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I. Objective:

At the end of 60 minutes, the students are expected to apply the differentiation rules in
computing the derivative of an algebraic function.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Differentiation of Algebraic Functions

Reference: The Calculus with Analytic Geometry 5th Edition by: Louis Leithold p. 188-196
Materials: LCD projector, pentel pen, and manila paper
Values Integration: Cooperation, orderliness, and accuracy

III. Procedure:
    A) Preliminaries
* Prayer
* Checking of Attendance
* Classroom Standards
* Motivation: Let the students arrange the letters and form a word.
1) T I D E I R V E V A 3) U N F C I N T O S
2) L A R E I G A C B 4) C A N T S O T N

     B) Review:
     Ask 2 students to state a chosen differentiation rule.
     Differentiation rules:
i. If c is a constant and if f(x) = c for all x, then f’(x) = 0
ii. If n is a positive integer and if f(x) = xⁿ, then f’(x) = n xⁿ⁻¹
iii. If f is a function, c is a constant, and g is the function defined by
g(x) = c . f(x) then if f(x) exists, g’(x) = c . f’(x)
iv. If f and g are functions and if h is the function defined by
h(x) = f(x) + g(x) then if f’(x) and g’(x) exist h’(x) = f’(x) + g’(x)
    Illustration: Use the rules in evaluating the following: (I do)
a) If f(x) = 5 then f’(x) = 0
b) If f(x) = x⁸ then f’(x) = 8x⁷
c) If f(x) = 5x⁷ then f’(x) = 5(7) x⁶ = 35x⁶
d) If f(x) = 7x⁴ – 2x³ + 8x + 5 then f’(x) = Dx( 7x⁴ – 2x³ + 8x + 5 )
f’(x) = Dx(7x⁴) +Dx(-2x³) +Dx(8x) +Dx(5)
f’(x) = 7(4) X³+ (-2)(3)X²+ 8(1)X°+0
f’(x) =28X³-6X²+8
    Group work: (We do)
    The class will be divided into 3 and each group will be given task to do.
The rubrics will be presented first before the activity begins.


5 VERY GOOD - Complete data and correct analysis;
clearly written results;
clear presentation
3 SATISFACTORY - Complete data but lacking analysis;
clearly written results;
clear presentation
1 Poor - Incomplete data and no analysis;
unclear data and presentation

    Directions: Find the derivative of algebraic functions

Given Presentation through

Group 1 f(x) = x³ + 7x + 8 reporting

f(x) = ½ x⁶ + ⅔ x³ + 35
Group 2 f(x) = 4x² + 4x + 1 reporting
f(x) = ⅖ x⁵ + ⅔ x³ + 21
Group 3 f(x) = 7x – 5 reporting
f(x) = ⅝ x⁴ + ⅔ x + 6

   How did you compute the derivative of an algebraic functions?

What statement can you make in solving the derivative of an algebraic functions?
Are there some difficulties in finding the answers?
Seatwork: (You do)
Determine the derivative of the given functions
1) f(x) = x³ – 3x² + 5x – 2
2) f(x) = 8 + 3x
3) f(x) = ⅝ x⁸ - 2x⁴ + 17

IV. Evaluation

Quiz. Differentiate the following functions:

1) f(x) = 3x⁴ – 5x² + 1
2) f(x) = x⁷ – ⅖ x⁵ + 5x³ –17x
3) F(x) = ½ x⁵ + ⅔ x + 8

V. Assignment
Solve the derivative of the following:
1) f(x) = ⅝ x⁸– x⁴
2) f(x) = 1 – 2x – x²

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