Fluidos e Hipertonicos Neurocrit Care

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OPINION Fluids and hyperosmolar agents in neurocritical
care: an update
Salia Farrokh a,b,, Sung-Min Cho b,, and Jose I. Suarez b

Purpose of review
To discuss recent updates in fluid management and use of hyperosmolar therapy in neurocritical care.
Recent findings
Maintaining euvolemia with crystalloids seems to be the recommended fluid resuscitation for neurocritical
care patients. Buffered crystalloids have been shown to reduce hyperchloremia in patients with
subarachnoid hemorrhage without causing hyponatremia or hypo-osmolality. In addition, in patients with
traumatic brain injury, buffered solutions reduce the incidence of hyperchloremic acidosis but are not
associated with intracranial pressure (ICP) alteration. Both mannitol and hypertonic saline are established
as effective hyperosmolar agents to control ICP. Both agents have been shown to control ICP, but their
effects on neurologic outcomes are unclear. A recent surge in preference for using hypertonic saline as a
hyperosmolar agent is based on few studies without strong evidence.
Fluid resuscitation with crystalloids seems to be reasonable in this setting although no recommendations can
be made regarding type of crystalloids. Based on current evidence, elevated ICP can be effectively
reduced by either hypertonic saline or mannitol.
fluid, hyperosmolar therapy, intracranial pressure, neurocritical care, resuscitation

INTRODUCTION heterogeneity and small sample size of the studies

Crystalloids can be used for volume resuscitation in [7,8].
neurocritical patients. Sodium chloride 0.9% has
been the most commonly used fluid in critically
ill patients [1]. Several studies have reported hyper-
chloremia-induced metabolic acidosis, acute kidney
injury (AKI), and death with sodium chloride 0.9% Administration of crystalloids is a universal
& &&
administration [2,3 ,4 ]. The assumption has been approach to resuscitating critically ill patients, but
that buffered solutions such as plasma-lyte with whether crystalloid composition affects overall out-
electrolyte compositions closer to that of plasma comes remains unclear [9]. A few observational
may be safer alternatives [5]. Finally, human albu-
min has been used in neurocritical care patients a
Department of Pharmacy, Division of Critical Care and Surgery, Johns
for volume expansion or neuroprotection with con- Hopkins Hospital and bDivision of Neurosciences Critical Care, Depart-
flicting results. ments of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Neurology, and
Hyperosmolar therapy with mannitol and Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore Maryland.
hypertonic saline (HTS) is widely used to treat ele-
Correspondence to Jose I. Suarez, MD, Professor and Director, Neuro-
vated intracranial pressure (ICP) [6]. The main
sciences Critical Care, Departments of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
causes of elevated ICP include intracranial mass Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University
lesions and cerebral edema secondary to traumatic School of Medicine, 1800 Orleans St Sheikh Zayed Building, 3014C
brain injury (TBI), acute ischemic stroke (AIS), intra- Baltimore, MD 21287, USA. Tel: +1 410 955 7481;
cranial hemorrhage (ICH), and subarachnoid hem- e-mail: jsuarez5@jhmi.edu

orrhage (SAH). Although a few studies showed that Salia Farrokh and Sung-Min Cho contributed equally to this work.
HTS is better than mannitol at reducing ICP, it is Curr Opin Crit Care 2019, 25:105–109
difficult to draw meaningful conclusions owing to DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000585

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of crystalloids as preferred maintenance fluids and

KEY POINTS against the use of colloids, including albumin, glu-
 Crystalloids remain the fluid of choice for general cose containing hypotonic solutions, and other
resuscitation of neurocritical care patients. hypotonic solutions in neurocritical care patients
[13]. Despite this general recommendation, two
 Balanced crystalloids may reduce the risk of subgroups of neurocritical care patients – those with
hyperchloremia-induced acidosis, acute kidney injury,
TBI and SAH – deserve a more specialized approach.
and other complications in neurocritical care patients,
but no universal recommendations can be made
at present.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
 Mannitol and HTS probably have similar effect on ICP Delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) after aneurysmal
reduction and patient factors should be taken into
SAH (aSAH) is the main driver of poor outcomes.
consideration when choosing the optimal agent.
Because hypovolemia has been associated with DCI,
one commonly recommended treatment strategy is
maintenance of euvolemia [14]. Meticulous moni-
studies in critically ill patients concluded that toring of fluid balance is used to guide fluid man-
increases in the serum chloride concentration were agement in practice. However, new evidence
independently associated with increased risk of AKI suggests that fluid balance may be a poor indicator
and higher mortality [10,11]. Two randomized con- of volume status [15 ]. In addition, euvolemia as a
trolled trials (RCTs), isotonic solution administra- fluid management goal is subject to interpretation,
tion logistical testing and SPLIT [the 0.9% Saline vs as evidenced by the high variability in maintenance
Plasma-Lyte 148 (PL-148) for ICU fluid Therapy], fluid management strategies used for aSAH across
showed no significant difference in the incidence the United States. The ESICM and NCS consensus
of mortality or AKI between patients treated with statement provided strong recommendations that
saline and those treated with balanced crystalloid physicians assess the efficacy of fluid resuscitation in
solutions [2,3 ]. In contrast, a recent large clinical SAH patients with DCI using a multimodal approach
trial [the Isotonic Solutions and Major Adverse that includes arterial blood pressure and reversal of
Renal Events Trial (SMART)] showed that balanced neurologic deficit as the main endpoints [13]. Nev-
crystalloid solutions resulted in a lower rate of all- ertheless, if DCI is suspected, sodium chloride 0.9%
cause in-hospital mortality, renal -replacement ther- (15 ml/kg) may be infused over 1 h as a first step.
apy, and major adverse kidney event [4 ]. There are This strategy has been shown to improve cerebral
no available studies investigating the long-term blood flow in regions with low baseline flow in
effect of these solutions on clinical outcomes. Given patients with vasospasm [16]. Given the concern
the paucity of data, a large, multicenter, blinded, for hyperchloremia-induced metabolic acidosis
RCT (the Plasma-Lyte 148 v Saline) is ongoing to and AKI, clinicians may choose to initiate buffered
assess whether the use of Plasma-Lyte alters the 90- crystalloids in those without risks for cerebral
day all-cause mortality when compared with edema. In a single-center, RCT that compared buff-
sodium chloride 0.9% [12 ]. ered crystalloids to sodium chloride 0.9% in 36 SAH
Extrapolating the results of these trials to patients, buffered crystalloids reduced the rate of
patients with neurologic injury may not be the best hyperchloremia but did not cause more frequent
approach because such patients are often underrep- hyponatremia or hypo-osmolality [17]. These results
resented. Only 17.3% of ICU admissions in the should be confirmed in larger studies before this
SMART trial, for example, had TBI, representing strategy is used universally in SAH patients.
8.8% in the balanced crystalloid group and 8.5% Use of human albumin for volume expansion
in the sodium chloride 0.9% group [4 ]. In fact, in and neuroprotection in DCI has been evaluated. The
this single-center study, clinicians were given the ALISAH trial treated 47 SAH patients with different
option of using sodium chloride 0.9% in patients doses of 25% human albumin ranging from 0.626 to
with TBI owing to concerns that the relative hypo- 2.5 g/kg. The authors concluded that 25% human
tonicity of balanced crystalloids could increase ICP. albumin in doses up to 1.25 g/kg/day for 7 days is
The 2018 joint European Society of Critical Care safe and may be neuroprotective. Doses higher than
Medicine (ESICM) and Neurocritical Care Society 1.25 g/kg were associated with significant cardiovas-
(NCS) consensus on the administration of fluid cular complications [18]. A previous retrospective
therapy in neurocritical care patients does not pro- study of 140 patients with aSAH showed that
vide any specific recommendations regarding the patients who received 25% human albumin were
use of buffered crystalloids [13]. In the latter guide- more likely to have a good outcome at 3 months
lines, strong recommendations are given for the use [19]. Given the lack of confirmation in adequately

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Fluids and hyperosmolar therapy Farrokh et al.

powered larger clinical trials regarding the neuro- ELEVATED INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE
protective effect of 25% human albumin in aSAH AND CEREBRAL EDEMA
patients, crystalloid solutions remain the treatment
of choice until future evidence becomes available. It Traumatic brain injury
is important to emphasize that studies investigating Hyperosmolar therapy is the mainstay for manage-
25% human albumin in aSAH have concentrated in ment of elevated ICP. Mannitol had been the first-
its neuroprotective effects rather than in its effects tier therapy for treating elevated ICP; however, HTS
on the intravascular volume. has gained popularity in recent years. In 2016, the
Brain Trauma Foundation concluded that although
hyperosmolar therapy may significantly lower ICP,
Traumatic brain injury evidence from comparative studies was insufficient
Fluid resuscitation in patients suffering from TBI is to make a formal recommendation on specific agent
a crucial component of neuro critical care. In fact, selection for patients with severe TBI [25]. The effect
increased mortality has been reported in TBI on clinical outcomes was considered inconclusive
patients who are found to be under-resuscitated [25]. In a multicenter prospective observational
[20]. In an RCT of 42 patients with severe TBI, study of adult patients with moderate to severe
administration of sodium chloride 0.9% was com- TBI and ICP more than 20 mmHg, the early use of
pared with isotonic balanced solution within the continuous HTS was independently associated with
first 12 h after brain injury. Balanced solutions survival at day 90. The adjusted hazard ratio for
reduced the incidence of hyperchloremic acidosis survival was 1.74 [95% confidence interval (CI)
but were not associated with important effects on 1.36–2.23, P < 0.001] in a propensity-score-adjusted
ICP reduction [21]. The administration of HTS for analysis, and there was no difference in achieving
initial fluid resuscitation has also been studied. favorable neurologic outcomes [defined as a Glas-
Cooper et al. [22] randomized 229 hypotensive gow Outcome Scale (GOS) of 4–5] at day 90 [26]. A
(systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg) patients with systematic review of eight studies, confirmed the
severe TBI to receive a rapid intravenous infusion of association between continuous HTS and 90-day
either HTS 7.5% (250 ml) or lactated Ringers survival [26]. A meta-analysis of 12 RCTs showed
(250 ml) in the prehospital setting. Survival to hos- that HTS was better than mannitol for controlling
pital discharge and neurologic function at 6 elevated ICP (relative risk: 1.06; 95% CI 1.00–1.13;
months, measured by the extended Glasgow Out- P ¼ 0.04); however, there was no significant differ-
come Score (GOSE), were similar in both groups. ence in favorable neurologic functional outcome
Patients enrolled in this study, regardless of group & &
(GOS 4–5) [27 ]. Both review articles [26,27 ] dem-
assignment, were adequately resuscitated upon onstrated that HTS and mannitol are effective at
arrival to the hospital as noted by normal blood lowering elevated ICPs; however, the included stud-
pressures, which translated in a lower than ies contained significant heterogeneity in dosage
expected mortality adjusted by underlying disease (concentration, volume) and formulation of agents,
severity. initiation and duration of treatment, comorbidities
Use of albumin in TBI patients for general resus- of patients, and definition of successful ICP treat-
citation has been an area of interest for many years. ment. The ongoing multicenter randomized COBI
A posthoc, subgroup analysis of one of the earlier (COntinuous hyperosmolar therapy in traumatic
studies, The Saline versus Albumin Fluid Evaluation Brain-Injured patients) trial will compare functional
(SAFE) trial, had shown that albumin 4% was asso- outcome at 6 months between standard care alone
ciated with higher mortality at 24 months, mostly as vs. continuous hyperosmolar therapy (20% NaCl)
a result of increased ICP [23]. Questions remain plus standard care. This trial will hopefully provide
whether these findings were related to the relative definitive evidence regarding the effect of hyper-
hypotonicity of the 4% albumin solution or leakage osmolar therapy on functional outcome [28].
of albumin through an injured blood brain barrier
causing fluid shifts that led to elevations in ICP. On
the contrary, Baker et al. [24] reported higher arterial Intracranial hemorrhage and acute ischemic
oxygen pressure and higher regional tissue oxygen stroke
tension with albumin compared with sodium chlo- Cerebral edema, more specifically perihematomal
ride 0.9% and HTS in a rat model of TBI. To date, edema (PHE), is the key determinants of mortality
controversy remains regarding the use of albumin in after ICH. Therefore, PHE has been a main focus of
TBI patients. Until further research is conducted, therapeutic targets in ICH research [29,30]. First-tier
crystalloid remains the treatment of choice for ini- treatment for symptomatic PHE with elevated ICP
tial fluid resuscitation of TBI patients. is hyperosmolar therapy. In a rat model of ICH,

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osmotherapeutic agents administered at regular other intracranial pathologies; however, the evi-
intervals reduced inflammatory markers, suggesting dence is limited. A systematic review of five obser-
a potential benefit of neuroinflammation reduction vational studies with 175 patients showed that HTS,
in addition to ICP control [31]. Despite the effec- ranging from 3 to 23.5%, was similar to mannitol for
tiveness of hyperosmolar therapy in reducing ICP, reducing increased ICP in aSAH but evidence was
its effect on clinical outcome after ICH is not clear. insufficient to recommend an optimal dose of HTS,
An analysis of the Intensive Blood Pressure Reduc- and it was unclear if it had any impact on outcomes
tion in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial (INTER- [37]. A cohort of 1267 SAH patients who were
ACT-2) showed that mannitol was safe, but no treated with HTS, showed a strong association
improvement in neurologic outcome was observed between hyperchloremia and AKI as well as between
at 90 days [32]. A post hoc analysis of the Ethnic/ AKI and mortality [38 ].
Racial Variations of Intracerebral Hemorrhage
(ERICH) database showed that mannitol and HTS
were associated with unfavorable neurologic out- Intracranial tumor
come at 3 months [33]. However, this finding is Hyperosmolar therapy is commonly used during the
likely biased by using hyperosmolar therapy more perioperative period to improve brain elastance or
often in patients with worse edema. The sub studies after surgery to manage cerebral edema and elevated
of INTERACT-2 and ERICH are limited because they ICP. No guidelines exist for the management of
lack details such as PHE volumes and ICP data. Based hyperosmolar therapy in patients with intracranial
on current evidence, it is essential to consider the tumor. Raghava et al. [39] assessed intraoperative
adverse effects of each agent and the comorbidities brain relaxation during craniotomy by randomizing
for an individual patient rather than making a sim- patients into two groups (3% HTS versus 20% man-
ple comparison of mannitol and HTS. It is also nitol), which demonstrated that both agents were
important to note the recent report of an association equally effective for brain relaxation; however, the
between hyperchloremia and increased in-hospital main criticism of the study, along with its small
mortality in ICH with continuous infusion of 3% sample size, is that the four point scale used
(1 ¼ perfectly relaxed, 2 ¼ satisfactorily relaxed,
HTS [34 ]. This association was also observed in a
cohort of 405 critically ill patients with AIS or ICH 3 ¼ firm brain, and 4 ¼ bulging brain) may be a
with sodium chloride 0.9%, in whom new-onset subjective measure without ICP data [39]. Another
hyperchloremia was related to poorer outcome RCT compared 5 ml/kg 20% mannitol versus 3%
[35 ]. Further studies might guide the choice HTS in patients with supratentorial brain tumors
between the two hyperosmolar agents for treating where ICP values were recorded during and for
elevated ICP. 30 min after hyperosmolar infusion [40 ]. The
Evidence is sparse on the use of hyperosmolar amount of ICP reduction from baseline to last ICP
therapy that is specific to AIS. Generally, the current measurement was greater in patients with HTS than
management of cerebral edema and elevated ICP in for those with mannitol. The authors concluded
AIS is similar to that of ICH and TBI. The current that 3% HTS resulted in a higher ICP reduction
guideline of the American Stroke Association states versus 20% mannitol [40 ]. Nevertheless, the find-
that data are insufficient to recommend mannitol or ings should be interpreted cautiously because of
HTS as a preemptive measure in patients with early small sample sizes in both studies.
computed tomography swelling in the absence
of increased ICP, but osmotic therapy for patients
with clinical deterioration from cerebral edema is CONCLUSION
reasonable [36]. Currently no data address the effect Fluid resuscitation with crystalloids is recom-
of hyperosmolar therapy on functional outcomes mended for all neurocritical care patients. Until
in AIS. further research is conducted, ICP can be managed
in different neurologic emergencies with mannitol
or HTS, as long as individual patient factors
Subarachnoid hemorrhage are considered.
The common causes of elevated ICP in aSAH include
hydrocephalus, ICH with or without intraventricu-
lar hemorrhage, and global cerebral edema. Other
less common causes include cerebral edema from
DCI or subdural hematoma secondary to cortical
aneurysmal SAH. Cerebral edema in SAH is managed Financial support and sponsorship
with hyperosmolar therapy as described above for None.

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Fluids and hyperosmolar therapy Farrokh et al.

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