Grand Princess Cruise Ship Response

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March 10, 2020

Kierra Bracken
101 N. Carson Street
Carson City, Nevada 89701

Dear Miss Bracken:

I am extremely gratified to let you know that you are returning to Nevada and not going to a
military base in another state due to your potential exposure to COVID-19 aboard the Grand
Princess cruise ship. My office has been working around the clock with federal agencies and
state and local health authorities to coordinate your return home in the most efficient and safe
manner. You will receive a call today from your local health authority to evaluate your
home situation and ensure that you are prepared for the required isolation period. With
your return home, Nevada’s state and local health authorities are prepared to support and
safeguard you and your family, friends, and community in the most efficient manner possible to
protect everyone involved from the potential spread of COVID-19.

The federal authorities are responsible for determining the timing and specifics of your flight
back to Nevada. That is not within the state’s control, but we understand that information will be
forthcoming to all of you directly.

I recognize that the lack of information and misinformation has resulted in considerable anxiety
and frustration. Your congressional delegation, state and local health authorities, and I strongly
share your frustration. Please know that we have all been working extremely hard to protect your
health and safety as well as that of all Nevadans. I can assure you that my frustration will be
loudly and clearly expressed to leaders in Washington D.C. I appreciate all of you reaching out
to my office, and we continue to stand ready to serve as a resource for your safe return.


[Governor Signature]
State of Nevada

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