. Abubacker presided over the mee ng, which was also a ended by General Secretary
Muhammed Ali Jinnah, Vice Chairman O.M.A Salam, Secretaries Anis Ahmed and Abdul Wahid Sait,
E.M. Abdul Rahiman and K.M. Shareef.
(Issued on 27 February 2018)

Secular parties should learn their lesson

from North East election results
Popular Front of India Secretary Abdul Wahid Sait has stated that the bi er defeat incurred by secular
par es in Tripura assembly elec on presents a great lesson for the secular par es in India.
Administra ve failure of the incumbent, disunity, ideological dogma sm and reluctance to deal with
the opportunis c elements within the party folds, all contributed to the result. Unfortunately, even
while secular and democra c system of the country is on the verge of being replaced with fascist
authoritarianism, other than usual the rhetoric, secular par es including the Congress and Le
par es have failed to unite and come up with an elec on strategy that can put up a serious challenge
to the BJP. Unless they learn their lesson at least now, it will put their very own survival at serious risk.

The statement condemned the violence unleashed by Sangh Pariwar in Tripura against their poli cal
rivals as well as the minori es. Fascists are showing their true colour in the state as soon as they got
power. At the same me, the result in the North Eastern states cannot be seen as reflec on of the
sen ment of en re na on.

The statement welcomed the decision of BSP and SP to join hands in the upcoming by elec on in
U ar Pradesh against the an -people rule of Yogi Government. Both par es are showing the way for
others to follow. As responsible poli cal par es, they signal that, rather than coming to power, there
are more important du es for secular par es to perform for the country and that they can play
crucial role in preserving the cons tu on and saving democracy.
(Issued on 07 March 2018)

FIR against Maulana Sajjad Nomani, an

attempt of intimidation
Popular Front Chairman E Abubacker in a statement took strong excep on to the FIR lodged by the
Hazratganj police against All India Muslim Personal Law Board spokesperson Maulana Sajjad Nomani
alleging sedi on. He rubbished the accusa ons made by UP Shia Waqf Board Chairman, Waseem
Rizvi against Maulana.


Maulana Nomani is known for his integrity and commitment to the cons tu onal values and has
never spoken against any religion or community. At the same me, he has been a vocal cri c of Sangh
Pariwar's divisive poli cs. Cri cizing RSS and its ideology of hatred is not cri cizing a community. It
seems that Mr. Rizvi working as a tool of RSS and taking his cue from Sangh Pariwar in their plan to
in midate Muslim leaders cri cizing RSS into silence. This FIR is detrimental to the freedom of
expression guaranteed by the cons tu on. We express our solidarity with Maulana Nomani. RSS has
to stop using individuals like Rizvi to defame Muslim leaders.
(Issued on 10 March 2018)

Left parties should stay with struggles of the

The NEC mee ng of Popular Front observed that Le par es even a er their defeat in Tripura
elec on have proved capable of playing a significant role in bringing change in the country. Even
though it lost elec ons in Tripura, the vo ng pa ern in the state indicates CPIM remains a major force
in the state, that too when the Congress party came up with a dismal results. It is to be noted that the
en re popula on of the North-East except Assam is below 150 lakhs and hence taking the results as
reflec ve of a na onwide trend is misleading. The lead role played by All India Kisan Sabha in the
recent farmers' protest in Maharashtra shows that it is s ll too early to write off le par es and that
they can s ll carry the voice of the poor in the country. The mee ng hoped that le par es dispense
with their parliamentary ambi ons and stay with the marginalised classes and their struggles against
an -people government policies. Chairman E Abubacker presided over the mee ng held at
Malappuram in Kerala. Those who a ended the mee ng include vice chairman O M A Salam, general
secretary M. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, secretaries Abdul Wahid Sait and Anis Ahmed, E M Abdul
Rahiman, K M Shareef, Adv. Mohammed Yusuf, Prof. P Koya, A S Ismail, Mohammed Roshan and
(Issued on 15 March 2018)

Opposes FIR against Maulana Sajjad Nomani

The NEC of Popular Front ques oned the validity of the FIR against All India Muslim Personal Law
Board spokesperson and Islamic Scholar Maulana Sajjad Nomani. All the allega ons contained in the
complaint are baseless. Maulana Nomani is a leader who has always stood for cons tu onal values
against the forces that try to undermine the same. This is part of the a empt to silence Muslim
leaders and ac vists who speak against Sangh Parivar using their obedient lackeys within the
community. The mee ng expressed solidarity with Maulana Nomani and reminded that such
gimmicks are not going to stop him from speaking the truth. (Issued on 15 March 2018)



Applauds rising political unity against

The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India held at Calicut applauded the Lok Sabha by-
elec on results in UP and Bihar. The mee ng observed that the willingness expressed by the regional
par es SP and BSP to stand together is exemplary at a me when the Congress and Le par es
hesitate to act jointly. This unity has proved that BJP is not invincible if secular par es are ready to
unite. The defeat of BJP in its long-held bas ons like Gorakhpur reflects how much people are
disillusioned with the policies of Prime Minister Modi and Chief Minister Yogi. The Bihar elec on
result is a warning against opportunis c poli cs of Chief Minister Ni sh Kumar who betrayed people
of Bihar by joining NDA despite the fact that they voted him to power for his earlier stand against BJP.
(Issued on 16 March 2018)

Asks not to withdraw Muzaffarnagar cases

Popular Front of India chairman E. Abubacker in a statement issued here today urged the U ar
Pradesh government to refrain from the moves to withdraw cases against BJP leaders involved in
Muzaffarnagar riots. It is alarming to know that the state government has sent le ers to DM and SSP
asking for their views on the withdrawal of 131 criminal cases including 13 of murder and 11 of
a empt to murder in Muzaffarnagar and Shamli districts of U. P.

E. Abubacker told that the wounds of the Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013 in which 63 lives were lost and
50,000 were rendered homeless s ll bleed and trauma ze lives of people there. The moves of the
Yogi Adityanath government to save the culprits from jus ce procedure are adding insult to injury. He
also termed it an a ack on the jus ce delivery system.
(Issued on 23 March 2018)

Witch-hunting of Maulana Sajjad Nomani:

Joint Protests held all over the country:
Hundreds of protesters courted arrest in
New Delhi
Na onwide protests were held demanding to withdraw the false case against the All India Personal
Law Board spokesperson Maulana Sajjad Nomani registered in Hazratganj police sta on at Lucknow.
The protests were jointly conducted by Popular Front of India and Bharath Mukthi Morcha. Hundreds
of people including women a ended all protest programmes. They demanded that FIR against Sajjad
Nomani alleging hate speech must be quashed. In the na onal capital, U. P. Bhavan March was held
demanding withdrawal of the false case. Hundreds of protesters belonging to different organisa ons
were arrested and kept in police custody ll late night.

Protest programmes were held in different parts of Karnataka like Kundapura, Chamraj Nagar,
Davangare, Ram Nagar, Bangalore, GangavathiKoppal, Hubli, Yadgirshahpur, Jamkhandi, Bijapur,
Gulbarga, sindagi, Mahalingapur Bagalkot, Mudhol and Bagalkot. In Rajastan, sit in dharna was
staged in Ko a, Udaipur, Chi orgarh, Ajmeer, Baran and Bilwara. Memoranda were submi ed
through District collectors. In Bihar hundreds of people par cipated in protests held at different
places like Muzafarpur, Vaisali, Darbanga, Jamoi, Araria and Poornia. Protests were held at Lucknow
and Meerut in which leaders of Popular Front and BMM addressed the gatherings. In Andhra Pradesh
a huge protest was held at Nellore jointly by various Muslim organisa ons. In Maharashtra, leaders of
Popular Front, Bharat Muk Morcha and other organisa ons along with Ulema and Imams
addressed large gatherings throughout the state. Many protest programmes were held in places like
Mumbai, Pune, Nanded, Aurangabad, Jalna, Parbhani, Karad, Bheewandi and Beed. Popular Front of
India ac vists protested against the witch-hun ng of Maulana Sajjad Nomani in other states also.

These protests held in different states jointly by Popular Front of India and Bharat Muk Morcha
conveyed the message that any a empt to in midate their leaders and scholars will be jointly
resisted by Dalits and Muslims.
(Issued on 24 March 2018)

Condemns killing of journalists; stands

for minority status to JMI University;
demands to curb rioters in West Bengal
The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India in a statement has said that the growing
number of journalists being killed in the line of duty in the country is alarming and demanded urgent
measures to ensure the security of media persons.

“In the past one week itself, at least three journalists were killed in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh states.
There is a strong indica on that their murders were related to their work as journalists. This is an
alarming situa on that has made our country one of the most dangerous places in the world for
journalists. The murder of prominent Kannada journalist Gauri Lankesh s ll remains unresolved. The
criminal gangs involved in unlawful businesses and the communal ou its who thrive on
misinforma on possibly feel threatened by the existence of true journalism. As these forces are
helped by their cronies in power, together they are strangula ng press freedom in the country by
repeatedly targe ng and killing courageous media persons. We call the a en on of the civil society
to the situa on and urge the authori es for serious measures to ensure a safe atmosphere for
journalists to work.”

The mee ng also demanded the central government to withdraw from moves against the minority
status of Jamia Millia Islamia University. The counter affidavit filed by the central government in Delhi
High Court against minority status of Jamia Millia Islamia can only be viewed as yet another an -
minority move. Jamia Millia Islamia University was established and is being run by Muslims. Any
move against its minority character is tantamount to blocking the educa onal empowerment of the
Muslim community, which according to various studies is s ll one of the most backward communi es
in the country. It is quite unfortunate that even the university authori es are not defending its
minority character.

The mee ng also condemned the a empts by Hindutva forces to orchestrate communal riots in
West Bengal. “Under the pretext of Ram Navmi marches, Hindutwa forces entered Muslim villages
and unleashed a ack on them in a few districts. This can be viewed as in line with the mob violence
unleashed by Sangh Parivar a er its elec on win in Tripura.” The mee ng urged West Bengal
government to curb violence and to secure lives and proper es of minori es.
Chairman E. Abubacker presided over the mee ng.
(Issued on 29 March 2018)

Expresses solidarity with Dalit protests

against dilution of SC-ST Act; Condemns the
atrocities on protesters
Popular Front of India chairman E. Abubacker has stated that the organiza on stands with the Dalit
community in their ongoing protests against Supreme Court ruling which diluted Scheduled Castes
and the Scheduled Tribes (Preven on of Atroci es) Act. The main reason for such verdicts is that the
depressed classes are under-represented and upper castes are over-represented in Indian judiciary.
He blamed the BJP government at the centre for not intervening in favour of SCs and STs, when the
case came before the Supreme Court.

Even a er 7 decades of independence, atroci es on Dalits are rampant across the country. In the last
few years alone, the country has witnessed inhuman crimes commi ed on Dalits for no other reason
than that they are Dalits. Owning a horse, entering a temple and falling in love are reasons for a Dalit
man or woman to get killed by the upper castes. Na onal Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data says the
rate of crimes against Dalits is on the rise in recent years. These are happening in spite of the stringent
provisions of the exis ng SC-ST Act which are not being followed by administra on and police.
Because of further dilu on of the provisions of the law, the life and dignity of Dalits will be more in
E. Abubacker congratulated various Dalit groups for the large-scale success of the protest day
demonstra ons on 2nd April. He also condemned the killings of protesters and wide atroci es
inflicted on them by casteist and communal elements and police forces in states like U ar Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.
(Issued on 03 April 2018)

Acquittal in Makkah Masjid blast case is

a failure of justice: Questions NIA's
A statement issued by the Central Secretariat of Popular Front of India has observed that that the
acqui al of all the accused in the Makkah Masjid blast case by an NIA special court strengthens the
suspicion over the credibility of Na onal Inves ga on Agency that it func ons as the poli cal tool of
the BJP government.

It is vital for the democra c future of the country that the accused in cases such as Makkah Masjid
Blast are punished. This case is one among in the series of blasts where Hindutwa extremists tried to
create terror and destabilize the country. Not only did they kill 9 innocents and injured at least 58, but
made it look like an a ack by Muslims. Further, they tried to create a communal divide and managed
to get innocent Muslim youth implicated in the case. Many Muslim youths falsely implicated in the
case had to spend years in prison becoming vic ms of this Hindutwa conspiracy in connivance with
state support.

The recent acqui al strengthens the exis ng observa on against the Na onal Inves ga ve Agency
in its style of dealing with terror cases in which Sangh Parivar affiliates are involved. It is strange that
all the five were acqui ed despite the fact that one of them, Swami Aseemanand had voluntarily
confessed to the crime. There were also reports of important files including witnesses' statements
going missing from the court. The prosecu on on behalf of NIA officials did not take interest in
challenging the bail applica on by the accused despite sufficient grounds to do so. The mysterious
death of one of the key accused, Sunil Joshi, s ll remains unresolved.

NIA has taken a U-turn in several cases where the accused has rela ons with Sangh Parivar. It is
noteworthy here that, on June 2015, Rohini Salian, a senior public prosecutor had accused the NIA of
asking her to “go so ” on the group of Hindu extremists accused in the 2008 Malegaon blast case. It
looks as if NIA has inten onally allowed Hindutwa criminals to get away with one of the gravest
crimes commi ed against the na on. The abrupt resigna on of the NIA court judge immediately
a er pronouncing the judgment is also a ma er of serious concern. This act cannot be brushed away
as mere personal issue and warrants independent probe into the circumstances that led to his
resigna on.
While the acqui al of criminals is happening on one side, voices of dissent like in the case of Mr.
Chandrashekar of the Bhim Army who is implicated under the NSA are being suppressed. He has
been on a fast since the last fortnight to protest against his false implica on, but is not being heard by
the government. The central secretariat demands his release and absolu on from the false charges
framed against him.

The overall deteriora on of the law and order situa on in the country, par cularly with respect to
women and the recent cases which emerge from Unnao and Khathua, are only further ascertaining
the fact that a decadent jus ce dispensing system only strengthens criminal elements in civil society.
The mee ng pointed out that a er the repor ng of these two cases in the media, several new cases
of sexual assault and murder of minor girls are emerging from Surat and other places, and this is
becoming a ma er of discussion even in interna onal forums. Chairman E Abubacker presided over
the mee ng which was a ended by General Secretary M Muhammed Ali Jinnah, OMA Salam, KM
Shareef, Abdul Wahid Sait and EM Abdul Rahman.
(Issued on 17 April 2018)

Defeat Hindutva politics: Calls upon people

of Karnataka
The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India has appealed to the people of Karnataka to
defeat Hindutva poli cs in the upcoming Assembly elec ons and vote for secular candidates and
representa ves of people's poli cs, to defeat the BJP.

Modi government which came to power 4 years ago promising 'Ache Din' has made life unbearable
for a large majority of Indians by all means. Communal polariza on and hate crimes against
minori es and Dalits reached its peak. Their hate poli cs have now reached the mean level of rape
poli cs as illustrated by recent incidents like Unnao and Kathwa. The lives of people have become
insecure. All voices of dissent are being brutally repressed and ac vists and intellectuals opposed to
Sangh Pariwar were gunned down. People of Karnataka should not allow these forces to replicate the
same situa on in the state by elec ng them to govern Karnataka. The Central Secretariat called upon
the people to use this opportunity to give the communal forces in Karnataka and an -people
communal-corporate government at centre a clear message that India stands for democracy and
cons tu onal values. The mee ng also reminded that it is high me the voices of religious minori es
and depressed classes also should be heard in the assembly and hence SDPI candidates who are
contes ng in 3 cons tuencies be given opportunity to be in the next assembly as people's
representa ves.
(Issued on 30 April 2018)



Denounces government attempt to prevent

Justice K M Joseph from Supreme Court
The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India in a resolu on has termed the Central
government's reluctance to elevate U arakhand High Court Chief Jus ce KM Joseph as a Supreme
Court judge a poli cally mo vated decision. The mee ng observed that the reasons put forth by BJP
government such as regional representa on and SC/ST representa on, do not hold water. Their
distaste with KM Joseph arises from his verdicts that were unfavorable to right wing poli cs,
par cularly his order that struck down the imposi on of president's rule in U arakhand in 2016. Such
an open display of poli cal interference with judiciary will undermine the sanc ty of the apex court
and destroy people's trust in judiciary. The mee ng appealed to Supreme Court Collegium to stand by
its recommenda on for Jus ce KM Joseph.
(Issued on 30 April 2018)

Save higher judiciary from erosion of

values, dignity and credibility
Popular Front of India, in a resolu on adopted by its Na onal Execu ve Council mee ng, has
expressed serious concerns over the erosion of values in higher judiciary and appealed to people of
India to come forward against moves that undermine its dignity and credibility.

A series of incidents in recent mes have brought to limelight the growing ri between senior most
judges in the country and the accusa on of poli cal interferences in higher judiciary. It is to be
remembered that a group of judges had to go public with their concerns with no other op on le
within the system. The issues they raised have not yet been properly addressed. Such a situa on has
given way for suspicion in the minds of the ci zens about the fairness in the working of the judicial
system and mutual trust among Supreme Court judges. The present government sees the
cons tu on, statute books and the state principles such as secularism, democracy and equality
before law, the largest obstruc ons to implement their sectarian agenda. In an a empt to make
judiciary to follow their steps, BJP Government is trying to divide judges on communal and poli cal
lines. The primary onus to avoid such a situa on is on the Chief Jus ce and other judges in Supreme
Court themselves. We appeal to all judges in the apex court to demonstrate integrity of judiciary by
staying united in the face of such evil designs. They must not get influenced and subsequently get
defeated by any poli cal agenda to create an embedded judiciary. The mee ngs also called upon
people of the na on to come out against moves that undermine judiciary as it has to remain as our
ul mate hope even under an authoritarian regime.
(Issued on 08 May 2018)



Stop targeting AMU

Popular Front strongly condemned the brutal violence against the students of Aligarh Muslim
University (AMU) by Hindu Yuva Vahini goons and U. P. police. Popular Front extended support to the
struggle of the students to save the university from the evil designs of RSS. It is ridiculous to a ack an
ins tu on over a portrait that was installed in 1938. In fact, the a acks unleashed on Aligarh Muslim
University is in con nua on with the ongoing a empts by Sangh Parivar against minority ins tu ons
and any ini a ve that focuses on empowerment of the marginalized Muslim community. Instead of
protec ng minority ins tu ons, by ques oning the minority status of Jamia Millia BJP Government
has already created a situa on that made those ins tu ons vulnerable to such a acks. The mee ng
called upon the central and state governments to maintain an atmosphere of peace at AMU campus
and bring communal goons who a acked the students to book.
(Issued on 08 May 2018)

Governments asked to facilitate freedom

of worship
The NEC mee ng of Popular Front asked Haryana government to control goons who a acked
Muslims in the name of offering prayers in public places. On 4 May, some Hindutva groups in
Gurugram disrupted Muslim Friday prayer in at least 10 places chan ng provoca ve slogans.
Haryana chief minister, instead of taking ac on against the perpetrators for crea ng communal
hos li es, responded with comments that validated the criminal act. There are illegal construc ons
in public places by different religious sec ons in most towns. One or other religious procession or
fes val takes over most of Indian streets every week. If ac ons are to be taken, it has to be taken
against all such religious acts, that too as per statutes by law enforcement agencies and not by
communal vigilantes. In many urban areas, Muslims are compelled to pray on way sides, because
successive governments not only rejected their requests to build new mosques, but even prevented
them from repairing the dilapidated ones. The mee ng urged the central and state governments to
remove unnecessary restric ons in the construc on of mosques and help the urban Muslim
communi es to find a viable solu on to the problem of adequate places for Friday prayers.
(Issued on 08 May 2018)



Central Government's move to alter UPSC

cadre allocation system is a threat to the
inclusive and democratic values
Popular Front of India Chairman E Abubacker in a statement has condemned the central
government's proposal to change the present UPSC cadre alloca on system and make it on the basis
of performance in the Founda on Course. The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has
sent a communica on to concerned departments to examine the feasibility of cadre alloca on
based on the performance in the Founda on Course, instead of the exis ng process of alloca ng
cadre immediately a er clearing the UPSC civil service examina on.

Candidates who successfully cleared the three stages of UPSC civil services exam - Preliminary, main
and interview - have to go through a 15 week long Founda on Course at the Lal Bahadur Shastri
Na onal academy of Administra on (LBSNAA) in Mussoorie. Currently, services like IAS, IPS, IFS and
other central services are allo ed by the UPSC, based on the marks secured in the wri en test and
interview, before the Founda on Course.

The exis ng system has proved transparent and credible since its forma on. Under the Modi
government, when many of the ins tu ons have lost its credibility, the UPSC is the one among the
few, the integrity and impar ality of which has never been doubted. If the selec ons to the services
are to be done a er the founda on course, then the UPSC examina on would be reduced to just a
qualifying examina on
Ar cle 320 of the cons tu on clearly entrusts the UPSC with the duty to conduct examina ons to the
services of the union. Allotment of cadre is a logical extension of the conduct of examina ons. Any
move to dilute the role of such pres gious ins tu on should be resisted.

The proposed change will encourage corrup on, malprac ces, favori sm and give chances to
poli cians and bureaucrats to influence selec on. It will, in turn, bring down the quality of the public
administra on over me. It is very essen al for the public administra on to remain non-poli cal for
India to be truly democra c. Also, it will pave way for discrimina on on the basis of caste,
community, religion and region, which is a threat to inclusiveness and will favour majoritarianism.

E Abubacker called upon all those who believe in democracy to raise their voices against this
undemocra c move by the government.
(Issued on 27 May 2018)



Recent election results reflect people's

sentiment against BJP rule; Provide
lessons for secular parties
Popular Front of India Central Secretariat mee ng, in a resolu on, has stated that recent Assembly
elec on results in Karnataka and by elec on results in some states provide lessons for the secular
poli cal forma ons in the country and underlines the message that their survival as an alterna ve to
BJP lies in their unity and broad alliance building.

The willingness expressed by Congress and JDS in Karnataka to stay together se ng aside their
differences for the larger good of the people against fascist forces is exemplary. Had they managed
such an alliance before the poll, they could have delivered a very big blow to BJP in the state. The by-
elec on results in UP reflects people's dissa sfac on and disillusionment with 'maximum fana cism,
minimum governance' style of Chief Minister Yogi Adithyanath. The defeat of BJP at the hands of a
united opposi on in Kairana is clear warning against the communal poli cs of BJP that previously
polarized Jats against Muslims in West U. P. The fact that people voted against BJP in most of the Lok
Sabha by-polls since 2014 is reflec on of the prevailing sen ment in the country against an -people
Modi Government.
(Issued on 04 June 2018)

Address concerns of farmers

Popular Front extended support to the farmers' agita ons across the country called by All India Kisan
Maha Sangh with various demands including remunera ve prices for their produce, implementa on
of the Swaminathan Commission recommenda ons and farm loan waivers. The mee ng urged
central and state government to immediately address their concerns.
(Issued on 04 June 2018)

Four years of BJP rule left India in

destitution and fear
In a resolu on adopted by its Na onal Execu ve Council (NEC) mee ng, Popular Front of India
observed that four years of BJP government headed by Narendra Modi was a failure in economic and
developmental fronts and having none of the promises made to people redeemed, le the country's
economy in ruins. It is no secret that economic measures like demone za on and GST destroyed the
livelihood of millions of poor Indians. The price of fuel and all essen al commodi es are going up day


by day, further hardening the life of ordinary ci zens. The rate of unemployment and incidents of
corrup on have increased. There is a serious allega on that a bank controlled by BJP president Amit
Shah exchanged currency worth ₹745.58 crore within five days of declara on of demone za on.
Unable to answer the ques ons regarding administra ve and economic failures of the government,
BJP is now trying to divert people's a en on by crea ng communal polariza on which is the only
op on for them to face 2019 Lok Sabha elec on. For India to thrive and prosper as a secular
democra c na on with equality and social jus ce, it is essen al that these forces are kept out of
power. Only when the secular forces in the country set aside their differences for the greater good of
the country and come up with a united strategy in the upcoming elec ons, the country can be saved
from this an -people and communal government.
(Issued on 25 June 2018)

Condemns use of repressive laws to

suppress political dissent
The NEC mee ng of Popular Front of India expressed deep concern over the liberal use of repressive
laws like UAPA and NSA against civil rights ac vists, intellectuals and poli cal opponents. In the past,
human Rights ac vists across the country had warned on numerous mes that existence of such
repressive laws gives way for the denial of fundamental rights and that there is a high possibility for
them to be misused by those in power to suppress voices of dissent. Yet that is exactly what is
happening in the country now. The arrests of five ac vists from Maharashtra, linking them with
Bhima Koregaon violence is the latest example of this menacing trend. A er the arrests, police came
up with contradictory stories and imposed provisions of UAPA upon them. All of them are known for
their involvement in democra c struggle and their strong stand against state violence against
deprived sec ons of the society. It is to be noted that those who created violence on the day of Bhima
Koregaon commemora on and those who were caught in the video while firing at the Dalit
protesters on the day of Bharath Bandh have not yet been arrested. Bhim Army leader
Chandrashekhar Azad has been incarcerated for long without any acceptable reason and he is
charged with NSA. Arbitrary arrests and indiscriminate imposi on of Sedi on charges are also
frequent in the case of Thoothukudi protesters in Tamil Nadu. The mee ng opined that this worst
situa on of severe right's viola ons and misuse of state power call for vibrant civil rights movement
across the country.
(Issued on 25 June 2018)



Demands Kerala Government to stop

repressive measures
The Na onal Execu ve Council of Popular Front expressed deep concern over the an -democra c
and repressive measures being adopted by LDF government in Kerala against the ac vists of Campus
Front of India and Social Democra c Party of India a er the tragic death of an SFI leader in a campus
clash. The state police instead of conduc ng a fair and full inves ga on about the circumstances that
led to the loss of life and to bring the culprits before law, is ac ng as a tool of CPM to fulfil its agenda of
elimina ng poli cal opponents and demonizing newly emerging voices of dissent from among the
marginalized sec ons. The name of Popular Front of India is unnecessarily being dragged into the
issue with the ulterior mo ve of communal polariza on for electoral gains. Unfortunately, a sec on
of the media is blowing up the incident out of propor ons as if it is first and only one incident of
campus violence so far in Kerala. We call upon LDF state government and CPM leadership to refrain
from the ugly agenda of communalizing the incident and to stop police witch-hunt of neo social
(Issued on 09 July 2018)

One-time election to Parliament and State

Assemblies will lead to more centralisation
of powers
Na onal Execu ve Council (NEC) mee ng of Popular Front of India has expressed its disagreement
about the proposal to have simultaneous elec ons to Lok Sabha and State Legisla ve Assemblies. A
resolu on adopted by the mee ng stated that the new system which is against the spirit of
federalism would ul mately lead the na on to Presiden al System with more centralisa on of
powers. The arguments such as it will save public money, make electoral system more stable etc. are
only meant to conceal this imminent danger from public a en on. In a vast country like India with
mul - er elec on system from local bodies to parliament, it is also not prac cal. Hence Popular
Front requested the Law Commission and Elec on Commission to give up the proposal and poli cal
par es to build pressure for the same.

'Prime Minister asked to stop indulging in communal canvassing' In another resolu on adopted by
the Na onal Execu ve Council, Popular Front has asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to stop
indulging in communal canvassing just for electoral gains. By virtue of the dignity of the
cons tu onal posi on he holds, PM should refrain from frequently making baseless allega on
referring to minority Muslim community of India. Being unable to address the people with


government's developmental achievements, he has accused Congress a Muslim party.That is a party
for Muslim men also. The socio-economic backwardness of Muslims repeatedly being established
through so many studies, are enough to convince what Congress government has done for Muslims
and what BJP government is doing for Muslims. The mee ng pointed out that o -quoted gender
issues like child marriages, divorced or abandoned wives, polygamy, domes c violence etc. are not
the monopoly of Muslims; rather they are prevalent also among Hindus.
(Issued on 16 July 2018)

'Campaign against baseless and unethical

media trial'
The NEC mee ng of Popular Front decided to reach out to people through various propaganda means
to expose the allega ons repeatedly levelled against the organisa on by a sec on of the media.
Chairman E Abubacker presided over the mee ng. Vice Chairman OMA Salam, General Secretary M
Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Secretaries Abdul Wahid Sait and Anis Ahmed presented reports of ac vi es.
(Issued on 16 July 2018)

Condemns Sangh Parivar attack on Swami

Agnivesh and office of Shashi Tharoor
Popular Front of India Chairman E Abubacker has strongly condemned the brutal a ack by Sangh
Parivar goons on reputed ac vist Swami Agnivesh in Jharkhand and BJP vandalism at the office of
Shashi Tharoor in Kerala.

In an a empt to yield poli cal gains, mob a acks are clearly ins gated and encouraged by BJP in
different parts of the country. So far defenceless innocent people, mainly Muslims, have been the
target of the Sangh Parivar vigilan sm. There hasn't been any serious measure to control mob
violence and bring jus ce to the vic ms. Even union ministers came forward to felicitate those who
were involved in gruesome lynching of innocents. Shockingly, Sangh Parivar driven mobs have now
stretched their hands towards a parliamentarian Shashi Tharoor and veteran social ac vist Swami
Agnivesh. Their inten on is to in midate and silence even the last person who voices against them.

In the context of alarming rise of cow related killings, Popular Front had earlier called for law-making
against mob lynching. In the light of Supreme Court direc ve on the issue, we reaffirm the same
demand that the parliament should immediately enact a mob lynching preven on law.
(Issued on 18 July 2018)



Assam NRC: Cautions to avert humanitarian

Responding to the 2nd final dra of the Na onal Register for Ci zens (NRC) released today Popular
Front of India chairman E Abubacker, in a statement, cau oned about a very big humanitarian
tragedy that has emerged in Assam. He has called for urgent interven ons of the government,
judiciary, na onal poli cal par es and human rights agencies to prevent a large popula on of Bengali
speaking Indian ci zens in Assam becoming refugees in own homeland.

It is deeply shocking that above 40 lakh people, mostly Bengali speaking Assamese, have been
excluded from the 2nd final dra of NRC. If the decision is allowed to stand, they are almost doomed
to be declared illegal immigrants in the land they were born. What is wai ng for them is the denial of
all kinds of ci zenship rights, viola on of poli cal and human rights, followed by police and army

The assurances by the central and state governments that they would not be immediately deported
or sent to camps are not indica ve of any inten on to solve the problem. Official claim is that they s ll
have a chance of ge ng into the list if they succeed in proving their ci zenship within a month from
August 30 to September 20. This amounts to cruel joke since it is prac cally impossible for such a
large number of people to finish the process in such a short period. Besides being vic ms of
negligence and torture, a large sec on of Bengalis in Assam, hit by frequent calami es, doesn't even
have a se led life and have to keep moving from place to place. Such people cannot produce any
documents proving their ci zenship.

Neither Bangladesh, nor West Bengal state is ready to accept those deported from Assam. No
refugee camp or open jail will be enough to hold even half the number of people who are declared by
NRC as foreigners. Hence it is important to realise the real agenda of the racist and fascist forces that
is behind this move. It is to deny ci zenship rights, mainly vo ng rights to majority of Bengali
popula on who are mostly Muslim well before 2019 Lok Sabha elec ons. At this hour of threat to
their very existence as Indian ci zens, E Abubacker expressed solidarity with the vic mised people of
(Issued on 31 July 2018)

Undeclared emergency being enforced in the

The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India has strongly condemned the series of
arrests and raids in houses of prominent human rights ac vists and academics simultaneously in


different parts of the country by Pune police. The mee ng observed that this latest move is yet
another example that an undeclared emergency is being enforced upon the people of the country by
central and state governments by misusing police and inves ga on agencies.

The targets of the ongoing crackdown are lawyers, intellectuals and ac vists widely respected and
loved by people for their human rights ac vism among the most depressed sec ons of the society
and for their academic contribu ons. They have never been known to be even remotely linked to
anything that goes against the spirit of the cons tu on. The way police carried out the arrests and
the raids amounts to a cruel abuse of power. Some of them were reportedly interrogated in a
shameful manner in the presence of their students and rela ves. The charges against them look
farfetched by any stretch of imagina on and people will reject them outright.

It is as clear as daylight that this is a horrific misuse of power, reminiscent of the callous days of
Emergency, to in midate and silence dissenters. The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front
urges Supreme Court to use its power to prevent such an open degenera on of the system. The
mee ng also asked opposi on par es to speak up the truth before the centers of power.

Chairman E Abubacker presided over the mee ng, which was a ended by M Muhammed Ali Jinnah,
EM Abdul Rahiman, KM Shareef, OMA Salam and Abdul Wahid Sait.
(Issued on 30 August 2018)

Gay marriages made legal will expedite

moral and cultural ruin: E Abubacker
Popular Front of India chairman E Abubacker in a statement issued in the context of the Supreme
Court legalising homosexuality and gay marriage, cau oned that it would expedite moral and
cultural ruin of the society. By striking down Sec on 377 of Indian Penal code, the court has
unfortunately acted against natural laws that are as old as human race. Not only humans, but even all
animal species, exist as male and female. And by the very nature of the living world, sex between
male and female is the normal way and sex between same sex is only a perversion. All religions and
cultures of past and present consider marriage as the only legi mate system responsible for the
healthy upbringing of progeny and survival of human race through genera ons. He reminded that in
a society when homosexual marriages get protected by law, destruc on of family system and
triumph of anarchy and immorality will be the ul mate result.

E Abubacker stated that those who laud legaliza on of gay marriage as a bold step in protec ng
individual freedom are ignoring the fact that every freedom is bound to be with reasonable
restric ons. Our cons tu on put reasonable restric ons in the interest of public order and morality
while guaranteeing each and every freedom under fundamental rights. It is ironical that while the


basic rights of all people like freedom to eat what they like and speak what they like are widely
threatened and curtailed, adequate interven ons from judiciary are found missing. He also observed
that once this sexual perversion acquires legal sanc ty, lives of women would become more

E Abubacker requested the Supreme Court to review the verdict and reinstate its previous posi on of
trea ng homosexuality and gay marriage as criminal offences.
(Issued on 08 September 2018)

Decision to link Pravasi Bharatiya Divas to

Kumbh Mela is part of divisive agenda
Popular Front of India Chairman E Abubacker has stated that the decision of the External Affairs
Ministry to move the date of 15th Pravasi Bhara ya Divas conference to link the event with Kumbh
Mela is part of communal divisive agenda.

When External Affairs Ministry links it to Kumbh Mela, a Hindu religious event, it disregards the
diverse nature of the India diaspora and imposes a prac ce of a religion upon all against their will.
Such a decision goes completely against the secular spirit of our cons tu on. This a empt to
manipulate PravasiBharadiya Divas by crea ng communal divide among the diaspora is shameful. It
points to the agenda of the Hindutva regime to saffronize and give a religious colour to the public
events sponsored by the government. E Abubacker demanded the central government to withdraw
the decision immediately.
(Issued on 18 September 2018)

Triple Talaq ordinance political

interference in Muslim religious affairs
Popular Front of India General Secretary M Muhammed Ali Jinnah has stated that the cabinet
approval of Triple Talaq Ordinance was not driven by any genuine concern for the well-being of
Muslim women; rather, it was a poli cally mo vated move and part of the undemocra c
interferences in the religious affairs of Muslim community in the country.

While the ordinance is being celebrated as a historic step in ensuring jus ce to Muslim women,
neither their organiza ons nor their legi mate representa ves were in any way consulted before the
hasty move. It is to be noted that Muslim organiza ons and community leaders did not oppose the
Supreme Court order that struck down Triple Talaq or instant divorce. But making it a non-bailable
criminal offence punishable with jail terms would be illogical and only make things worse for the


affected women. In fact Indian women face grave injus ce within and outside family, and remain in a
pathe c state according to all development indices. The harassments against them including rape,
murder, fe cide etc. are alarmingly on the rise. The communal and casteist forces target Muslim
women in par cular during communal violence. With women facing so many problems in the
country, Muslim women being no excep on, by going for an ordinance turning a deaf ear to other
concerns of women, prompts us to think that government has ulterior mo ves. With this kind of
increasing interference in the religious affairs of Muslim community, BJP government's only inten on
is consolida on of Hindu communal votes in its favour. Mohammed Ali Jinnah has demanded the
central government to withdraw the controversial ordinance.
(Issued on 21 September 2018)

Judgment on Masjid in Islam: Asks to remove

apprehensions of Muslims community
The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India held at Calicut took a strong excep on to
the Supreme Court judgment that upheld 1994 Allahabad High Court verdict which opined that
Mosque is not essen al part of Islam and that Namaz could be offered anywhere. The mee ng
termed the Supreme Court refusal to refer the case to a Cons tu on Bench as unfortunate.

It seems that the apex court did not pay enough heed to the far reaching consequences the judgment
might have in future. The importance of Masjid in Islam is evident from the fact that Muslims are
prescribed to a end congrega onal prayers five mes a day and Jumma prayers on Fridays in a
Masjid. The mee ng observed that giving an opinion or passing an order about the importance of the
place of worship in any religion, be it in Islam, Chris anity or Hinduism, does not come under the
jurisdic on of Indian judiciary which is secular in character. There is a need of more clarity in the
explana on that the judgment will not affect Babri Masjid case since the every pe on in ques on
was primarily related to Babari Masjid. And there is s ll possibility to use the judgment of Allahabad
High Court further in the case as a binding precedent. Further, Hindutva forces, who challenged
Supreme Court and declared they would build Ram temple, has already started celebra ng the
present judgment as their victory. The court has not taken any step to stop these fascist forces from
poli cally misusing such na onally important case under its considera on. Therefore, Popular Front
appeals to the apex court to review the present judgment and remove the apprehension of Muslim
community in this regard.

The mee ng termed Supreme Court judgment ra fying Aadhaar as disappoin ng. Popular Front is of
the view that Aadhaar is an extreme measure of the government that is detrimental to freedom and
privacy of ci zens. However, the mee ng welcomed striking down of Sec on 57 of the Aadhaar Act
that barred private companies and banks from manda ng Adhaar for providing services. But it failed
to see how linking ci zenship rights and government welfare schemes and services to a single card is
a double-edged weapon in the hands of government against the ci zens.

Central Secretariat also observed that Supreme Court judgment decriminalizing adultery will erode
the sanc ty that placed upon marriage and weaken the family values. It is sad that the judgment does
not take into account the trauma adulterous people can cause to their partners and their children.

Chairman E Abubacker presided over the mee ng, which was a ended by M Mohammed Ali Jinnah,
OMA Salam, EM Abdul Rahiman, KM Shareef and Abdul Wahid Sait.
(Issued on 21 September 2018)

Supreme Court dismissal of Public Interest

Litigation against Pune Police disappointing
Popular Front of India Chairman E. Abubackar has in a statement expressed disappointment over the
Supreme Court judgment that allowed Pune Police to con nue their fishy inves ga on against
prominent ac vists Gautam Navalakha, Sudha Bharadwaj, Varavara Rao, Arun Ferreira and Vernon
Gonsalves linking them with Bhima Koregaon violence under the draconian provisions of UAPA.

The majority judgment of the Supreme Court seems to have taken the narra ve of Pune Police at face
value despite the existence of ample evidence against it and dismissed genuine concerns raised in
the Public Interest Li ga on filed by Romila Thapar, Devika Jain, Sa sh Deshpande, Prabhat Patnaik
and Maja Daruwalla. It is quite unfortunate that SC failed to see the systema c a empts being made
in the country to quell democra c dissent by those in power by using police and right-wing goons.
Pune Police had used uncons tu onal ways including fabrica ng evidence criminal ac ons against
Sangh Parivar leaders who are engaged in such criminal and an -na onal ac vi es.

While people as well as par es await the final judgment in Babri Masjid case, it is to be remembered
that the Babri Masjid – Ram Mandir issue is primarily an ownership dispute, not a ma er to be
decided as per either Hindu or Muslim faith. The mee ng pointed out that any approach to the issue
other than that based on facts and records will lead to denial of jus ce.
It was the failure of our democra c ins tu ons in preven ng Sangh Parivar organiza ons from taking
the law into their hands that worsened this issue in the past which finally led to the demoli on of
centuries old Babri Masjid on 6 December 1992. The demoli on was done defying exis ng court
orders to maintain status quo on the site, while all the democra c apparatuses of the country stood
watching. Hundreds of innocent Muslims lost their lives in the an -Muslim riots that followed in
various parts of the country. By further deepening the communal divide in the country, BJP s ll
con nues to exploit the issue in their polarizing campaigns in the face of every successive elec on.


With next Lok Sabha elec on approaching, BJP leaders are making provoca ve statements that not
only threaten Muslim community, but the very status of the Supreme Court as the highest ins tu on
of jus ce in the country. They pay zero respect to the democra c ins tu ons in the country, openly
denounce the Cons tu on, and try to influence the final judicial verdict by using threats and
pressures in public and media.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, with least respect for judiciary, demanded that an ordinance should be
promulgated to build Ram Temple at the site of demolished Babri Masjid. BJP President Amit Sha is
dicta ng terms to the courts in the country. He cri cized the Shabarimala temple verdict allowing
entry for women as imprac cable and threatened that courts should not pass orders that cannot be
implemented. Interes ngly, RSS always demanded strict execu on of court verdicts whenever
prac ces of minority communi es are outlawed.

Since judiciary is the last resort of jus ce to the ci zens of this country, Supreme Court has to rise to
the occasion and illustrate its high esteem and cons tu onal powers in the face of ongoing threats.
The mee ng appealed the apex court to prosecute those who undermine the role of judiciary
through public statements.
(Issued on 01 November 2018)

National Executive Council appeals judiciary

to protect religious freedom and personal
The Na onal Execu ve Council(NEC) mee ng of Popular Front of India held at its headquarters in
New Delhi stated that a series of seemingly liberalist and progressive judgments came from the apex
court in recent months intensifies the apprehension among the religious minori es that they may
pave the way for Uniform Civil Code.

A highly impac ul judgment given by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India was on the issue of religious
conversion of Akhila to Hadiya and her subsequent marriage with a Muslim. On 9 April 2018, se ng
aside a Kerala High Court judgment which annulled the marriage, Supreme Court said that “the right
to marry a person of one's choice is integral to Ar cle 21 (right to life and liberty) of the Cons tu on”.
It was one of the most important judicial interven ons in recent history of the country to protect the
fundamental rights of ordinary ci zens against powerful right-wing forces that tried to block it.

The state interference in religious affairs is against the spirit of Indian cons tu on. Consequently,
every community has the freedom to prac ce their religious customs and personal laws. However,
the judgment that upheld the 1994 Allahabad High Court verdicton the status of Mosque in Islam and
on the entry of women in Shabarimala temple in Kerala were alarming interference in the religious
affairs of the respec ve communi es. At a cri cal juncture when the country is awai ng jus ce for
the illegally occupied and demolished Babri Masjid,a judgment nega ng of essen ality of Masjid in
Islam does not give a posi ve message. The concern that such judgments would be misused by a
communally mo vated government was reaffirmed by the passing of Triple Talaq ordinance in the
name of Supreme Court verdict. Hence it is high me the Supreme Court come forward taking a clear
stand that the Ayodhya Masjid-Mandir tle suit would be dealt with as per records and not according
to any religious faith. This has become an onus on the part of the highest judiciary in the context of
consistent statements by some unscrupulous leaders that Ram Mandir would be constructed on the
site of demolished Babri Masjid at any cost.
The judgments decriminalizing homosexuality and adultery claim to protect individual freedom and
privacy. It may be interpreted that Supreme Court is merely imita ng permissive values and
concepts, which have already resulted in the decline of family and other social systems. The same
enthusiasm was not seen in protec ng personal freedom and privacy of individuals while ra fying
the government decision on Aadhaar. The majority judgment failed to see the danger in linking
ci zenship rights and availing of government welfare schemes and services with Aadhar. Though
most of the recent majority judgments were presented in the superficial language decorated with
liberalism and progressiveness, they are borne with far reaching consequences ruinous to individual,
family and society.

The Na onal Execu ve Council of Popular Front applauded the commitment of the Supreme Court
that is being repeatedly shownin all available contexts that the Indian cons tu on and its values are
supreme. The mee ng observed that at a me when overt calls and covert a empts are being made
by those who control the centres of power to subvert the democra c and secular founda on of our
cons tu on, this uncompromising cons tu onal commitment must be seen as the ul mate hope of

The three days mee ng of the apex body of the organisa on discussed the socio-poli cal situa ons
prevailing in the country. The mee ng also reviewed the ac vi es of the organisa on in different
states. The determina on and steadfastness shown by Popular Front leaders and ac vists of
Jharkhand state in the a ermath of the organiza on's ban was commendable. The mee ng has
applauded the High Court decision that revoked the ban and urged the state government to ensure
freedom of associa on in Jharkhand. The proposal by the Community Development Department to
allot Rs. 15 million for post-metric scholarship during the academic year 2018-19 was approved.
Chairman E Abubacker presided over the mee ng. Vice chairman O M A Salam, General Secretary
Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Secretaries Abdul Wahid Sait, Anis Ahmed and other NEC members a ended
the mee ng.
(Issued on 09 October 2018)



NIA findings reaffirm that “Love Jihad” was a

manufactured myth
Popular Front of India General Secretary M Muhammed Ali Jinnah has, in a statement, stated that the
NIA findings regarding the non-existence of “Love Jihad” is a triumph for truth and a big blow to the
forces that survive on falsehood. A er inves ga ng the 11 cases of inter-faith marriage the NIA could
not find any evidence of the planned conspiracy of forceful conversion which was hyped by the
media and fascist forces as love jihad.

It is to be remembered that Kerala and Karnataka police had earlier found such allega ons
asbaseless. NIA's latest findings reaffirm the fact that the 'Love Jihad' myth was a clever vicious
campaign with dire and far-reaching consequences, launched by right wing Hindutva forces to create
religious polariza on in the society. Some sec ons of the media are also responsible to create the
hype about love jihad and defame the Muslim community and organiza ons. It was also an a empt
to curb the rights of an individual guaranteed by the cons tu on of the country.
Hadiya was one of the vic ms of the campaign. It was the unique and relentless struggle for jus ce
put up by Muslim organiza ons and Human Rights groups and ac vists that helped Hadiya get jus ce
and freedom. Therefore, NIA's findings are a source of relief for them all. Though NIA has brought out
the truth, it must be pointed out that the way the agency dealt with the case has caused a severe
damage and disrepute to the individuals and the groups who stood for Hadiya's fundamental rights
as well as Muslim community's at large. A er the examina on of 11 cases of conversion to Islam, NIA
now admits that there is no conclusive evidence for Love Jihad and coerced conversion but
unfortunately the arguments of NIA advocate in the Supreme Court were quite contrary. NIA's stand
o en fell in line with that of propaganda of the right-wing forces and Hadiya's father Ashokan. It is an
undeniable fact that NIA's interven on in the case delayed jus ce to Hadiya. The lack of transparency
and the 'sealed cover' reports submi ed by the agency in the court created mystery around the case,
which catered to vicious vilifica on campaign against Muslim community.

Now that NIA has found the truth, we hope that it prompts the agency for serious soul-searching so
that it's stands are not misused by fana c forces for their divisive campaigns. In the light of these
findings, we call upon the media, administra on and the people of the country to be cau ous of such
malicious propaganda in future which aims to polarize the country and creates enmity between
communi es for the poli cal benefits of the communal forces.
(Issued on 20 October 2018)



Seeks Supreme Court intervention to prevent

Sangh Parivar from humiliating judiciary
The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India held at Bangalore has sought urgent
Supreme Court interven on to prevent Sangh Parivar from humilia ng Indian judicial system in the
name of Ram Mandir construc on on the site of the demolished Babri Masjid in Ayodhya. The
leaders of RSS, BJP and other related ou its are undermining Supreme Court of India by their
repeated asser ons and calls in public that Mandir would be constructed irrespec ve of cases
pending before courts. It must also be a ma er of serious concern of the apex court that they are
misusing a dispute which is under its considera on for na on-wide communal polariza on merely as
a means to win elec ons. The mee ng demanded the Supreme Court to ini ate criminal ac ons
against Sangh Parivar leaders who are engaged in such criminal and an -na onal ac vi es.

While people as well as par es await the final judgment in Babri Masjid case, it is to be remembered
that the Babri Masjid – Ram Mandir issue is primarily an ownership dispute, not a ma er to be
decided as per either Hindu or Muslim faith. The mee ng pointed out that any approach to the issue
other than that based on facts and records will lead to denial of jus ce.
It was the failure of our democra c ins tu ons in preven ng Sangh Parivar organiza ons from taking
the law into their hands that worsened this issue in the past which finally led to the demoli on of
centuries old Babri Masjid on 6 December 1992. The demoli on was done defying exis ng court
orders to maintain status quo on the site, while all the democra c apparatuses of the country stood
watching. Hundreds of innocent Muslims lost their lives in the an -Muslim riots that followed in
various parts of the country. By further deepening the communal divide in the country, BJP s ll
con nues to exploit the issue in their polarizing campaigns in the face of every successive elec on.
With next Lok Sabha elec on approaching, BJP leaders are making provoca ve statements that not
only threaten Muslim community, but the very status of the Supreme Court as the highest ins tu on
of jus ce in the country. They pay zero respect to the democra c ins tu ons in the country, openly
denounce the Cons tu on, and try to influence the final judicial verdict by using threats and
pressures in public and media.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, with least respect for judiciary, demanded that an ordinance should be
promulgated to build Ram Temple at the site of demolished Babri Masjid. BJP President Amit Sha is
dicta ng terms to the courts in the country. He cri cized the Shabarimala temple verdict allowing
entry for women as imprac cable and threatened that courts should not pass orders that cannot be
implemented. Interes ngly, RSS always demanded strict execu on of court verdicts whenever
prac ces of minority communi es are outlawed.

Since judiciary is the last resort of jus ce to the ci zens of this country, Supreme Court has to rise to
the occasion and illustrate its high esteem and cons tu onal powers in the face of ongoing threats.


The mee ng appealed the apex court to prosecute those who undermine the role of judiciary
through public statements.
(Issued on 01 November 2018)

Hashimpura case verdict a slap on the face

of state terrorism
The Central Secretariat mee ng hailed the Delhi High Court judgment that awarded life
imprisonment to the accused belonging to Provincial Armed Constabulary of U ar Pradesh in the
killing of 38 Muslims from Hashimpura village in the Meerut district of UP in 1987. The High Court As
far as the minori es in the country are concerned, they are going through the worst situa on in
history. Building Ram temple at the site of demolished Masjid is not the solu on to the ongoing
lynching, violence and other hate crimes spearheaded by Hindutva ou its. E Abubacker blamed that
even the shadow of the present head of Minority Commission is not seen on such occasions. He
reminded that since NCM is meant for the protec on of minority interests, its chairman would rather
urgently engage in ensuring jus ce to the vic ms of such a acks.
(Issued on 13 November 2018)

Babri Masjid Case: To sue Sangh Pariwar

leaders over incriminating moves
challenging judiciary
The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India held at Calicut has decided to ini ate legal
ac on against Sangh Pariwar leaders who create communal polariza on by using Babri Masjid case
and challenge the supremacy of the judiciary by threatening to build Ram Mandir irrespec ve of
Supreme Court verdict.

The mee ng pointed out that several of the recent statements and moves made by RSS, VHP, BJP and
other leaders with regards to Babri Masjid issue openly challenges the democra c system and the
supremacy of the judiciary. Bajrang Dal recently claimed that it was going to recruit and give arms
training to 25,000 volunteers who can build Ram Temple on short no ce. Overruling the apex court
decision on the issue, RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat demanded that that an ordinance should be
promulgated to build Ram Temple. BJP president Amit Sha asked courts to pass judgments that can
be implemented. This amounts to incrimina ng behavior that can no way be tolerated in a
democracy with independent judiciary.


Popular Front had earlier sought urgent Supreme Court interven on to prevent Sangh Parivar from
humilia ng Indian judicial system in the name of Ram Mandir construc on on the site of the
demolished Babri Masjid in Ayodhya. With next Lok Sabha elec on approaching, BJP leaders are
making provoca ve statements that not only threaten Muslim community, but the very status of the
Supreme Court as the highest ins tu on of jus ce in the country. They try to influence the final
judicial verdict by using threats and pressures in public and in media.

It is unfortunate that the secular forces and opposi on par es have not taken these steps seriously. A
situa on where such behavior goes adequately unopposed threatens our future as a democra c
na on. Therefore, the organiza on has decided to ini ate legal proceedings against those who have
made incrimina ng statements and other moves that create communal polariza on and ques on
the supreme status of Judiciary and Cons tu on.

Chairman E Abubacker presided over the mee ng, which was a ended by M Mohammed Ali Jinnah,
OMA Salam, Abdul Wahid Sait and E M Abdul Rahiman.
(Issued on 23 November 2018)

“VHP Siege of Ayodhya”: Approaches

President and Supreme Court Chief Justice
On the eve of Dharma Sabha called by the VHP on 25 November “to clear the hurdles for the
construc on of Ram Temple”, the Na onal Execu ve Council mee ng of Popular Front of India has
urged the President of India and the Supreme Court Chief Jus ce to take urgent steps to prevent any
illegal construc on on the site of demolished Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, while the final verdict of tle
suit is pending before the apex court.

As per latest media reports, VHP and other ou its have created a warlike situa on in Ayodhya with
many frenzied mobs brought in from outside taking over the streets. The reports say that the
situa on has put the local Muslim popula on in panic and under threat of insecurity; thousands of
people are fleeing from the city. This scenario reminds of the highly sensi ve, inflammable and
communally charged atmosphere prevailed prior to the destruc on of Babri Masjid in December

The tragic demoli on of Masjid and the arson and killings connected to the incident happened
previously, because the government machinery did not act in advance to prevent unlawful
assemblies aimed at the act of demoli on. Now with the declara on of star ng Ram Mandir
construc on immediately irrespec ve of what the Supreme Court would decide about it, Ayodhya
and neighbouring areas of UP are dragged into viola on of law and order as well as possible


causali es of human lives and proper es. The mee ng pointed out that since all these nefarious
ac vi es seem to enjoy poli cal patronage, the protec on of the site under li ga on and security of
the minority popula on in the city under siege could be accomplished only through immediate and
effec ve interven on of the President of India and Chief Jus ce of the Supreme Court. The Na onal
Execu ve Council of Popular Front of India expressed hope that these topmost cons tu onal
authori es would exercise their excep onal powers in aver ng the open assault on rule of law and
jus ce system in the name of Ram Mandir construc on in Ayodhya.
(Issued on 24 November 2018)

Simplify NRC filing and extend deadline

The NEC of Popular Front of India expressed deep concern over the very low turnout of re-
applica ons for inclusion in Na onal Ci zens Register (NRC) in Assam with only three weeks le for
the closure of the exercise. It is reported that out of 40 lakh people excluded from the final dra of
NRC, only 3.5 lahk could manage to file claims and objec ons so far. This situa on validates the
apprehensions carried by the linguis c-religious minori es and other concerned ci zens that
ongoing NRC process would ul mately strip large chunk of popula on of their ci zenship. Among the
many reasons for this low-level response is the complicated requirements sought for filing their
claims. Now it is evident that majority of those remaining excluded from the list can in no way file
their claims within the next three weeks. Hence the NEC mee ng appealed the Supreme Court of
India to extend the deadline for filing claims and objec ons to another six months and to make the
filing process simple and people-friendly.
(Issued on 24 November 2018)

Declare Tamil Nadu cyclone a national

The NEC of Popular Front of India demanded the central government to declare Gaja cyclone that
severely hit Tamil Nadu a na onal disaster and provide adequate financial support for the
rehabilita on of the vic ms. The disastrous cyclone has swept four districts, taken away 63 human
lives and demolished nearly 3 lakh houses, besides causing much havoc in agricultural and fishing
sectors. The mee ng has appreciated the role being played by Popular Front Rescue, Relief and
Rehabilita on Volunteers in the affected areas and appealed to people to extend financial support
for relief and rehabilita on. Popular Front has donated Rs.20 lakh towards rehabilita on of the
vic ms.

Chairman E Abubacker presided over the mee ng, which was a ended by M Mohammed Ali Jinnah,
OMA Salam, Abdul Wahid Sait, E M Abdul Rahiman, K M Shareef, Prof P Koya, Mohammed Roshan, AS
Ismail, Md Shahabudheen and A Sayeed.
(Issued on 24 November 2018)

Ayodhya imbroglio: Chairman sends urgent

message to President and Chief Justice
In the context of worsening situa on in Ayodhya and adjoining regions due to communal and
provoca ve moves spearheaded by RSS, VHP and other Hindutva ou its, Popular Front of India
chairman E Abubacker sought urgent interven on of President of India and Supreme Court Chief
Jus ce through messages sent to both today.

He invited their a en on to media reports that a warlike situa on is being deliberately created by
frenzied mobs brought in from outside. This situa on has put the local Muslim popula on in panic
and under threat of insecurity; thousands of people already fled from the city. He reminded that a
similar scenario prevailed prior to the destruc on of Babri Masjid in December 1992.

The le er by Popular Front chairman pointed out that since all these nefarious ac vi es seem to
enjoy poli cal support, the protec on of the site under li ga on and security of the minority
popula on could be accomplished only through immediate and effec ve interven on of the
President of India and Chief Jus ce of the Supreme Court.
(Issued on 24 November 2018)

End step-motherly attitude towards Tamil

Nadu; Declare Gaja Cyclone a national
disaster: Urges central government
Popular Front of India General Secretary M Mohamed Ali Jinnah who was visi ng the cyclone
affected areas of Tamil Nadu urged central government to end its 'step motherly a tude' towards
the state and declare the calamity a na onal disaster to address the large-scale destruc on suffered
by the state. Upon visi ng Adirampa nam, Sedubavacha ram and other areas in Tanjore district
devastated by Cyclone Gaja, Mr Jinnah met the affected people, assessed the losses and consoled

In the statement issued a er the visit he said: ''Cyclone Gaja has caused huge damage to the state,
taken dozens of lives, and destroyed the houses, proper es and livelihood of tens of thousands of
people, majority of whom are poor farmers and fishermen. It's sheer display of disregard for the
people of the state that the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not even offered a word of
condolence, let alone visi ng the affected areas. Weeks passed since the disaster, Central
Government has not yet even made a single step towards relief and rehabilita on in the areas. They
say that the relief can be allocated only a er receiving the assessment report. But the same


government was quick to offer Rs. 500 crores immediately a er two districts in Gujarat were hit by
the floods in July 2017. Modi had even visited the areas personally. This clearly exposes the step
motherly a tude towards Tamil Nadu. We call upon the central government to end this double
standard and allow the Rs. 15,000 crore aid as requested by the state government. It is also very
unfortunate that such a large-scale disaster received very dismal coverage in the na onal media. The
media has the duty to inform the na on of the damages and prompt the authori es to act

“There is a general feeling among the affected that the compensa on being provided by the state
Government is inadequate. I also request the Tamil Nadu Government to provide a reasonably
adequate compensa on to them and ensure that it is distributed undue delay.”

“I would like to tell the people of Tamil Nadu that Popular Front will be with you doing everything we
can to rebuild the lives of our affected brethren. We express our deep condolences to the family
members of those who had lost their lives.” Nearly 1000 trained cadres of Popular Front of India have
been involved in the rescue and relief opera ons since the beginning. The state unit of Popular Front
so far distributed basic relief materials worth nearly 90 lakh rupees. Popular Front na onal
commi ee contributed Rs. 20 lakhs to the relief fund set up by the state commi ee.

Popular Front of India State Execu ve Council member Nasirudeen, Tanjore South District President
Haja Alaudeen, All India Imams Council State President Abirudeen Manbayee and SDPI District
President Ilyas accompanied the Na onal General Secretary during the visit.
(Issued on 27 November 2018)

Extends support to farmer's agitation

The Na onal Execu ve Council mee ng of Popular Front of India has extended support to the
farmers' protest that has emerged all over the country with various demands including loan waivers
and be er crop prices. A study in 2015 showed that over 15,000 farmers in India had been taking
their own lives each year over financial burdens. The data compiled from 1995 to 2010 revealed that
over a quarter of a million farmers have killed themselves. Farmers act as backbones of India's
agricultural economy. Yet successive governments failed to listen to their problems. It is me for the
governments to shi their priority from corporates to farmers. Why a government which can write
off the debts of the corporates to the tune of billions could not address the issues of farmers. The
mee ng expressed solidarity with the demands of the over 200 farmers' organiza ons that led a
march to the parliament.
(Issued on 04 December 2018)



Abandon discriminatory Citizenship

Amendment Bill
A resolu on passed by the Na onal Execu ve Council mee ng of Popular Front of India has stated
that the Ci zenship Amendment Bill 2016 being considered by the parliament to be passed is openly
discriminatory to Muslims and is therefore against the basic principles of the cons tu on. According
to the bill, the illegal migrants belonging to the Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi or Chris an religious
communi es from Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Pakistan would not be imprisoned or deported. They
can gain permanent ci zenship a er six years of residency in India instead of 11 years as men oned
in the Ci zenship Act (1955). Though the bill liberalizes condi ons for gaining ci zenship and relaxes
its procedure considerably, what makes it unacceptable and unjust is that it makes religion a major
factor for the conferral of ci zenship. The proponents of the law claim that it is indented to provide
shelter to the persecuted minori es from neighbouring countries. The ques on remaining
unanswered is why these select religious communi es from the select neighboring countries
exclusively as deserving of the privilege, while minori es in many other neighbouring countries are
also subjected to persecu on and human rights viola ons of the worst kind. Moreover, the
persecuted people seeking asylum are generally considered refugees, not as immigrants, and would
have to return to their home country once normalcy is restored. However, the proposed bill offers all
religionists other than Muslims permanent ci zenship. This is in fact an invita on for non-Muslim
ci zens of the listed countries to come and se le in India. Thus, it goes against the cons tu onal
principles of secularism, social jus ce, and human rights. First in the history of legisla on in our
republic, this bill prescribes religion as the criterion for gran ng ci zenship hence it is plainly an an -
Muslim bill. We call upon all members in both houses of the parliament to prevent the bill from being
(Issued on 04 December 2018)

Rebuild Babri Masjid

The NEC of Popular Front reaffirmed its long-standing demand to rebuild Babri Masjid at the spot
where it was demolished by Sangh Parivar on 6 December 1992. The demoli on was an act of war
against the democra c system of the country and the authori es who failed to prevent it have failed
the na on itself. The wound le by the demoli on s ll con nues to bleed. And jus ce to Babri Masjid
s ll remains betrayed. In the context of the 26th anniversary of the shameful event, the mee ng
called upon the people to spread the message of Babri demoli on and reconstruc on since
memory is the best defence.
(Issued on 04 December 2018)



Holds Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath

responsible for Bulandshahr violence
Popular Front of India General Secretary M. Mohammed Ali Jinnah in a statement issued here today
held U ar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath responsible for Sangh Parivar violence and killing of
the police officer Subodh Kumar Singh and a youth named Sumith in Bulandshahr.

What happened there is not an isolated incident, but it is the latest in the series of cow terrorist acts
that has become a rou ne ever since Yogi Adityanath government has assumed power in the state. It
is also not first me that the Hindu YuvaVahini goons, founded by Yogi himself are in the forefront of
mob lynching of humans in the name of protec ng cows. He has degraded U ar Pradesh of the
Indian Republic into an Animal Farm where Jungle Raj is the system, cows only are safe and human
lives are the targets.

The Sangh Parivar sponsored cow terrorism has created a dangerous situa on where any Muslim or
Dalit can get killed by communally frenzied mobs merely on an allega on of cow trade or beef ea ng.
In this context, the complaint raised by the rela ves of the officer that Subodh Kumar Singh was killed
in a conspiracy as he was probing Akhlaq lynching case cannot be dismissed away. This new phase of
cow terrorist killing spree has conveyed an added message that those police officers who honesty
probe lynching cases also would not be spared.

The preliminary inves ga ons by police officials and eyewitnesses accounts of the Bulandshahr
tragedy point towards a pre-planned a empt at spreading communal tension. All available evidence
point to the hands of Hindutva elements themselves in hanging cow car casses in the sugar cane field.
The report of their ulterior mo ve to be foiling the Muslim congrega on held in the locality has also
to be probed.

Mohammed Ali Jinnah has demanded judicial enquiry by a panel of si ng judges to unearth the
conspiracies involved in the incidence. He also sought the interven on of President of India to save
the state form the misrule of Yogi Government.
(Issued on 05 December 2018)

Assembly election results herald return of

political wisdom
Popular Front of India General Secretary M. Muhammed Ali Jinnah in a statement termed the results
of Assembly Elec ons held in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Telengana, Cha sgarh and Mizoram as
“return of the lost poli cal wisdom”. He congratulated the voters in these states fortheir wise verdict.


The defeat of BJP in all these states illustrates that people rejected the corporate-communal rule
controlled by Modi-Amit Shah- RSS nexus. This is an opportunity for the opposi on par es to build a
united fight against BJP in the forthcoming 2019 Lok Sabha elec on. He reminded the Congress party
that it is a verdict against the an -people policies of BJP and not a mandate for Congress to con nue
their old policies of corporate service, state terrorism and Hindutva appeasement.

Muhammed Ali Jinnah hoped that by taking lessons from these assembly elec on results, Congress
and regional par es like BSP, SP, RJD, TDP etc would form a pre-poll alliance todefeat the BJP in 2019
Lok Sabha elec on.
(Issued on 11 December 2018)

“Extend NRC deadline; Avoid citizenship

disaster”: Urges SC to extend deadline
The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India has sought urgent measures by the
Supreme Court of India to avoid colossal ci zenship disaster that has affected millions of people in
Assam whose names have been excluded from Na onal Ci zens Register (NRC).

The deadline set by the Supreme Court for filing claims and objec ons is 31 December, 2018. Yet, out
of 40 lakh people excluded from the final dra of NRC, only around 20 lakhs are reported to have filed
claims and objec ons so far. As admi ed even by the NRC Coordinator before the Supreme Court
itself, the major reason for this low-level response is the complicated requirements sought for filing
their claims. There are reports from the ground that NRC centres are pu ng the applicants to
troubles in the name of legacy documents. It is certain that the about 20 lakh people that remain
excluded from the list can in no way file their claims within next 5 days. The mee ng apprehended
that in case the date for filing is not extended, these many ci zens will not be able to par cipate in the
next Lok Sabha elec on.

Sadly, even our opposi on par es are not seriously raising the issue in the parliament. There are
unscrupulous par es and groups that want to draw the poli cal benefit out of such a colossal tragedy.
But it will be totally against our principles of ci zenship enshrined in our cons tu on. And it is the
hope of the na on that the apex court will not let such an injus ce happen. We urge the Supreme
Court of India to simplify the process and extend the deadline for filing claims to another six months.

Chairman E Abubacker presided over the mee ng, which was a ended by General Secretary M
Muhammed Ali Jinnah, Vice Chairman OMA Salam, Secretary Abdul Wahid Sait, K M Shareef and EM
Abdul Rahiman.
(Issued on 25 December 2018)



Leaders visit Kasganj victims

Popular Front of India leaders visited the vic ms of the communal violence broke out in Kasganj,
U ar Pradesh. A team including Popular Front North Zonal president AS Ismail, UP State in-charge
Moulana Mu i Mohamed Shazad, All India Imams Council UP West State President Moulana
Mohamed Shadab, Azeez Qasimi, and Dr.Nijamuddin visited the injured at hospital. The leaders
offered to stand with them in their fight for jus ce.

The leaders learned from the vic ms that the a ack was pre-planned to create communal riot.
Muslims were celebra ng Republic day on the 26th of January when a group of ABVP goons entered
that area raising provoca ve slogans against Muslims. They compelled Muslim to hoist saffron flag
instead of Indian na onal flag. This led to a commo on between Muslims and the group, following
which a large number of people joined the group with deadly weapons including firearms and
swords, and unleashed a ack on the Muslims. 2 persons were severely injured in this incident and
the violence con nued ll next day. They also looted Muslim shops and set them on fire. The Police
not only failed to control the mob but also arrested many Muslim men. The injured Muslims one
Naushad and Akram were admi ed in Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College. Sec on 144 has been
invoked and outsiders are restricted from entering Kasganj.
(Issued on 30 January 2018)

To hold massive reach-out programmes

Popular Front of India Na onal Execu ve Council mee ng has decided to hold a week-long reach-out
campaign marking the 11th anniversary of the announcement of the organiza on as a na onal level
movement. 'Popular Front Day' will be observed on17th of February with the slogan “We with
People; People with Us”. The preceding 6 days will be observed as PR week in which wide variety of
programmes will take place across the country for conveying the message of the organiza on to
maximum number of people. The campaign includes public gatherings, flag hois ng at unit level,
unity marches by volunteers, social service ac vi es and social media campaign. On the 11th of
February, units will undertake house visit all over India and have interac ons with the households for
introducing the organiza on.
(Issued on 06 February 2018)

Reach-out campaign becomes massive

On Public Rela on Day (11th of February), leaders and members of Popular Front of India, from unit
level to na onal level, paid house visits in villages and ci es across the country for mee ng people
and conveying the message of the organiza on. They interacted with people from all walks of life on


the day and introduced the organiza on.
The organiza on units have undertaken this house to house campaign prior to celebra ng Popular
Front Day on 17th of this month, marking the 11th anniversary of its declara on as a na onal level
movement. Around 5million people across 16 states were met by the representa ves of Popular
Front on the Public Rela ons day. Other than house visits, social service ac vi es and social media
campaigns were also part of the P R Day ac vi es. In many places, members paid visit to hospitals
and old age homes.

P R Day campaign was held in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Goa,
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, U ar Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam, Bihar and
Jharkhand states.
(Issued on 12 February 2018)

Celebrates Foundation Day in different

Popular Front Day was celebrated all over India on 17th Feb marking the 11th anniversary of its
launching as a na onal organiza on. Various programmes such as Unity March, public conference,
corner mee ng and flag hois ng were held at various places in 18 states. The Founda on Day
programmes were held in Manipur, Assam, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, U ar Pradesh, Delhi,
Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Goa, Karnataka,
Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and Kerala.

Popular Front Chairman E. Abubacker inaugurated the grand public conference held at Tirur in
Kerala. He called upon people to join hands in the interest of our na on and its people, against
communal fascist forces that are determined to demolish the secular, socialist, democra c idea of
India. Sangh Parivar is pu ng pressure to ban Popular Front because they have least respect for
democra c rights and tolerance to minority rights enshrined in our cons tu on. “Is it our fault that
we have been trying to empower the backward Muslim community through educa onal and
economic upli projects? Is it a crime that we have been upholding Indian cons tu on and rule of
law, while RSS consistently violates the same?” He warned that Sangh Parivar once again intensifies
its campaign for building Ram Mandir on Babri Masjid site, not because of any religious commitment,
but to fulfil its agenda of power poli cs.

In Kerala, Unity March by the volunteers followed by grand public conferences were held in
Kasaragod, Muva upuzha and Pandalam also. Unity March and public conferences were held at
Erode, Vellore, Trichi and Theni in Tamil Nadu and at Sullia in Karnataka. These rallies were a ended
by thousands of people including women, in addi on to Popular Front volunteers in uniforms. In
Karnataka, public mee ng was held in Davangere also. Na onal leaders of Popular Front,


Mohammad Ali Jinnah (General Secretary), O.M.A. Salam (Vice Chairman), Anis Ahmed (Secretary)
and state leaders a ended these southern states programmes.

In Goa, state president Sayed I iyaz hoisted Popular Front flag at state office, followed by a get
together a ended by ac vists, associates and dignitaries. In Manipur, state president
MoulanaWaheedur Rahman hoisted the flag at state office campus. Local programmes were held in
44 places in Manipur. The public mee ng held at Pranpur in Ka har district of Bihar was a ended by a
huge gathering. The mee ng was addressed by State president Mehboob AlamNadvi and an array of
guests. Get together programmes were held in many other places in the state. In Rajasthan, state
president Asif Mirza and other leaders addressed a huge rally in Bundi. In Maharashtra, programmes
were held in all major ci es like Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad and Nanded.

State President Pervez Ahmad addressed a public mee ng held at Shaheen Bagh, in the vicinity of
Popular Front headquarters. Earlier Dr. Mohammad Shamoon, Director Public Rela ons hoisted the
flag at the headquarters.

The flag hois ng ceremony in Hyderabad was disturbed by police and zonal secretary Mohammed
Arif Ahmed and other leaders were detained in police sta on ll evening. A case was also registered
against them under Cr. P. C sec on 151.

Popular Front has been celebra ng the day for a few years in memory of its declara on on 17th
February 2007 in the Empower India Conference held at Bangalore.
(Issued on 18 February 2018)

Holds press meet in Hyderabad

A press meet was held at the NSS Press Club, Hyderabad on 20th February 2018 to protest against the
biased police ac on of banning the Popular Front Day celebra on on 17th February, and arres ng its
leaders without any reasons.

Mohamed Arif Ahmed, Popular Front Deccan Zone Secretary, Mohmmed Abdul Ahad, Telangana
State President, Rafiq Ahmed Rashadi, Vice President, Jerusalem Pu aih, Secretary, All India
Chris an Dalit Samaikhya, Hyderabad were present at the meet.

The leaders, a er the meet, submi ed a memorandum to the Home MInister of Telengana and the
Hyderabad City Police Commissioner demanding legal ac ons against the Chandrayan Gu a police
(Issued on 21 February 2018)



Ban on Popular Front of India in Jharkhand:

Statement issued by Central Secretraiat
It is reported Jharkhand Government has banned Popular Front of India (PFI), in the state under
sec on 16 of the CLA Act, 1908. As the reason for the ban, the Chief Minister of the state has alleged
that members of PFI are influenced by the now defunct ISIS. Surprisingly the state government has
quoted some unverifiable reports about people who have allegedly gone to Syria. The decision to
ban Popular Front of India is highly prejudiced and a clear expression of poli cal vende a of the
Hindutwa regime known for using draconian laws to curb the struggle of the marginalized sec ons of
people in the state and it is a clear viola on of the fundamental rights protected by the cons tu on.

Popular Front of India has been working in some parts of Jharkhand since 2015. Unfortunately, the
Front has been witnessing highly prejudiced response from the govt officials. We think that the
reason for this is the ac ve involvement of our members in legal struggles to bring to trial culprits
involved in several cases of lynching for which the state has become notorious.
It has to be noted that the declara on of a ban on Popular Front coincides with the day of the
deposi on by the witnesses in the trial court in the Saraikala lynching case in which four innocent
people were killed last year. Also there is an ongoing case against the S P of Pakur District who foisted
false cases against our members for protes ng against the hate speech of a local BJP leader Hisabi

We hereby categorically make it clear that the allega ons levelled against Popular Front of India are
totally baseless and there is not even a single reason to proscribe the organiza on. We hope to
overcome this ac on by democra c means and through legal recourse.
(Issued on 21 February 2018)

Revoke ban; Stop harassment:

General Secretary urges Jharkhand
Governor, Chief Minister
In the context of Popular Front ban by the state government in Jharkhand, M. Mohammed Ali
Jinnah, the general secretary of the organisa on has sent urgent le er to the governor and chief
minister urging them to revoke the ban and restrain from targe ng and harassing members in the
name of ban.


Excerpts from the le er:
“We would like to clarify that Popular Front of India is a recognised and registered organiza on
working in 17 states of India for more than a decade now, with a grass-root level cadre base and
enjoying the support of millions of people from different sec ons of society cu ng across
religious, caste or other affilia ons.

We have always believed and subscribed to the values of democracy and secularism enshrined in
the cons tu on of India. We have been engaged in ac vi es, legal, democra c and peaceful, to
secure the rights of Adivasis, Dalits, Chris ans, Muslims and other weaker sec ons and minority
communi es. Empowerment to us is not merely a slogan.

Our ac vi es are only in India. And we neither subscribe to the ideology of any other movement
outside or inside the country nor do we have any connec on with any organisa on in foreign
lands. We have been con nuously educa ng all our members and campaigning among public to
stay away from mysterious ou its like ISIS as we strongly believe ideologies of such en es are
against the ethos of our great homeland. A small sec on of media has speculated and cooked up
stories of our members joining ISIS, but no inves ga on agency in the country has proved the
veracity of such reports.”

A day a er release of the ban informa on through a press release, the reports received from the
state reveal that police has started targe ng and harassing Popular Front members in regions
were the organisa on was ac ve. There are reports of offices being raided, sealed and ac vists
being haunted. Mohammed Ali Jinnah stated that the police high handedness is not jus fiable as
it is against all norms of democracy and all laws of the land. He urged the chief minister to act
fairly:“We, therefore, appeal to your government to restrain from steps being taken on the basis
of misinforma on or specula ve inputs and to revoke the ban with immediate effect. Since our
ac vi es are now stopped in your state and our recourse is to seek legal remedy as per the law,
we expect your government not to target and harass our members in the name of ban.”
Mohammed Ali Jinnah also sought an appointment to meet both of them in person to clarify any
misconcep ons.

Against the ban in Jharkhand, Popular Front ac vists are holding mass protests today and
tomorrow all over India except Jharkhand.
(Issued on 22 February 2018)



Nationwide Protest against Popular Front

ban in Jharkhand: Jharkhand Bhawan March
held in New Delhi
People's rallies were held across India protes ng against the ban of Popular Front of India in
Jharkhand by the state government. Popular Front ac vists and general public including women
par cipated in demonstra ons held in various states, including Manipur, West Bengal, Bihar, Assam,
New Delhi, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Goa, Karnataka, Pondicherry, Tamil
Nadu and Kerala.

In the na onal capital New Delhi hundreds of people including women par cipated in the Jharkhand
Bhawan March. The protesters raised slogans demanding the withdrawal of the ban imposed by
Jharkhand government and an immediate end to the police harassment in the state. Zonal secretary
Anis Ansari, State President Parvez Ahmed and SDPI Na onal General Secretary Muhammed Shafi
addressed the rally. A delega on of leaders of the organisa on met the officer on duty and handed
over the memorandum addressed to Jharkhand Chief Minister and Governor. He assured the
delega on that the ma er would be brought to the a en on of Chief Minister and an appointment
with the Chief Minister is sought to discuss the ma er.

In a statement Popular Front General Secretary M Muhammed Ali Jinnah appreciated the solidarity
of the masses which was expressed through protest demonstra ons across the country. He further
stated that the voices of the people raised against undemocra c move of Jharkhand government is a
warning to the forces that are behind targe ng Popular Front of India.
(Issued on 23 February 2018)

Ban in Jharkhand, an attempt to eliminate

anti-fascist activism
A resolu on passed by the Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India held at Mysore
stated that the ban imposed on the organiza on by the BJP Government of Jharkhand is intended to
eliminate the kind of ac vism the organiza on has demonstrated in the state through legal and
d e m o c ra c m e a n s a ga i n st t h e fa s c i st fo rc e s a n d t h e i r g o ve r n m e nt a ge n c i e s .
Ever since the declara on of the organiza on in the state in 2015, our members have stood in the
forefront of fight against human rights viola ons such as hate speeches, lynching incidents and police
atroci es. When the ban was imposed, the organiza on was figh ng dozens of cases including the six
lynching incidents and two cases against police atroci es, one against SP of Pakur and the other
against SP of Jhamtara. By enabling vic ms to fight by democra c and legal means, Popular Front was
building confidence among the vic ms and the weaker sec ons and was also se ng a new example
for the fight for jus ce. It is because of this reason that Popular Front is targeted in Jharkhand. Finding
our organisa on an obstacle in courts, their calcula on is to destroy the cases by elimina ng the very
pe oners. The mee ng warned that such moves will only endanger our jus ce delivery system, the
last hope of the vic ms. The Jharkhand government is, in fact, trying to overthrow the judiciary
through indirect means by the misuse of CLA Act, 1908.

The mee ng expressed concern over the reports that false cases are being slapped in the name of
con nuing the ac vi es a er the ban against innocent people.

The mee ng of Central Secretariat reaffirmed that, the ac vi es of the organisa on being stopped in
the state; we will resort to legal recourse as per provisions of the cons tu on and law for the removal
of the ban.
(Issued on 27 February 2018)

Seeks withdrawal of controversial

statement of Army Chief
The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front took serious no ce of the poli cal remarks made by
the Chief of Army Vipin Rawat expressing concern over the growth of Assamese poli cal party AIUDF.
It is highly objec onable and unbecoming of his posi on and gives a wrong signal about the role of
the army. There is nothing to worry for an army chief about a democra cally func oning poli cal
party. We have watched in the past, when democracy was being destroyed in our neighbouring
countries by interference of the army in poli cs, we took pride in the strength of our democracy and
integrity of our army by keeping a line of control between them. Though it might please present
government and the forces behind it, he has actually set a dangerous precedent for the army to
interfere in poli cs. The mee ng demanded the withdrawal of the controversial statement.
Chairman E. Abubacker presided over the mee ng, which was also a ended by General Secretary
Muhammed Ali Jinnah, Vice Chairman O.M.A Salam, Secretaries Anis Ahmed and Abdul Wahid Sait,
E.M. Abdul Rahiman and K.M. Shareef.
(Issued on 27 February 2018)

Community Leaders demand withdrawal of

Popular Front ban in Jharkhand
As the BJP government in Jharkhand is proceeding with raiding the houses of Popular Front ac vists
and registering false cases against them following the official announcement of the ban of the
organiza on, a group of community leaders and scholars in a statement have termed the ban
undemocra c and demanded its withdrawal.


The signatories of the statement include Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan (Chairman, Delhi State Minori es
Commission), Adv. Zafaryab Jeelani (Secretary, All India Muslim Personal Law Board), Syed Mustafa
Rifai (Asst Sec General, All India Milli Council), Mu i Arif A Mehkri (Chairman, Waqf Board, Mysore),
Maulana Dr. Yaseen Ali Usmani (Vice President, All India Milli Council), Muhammed Naseem
(Principal, Madrasa-e- Ashraful Uloom, Mysore), Muhammad Saeed AsadQasmi (Asansol, West
Bengal),and many others. The statement said that they strongly opposed the ban by Jharkhand
government as it scoffs at the laws of the land and opens doors to the viola on of fundamental rights
respected by the cons tu on. They said: “We understand that Popular Front of India is a neo-social
movement ac vely involved in developmental work and comprehensive empowerment of the poor
and the downtrodden, especially Muslims.”

They alleged that the Hindutva government of Jharkhand and its Police have been unhappy with the
ac vists of Popular Front for highligh ng the mul ple lynching cases in the state. The ban is a ploy
used by the government to in midate people and suppress democra c forms of protest and dissent.
They also requested the human right groups, poli cal par es and minority organiza ons to rally up
for li ing the ban of Popular Front of India.
(Issued on 27 February 2018)

Revoke Ban in Jharkhand - Withdraw false

Jharkhand state government has banned Popular Front of Indiain the state under sec on 16 of the
Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1908. The press release appeared in the official website of the state
chief minister on 20th February 2018 cites as the reason for the ban, the alleged influence of ISIS of
Syria/Iraq on some members of the Front in southern states. Since the ban, the ac vi es of the
organiza on are stopped in Jharkhand. But it is reported that our members are being harassed and
new cases were registered against some leaders and members alleging con nua on of the ac vi es.
We condemn the harassment carried out by police and demand the state government to revoke the
ban and withdraw the false cases on our cadres.

The Jharkhand government had nothing to cite against the organiza on in the state of Jharkhand and
had to rely on some fake reports about the organiza on pertaining to the southern states. It is worth
no ng that the governments of Kerala and Karnataka had recently stated that there is no reason to
ban Popular Front and no request to ban Popular Front was sent to the central government. Hence
the Jharkhand government imposing a ban based on reports from southern states is unreasonable.
As for the allega on of IS influence, Popular Front, since its incep on, has me and again warned its
members and public of the danger of the mysterious groups like IS.

What is the real reason behind Jharkhand government banning Popular Front of India? Ever since the


declara on of the organiza on in the state in 2015, our members have stood in the forefront of fight
against human rights viola ons such as hate speeches, lynching incidents and police atroci es. It is
well known that the Hindutva Government of Jharkhand and its police have been unhappy with the
ac vists of Popular Front for highligh ng the mul ple lynching cases in the state. Popular Front was
instrumental in filing cases by the rela ves of the vic ms in lynching incidents like that in Jamtara,
Latehar, Ramgarh and Seraikela. AnFIR was filed against the hate speech of BJP Leader Hisabi Roy in
Pakur. At the me of the declara on of ban, the organiza on was figh ng several cases including the
sixlynching incidents and two cases against police atroci es, one against SP of Pakur and the other
against SP of Jamtara. By enabling vic ms to fight by democra c and legal means, Popular Front was
building confidence among the vic ms and the weaker sec ons and was also se ng a new model for
figh ng injus ces. It is because of this reason that Popular Front is targeted in Jharkhand. Finding our
organisa on an obstacle in ge ng away with their crimes, the state police plan to end the cases
against them by elimina ng the very pe oners.

The ban is a ploy used by the state government to suppress democra c forms of protest and dissent.
The Jharkhand government is, in fact, trying to fail the judiciary through indirect means by the misuse
of CLA Act. The act of imposing ban on par cular organisa on that stands for people's rights is a
warning to all civil groups and mass movements that any voice of dissent would not be tolerated.
Popular Front believes in the great ideals of our cons tu on such as democracy, secularism and
fundamental rights. We respect rule of law and role of judiciary. We will resort to legal recourse for
ge ng the Jharkhand ban li ed. We hope that ul mately the truth will triumph and people's right
will be restored.
(Issued on 01 March 2018)

Activists and intellectuals demand revoking

of Popular Front ban in Jharkhand
A joint statement issued by ac vists and intellectuals has stated that the ban imposed by Jharkhand
government on Popular Front of India in the state is an -democra c and demanded that it be
revoked immediately.

The present ban on Popular Front under sec on 16 of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1908 in
Jharkhand is part of the poli cal vende a unleashed on the organiza on due to its interven ons with
regards to human rights viola ons, hate speeches, mob lynching incidents and police atroci es. It
seems that the BJP government of Jharkhand is unhappy with members of the organiza on in
Jharkhand because they helped the vic ms' families for filing cases in lynching incidents like those in
Jamtara, Latehar, Ramgarh and Seraikela. Also they have filed cases in a few incidents of police
atroci es.

There are not any known criminal cases in the state against the Popular Front members. But the


organiza on is figh ng 14 cases in the state including against mob lynching and police atroci es. It is
amidst this that the press release with official seal announcing the ban appeared on the government

It is learned that following the ban the police are targe ng and harassing Popular Front members in
certain regions of Jharkhand. The office was sealed and extensive police raids were conducted. Since
the ban, the ac vi es of the organiza on are stopped in Jharkhand. But it is reported that new cases
were registered against some leaders and members.

By targe ng or proscribing a par cular organisa on that stands for people's rights and jus ce, a
repressive government sends the message to all civil rights groups and mass movements that any
voice of dissent and any act of empowerment would not be tolerated. This is bare infringement of
cons tu onally guaranteed rights. Hence, we request all human rights groups, poli cal par es and
minority organisa ons to come forward against such fascist moves. We also demand Jhakhand
government to withdraw from such repressive moves on organiza ons based on rumours and false
allega ons.

Prof. K. Sachidanandan, Journalist O. Abdullah, KEN Kunjahammed, Appukku anVallikkunnu, NP

Chekku y, Dr. J. Devika, KK Kochu, Jamal Kochangadi, A. Vasu, A.Sajeevan, Gopal Menon, K K Baburaj,
Rupesh Kumar, A S Ajith Kumar, V.R Anoop, Dr. Varsha Basheer, AA Wahab, Dr.Dhanya Madhav, V.
Prabhakaran, Reny Ailyine etc signed the statement.
(Issued on 02 March 2018)

Ban in Jharkhand: Seeks intervention of

President and NHRC
In the context of the ban on Popular Front of India by Jharkhand government, General Secretary of
the organisa on M. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, through a memorandum, has sought immediate
interven on of President of India and Governor of Jharkhand to get the undemocra c and unethical
ban li ed forthwith.

“As a social movement from the backward minority community," says the memorandum, "Popular
Front's focus is on developmental ac vi es like literacy, educa on, public health and comprehensive
empowerment of the poor and the downtrodden masses, especially the Muslims.”

Urgent le ers were also sent from Popular Front General Secretary to Union Home Minister, Union
Law Minister urging them to intervene in the ma er as it was a case of viola ng fundamental rights
including minority rights. In addi on, Popular Front na onal leadership has approached Na onal
Human Rights Commission, Na onal Minority Commission, Jharkhand Human Rights Commission
and Jharkhand Minority Commission through separate memorandum for revoking the Jharkhand


ban since it involved viola on of freedom of expression and freedom of associa on as against the
provisions of Indian cons tu on.

Mohammed Ali Jinnah has categorically denied the accusa ons linking the organiza on with ISIS.
"The allega on of ISIS connec on leveled against Popular Front by the state government is devoid of
any substance. Popular Front has warned of the danger of mysterious extremist groups like ISIS luring
young people through social media and by other means, since the very beginning of its appearance.
Time and again we have educated and instructed our members not to get into their trap. This
message was conveyed to the public as well on different occasions. Popular Front ac vi es are only
within India. The Front neither subscribes to the ideology of any other movement outside or inside
the country nor do we have any connec on with any organisa on in foreign lands. Popular Front has
hundreds of thousands of ac ve members across India and none has joined ISIS.” In all the
submissions, Popular Front General Secretary has reaffirmed that Popular Front is a democra cally
and lawfully working Indian movement. "We are a na onal organisa on which respects the Indian
cons tu on and abides by the Indian laws", he said. Mohammed Ali Jinnah further stated: “The
present ban on Popular Front in Jharkhand is part of the poli cal vende a unleashed on the
organiza on due to its interven ons with regards to human rights viola ons, hate speeches, mob
lynching incidents and police atroci es.” He asserted that there is not even a single valid reason to
impose ban on Popular Front of India anywhere in the country.
(Issued on 05 March 2018)

Justice Sawant and other dignitaries

from Maharashtra demand to revoke Popular
Front Jharkhand ban
Press Release issued by Amjad Shaik, General Secretary, Movement for Jus ce and Peace

The opposi on against the state government ban of Popular Front in Jharkhand is becoming stronger
and more wide spread, as per reports being received from different parts of the country. The
Jharkhand Government on 20th February 2018 has imposed a baseless ban on the Popular Front of
India in the state using Ar cle 16 of the CLA Act 1908 through a post on Jharkhand CM website. Today
a group of 26 ci zens that include former judges, ex-bureaucrats, social ac vists, poli cal leaders and
religious scholars in Maharashtra has come up against the ban order through a joint statement.
Those who joined in raising the demand to withdraw the ban and stop harassments in Jharkhand
include Jus ce P. B. Sawant (Re red Judge, Supreme Court), Jus ce Kolse Patel (Re red Judge,
Mumbai High Court), S. M. Mushrif (Re red I.G. Police), Mujtaba Farooque (Ex-Na onal President,
Welfare Party of India), Shamsher Khan Pathan (Na onal President, Awami Vikas Party), Niranjan
Takle (Chief Editor, Caravan Magazine; reporter, CNN, IBN), Nawab Mallik (State Spokesman,
Na onalist Congress Party), Sarfaraz Arzoo (Editor, Hindustan Urdu Daily), Shivaji Humberday, Shivraj
Mukesh, Ganesh Shinde (Maratha Seva Sangh) and others.


They stated that imposing of ban is not only against the freedom of expression and freedom of
associa on but also is against the ar cles of the cons tu on of India. They also stated that the ban on
Popular Front of India by the Jharkhand Government is an open act of poli cal vende a against the
organiza on, as the organiza on has been taking legal ac ons and raising voice against the hate
speeches, acts of human rights viola ons, incidents of mob lynching and atroci es by the police in
the state of Jharkhand.

Popular Front of India, as a response to the ban in Jharkhand, has been organizing na onal level
agita ons and campaigns. In Maharashtra State, Popular Front of India ac vists have been mee ng
different poli cal, social, secular organiza ons and other dignitaries. The leaders belonging to
various strata of society shared the view that the ban is intended to threaten the mass and to weaken
dissent, protests against government and the power of judiciary. They called upon all democra c and
secular forces who respect our cons tu on and rule of law to build united protests against the
poli cs of banning dissen ng voices and movements.
(Issued on 09 March 2018)

Opposition builds up in North-East against

Popular Front ban in Jharkhand
More than a fortnight a er the ban on Popular Front of India in Jharkhand, different organiza ons,
ac vists and intellectuals in several parts of India are raising their opposi on against it. In the North-
East states like Manipur, Assam and also in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, several protest
mee ngs were held against the ban.

Social ac vists and representa ves of several poli cal and social organiza ons a ended a special get
together held at Lilong in Manipur and released a joint statement against the ban. They said that the
ban order violates the laws of the land and suppresses the fundamental rights respected by the
cons tu on. They have called upon the government of Jharkhand to li the ban immediately. They
pointed out that ban was imposed on baseless allega ons against the organiza on.

The followings persons a ended the get-together and signed the statement: Adv. Muhammed
Jalaluddin, Adv. Muhammed RamijuddinAzaz, Muhammed Abdul Wahid - Joint Secretary, Social
Upli ment Development Organisa on (SUDO), Muhammed Hakim Ahamed - President, All
Sangaiyumpham Development Org.(ASDO), Muhammed Abdul Salam - Secretary, Irong Social
Development Org. (ISDO), SM. Jalaluddin - President, All Manipur Muslim Org. Co-ordina ng
Commi ee (AMMOCOC), Muhammed Mujibur Rahman - State Execu ve member, All India
Tanzeem-e Inshaf (AITI), FM. Abdullah Pathan - President, Manipur Muslim Welfare Org. (MMWO),
Alhaj Muhammed Hassan - Treasurer, Lilong Sport Associa on (LSA) , Farooque Khan - Treasurer,
Integrated Development Org. (IDO), Wahidur Rahman - General Secretary, All Manipur Muslim Org.


Co-ordina ng Commi ee (AMMOCOC), Dr.Badaruddin - All India Tanzeem-e Inshaf (AITI), Md Ismat
Khan – Execu ve Member, Integrated Development Org. (IDO), Alhaj Nooruddin – Mohatamin
Madrassa Alia - All India Muslim Personal Law Board Member, Muhammed Riyajuddin – General
Secretary, Social Democra c Party Of India (SDPI), Muhammed Nazimuddin - UP Adhyaksha,
KakchingZilla Parishad, Rafi Shah General Secretary Popular Front of India, Manipur State.

In Assam, Protests were held against the ban imposed on Popular Front of India in Jharkhand. The
social ac vists, poli cal leaders and minority leaders condemned the ban and called upon the
Jharkhand government for immediate li ing of ban. In a statement Adv. Aminul Islam, AIUDF General
Secretary strongly demanded to revoke the ban.

Ac vists protest in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh

A joint protest march was held in Kurnool against ban on Popular Front of India in Jharkhand and
demoli on of statues of Lenin, B R Ambedkar and Periyar. The following persons belonging to
different organisa ons par cipated: PinaakaPahani (Virasam state Gen Secretary), Som Shekar
Sharma (State convener, Rayalaseema Vidiya Wantula Vedika), Srinivasa Rao (Na onal president,
POP), Abdul Waris (State President, SDPI), Abdul Latheef (State Gen Secretary, Popular Front of
India), Balanna (Convenor, Pads co), Shehupani (State Vice President, BC's Janasabha), Roja Ramani
(President, Manila Shrawan , Kurnool), Jayanna (RTI, State Gen Secretary), Ratnam Esup
(Democra c Teachers Federa on, Kurnool), SomSundarm (MRPS), Nagi Reddy (Praja Pari rakshana
Hakkula Samithi, Kurnool), Allah Bakhash (Andhra Pradesh Civil Liber es Commi ee) Subha Rao
(Senior Communist leader, Kurnool).
(Issued on 11 March 2018)

Hails emerging public opinion against ban in

A resolu on passed by the Na onal Execu ve Council mee ng of Popular Front of India welcomed
the growing public opinion against the an -democra c ban on the organiza on in BJP ruled
Jharkhand. The mee ng expressed gra tude to all organisa ons and leaders who have openly
spoken out against the ban. It is quite hopeful that a large sec on of Human Rights ac vists, Muslim
organiza ons and poli cal leaders have iden fied the increasingly intolerant and repressive moves
being adopted by Sangh Parivar against any form of dissent and are ready to extend their support to
Popular Front of India. The mee ng urged the Central government and Jharkhand state government
to take these responses as a serious reminder against their uncons tu onal ways and withdraw the
undemocra c decision of Popular Front ban immediately.
(Issued on 15 March 2018)



Banning Popular Front in Jharkhand is

nothing but an act of fascism: Muslim
Courtesy: Muslim Mirror

New Delhi: A er the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and Islamic preacher Dr Zakir Naik's
Islamic Research Founda on, it seems that the south-based social organiza on 'Popular Front of
India' is the latest “chopping block” for the present BJP-led NDA government. Taking the advantage of
the shrill propaganda unleashed against the PFI, the Jharkhand government has declared it
'unlawful' under an archaic law in the state. However, BJP-led state government's decision has
invited sharp cri cism and condemna on from renowned Muslim organiza ons and Muslim leaders.
On the other hand, public opinion is growing against the ban on the PFI unit in this tribal-dominated

Prominent Muslim organiza ons and leaders as well as non-Muslim ac vists and intellectuals have
flayed the Jharkhand government for declaring the social organiza on as “an -democra c and an -
cons tu onal.” They also demanded immediate revoca on of the ban.

The Jharkhand government has imposed the ban on Popular Front under sec on 16 of the Criminal
Law (Amendment) Act, 1908. Talking to Muslim Mirror, Front leadership said “the ban is part of the
poli cal vende a unleashed on the organiza on due to its interven ons with regards to human
rights viola ons, hate speeches, mob lynching incidents and police atroci es in the state.

It seems that PFI's social and welfare ac vi es have become an 'eyesore' for the communal forces in
the state, said Anis Ahmed, Na onal Secretary, PFI.

Muslim groups also reacted sharply on the Jharkhand government's decision. They even released a
joint statement demanding the immediate revoca on of ban without any delay.

JamaateIslami Hind chief Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari said the Jamaat never supported the move
to proscribe any organiza on as such decisions of the government violate the fundamental rights
enshrined in the cons tu on. In principle, Jamaat is against banning any ou it, if it indulges any
wrongful ac vity, there are a number of criminal laws to deal with it, Maulana Umari told Muslim

Echoing his views, Navaid Hamid, president of All India Muslim Majlis-e- Mushawarat (AIMMM) said
there is no jus fica on whatsoever for pu ng a ban on PFI in Jharkhand. It is unfortunate and totally
unjus fied and it is nothing but an act of fascism meant to garner votes by polarizing the society, he
told to Muslim Mirror.


AIMMM is an apex body of prominent Muslim organiza ons in the country.

Jamiat-i- Ualma Hind, which is one of the oldest Muslim organiza ons also flayed the ban. Jamiat's
general secretary and former MP Mahmood Madani said labelling any organiza on as a 'terror
ou it” is not a joke. The government must twice-think on such sensi ve issue and revoke the ban on
PFI in Jharkhand, he said.

Welfare Party of India described the ban as “uncons tu onal and unlawful”. “It is deplorable that the
Indian government selec vely, and unilaterally only targe ng the Muslims organiza ons and groups
while ignoring and not taking any ac on against Hindu militant organiza ons which have been
openly indulging in terror, and violent ac vi es, Party president Dr SQR Ilyas told Muslim Mirror.

He also pointed out that the state government has no right to ban any organiza on as the draconian
unlawful ac vi es preven on act 'UAPA” only authorizes the central government to declare any
organiza on unlawful. State government can request the Center for banning any organiza on which
it wants, he added.

Asking to PFI to challenge the ban in a court of law immediately, Dr Ilyas also suggested that if Muslim
organiza ons have any doubts or misunderstandings, their leadership should talk to the PFI leaders
and we must not fall prey to the propaganda unleashed by the government agencies and corporate

Another prominent leader and Delhi State Minority Commission chairman Dr Zafarul Islam Khan said
it is totally wrong to declare the PFI unlawful by the Jharkhand government. It is unfortunate that
jus ce has become illusive in India; we have bi er experiences in the past, he said while referring to
the ban on SIMI.
First, they banned SIMI and rendered it redundant, even they are not ready to hear the case for the
last 17 years, he told Muslim Mirror.

He urged Muslims and their organiza ons to collec vely raise voice and protest against this unjust
ban by the BJP government in Jharkhand. If the government a acks any Muslim group or individual, it
should be considered as a ack on all the Muslim organiza ons and they should come out to streets
and protest, he said.

It is to be men oned here that PFI is ac ve in rehabilita on work in Jharkhand in addi on to offering
legal help to vic ms of mob lynching there.

The government in Jharkhand has proscribed PFI under provisions of Criminal Law Amendment Act
1908 vide order dated February 20, 2018. Social Democra c Party of India Vice President and noted
lawyer Sharfuddin Ahmad said the law was used by the colonial Bri sh government to scare and
suppress the democra c aspira ons and ac vi es of Indians.


The law is invoked in the three condi ons against an associa on when the associa on in ques on, (1)
interferes in public life (2) endangers public peace and (3)obstructs in maintenance of law and order,
he underlined.

It is unfortunate that this law now being “misused by the BJP government to crush its ideological
adversaries as no allega ons covering any of three essen al condi ons for applying the provisions
have been made against PFI by the Jharkhand Government, Adv. Sharfuddin said.

The ground cited in ban order is allegedly related to the state of Kerala where it has not been banned
on that ground and no reason from Jharkhand is men oned in the impugned order, he added.

It must be men oned that the Kerala and Karnataka governments have clarified that there are no
proofs to support a ban on PFI. The allega ons by the Central Government of PFI's rela ons with ISIS
were also proved wrong while the apex court has rejected the allega ons of PFI's indulging in the so-
called “Love Jihad”.
(Issued on 18 March 2018)

Fight politics of ban: Press meet held in

The na onal and state leaders of Popular Front of India, in a press meet held at Mumbai Press Club
urged all those who are against the ideologies and ac vi es of Sangh Parivar to fight the poli cs of
ban started from Jharkhand state. Na onal Execu ve Council memberE. M. Abdul Rahiman, State
President Syed Yusuf Sadath, State General Secretary Meraj Ansari, Mumbai city convenor Mazhar
addressed the press meet. They have called the press meet in the context of banning Popular Front in
Jharkhand by the state government.

E M Abdul Rahiman pointed out that Jharkhand government could not cite any valid reason from the
state for banning Popular Front there. Instead they have referred to certain allega ons pertaining to
southern states that too are not proved. Meanwhile, state governments of Karnataka and Kerala had
made their stand clear that Popular Front was not an organisa on to be banned, he said.

The state leaders announced that as part of the na onwide campaign against the poli cs of ban, an
ac vist's get together will be held on 27th March at Mara Patrakar Bhavan, Mumbai at 5 p.m
(Issued on 22 March 2018).



Popular Front holds “People's Conference”

in Assam
Popular Front of India Assam state commi ee organized a grand conference called "People's
Conference" at Barpeta Road in Assam on 31 March, 2018. Thousands of people, including women
and children, drawn from various parts of the state, gathered to witness the programme.
Popular Front Chairman E. Abubuckar inaugurated the programme. Addressing the gathering, he
asked people of Assam and the country at large not to be swayed by the divisive policies of Sangh

"The BJP government is crea ng an environment of hate and ins ga ng people against each. They
are in fact playing divide and rule policy. People should defeat them using their democra c power
and teach them a lesson. Popular Front of India has been asking this for past many years to the
Muslims, Dalits, Adivasis and all other backward classes to unite and demand their rights and jus ce,
and against fascism, which is the common enemy of all of us”.

Kokrajhar MP Naba Kumar Saraniya appreciated the ac vi es of Popular Front in his address and
advised people not to lose hope and con nue working democra cally for India and all Indians.
Many prominent leaders and social ac vists also addressed the programme. Aminul Haque, Assam
State president of Popular front of India, Dr Md Minarul Shaikh, West Benagal State general Secretary
of Popular Front, Abdus Samad, President, SamajikNyaiManch, KaziNakeib Ahmad, President, Assam
Sangram Parishad, Hareswar Barman, Convenor Sanmilito Janagosthiyo Oikya Manch, Popular Front
of India Assam State general Secretary Rafiqul Islam, Shah Kamal Khandakar, President, ABMSU and
many others represen ng various organiza ons also addressed the gathering.
(Issued on 01 April 2018).

Hails NBSA warning to Channels

Popular Front welcomed the warning issued by News Broadcas ng Standards Authority to news
channels Republic TV, Times Now, India Today and AajTak in the complaints filed by Popular Front of
India against defaming the organisa on. NBSA has ordered to remove the contents published by
both channels denigra ng Popular Front of India from YouTube and their websites. The order stated
clearly that both channels violated the code of ethics in repor ng and published their biased
opinions as facts, which amounted to media trial. The order is a blow to the kind of unethical and
propagandist journalism introduced in India by these T V channels.
(Issued on 04 June 2018)



NBSA issues warning to Republic TV

TimesNow, India Today, AajTak; Also orders to
remove controversial contents against
Popular Front
News Broadcas ng Standards Authority (NBSA), in a significant order se ling a complaint made by
Popular Front of India, has issued stern warning to four news channels, Republic TV, Times Now, India
Today and AajTak for publishing false news about the organiza on. The order has also directed the
channels to remove concerned news items from their websites, YouTube and other links, observing
that the broadcasters, by carrying false informa on as news, violated sec ons of Code of Ethics and
Broadcas ng Standards and Guidelines, Specific Guidelines Governing Reportage and Specific
Guidelines for Repor ng Court Proceedings.

Re red Jus ce R V Raveendran in his order has directed the News Broadcasters Associa on to publish
the order on its website and in its annual report, to send copies of the order to the channels, the legal
heads of NBA, editors and other members and also to release to media. Earlier, Popular Front had
complained to NBSA that media trials by various media organisa ons were deliberately aimed at
misleading the audiences and bringing disrepute to the organisa on, which is working within the
ambit of law and cons tu on.

NBSA considered the complaint submi ed by Popular Front of India General Secretary M
Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Na onal Women's Front president A.S.Zainaba on 5 December regarding
the news items broadcast by India Today and AajTak. The complaint was against a s ng opera on
about alleged conversion factory in Kerala. Mr. Mohamed Ali Jinnah had complained that channels'
airing of an interview with a Calicut based journalist, falsely portraying him as a founder member of
Popular Front was done with an inten on to malign the organiza on. A er examining the records
submi ed by each party, the Hon'ble Judge made it clear that the Channels' use of descrip ons like
"Love Jihad Ka Zaaher", "DeshDrohi" in the absence of such findings from a court or competent
authori es bordered on the viola on of NBSA Code of ethics.

Popular Front had also filed complaints to NBSA against the programme broadcast by Times Now on
October 7 and November 5, 2017 with hash tag "BanPFI" and the Republic TV program broadcast on
February 7, 2018 with the hash tag "BanPFI". Disagreeing with Times Now and Republic TV's
coverage, NBSA found that there is only charge-sheet and no finding by any tribunal that claims
Popular Front is an incubator of hate or is a hate group nor had government declared it as a terrorist
organisa on or an organisa on indulging in unlawful ac vi es. “NBSA is therefore of the view that
the broadcaster had violated the NBSA/NBA guidelines rela ng to the need of maintaining neutrality,
impar ality and fairness and repor ng of ma ers which are subjudice or under inves ga on”, the
report added.


NBSA warned the broadcasters to exercise more care and cau on while repor ng about ma ers
pending trial/inves ga on and in using objec onable hash tags in regard to such reports which may
give an impression that broadcaster is indulging in media trial/ prejudice against the
person/organisa on being reported upon. NBSA has also directed the Times Now that the video of
the said programme if hosted on Times Now website, YouTube or any other website or any other link
should be removed immediately and same should be confirmed to NBSA. Besides, it has asked India
Today group to submit complete evidence pertaining to its s ng opera on that alleged the PFI of
'forceful conversions'.

Popular Front of India Central Secretariat has welcomed the warnings issued by News Broadcas ng
Standards Authority to news channels Republic TV, Times Now, India Today and AajTak in the
complaints filed against defaming the organisa on. The order is a blow to the kind of unethical and
highly prejudiced sort of propaganda carried out in India by these T V channels against marginalised
and minority classes and their movements. The Central Secretariat expressed hope that these
channels will comply with the orders issued by NBSA.
(Issued on 05 June 2018)

Propaganda that Popular Front is a security

threat is nonsense
The Central Secretariat mee ng termed nonsense, some media reports allegedly linking Popular
Front with threat to the life of our prime minister. The reported threat, if it has support of evidence, is
indeed a serious na onal security concern and should be dealt with accordingly by police and
intelligence agencies. At the same me the possibility of it being only propaganda in view of 2019
elec ons has also been discussed in a sec on of media. While the government is duty bound to take
all precau ons for the security of prime minister, it must be ensured that the situa on is not misused
to demonize some sec ons of the society and intensify communal divide in the country. The mee ng
observed that Popular Front, which is a people's movement that works within democra c system and
upholds rule of law is being made a scapegoat in ongoing poli cal games. The organisa on is
approaching Union Home Ministry for clarifica ons regarding the reports that it is allegedly kept
under surveillance. The mee ng reiterated organiza on's commitment to the cons tu on and
democra c system of the na on. Popular Front's ac vi es are in the lime light among the public for
everyone to see, feel and evaluate. The Central Secretariat hoped that this new round of filthy
vilifica on campaign also would fail in misleading people.

Chairman E. Abubacker presided over the mee ng. O. M. A. Salam, Abdul Wahid Sait, E. M. Abdul
Rahiman and K. M. Shareef par cipated in discussions.
(Issued on 29 June 2018)



Popular Front chairman visits family of lynch

victim Rakbar Khan
Popular Front of India chairman E. Abubacker yesterday visited family members of Rakbar Khan at
Koalgaon in Haryana about 150 kms from New Delhi who was lynched by cow terrorists. He was
lynched to death in Alvar 4 days ago on 21st July. This town has gained notoriety because of 4
incidents of lynching in the last 11 months.

Rakbar is survived by an aged father who is s ll in a state of shock. His 22 year-old wife does not
understand what happened and her 2 year old daughter is awed by the presence of so many people
visi ng them suddenly. His mother and sister lost control when they remembered the mu lated
body of their family member. Haroon, the brother of vic m, who reached home from his workplace
in Kerala shared their feelings with chairman. Haroon expressed firm resolve to fight for jus ce and
sought the support of the organiza on. The village men were found vigilant about a empts of the
administra on to protect the killers by just suspending 3 policemen claiming that it was death due to
police negligence and not by lynching.
E. Abubacker stated that the state support to cow terrorists is responsible for repeated lynching of
Muslims in the region. It is shocking that even a er a brutal mob a ack; Alwar police refused to
provide treatment to the vic m and kept him in custody for hours while they ensured the cow is
safe.Chairman also condemned the statement by RSS leaders Indresh Kumar which suggested if beef
ea ng is stopped then lynching also would be stopped. He is either encouraging mobs to take law into
their hands to kill people over beef or is jus fying such killings. E. Abubacker demanded to arrest such
people for ins ga ng violence against innocents and put them behind bars.

Popular Front Na onal Secretary Abdul Wahid Sait and North Zone president A. S. Ismail and local
leaders accompanied the chairman during the visit.
(Issued on 26 July 2018)

Popular Front announces Higher Education

Scholarship – 2018
Popular Front of India has announced its Scholarship programme-2018 in New Delhi today. This
scheme supports poor and meritorious students who wish to pursue higher studies a er comple ng
the Higher Secondary (12th). Applica ons are invited from students who are pursuing their course in
the academic year 2018-19. Popular Front is implemen ng this na onal scholarship scheme for
higher educa on for the 8th consecu ve year.

Students pursuing PG Courses, Degree, Diploma or other higher studies whose course dura on is not
less than a year are eligible for the scholarship. Priority will be given to students studying Journalism,
Law and Social Work. Applica on should be submi ed on www.popularfron The
applica on form will be available online from 31st July 2018 and the last date for submission is 31st
Aug 2018.
Popular Front began the scholarship distribu on in the 2011-12 academic year at the na onal level.
So far 6.4 Crore rupees worth of scholarships have been distributed to 7366 students (4114 boys and
3252 girls), across India's 13 states. Popular Front educates students to contribute back to the society
through social service once they complete their courses and are employed.
(Issued on30 July 2018)

National General Assembly begins

The Na onal General Assembly of Popular Front of India began at Malabar House at Puthanathani in
Kerala. The Assembly started when Chairman E. Abu Backer hoisted the tricolour
flag of the organiza on.

While inaugura ng the programme, E Abubacker stated that, under BJP rule, the democra c process
in the country had been shrunk into holding elec ons and its spirit and prac ce had been abandoned
in the func oning of the government. The mainstream opposi on par es, who have forgo en their
du es to the people, are growing more and more subservient to fascist agenda that is being
promoted by the ruling party. Under BJP rule the common ci zens are suffering due to wrong
economic policies which are only corporate friendly. He reminded the delegates that people in every
state are iden fying Popular Front as a ray of hope and coming forward in support of our ac vi es. He
called upon them to take the mely message of the movement to every nook and corner of this
country and work to fulfill people's hopes.

General Secretary M. Muhammed Ali Jinnah presented the mid-term report of na onal level
ac vi es. About 200 delegates from different states are a ending the programme, which will
conclude on Sunday.
(Issued on 11 August 2018)

National General Assembly concludes

The Na onal General Assembly (NGA) of Popular Front of India held at Malabar House in
Mallapuram, Kerala during 10-12 August 2018 concluded with a call to all secular, democra c forces
and depressed class movements for building a joint poli cal resistance in every state and
cons tuency to Keep RSS away from power a er 2019 Lok Sabha elec ons. Other resolu ons
highligh ng various na onal issues of current importance were also passed in the concluding session
of the Assembly.

The Assembly observed that the 2019 Lok Sahba elec on would be very crucial and decisive in the
history of India as a secular democra c na on. The emerging situa ons in the country under the BJP
government remind us that it may be the last chance before the rightly thinking people to save our


na on from the control of communal and fascist Sangh Parivar. Since the central government has
been a total failure in all the areas of governance, BJP has now returned to its original agenda of
communal polariza on which is an a ack on the democra c structure of the country. The Assembly
observed: “It is need of me for all poli cal par es to keep aside their differences and form a united
pla orm to challenge the BJP in the 2019 general elec ons. There have been statements by various
leaders regarding a united opposi on but unfortunately it is not being translated into ac on. There
have been few instances where the opposi on par es have showed their unwillingness to
compromise and come together for the larger good of the country. It is indeed a litmus test for all the
secular par es to prove their commitment towards secularism. The NGA of the Popular Front urges
all the secular par es to be ready for poli cal sacrifices to orm a united secular pla orm for the 2019
general elec on.”

Another resolu on adopted by the Na onal General Assembly extended support to the demand of
Assam people for an impar al and fair exercise of NRC in the state and to stop manipula ng the NRC
procedure to deliberately exclude linguis c and religious minori es. The Assembly also demanded to
dissolve all systems and exercises connected to D-Voters and to include all of them in NRC process.
The resolu on states: “The publica on of dra Na onal Register of Ci zens (NRC) in Assam on 30th
July 2018 has created a very serious situa on in the state with imminent repercussion also in other
parts of the country. Out of the total popula on of Assam, more than 40 lakh people have been made
stateless ll proved otherwise.” It has also urged central government to withdraw the Ci zenship
(Amendment) Bill now on the table of parliament because, in contraven on of the le er and spirit of
Indian cons tu on, it s pulates religion as the criterion for gran ng ci zenship.

The Na onal General Assembly expressed shock and deep concern about the increasing number of
cow terrorist lynching in the country especially in northern state ruled by BJP. The Assembly called for
grassroot level popular resistance and coordinated legal fights to bring an end to mob lynching
incidents. The Assembly demanded an independent probe into Rafel scam in which the role of prime
minister and central government are allegedly involved. In another resolu on the mee ng has
appealed Supreme Court interven on to prevent Hindutva forces from taking poli cal advantage of
Babri Masjid Issue. The Assembly also urged members and sympathizers of Popular Front to come in
support of flood vic ms in Kerala.

The NGA, which was inaugurated by Chairman E. Abubacker, evaluated the ac vi es of the
organiza on in past one year and a half and discussed future course of ac on of the organiza on.
General Secretary M. Mohammad Ali Jinnah presented the ac vi es report upon which detailed
discussions were held. The report appreciated the efforts and sacrifices of Popular Front members
and associates for the recent growth in membership strength and expansion of the reach of the
organisa on especially in new regions of northern states. The NGA a ended by about 200 delegates
drawn from different states was concluded with the valedictory speech of Vice Chairman O M A
(Issued on 13 August 2018)



Declare Kerala floods a national disaster:

Popular Front appeals for nationwide
The Central Secretariat mee ng of Popular Front of India has demanded the central government to
declare Kerala floods a na onal disaster and appealed to people all over the country to help their
best in rebuilding the state.

The floods that have hit Kerala is worst in the last 100 years and the state is totally devastated by it.
Though, rescue mission being carried out by the authori es, shoulder to shoulder with social
poli cal religious organiza ons, local groups and general public s ll con nues, thousands are s ll
feared stranded in their houses and buildings, with all communica ons lost with outside world,
awai ng the rescuers to reach them. As per the ini al reports, more than 350 people have lost their
lives and more than 6.5 lakh people are in relief camps. The total loss has been es mated to be
around 20,000 crores. However, the actual loss might be higher manifold. Across 13 districts,
thousands of villages have been affected. Once the floods are over, even a bigger challenge awaits
the people of the state with regard to rehabilita on and rebuilding of the lives.

Unfortunately, central government response to the situa on in the state is cold and apathe c. Relief
fund declared is far from sufficient. It reflects the step motherly a tude the central government has
been following towards the South Indian states. We demand the central government to declare the
floods a na onal disaster and allot to the state an ini al aid of minimum Rs. 2000 crore as demanded
by state government. A mely and effec ve response of central and state governments would have
greatly reduced the casual es and brought the situa on under control much earlier.

The Central Secretariat mee ng appreciated the exemplary involvement of Popular Front members
and people of Kerala from different walks of life in relief and rehabilita on mission to bring the state
back to normalcy. An amount of Rs. 25 lakhs from the central fund of the organiza on has been
donated to the “Kerala Flood Relief Fund” started by State Commi ee of the organiza on. Every
member of the organiza on across the country will contribute their oneday income to the fund. Also,
Popular Front members across the country will approach public to collect funds for this relief
mission. Central Secretariat mee ng appealed to the people of the country in all states to earnestly
support Popular Front's Flood Relief mission.

Chairman E Abubacker presided over the mee ngwhich was also a ended by General Secretary M
Muhammed Ali Jinnah, OMA Salam, Anis Ahmed, Abul Wahid Sait, KM Shareef and E M Abdul
(Issued on 19 August 2018)



Hails High Court order revoking ban in

Popular Front of India chairman E. Abubacker has welcomed the Jharkhand High Court order which
revoked the Jharkhand government decision of banning the ac vi es of the organiza on in the state.

He stated that the observa ons made by the High Court expose communal and fascist agenda of BJP
government in Jharkhand which imposed ban on the organiza on.

The court brought to light the undemocra c mo ves of state government by no ng that it didn't
follow the procedures to ban an organiza on u/s 16 of the CLA Act. The court also observed that the
ban no ce of the government violated the principles of natural jus ce and Ar cle 19 of Cons tu on
of India. The court also pointed out that the government failed to produce any evidence material to
jus fy its decision.

The Jharkhand High Court judgment is a major setback to the authoritarian measures the state
government has adopted against people's movements and voices of dissent. The order by the bench
led by Rongon Mukhopadhyay upholds the spirit of the cons tu on and will undoubtedly serve as
warning against the a empts to undermine democra c values and freedom of associa on in the
(Issued on 27 August 2018)

Derogatory Remarks against Kerala: Popular

Front complaints to NBSA against Arnab
Popular Front Kerala state general secretary, CP Muhammed Basheer filed a complaint to News
Broadcas ng Standard Authority against the derogatory remark made by Republic TV Editor in Chief,
Arnab Goswami, against people of Kerala. CP Basheer, in his complaint, alleged that Arnab racially
insulted Malayalis and violated journalis c ethics. He said that according to NBSA rules, the first
complaint had to be made to Channel Broadcaster and that had done accordingly. If ac on is not
taken within a week, he would file the second complaint. Arnab made the derogatory remark against
Kerala in Republic TV prime me discussion on August 25 with the hashtag “Flood Aid Lie”. "Most
shameless bunch of Indians I have ever seen", said Goswami referring to Malayalis during the
discussion. It was clear that Arnab Goswami who serves as the megaphone of the Central government
held the discussion with the sole inten on of establishing that 700 crore aid offer of UAE was bogus.
He tried to create the impression that people who disagreed with him received foreign fund to work
against the country.
(Issued on 06 September 2018)

Leaders visit Bhim Army chief

Chandrasekhar Azad
A na onal delega on of Popular Front of India led by North Zone President & Na onal Execu ve
Council member A S Ismail visited Bhim Army chief Chandrasekhar Azad Ravan in his village
Chhutmalpur in Saharanpur district of U ar Pradesh. He was accompanied by Popular Front zonal
secretary Anis Ansari, All India Imams Council state president Maulana Muhammad Shadab and other
state leaders. The delega on congratulated Chandrasekhar Azad for his long fight for Dalit rights and
against state repressions. Azad came out of jail in this week a er remaining in prison for many months
under NSA imposed by UP government. A S Ismail stated that the persecu ons undergone by Bhim
Army brothers and sisters will be instrumental in transferring power to the hands of the oppressed
sec ons, by defea ng communal and casteist forces in the very near future. Azad thanked Popular
Front for its campaigns against implica ng him under sedi on charges, while he was in jail.
(Issued on 16 September 2018)

Expands Educational Empowerment

Popular Front strives for the empowerment of our country through total empowerment of
marginalized sec ons of our society. Educa onal Empowerment is one of the most important steps
towards total empowerment. Popular Front works for an India where there are no illiterate people,
where every child gets an opportunity to complete elementary educa on up to the secondary school
(10th standard) as per the Right to Educa on (RTE) Act and also support students from weaker
sec ons to pursue higher educa on.

As part of this noble effort, we have been working on mul ple projects from the year 2011 at the
na onal level to achieve our objec ves and to empower marginalized communi es. Our major
projects include the "School Chalo" campaign to ensure 100% school enrolment, the "Sarva Shiksha
Gram" to educa onally empower the most backward villages and the "Na onal Scholarship Scheme"
to provide scholarships for higher educa on.

Popular Front plans to expand ongoing Sarva Shiksha Gram (SSG) projects in rural Bihar to form first
model SSG cluster for achieving block level educa onal empowerment of the most backward sec on
of our country. Popular front Chairman, E Abubacker will inaugurate the first model Sarva Shiksha
Gram cluster in Mansahi and Barari blocks of Ka har which are the two most educa onally backward
minority concentrated blocks in India. On October 14th a ernoon, E Abubacker will be accompanied
by hundreds of Community Development volunteers of Ka har district to inaugurate Sarva Shiksha
Gram projects in Saheb Nagar, Bandh Tola and Miyapur village of Mansahi and Barari blocks.


Popular Front urges its cadres and well-wishers to exert efforts to help the marginalized communi es
to help them excel in the field of educa on, through steps we take through these programmes.
(Issued on 13 October 2018)

Condemns arrest of Waman Meshram

Popular Front of India general secretary M. Mohammed Ali Jinnah in a statement issued today
condemned the illegal arrest of Bharat Muk Morcha and BAMCEF leader Mr. Waman Meshram in
Ahamedabad. The denial of permission to hold a rally as part of Parivartan Yatra held by Bahujan
Kran Morcha and subsequent arrest of its leader by state police is a direct viola on of freedom of
expression and freedom of associa on enshrined in the cons tu on. This incident is yet another
illustra on of the Hindutva hate poli cs carried out by BJP against the Bahujan Samaj. Mohammed
Ali Jinnah expressed solidarity with the cause undertaken by Waman Meshram through the
Parivartan Yatra. He warned BJP governments in Gujarat and elsewhere that the uprising of
oppressed sec ons could not be stopped by any repressive measures.
(Issued on 24 October 2018)

Visits Madarsa Jamia Faridia Begampur

A delega on of Popular Front of India met with Moulana Mohammad Ali Jouhar Ameeni, the teacher
of lynched child Mohammad Azeem (8) at his madarsa Jamia Fareedia, Begampur and offered to
extend any kind of legal support a er listening to the details of the incident. State President Parvez
Ahmed said that they strongly condemn the incident. He also expressed his concern over growing
incidents of lynching in Delhi and demanded to conduct fair inves ga on and to take severe ac on
against all those who are involved in this case. He said, "we appeal to all the ci zens of Delhi to come
forward to prevent this kind of lynching cases. State secretary Mohammad Ilias, K.P. Kamal (Office
Manager, Headquarters, Popular Front), Delhi state commi ee members Abdlul Muqeet, Danish
Khan and Sameer Khan and Sameer Ahmed were in the delega on.
(Issued on 29 October 2018)

Condemns Andhra Police abuse at minority

educational event
Popular Front of India General Secretary M Muhammed Ali Jinnah has strongly condemned the
disturbances created by some police officers at a scholarship distribu on programme in Andhra
Pradesh organized by the Popular Front and the arbitrary unjust arrest and torture of its zonal
secretary and district leaders on false charges. He demanded the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh
Shri. Chandrababu Naidu to immediately intervene in this issue of minority rights viola on in the
What happened today at Punganur, in Chi oor district of Andhra Pradesh was sheer abuse of police
power on students and innocent people at an educa onal event. It was a scholarship distribu on
programme at Sumaiya Hall, a full day event with different mo va onal, counselling and skill
development sessions for the beneficiary students. When the Sub-inspector and Head Constable
from Punganur Police sta on tried to disturb the programme and in midated the par cipants by
taking their photographs, the organizers intervened and informed the police that it was a public
event and that they were happy to give photographs taken by themselves, which they did. While the
ma er should have ended there peacefully, the officers were not ready to let go. To the shock of the
organizers and the students, officers came back a er a li le while and defiled the hall arrangements
and arrested innocent people. The arrested include Popular Front Zonal Secretary Muhammed Arif
Ahmed and Popular Front Punganur district president Fayaz Ahmed among others. They are
presently under judicial custody under false charges of obstruc ng police duty.

Popular Front Scholarship is unique scholarship scheme in the country and it is in existence since
more than a decade. Thousands of poor meritorious students belonging to the Muslims and other
deprived sec ons have benefited from it. This kind of police hooliganism on an educa on
programme can only be viewed as a ack on the efforts for educa onal empowerment of backward
sec ons in the country. It is shameful for a civilized society and for a government that claims to
uphold secular democra c values. We call upon Chandrababu Naidu government to take ac on on
the officers who are responsible for the abuse and take necessary steps for the uncondi onal release
of the four innocent people arrested. Popular Front will con nue the struggle against the police high
handedness through democra c and legal efforts. We appeal to the civil society to come out against
this police excess.
(Issued on 10 December 2018)



Homage to Stephen Hawking

The Central Secretariat mee ng also paid homage to world renowned physicist Stephen Hawking who
passed away on 14 of this month. The disability since the prime of his youth that le him paralyzed
throughout his life never stopped him from actualizing his dreams which came to us in the form of
works that revolu onized theore cal physics. The mee ng put on record that the world not only lost a
scien st that enlightened human mind but also a humanist who spoke out against U.S. colonial
aggressions and Zionist invasion of Pales ne.
(Issued on 16 March 2018)

E. Abubacker condoles the demise of

Maulana Abdul Wahab Kilji
E. Abubacker, chairman, Popular Front of India has conveyed deep condolences over the sad demise
of the renowned Islamic scholar and Milli leader Maulana Abdul Wahab Kilji sahib. By the demise of
Maulana Abdul Wahab Kilji, Indian Muslim community has lost a powerful voice for jus ce and peace,
that too at mes of frequent atroci es and rights viola ons. Maulana Abdul Wahab Kilji, while leading
the Ahle-Hadith movement in the country, was ac ve in the leadership of Muslim joint pla orms like
All India Muslim Personal Law Board and All India Milli Council. While for many Muslim scholars,
commitment to par cular viewpoints on certain religious aspects happened to prevent them from
joining hand with other maslak groups, Maulana was an excep on. For Maulana Abdul Wahab Kilji,
commitment to his religious viewpoint provided him strength to work for the unity of the Ummah and
to align with all Muslim organisa ons.

E. Abubacker has recollected his affec onate associa on with late Maulana in various Milli pla orms
and described his demise a personal loss. E. Abubacker has stated that Maulana Abdul Wahab Kilji
sahib was happy to cooperate with ac vi es of Popular Front and remembered his par cipa on in
some of the milestone conferences held by the orgnaisa on.
(Issued on 14 April 2018).

Demise of Justice Sachar: Nation lost a great

champion of people's rights
Popular Front of India chairman E. Abubacker has conveyed condolences in the sad demise of Jus ce
Rajindar Sachar. He described Jus ce Sachar as a great personality who will be remembered as the
architect of the Prime Minister's High-Level Commi ee report on Indian Muslims, popularly called
Sachar Report. His name has become so familiar in community circles and acted as a source of


inspira on for many developmental projects, due to this report. This comprehensive analy cal study
has established the rela ve backwardness of Muslims in the light of official sta s cal data alone and
even cri cs could not ques on its objec vity. Jus ce Sachar was always the champion of not only
minority rights, but the democra c and cons tu onal rights of all deprived sec ons in India. He was
ac ve in human rights movements and led many fact-finding missions. E Abubacker consoled
bereaved family members of Jus ce Sachar.
(Issued on 21 April 2018)

General Secretary M. Mohammad Ali Jinnah

condoles the demise of Kalaignar
The demise of former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, DMK patriarch and Tamil scholar Karunanidhi has
deeply saddened us. He was in public life for more than eighty years and his impact on the Tamil Nadu
and na onal poli cs for more than half a century was highly valuable. He was the torch bearer of
social jus ce. The mul - talented life of Mr. Karunanidhi was an apt illustra on of commitment and
hard work. The younger genera on has a lot to learn from his life. His demise is a great loss for the
people of Tamil Nadu and India. On behalf of Popular Front of India, I extend my deepest condolences
to his family members, party leaders, cadres and Tamil people all over the world.
(Issued on 08 August 2018)

Kuldip Nayar: Fearless defender of civil

Popular Front chairman E Abubacker stated that with the demise of veteran journalist and columnist
Kuldip Nayar, India has lost a fearless defender of civil rights and a strong advocate of peace among
na ons. For Mr. Nayar, media was a means of figh ng against state terrorism and tyranny of
governments. Following his tradi on of standing up against emergency imposed by Mrs.Gandhi, he
was equally worried about the recent state of undeclared emergency under present BJP rule. Born in
Sialkot which is now in Pakistan, he was forced to migrate to India. But his bi er experiences with
Par on made him an ambassador of not only Hindu-Muslim Unity, but also Indo-Pak friendship.
Mr. E Abubacker conveyed deep condolences to his bereaved family.
(Issued on 23 August 2018)



Condoles the death of M I Shanavas

Popular Front of India Chairman E Abubacker expressed deep sorrow on the demise of Member of
Parliament and KPCC Working President M I Shanavas. E Abubacker stated that M I Shanavas was a
leader who maintained honesty and integrity throughout his public life. He was a man blessed with
deep knowledge, clarity of vision and simplicity in behavior. He was able to accommodate all social
sec ons and organiza ons and keep closeness with them all. E Abubacker remembered Shanavas
calling him reques ng to pray for him when his condi on got worse and surgery became necessary.E
Abubacker conveyed his condolences to the family, friends and party colleagues of M I Shanavas.
(Issued on 21 November 2018)

Chairman condoles demise of Maulana

Asrar-ul-Haque Qasimi
Popular Front of India chairman E. Abubacker has conveyed deep condolence on the demise of
Maulana Asrar-ul-Haque Qasimi, MP. By his demise, we have lost a great Islamic scholar and poli cal
leader. Maulana Qasimi was the real representa ve and the leader of the people in Kishanganj in
social, educa onal and economic fields also. E. Abubacker remembered his support to the ac vi es
of Popular Front of India. Maulana Qasimi has addressed public programmes of the organiza on
including Na onal Poli cal Conference held at Calicut. E. Abubacker prayed for his herea er life and
joined in the grief of the family.
(Issued on 07 December 2018)


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