Fluid Dynamics Summary

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650:541 Fluid Dynamics II

Equations of Motion

 Einstein summation convention

@ + @uk = 0
@t @xk

@ui + @ui uk = @p + F
@t @xk @xi

where F~ = (F1; F2; F3) is the body force per unit mass.
Dui = 1 @p + F
Dt  @xi i
2 Derivation left for student.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 2

D = @ +u @
Dt @t k @xk
Note that D=Dt is the rate of change following the uid

@ h e + 1 u u i + @ h e + 1 u u  u i = @puk + F u
@t 2 i i @xk 2 i i k @xk k k

where e is the internal energy per unit mass. Alternately,

= p k
Also, the energy equation can be rewritten as

Dt = 0
where s is the entropy per unit mass

Tds = de p2 d 
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 3

Equation of State
The equation of state depends on the uid. In general,

p = p(; s)

or equivalently, the pressure can be assumed to be a function

of any two thermodynamic state variables. For a thermally
perfect gas

p = RT

where R is the gas constant for the species.

Boundary Conditions
The boundary conditions are

 At solid boundary with unit normal nk (k = 1; 2; 3)

uk nk = 0
 At in nity with uniform velocity U~ 1,
~u  U~ 1

Since the uid is assumed inviscid, a tangential velocity at a

solid surface is possible.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 4

Vorticity and Circulation

We de ne the vorticity
~! = r  ~u
and the circulation
= C
~u  d~r
where C is a closed continuous contour.
The vorticity and circulation are related by Stokes' theorem
~u  d~r = S ~!  ~ndS
where S is any smooth surface bounded by C , and ~n is the
unit normal to the surface element dS .
It is straightforward to show from Stokes' Theorem that if
!~ = 0 everywhere, then = 0 for all C .
The converse is also true: if = 0 for all C , then ~! = 0
De nition of Irrotational Flow
An irrotational ow everywhere satis es
~! = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 5

We are interested in irrotational ows because they are simpler

to analyze.
Under what conditions will a ow be irrotational ? The answer
is provided by Kelvin's Theorem.
Kelvin's Theorem

dr P’

C(t) C(t+dt)

A closed contour C , comprised of uid particles, is identi ed at

time t.
At time t + dt, it has translated and deformed.
What is
d = d I ~u  ~r
dt dt C(t)
By de nition
d = lim 1 (I ~u  d~r I ~u  d~r)
dt dt ! 0 dt C(t+dt) C(t)
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 6

Note that the rst integral is evaluated on C (t + dt).

We need to nd an expression for the integrand of the rst
Expression for d~r on C (t + dt)
Now the incremental distance d~r in the rst integral is1

~xP 0 = ~xP + ~uP dt + O(dt2)

~xQ0 = ~xQ + ~uQ dt + O(dt2)
d~r 0 = d~r + (~uQ ~uP ) dt + O(dt2)

Thus, we need an expression for ~uQ ~uP . Now,

~uQ = ~uP + r~u  d~r + O(dr2)

where r~u is a second order tensor

r~uij = @x

and the symbol  implies the inner product of the tensor r~r
1 The sym O indicates the \order" of a term whose exact form is usually unspeci ed.
Additionally, there is a limit implied in the use of O. Speci cally, a term f(x) is O(g(x))
as x ! x0 if the ratio f(x)=g(x) approaches a nite non-zero value as x ! x0. Thus,
sin x is O(x) as x ! 0. This is written sin x = O(x), with the limit usually understood
from the context. Factors are typically omitted. Thus, a function f(x) = 3x2 is written
f(x) = O(x2 ).
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 7

with the vector d~r according to

@ui dr
r~u  d~r = @x j


d~r 0 = d~r + r~u  d~r dt + O(dr2dt) + O(dt2)

Expression for ~u on C (t + dt)
Since the contour C (t) is comprised of uid particles

~uC(t+dt) = ~uC(t) + D~
u dt + O(dt2)
Expression for Integrand
Thus, the rst integrand is
I D~
u ! 
~u + Dt dt + O(dt ) d~r + r~u  d~r dt + O(dr2dt) + O(dt2)

Note that it is now evaluated on the original contour C (t) by

virtue of the expansions.
d = I (~u  (r~u  d~r) + D~u  d~r)
dt C(t) Dt
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 8

2 Derivation left for student.

Moreover, the general identity
 1 2
~u  r~u = r 2 u + ~!  ~u

2 Derive left for student.

where u2 = ui ui is the (scalar) magnitude of the velocity and
r 21 u2 is the gradient.
Assume that ~! = 0 at time t (this does not mean we assume
~! = 0 for all t).
Then the rst term in the integral yields
I I  1 2 I  1 2
u  (r~u  d~
r ) = C(t)
r 2 u  d~
r = 
C(t) 2
u =0
 1 2 1 2
where  2 u is the variation of 2 u along the contour.
For inviscid ow
D~u = 1 rp + F~
d =I 1 !
dt C(t)  rp + F  d~r
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 9


 The body force is conservative

F~ = rf
 The uid is barotropic
p = p()
i.e., the pressure is a function of the density only, or the
density is constant
 = constant
Examples are isentropic ow (p   ) and incompressible

I p dp 1
 r p = r@

where H p implies the integration around the contour C (t) with

the pressure p as the variable of integration.
d =0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 10

2 Derivation left to the student.

Kelvin's Theorem Consider a closed contour C comprised
of uid particles. Assuming the uid is inviscid, barotropic (or
constant density) and the body force is conservative, then
D =Dt = 0.
Theorem Under the conditions of Kelvin's Theorem, and
provided that the ow upstream has zero vorticity, then the
vorticity is zero everywhere and for all time.
Thus, vorticity cannot spontaneously occur in the uid under
the conditions of Kelvin's Theorem.
Sources of Vorticity

 At a solid no-slip surface

 At a curved shock wave
Incompressible Irrotational Flow
Consider an incompressible uid in an irrotational ow. By
de nition, an incompressible uid satis es
D = 0
Since the vorticity is zero by assumption, the velocity may be
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 11

expressed in terms of a potential function2

~u = r

ui = @x

The conservation of mass implies

@uk = 0
and thus
@ 2 = 0 or r2 = 0
This equation is Laplace's Equation3.
A function satisfying Laplace's equation is a harmonic
2 This is a direct consequence of the Helmholtz decomposition of a vector function and
the condition of irrotationality.
3 Histoire d l'Academie des Sciences de Paris, 1782/85, p. 135.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 12

The boundary conditions are

 At solid boundary with unit normal ~n
@ = 0
 At in nity with uniform velocity U~ 1
r  U~ 1
Thus, the equation and boundary conditions for  are
speci ed, and the problem is well-posed (except possibly for
the issue of uniqueness).
Note that only the conservation of mass has been used. What
information can be obtained from the conservation of
momentum ?
Assuming F~ = rf and using the identity
 1 2
~u  r~u = r 2 u + ~!  ~u

the conservation of momentum becomes

@ 2 + @ 1 @ @ ! + @f = 1 @p
@t@xi @xi 2 @xk @xk @xi  @xi
Interchanging the order of di erentiation,
@ @ + 1 @ @ + p + f ! = 0
@xi @t 2 @xk @xk 
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 13

and thus
@ + 1 @ @ + p + f = g(t)
@t 2 @xk @xk 
where g(t) is a function of t only and is determined by the
boundary conditions. Thus, the momentum equation
determines the static pressure.
Properties of Laplace's Equation
Epstein, B., Partial Di erential Equations, McGraw-Hill, 1962.
Theorem (First Form of Maximum Principle) If  is
harmonic in a bounded domain G and is continuous in G (the
domain G plus its boundary @G), then the maximum of  is
attained at one or more points on the boundary of G.
Assume the maximum of  is not attained on the boundary.
Then the maximum must occur in the interior. Call this point
Q. For some suciently small positive  and some arbitrary
x-coordinate x0, the function
^ =  + (x x0 )2

is larger at Q than at any boundary point.

This statement can be proved as follows. The maximum of  occurs at Q
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 14

by assumption, and does not occur on @G. De ne

 = (Q) max 

Then  > 0. Now

max ^  max  + max (x x0 )2

@G @G @G


max ^  (Q) +
max (x x0)2
@G @G

We can therefore choose  such that

max (x x0)2 < 0


r2^ = r2 + 2 = 2
and thus

r2  > 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 15

However, at a maximum, the curvature along all three

directions must be negative, i.e.,

@ 2^ < 0 and @ 2^ < 0 and @ 2^ < 0

@x2 @y2 @z 2

but since r2^ > 0, then all three cannot be negative.

Thus, the maximum of  must occur on the boundary.

Theorem (Principle of Superposition) If 1 and 2 are

solutions of Laplace's equation, then ^ = 1 + 2 is also a
2 Derivation left to student
Theorem (Maximum Velocity on Boundary) If  is
harmonic in a bounded domain G, then the maximum of jrj
occurs on the boundary.
Consider a point Q in G. Assume @=@x is a maximum at Q.
@ r2 = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 16

@ !
r @x = 0

and thus @=@x is also a solution of Laplace's equation.

By Gauss' Theorem,
Z Z @f n dA
r2fdV = @V @xi i
Consider a small volume V surround Q. Then
Z @ @ ! n dA = Z r2 @ ! dV = 0
@V @xi @x i V @x
@ @ ! n = @ @ !
@xi @x i @n @x
cannot have a single sign on @V . But if Q is a maximum point
for @=@x, then it must be possible to select a suciently
small V such that
@ @ ! < 0
@n @x
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 17

everywhere. This contradicts

Z @ @ ! n dA = 0
@V @xi @x i
Thus, Q cannot be a maximum of @=@x. Hence, the
maximum of @=@x must occur on @G.
Since the same argument can be applied to the other two
derivatives of , the theorem is proved.

Uniqueness of r
Simply Connected



Consider two paths P1 and P2 connected points A and B .

If P1 can be continuously deformed into P2 without passing
outside the region G, then P1 and P2 are said to be mutually
reconcilable or reducible.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 18

If all paths connected any two points in G are mutually

reconcilable, then G is simply connected.

 Region exterior to a body de ned by a single surface in

 Annulus between two spheres
 Region inside a sphere
Doubly Connected



2-D Flow Past a Cylinder

Consider two points A and B and two paths P1 and P2.

If, for every pair A and B there are at most two irreconcilable
paths, then the region is doubly connected.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 19


 2-D ow past a cylinder

 2-D ow between two enclosing surfaces
 Flow in a torus (doughnut)
Why is the connectivity important ?
Consider C ~u  d~r where C is a closed contour.
Assume a velocity potential (x; y; z; t) exists.
Is  uniquely de ned at each point ?
~u  d~r = C r  d~r = C 

Denoting A as the starting and ending point,

~u  d~r = Aend Astart

~u  d~r = S r  ~u  ~ndS
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 20

If the region is simply connected, then there it is possible to

de ne a surface S which is bounded by C and is contained
entirely within the uid. If ~! = 0 in the uid, then

Aend = Astart ! (x; y; z; t) is unique

If the region is doubly connected, then there are certain curves
(e.g., surrounding the cylinder) for which there is no surface S
contained entirely within the uid. Thus,  is not necessarily
unique for this situation.
2 Construct a function which shows no change around one type of closed
contour, but a nite change around another.
Conditions for Uniqueness of r
in Simply Connected Regions




Consider a bounded simply connected domain. We note the

following identity for incompressible ow

r  (~u) = ~u  ~u
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 21

2 Derivation left for student

~u  ~udV = V r (~u) dV
= A2 ~u  ~n2dA A1 ~u  ~n1dA

Assume that the surfaces are stationary, i.e., ~u  ~n = 0. Then

~u  ~udV = 0

which implies ~u = ~0 everywhere. Thus,

Theorem There is no irrotational motion of an
incompressible uid within a simply connected domain with
rigid boundaries.
This result can be used to prove uniqueness.
Theorem (Uniqueness) The irrotational motion of an
incompressible uid in a simply connected domain is unique.
Consider a bounded simply connected domain. Assume there
exist two solutions

~u = r
~u~ = r~
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 22

On the boundaries

~u  ~n = Ub
~u~  ~n = Ub

Thus the function ^   ~ satis es

r2^ = 0
@ ^ = 0 on @V
By previous theorem, r^ = 0 and therefore ^ = constant.
Conditions for Uniqueness of r
in Doubly Connected Regions

A2 C4



Consider the doubly connected domain bounded by A1 and A2.

Consider the simply connected domain bounded by C1 to C4
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 23

From Stokes' Theorem,

~u  d~r = A r  ~u  ~ndA

Since ! is zero,
~u  d~r = 0

~u  d~r + C2
~u  d~r + C3
~u  d~r + C4
~u  d~r = 0

Since ~u is single-valued,
~u  d~r + C4
~u  d~r = 0

since C2 and C4 are identical but traversed in opposite

directions. Thus,
~u  d~r = C3
~u  d~r

Since C1 and C3 are arbitrary,

~u  d~r = 
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 24

where C is any closed contour surrounding the body A1 and

traversed in the CCW direction and  is a constant (cyclic
constant). Thus,
r  d~r =  = 
Hence  changes by an amount  for each circuit around the
We will see that  is related to the lift on the body inside C .


A1 n
φ− S

Apply the Divergence Theorem

~u  ~udV = V
r  (~u) dV
Since  is multi-valued, a simply connected domain must be
de ned. This is achieved by adding the barrier S . Note the
de nition of + and  .
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 25

Let ~n denote the outward normal to V . Then

~u  ~udV = A1+A2
~u  ~ndA + S
+~u  ~ndA + S  ~u  ~ndA
Z Z Z  
~u  ~udV = A1+A2
~u  ~ndA + +S
 ~u  ~ndA+

where ~n in the second integral points towards  . Now

~u  d~r =  + = 

~u  ~udV = A1+A2
~u  ~ndA  S ~u  ~ndA

Now consider two solutions  and ~ which satisfy Laplace's

equation and the boundary conditions on A1 and A2. Then
^   ~ is a solution of Laplace's equation and
~u^  ~u^dV = ^ S ~u^  ~ndA

since ~u^ = ~0 on A1 and A2. Now

^ = C
~u ~u~  d~r
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 26

Thus, if  = ~ then ^ = 0 and thus

~u^  ~u^dV = 0

and the solution is therefore unique. This proves the following

Theorem (Uniqueness) The irrotational motion of an
incompressible uid in a double connected domain is unique
provided that the circulation  is de ned.
Behavior of  at Large Distances
in Simply Connected Regions


n1 X0

radius ε

Consider irrotational incompressible ow which is at rest at

in nity.
We want to determine the asymptotic form of (x; y; z; t) as
~x ! 1.
The region is assumed three dimensional and simply connected.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 27

De ne

 Closed body with surface A1

 Point ~x0 and sphere of radius  which forms surface A3
 Sphere of radius R with origin at ~x0 which forms surface
The region bounded by A1, A2 and A3 is simply connected.
Applying Green's Theorem4 for arbitrary (smooth) functions F
and G
Z  Z
Fr 2G Gr 2 F  dV = (F rG GrF )  ~ndA

where ~n is the outward normal at each surface (i.e., ~n points

out of V ).

F = 
G = j~x 1 ~x j

Now on A3
0 1
1 1
r@ j~x ~x0j
A =
3 (~x ~x0 )
4 Green's Theorem is obtained by applying the Divergence Theorem to the vector func-
tion F rG GrF.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 28

(~x ~x0)  ~n = 
Z  Z Z 1
(F rG GrF )  ~ndA = A3 2 dA A3 r  ~ndA
Now dA = 2d
where d
is the elemental subtended angle on
the surface of the sphere. Thus,
Z Z 1Z
(F rG GrF )  ~ndA = A3 d

A3 | A3 r{z  ~ndA}
vanishes as  ! 0

(F rG GrF )  ~ndA = 4(~x0 )

On A2,
0 1
r@ 1 A = 1 (~x ~x )
j~x ~x0j R3 0

(~x ~x0)  ~n = R
Z Z  dA Z 1 r  ~ndA
(F rG GrF )  ~ndA = A2 R2 A2 R
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 29

Since R is constant on A2,

Z 1 Z 1Z
(F rG GrF )  ~ndA = 2 A2 dA
A2 R R A2 r  ~ndA
From mass conservation
r  ~ndA + A1
r  ~ndA = 0
we de ne
m A1
r  ~ndA
and thus m is positive is there is a net mass ow into V . Thus
Z 1 Z m
(F rG GrF )  ~ndA = dA
A2 R2 A2 R
Since F and G are harmonic,
A1 +A2 +A3
(F rG GrF )  ~ndA = 0

Z 1 Z (F rG GrF )  ~ndA
(~x0) = 4R2 A2 dA + 4m
R 4 A1
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 30

Consider again the conservation of mass

r  ~ndA = A1
r  ~ndA = m
Z @
dA = m
A2 @s s=R

where s  j~x ~x0j. Since dA = R2d

Z @ @ Z
A2 @s s=R
= R @R A2 d
= m

@ Z d
= m
@R A2 R2
and thus
Z m
= 4 C R
It is possible to show5 that C is independent of ~x. Thus,
1 Z 1 Z m
4R2 A2
dA =
4 A 2
= C 4R
5 Batchelor, G., Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge, p. 119.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 31

m + m 1 Z (F rG GrF )  ~ndA
(~x0) = C 4R
| {z 4R} 4 A1

Thus, using
0 1 0 1
1 1
rx0 @ j~x ~x0j
A= rx @ j~x ~x0j

we obtain
Z 2 0 1 3
(~x0) = C + 41 A1 4rx0 @ j~x 1 ~x j A + j~x 1 ~x j r5  ~ndA
0 0

Expanding as a Taylor series

0 1 0 1
1 = 1 x @ @ 1 A + 2 xixj
1 @ 2
@ 1 A + :::
jx~ ~x0j j~x0j @xi0 j~x0 j
@xi0 @xj0 j~x0j
This series converges for j~xj < j~x0j and is thus appropriate for
consideration when ~x0 ! 1. Substituting and integrating
term by term,
0 1 0 1
c @ @ 2
(~x0) = C + j~x j + ci @x j~x j + cij @x @x @ j~x1 j A + : : :
@ 1 A
0 i0 0 i0 j0 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 32

C = 4 A1 r  ~n1dA = 4m
1 Z
ci = 4 A1 (xi~n1  r n1 ) dA i

1 Z  
cij = 4 A1 12 xi xj ~n1  r xin1  dA j

where C; c and cij are functions of t only. Thus, dropping the

subscript 0,
c @ 1 ! @ 2 1 !
(~x) = C + r + ci @x r + cij @x @x r + : : :
i i j

where r  j~xj.
Thus,  is a series of individual solutions
@ 1
@xi r !
@2 1
@xi @xj r
which are called spherical harmonics. Each of these individual
functions satis es Laplace's equation.
2 Proof of last statement left for student.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 33

Behavior of  at Large Distances

in Doubly Connected Regions
By a similar analysis using G = log j~x ~x0 j,

(~x) = C + 2 + c log r + ci @x@ (log r) + cij @x@@x (log r) + : : :

i i j

where C; ; c; ci and cij are in general functions of t.

Elementary 3-D Solutions
uniform flow
For uniform ow with velocity U~ 1, the velocity potential is

 = U~ 1  ~x

2 Derivation by class
The velocity potential is

 = 4m
where m is the volume ow rate.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 34

Consider a source of strength m and a sink of strength m
oriented as shown

(x- ε,y,z) (x,y,z)

The potential is

 = 4m
q m
4 (x )2 + y2 + z 2
where r  x2 + y2 + z 2.
(x )2 + y2 + z 2 = x2 + y2 + z 2 2x +!2
= r2 1 2 2 + O(2)

2 ! 1=23
m x
 = 4r 41 1 2 r2 + O( )
2 5

= m x3 + O(m2)
4 r
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 35

using the expansion for the square root.

Let  ! 0 such that m =  remains constant. Then the
velocity potential is
 = 4 rx3
Note that
@ 1! = x
@x r r3
Thus, the expansion for  can be expressed as
c @ 1
C + r + ci @x r + : : :
 = |{z}
constant |{z} | {zi }
source doublets

Elementary 2-D Solutions

uniform flow
For uniform ow with velocity U~ 1, the velocity potential is
 = U~ 1  ~x
The velocity potential is
 = 2m log r
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 36

where m is the volume ow rate per unit depth.

By a similar derivation,

 = 2 rx2

Note that
@ log r = x
@x r2
Thus, the expansion for  can be expressed as

 = |{z}
C + c| log r + c @ (log r) + : : :
| @xi {z
{z }
constant source }

Complex Potential Theory

Incompressible, irrotational ow in 2-D can be elegantly
expressed in terms of complex variable theory.
De ne

z  x + iy

where i =
p 1, and x and y are real.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 37

A complex function F (z ) is de ned as

F (z )  f (x; y) + ig(x; y)
where f (x; y) and g(x; y) are real valued functions.
The derivative dF=dz exists at z = zo if and only if f and g
satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann conditions
@f = @g
@x @y
@f = @g
@y @x

It is straightforward to show that f and g are harmonic

functions (i.e., f and g satisfy Laplace's equation)
@ 2f + @ 2f = 0
@x2 @y2
@ 2g + @ 2g = 0
@x2 @y2

Then the derivative dF=dz is expressed as

dF = @f + i @g or
dz @x @x
dF = @g i @f
dz @y @y
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 38

Consider the complex potential

F (z )  (x; y; t) + i (x; y; t)
where (x; y; t) is the velocity potential and (x; y; t) is the
Does dF=dz exist ?
@ = u and
@ = u (1)
thus the rst Cauchy-Riemann condition is met. Furthermore,
@ = v and
@ = v (2)
and thus the second Cauchy-Riemann condition is met.
Thus, dF=dz exists everywhere and
dF = u iv
The function w is de ned as

w  dF
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 39

A complex function which possesses a unique derivative within

a region is analytic. Thus, any analytic complex function
represents an incompressible irrotation ow.
Uniform flow with velocity components (u,v)

F (z ) = (U iV ) z

Source of strength m at zo

F (z ) = 2m log(z zo )

Doublet of strength  aligned with x-axis

F (z ) = 2(z z )

Point vortex of strength  at zo

F (z ) = 2i log(z zo )

Flow in a corner

F (z ) = Az n
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 40

Polar Coordinates
The analysis is facilitated by use of polar coordinates

(x0 ,y0 )

where z z0 = rei for  <   .

For a point vortex

F (z ) = 2i log(z z0)

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 41


log rei = log r + i

and the principal value is assumed.


F (z ) = i (log r + i)
=  i log r
2 2

Consider the gradient operator r

r = @r@ e^r + 1r @@ e^

where e^r is the unit vector in the r direction. Then

r = 2r 

as expected.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 42

Flow Past a Circular Cylinder

The complex potentials corresponding to two or more di erent
ows may be added to form a new potential ow. Consider

U az
F (z ) = Uz
|{z} +
Uniform ow in x-direction | {z }
Doublet aligned with x-axis

where a is a real constant and U is a velocity.

0 1
dF = U @1 a2 A
dz z2
Expressing the complex Cartesian velocity w(z )  dF=dz in
polar notation,

w(z ) = u iv

and thus the equivalent complex polar velocity is

vr iv = w(z )ei

Thus for the combined potential,

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 43

0 1
vr iv = U @ei a2 e i A
r 2
a 21 0
a 21
= U cos  @1 2 A + iU sin  @1 + 2 A
r r

and thus
0 21
vr = U cos  @1 r2 A
0 21
v = U sin  @1 + 2 A r

Hence, vr = 0 on r = a and thus the cylinder of radius a is a

streamline. Furthermore, ~v ! U~ as r ! 1. Thus, the complex
potential represents uniform potential ow past a cylinder of
radius a.

The complex conjugate of a complex variable z is denoted z
and is de ned as

z  x iy
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 44

Thus, z z = x2 + y2. A similar de nition applies to any complex

Laurent Series

C1 C2

If f is analytic (i.e., df=dz exists) on concentric circles C1 and

C2 and throughout the region between two circles, then at
every z in the annulus f (z ) can be expressed as

f (z ) =
an(z z0)n +
X bn
n=0 n=1 (z z0 )n

where an and bn are complex constants de ned by

1 Z f (z )dz
an = 2i C1 (z z )n+1
bn = 21i C2 (z f (zz ))dzn+1

The residue of f (z ) at z0 is the value of

Z f (z )dz
C 2i
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 45

where C is a closed contour enclosing z0 and f is analytic

everywhere inside and on C except at z0.

Cauchy-Goursat Theorem
If f (z ) is analytic in the simply connected domain D, then for
every closed contour C within D,
f (z )dz = 0

Residue from Laurent Series

Under the appropriate conditions the Laurent series may be
substituted into the de nition of the residue
1 Z
residue = f (z )dz
2i C 8
Z <X 9
= 1 1
a (z z )n+ X1 b n =
2i C :n=0 n 0
n=1 (z z 0 )n ;

Consider a circle of radius r around z0. Then

z z0 = rei


dz = irei d
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 46

since dr = 0 on the circle. Thus,

1 X1 Z n+1 i(n+1) 1 X1 Z ei(1 n) d

residue = a ir e
2i n=0 | n {z
d + 2i ibn
n=1 | r{zn 1 }
zero unless n = 1

and thus the residue is b1, i.e., the coecient of the (z z0 ) 1

Residue Theorem
Let C be a closed contour within and on which a function f (z )
is analytic except at a nite number of points z1, . . . , zn
interior to C . Let 1, . . . , n denote the residues of f at these
points. Then
Z n
f (z )dz = 2i m

where the integral is taken counterclockwise around C .

z1 z3 C3

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 47

Blasius' Theorem

Consider a 2-D incompressible, irrotational, steady ow in the

absence of body forces.
Denote the force on the body as (Fx; Fy )
The momentum equation is
@ Z ~vdV + Z ~v~v ~ndA = X F~ j
@t on uid

Consider the control volume de ned by the body surface and

the outer circle.


From Bernoulli's equation,

p + 1 (u2 + v2 ) = p1 + 1 U 2
 2  2 1
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 48

u2 + v2 = ww
p = p1 + 21 U12 1
2 ww
Since (Fx; Fy ) is the force on the body, therefore
( Fx; Fy ) is the force on the uid.
The x momentum equation is therefore
u~v ~ndA = Fx C

where C is the circle of radius R, and using the condition that

~v ~n = 0
on the surface of the body.
Fx = C
(u~v ~n + pnx ) dA

Since the unit outwards normal on C is

~n = (cos ; sin )
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 49

and using Bernoulli's equation,

Z 2
Fx = u (u cos  + v sin ) rd
p + 1 U 2  cos  rd
1 2 1
+ 0 21 ww cos  rd

and likewise

Z 2
Fy = v (u cos  + v sin ) rd
p + 1 U 2  sin  rd
1 2 1
+ 0 12 ww sin  rd

u cos  + v sin  = 12 wei + we

Furthermore, on C ,

dz = irei d
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 50

It is left as an exercise to complete the derivation and show

Fx iFy = i w2dz

This expression was derived by H. Blasius (Z. Math. Phys.,

58, p. 90, 1910) and is known as Blasius' Theorem.
We can derive Blasius' Theorem in a di erent but equivalent
Consider a closed body (i.e., streamline). On the body surface,
dFx = pdy
dFy = pdx
where the integral is taken in the counterclockwise direction
around the body. Thus,
Fx iFy = (pdy + ipdx)
= i pdz
where dz = dx idy. From Bernoulli's equation,
p + 21  u2 + v2 = p1 + 12 U12
u2 + v2 = ww
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 51

where w = dF=dz . Thus,

Fx iFy = 12 i wwd

dF !
 z =
dz dz
dz dz
= dF

On a solid boundary (i.e., streamline),

dF = d  + i
= d |{z}
= d
= dF

dF dz
= wdz

Fx iFy = i w2dz
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 52

which is Blasius' Theorem.

Milne-Thomson, L. M., Theoretical Hydrodynamics, Dover
Publications, New York, 1958.

Zhukovskii's Theorem

Using Blasius' Theorem, we can derive in a straightforward

manner one of the most fundamental theorems in aerodynamcs.
Consider the steady ow past an arbitrary body. The ow at
in nity is U and is aligned with the x axis with no loss of
The complex potential may be expressed in a Laurent series as
z ! 1 as

F = Uz + m2i log z + 2z

 + O(z 2)

 Uz is uniform ow
 2m log z is the net source
 2i log z is a vortex
 2z is a doublet
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 53

For a nite closed body, m = 0.

It is also evident that the circulation is .
The application of Blasius' Theorem yields

Fx iFy = iU

In 1902, the German mathematician M. Wilheim Kutta

(1867-1944) suggested a connection between lift and
circulation. However, he failed to postulate any mathematical
relationship between the two6 .
In 1906, the Russian aerodynamicist and applied
mathematician Nicolai E. Zhukovski (1847-1921)
independently proposed the mathematical expression relating
the lift l per unit span and the circulation ,

l = U

Brief remarks7 on the career of Nicolai E. Zhukovski:

 PhD, Applied Mathematics, Moscow University, 1882

 Professor of Mechanics, Moscow University and Moscow
Higher Technical School
6 Anderson, J., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, McGraw Hill, Inc., 1991, pp. 311-312.
7 Ibid.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 54

 Built rst wind tunnel in Russia in 1902 at Moscow

Higher Technical School

Flow Past a Cylinder

The complex potential is

0 21
F (z ) = U @z + A z
0 1
w = U @1 a2 A
The integrand in Blasius' Theorem is w2, which can be seen to
have no term in z 1. Thus, the residue is zero and the net
force on the cylinder is zero.

Flow Past a Cylinder

with Circulation

Consider the complex potential

0 21
F (z ) = U @z + A i log z
z 2
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 55

It is left as an exercise to show that this represents ow past a

cylinder of radius a with circulation . The proof requires
demonstration of three conditions :

1. The velocity potential satis es r2 = 0

2. The normal velocity on the cylinder is zero
3. The circulation is 

We obtain
0 1
w = U @1 a2 A i
z 2 2z

From the Residue Theorem, the only contribution to the force

arises from the term in w2 proportional to z 1, and thus

Fx iFy = iU

and thus

Fy = U
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 56

Conformal Transformations

Consider a transformation from the (x; y) to the (; ) plane


z = x + iy
 =  + i


 = f (z )

and f (z ) is analytic in the neighborhood of zo.

Assume df=dz 6= 0.
df (z ) = Rei

lim f = R
z !0 z
lim arg f =
z !0 z
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 57

Consider a smooth curve C through zo.

S is the image of the curve in the  plane.
C η

zo ο

X ξ

Examples for class

f (z ) Curve in z plane
z x axis
iz x axis
z 2 y axis
z 1 1  x  2, y = 0

De ne a direction of z along C , which yields a corresponding

direction along S .
Let denote the angle of the curve C with respect to the
x axis at zo for z ! 0.
The corresponding angle of S at f (zo ) as
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 58

f ! 0 is denoted by where

f  f (zo + z ) f (zo)

f = z
 f !
arg f = arg z
arg f = arg + arg z
= +

Thus the curve C is rotated through the angle

 f !
 zlim!0 arg z

= arg df
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 59

This results holds provided f is analytic in the neighborhood

of zo and df=dz 6= 0 at zo.
Since df=dz is unique at zo under these conditions, then every
curve C through zo is rotated by the same angle .
Thus, the angle between two curves C1 and C2 which pass
through zo is preserved upon transformation to the  plane.
A transformation (or \mapping") which preserves angles
between every pair of curves at each point is conformal.

 f df

z !0 z dz
= R

Thus, the transformation magni es the length of an

in nitesimal line segment by the amount R  jdf=dz j.
A point where df=dz = 0 is a critical point.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 60

Zhukovskii's Transformation

The Transformation
Consider the transformation
 =z+ z


 =  + i
By substitution,
0 21 0 1
 = @r + A cos  + i @r a2 A sin 
r r

cos2  + sin2  = 1

 2 + 2 = 1
 a2 2  a2 2
r+ r r r
What is the nature of the transformation ?
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 61

Y η

X ξ

r = a ) (; ) = (2a cos ; 0)

Note that  is the angle in the z-plane

Thus, can nd ow past a at plate at angle of attack in
 -plane by considering ow past circular cylinder in z -plane.
The Complex Potential
Flow past cylinder with U aligned with x axis
0 21
F (z ) = U @z + A i log z
z 2

Flow past cylinder with U aligned at angle with respect to

x axis is obtained by letting z ! ze i
Why the minus sign ?
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 62

Thus, the complex potential is

0 2ei2 1
F (z ) = Ue i @z + a A i log z
z 2

What happened to the constant in the log z term ?

The complex velocity w = u iv in the z plane is
0 1
w = dF
dz = Ue
i @1 a2ei2 A i
z2 2z

The complex velocity !   i in the  plane is

dF dF dz dF d ! 1
! = d = dz d = dz dz

It is left as an exercise to show

 !  Ue i as  ! 1
  = 0 on  = 0 for 2a    2a
Thus, the boundary conditions as  ! 1 and on the at plate
are satis ed.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 63

Kutta Condition
The Kutta condition at trailing edge of the at plate is
enforced by including circulation .
The trailing edge of the at plate in the  plane corresponds
to z = a. This must be a stagnation point in the z plane.
Why can't the velocity w be non-zero at the trailing edge ?

0 = Ue i 1 ei2

 = 4aU sin

The force in the  -plane is obtained from
Blasius' Theorem
I dF !2
F iF = i 1
2 d d
where F and F are the components of the force on the body
in the  - and -directions.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 64

I dF !2 I dF !2 d ! 1
d d = dz dz dz

and thus the integral may be taken in the z plane.

Expanding the integrand in a Laurent series about z = 0
dF !2 d ! 1  i Ue i + : : :
dz dz z
and thus

F iF = iUe i

This corresponds to a lift force of magnitude

oriented normal to the ow at in nity.

 = 4aU sin
the lift force is
4aU 2 sin
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 65

De ning the lift coecient

cl = 1 Ul 2c

where c is the chord (= 4a),

cl = 2 sin
Circle Theorem
Milne-Thomson, L. M., \Hydrodynamical Images", Proc. Camb. Phil.
Soc., Vol. 36, 1940, pp.246-247.
Batchelor, G. K., An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge, 1970, p.
Consider the irrotational, two dimensional ow of an
incompressible uid in an in nite domain with no boundaries.
The ow is comprised of an arbitrary collection of simple ows
(e.g., uniform ow, vortex, doublet, etc.). The complex
potential of the ow is denoted as F (z ) =  + i .
Assume a cylinder of radius a is now placed at the origin, with
none of the singularities of the ow inside the cylinder. The
surface of the cylinder is a streamline.
Then the complex potential for the modi ed ow is
0 21
F (z ) + F @ a A
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 66

where the function F (a2=z ) is obtained by the following


1. De ne the function F (x) where the complex variable z is

replaced by the real variable x
2. Determine the complex conjugate F (x) of F (x)
3. Replace x by a2=z in the expression for F (x)

Consider uniform ow in the x-direction

F (z ) = Uz

where U is real. Using the procedure,

1. F (x) = Ux
2. F (x) = Ux (no change)
3. Complex potential for uniform ow past a cylinder is
a 2
Uz (1 + z 2 )
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 67

By assumption, F (z ) has no singularity inside the cylinder of
radius a placed at the origin. Thus, on the surface r = a, it
may be expressed by a Taylor series
F (z ) = anz n

where an are complex constants.

On the circle r = a,

a2 = a2
z rei
= a i
= ae i
= z

By de nition,
F (x) = anxn

where an is the complex conjugate of an.

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 68

Thus on r = a,
F (z ) = anzn

Writing z = rei ,
F (z ) = anrne in
= anein rn

and thus the complex potential on the circle r = a is

F (z ) + F (z ) = anein + anein rn

The quantity inside the parentheses is real, and thus the

streamfunction is zero. Hence, the circle r = a is a streamline.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 69

Compressible Potential Flow

Potential ow methods are commonly used in the aerospace
P. E. Rubbert (Boeing Commercial Airplane Group) gave the
following examples of recent applications of potential ow

 Improvement in the understanding of the interference

drag of a pylon-mounted engine nacelle under the wing
\The existence of unwanted interference drag had been
revealed by wind tunnel testing, but the source of the
interference was still unknown. CFD modeling techniques
were developed to represent the underwing nacelle
installation and study the details of ow in that area.
This work was based on the use of panel methods to solve
the linear potential equations."

8 Rubbert, P., \The Impact of Supercomputers on CFD", Computer Systems in Engi-

neering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1990, pp. 1-6.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 70

 Identi cation of aerodynamic interference associated with

engine exhaust
\A recent TRANAIR-based CFD study of new engine /
airframe installation revealed that a serious aerodynamic
interference problem with the engine exhaust would arise
when the engine was operating. Neither the earlier
linear-based CFD methods nor conventional wind tunnel
testing, in which engine exhausts are not simulated, would
have detected this problem. The problem could have gone
undetected until late in the con guration development,
when any changes would be extremely expensive to
implement . . . "
\TRANAIR [is] a nite element solver for the nonlinear
full potential equations . . . "

Recent reviews
Caughey, D., \The Computation of Transonic Potential
Flows", Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 14, 1982, pp.
Hess, J., \Panel Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics",
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 22, 1990, pp. 25-274.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 71


 Conservative body forces
 Barotropic uid
Is the ow across a shock wave barotropic ?

Velocity Potential
Assume the ow is irrotational9

~! = r  ~v = 0

ui = @x

where  is the velocity potential.

9 In component notation,

! =  @u

where  is the cyclic tensor  = 1 if are cyclic, -1 if are anti-cyclic, and 0

ijk ijk ijk ijk

otherwise. Thus 123 = 231 = 312 = 1, 321 = 213 = 132 = -1, and all others are zero.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 72

Compressible Bernoulli Equation

The conservation of momentum is

+ uj @ui = @p + fi
@xj @xi

Since the body force fi is conservative

fi = @x


@ 2 + @ 1 u u ! +  ! u + 1 @p + @F = 0
@t@xi @xi 2 j j ijk j k
 @xi @xi
where the vorticity !j = 0 by assumption. For a barotropic

1 @p = @ Z dp !
 @xi @xi 

0 1
@ @ @  + 1 @  @  + Z dp + F A = 0
@xi @t 2 @xj @xj 
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 73


@  + 1 @  @  + Z dp + F = (t)
@t 2 @xj @xj 

where the constant of integration (t) is a function of time

and is typically determined by the boundary conditions (e.g.,
at in nity).
For isentropic ow,

@  + 1 @  @  + p + F = (t)
@t 2 @xj @xj 1 

or equivalently,

@  + 1 @  @  + 1 a2 + F = (t)
@t 2 @xj @xj 1

Compare the results for incompressible ow and compressible,

isentropic ow:
For compressible isentropic ow,

@  + 1 @  @  + p + F = (t)
@t 2 @xj @xj 1 
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 74

For incompressible ow,

@  + 1 @  @  + p + F = (t)
@t 2 @xj @xj 
, the twentieth letter of the Greek alphabet, is pronounced up'silon
or, in Great Britain, upsi'lon, where ' denotes the accent.
How can the compressible expression be consistent with the
incompressible result for low speed ?
2 An opportunity will be provided for anyone who wishes to present a 5
min proof of the consistency of these two expressions at the beginning of
the next lecture.
For steady uniform ow at in nity of magnitude U1 and
neglecting body forces,
@  + 1 @  @  + p = 1 U 2 + 1 a2
@t 2 @xj @xj 1  2 1 1 1
Full Potential Equation

 Conservative body forces (and @fi=@t = 0)
 Isentropic (not simply barotropic)
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 75

The conservation of momentum,

+ uj @ui = @p + fi
@xj @xi

The inner product with ui yields,

0 1
@u i @ui @p + f u
 @ui @t + ui uj @x A = ui @x i i
j i

Using the identity

@ui @ 1 !
uj @x = @x 2 uj uj + ijk !j uk
j i

and since !i  0,
(@ 1 ! @ 1 !) @p + f u
 @t 2 uiui + ui @x 2 uj uj = ui @x i i
i i

Since the ow is assumed isentropic,

@p = a2 @
@xi @xi
where a is the local speed of sound.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 76

From conservation of mass,

@ =
ui @x @ +  @ui !
i @t @xi

@p = a2 @ + a2 @ui
ui @x
i @t @x i

@p = a2 @
@t @t
@ 1 u u ! + u @ 1 u u ! = 1 @p + a2 @ui + f u
@t 2 i i i
@xi 2 j j  @t @xi i i

Di erentiating the compressible Bernoulli equation with

respect to time, assuming the body forces are steady,

@ 2 + @ 1 u u ! + 1 @p = 0
@t2 @t 2 j j  @t
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 77

0 1
@ 2 + @ @  @  ! + @  @ @ 1 @  @  A
@t2 @t @xi @xi @xi @xi 2 @xj @xj
@ 2
,! a @x2 fi @x
2 @ = 0
i i

or equivalently,

@ 2 + @ (r  r) + r  r 1 r  r!!

@t2 @t 2
a2r2 f  r = 0

where r2 = @ 2=@x2i . The speed of sound a may be

expressed in terms of the velocity potential using the
compressible Bernoulli equation.
The boundary conditions are
@ = 0
ni @x

at an impermeable stationary boundary, and

@ = U
@xi 1 i
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 78

at an in nite distance where U1 are the components of the


far eld velocity.

Solution of the full potential equation yields the entire
ow eld.
The static pressure is determined by the compressible
Bernoulli equation together with the isentropic relation.
The static temperature is determined by the ideal gas equation.
The advantage of the full potential equation is the reduction of
the governing equations from ve to one. This reduces CPU
and memory requirements.
A general solution of the full potential equation for arbitrary
geometries has not been achieved.
Solutions have been obtained for simpli ed versions of the full
potential equation for subsonic, transonic and supersonic ow.
Subsonic Flow
Consider uniform steady ow past a two dimensional body.
With no loss of generality, the uniform ow may be assumed to
be aligned with the x-axis.
The velocity potential  may be written,

 = U1 x + 
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 79

where  is the perturbation velocity potential.

U α X
Geometry of Two-Dimensional Airfoil

Assume the velocity perturbations are everywhere small

compared to the freestream speed of sound a1,

1 @ = O() and 1 @ = O()

a1 @x a1 @y
where   1.
Assume the freestream Mach number is subsonic, i.e., M1 < 1.
The full potential equation may be approximated to lowest
order by

M2 @
  2 @ 2
1 1 @x2 + @y 2 =0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 80

where the neglected terms are O(M1) and O(2).

Since M1 < 1, the equation may be recognized as a variant of
Laplace's Equation.
The boundary condition at an impermeable
stationary surface becomes
nx U1 + @x + ny @
@y = 0
where nx and ny are the components of the surface normal.
Linearize this equation as

nxU1 + ny @
@y = 0
For an airfoil, this becomes

@ = U dys
@y 1 dx

where ys(x) is the airfoil surface.

dy !
 = O M1 dx
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 81

The boundary condition at in nity becomes

@ = 0; @ = 0
@x @y
For M1 ! 0, the full nonlinear potential equation becomes
Laplace's equation,

@ 2 + @ 2 = 0
@x2 @y2
Channel with Wavy Boundary

Consider two dimensional, subsonic potential ow in a channel.

Lower surface is y = h sin kx where k = 2= and  is the
Upper surface is y = H .


Channel with Wavy Wall

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 82

Assume the velocity perturbations are O(a1).

The implications of this assumption will be developed
a posteriori.

1 M2
 @ 2 + @ 2 = 0
1 @x2 @y2
Provided kh  1, the boundary condition at the lower surface
may be linearized about the mean surface (y = 0),

@ = U kh cos kx on y = 0
@y 1
At the upper surface y = H ,

@ = 0 on y = H
A solution may be obtained using the method of separation of

(x; y) = U1 h sinh
cos kx cosh ( k (y H ))
where = 1 M12 and = O(1).
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 83

Furthermore, kH = O(1) (or possibly kH ! 1, i.e., a

semi-in nite domain). Thus,
1 @ = O(M kh)
a1 @x
1 @ = O(M kh)
a1 @y
Thus, the condition
1 @ 1 @
= O() and
a1 @x a1 @y = O()
M1kh = O()
Linearization of the surface boundary condition required
kh  1
Thus, the solution is valid provided kh = O() where   1.
The pressure coecient is de ned as

cp = 1p Up12
2 1 1
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 84

To lowest order,

cp = U2 @
1 @x
and therefore on the wavy surface

cp = 2kh sin kx
tanh kH
Note that the surface pressure is 180 deg out of phase with the
surface elevation (i.e., the surface pressure is a maximum at
the minimum elevation, and vice-versa).
Supersonic Flow
Consider uniform steady ow past a two dimensional body.
With no loss of generality, the uniform ow may be assumed to
be aligned with the x-axis.
The velocity potential is written
 = U1x + 
where  is the perturbation velocity potential.
The velocity perturbations are assumed everywhere small
according to
M1 @ = O() and M1 @ = O()
a1 @x a1 @y
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 85

where   1 and M1 > 1.

How do these conditions di er from subsonic ow ?
The full potential equation may be approximated to
lowest order by

1 @ 2 @ 2 = 0
 2  2
M 1 @x @y2
where the neglected terms are O().
This is the wave equation.
The boundary condition at a solid boundary is
@ = 0
ni @x

which may be linearized to yield

@ = U dys
@y 1 dx
where ys(x) is the airfoil surface.
M1 @ = O() and M1 @ = O()
a1 @x a1 @y
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 86

it is evident that

 = O(M12 dys=dx)

Wavy Wall
Consider two dimensional, supersonic potential ow past a
wavy wall.
Lower surface is y = h sin kx where k = 2= and  is the
Semi-in nite in y direction.
The simpli ed potential equation is
 2  @ 2 @ 2 = 0
M 1 1
@x2 @y2
Provided kh  1, the boundary condition at the wavy wall
may be linearized about the mean surface (y = 0),

@ = U kh cos kx on y = 0
@y 1
The solution is

 = U1 h sin k(x y)
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 87
where = M12 1. Thus,

M1 @ = O( M12 kh)
a1 @x
M1 @ = O(M 2 kh)
a1 @y 1

The condition implies M12 kh = O() where   1.

The pressure coecient on the wavy surface is

cp = 2 kh
cos kx
Note that the surface pressure leads the surface shape by 90
deg (i.e., the surface pressure is largest at the point of
maximum surface slope).
Supersonic Thin Airfoil
Consider 2-D supersonic ow past a thin airfoil.
The airfoil surface is

y = yu(x) on upper surface

y = yl (x) on lower surface
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 88


The chord length is c.

The velocity potential is

 = U1 x + 

Assuming small perturbations,

@ 2 2 @ 2 = 0
@y2 @x2
where  M12 1.
The boundary conditions are

r ! 0 as ~x ! 1
r  n^ = 0 on surface
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 89

Linearizing the boundary condition about y = 0,

1 @ dy
= u
U1 @y y=0+ dx

1 @ = dyl
U1 @y y=0 dx

Divide the airfoil geometry into three parts,

yu(x) = y (x) + yc(x) + yt(x)
yl (x) = y (x) + yc(x) yt(x)
where y is the contribution due to the angle of attack of the
mean chord line, yc is the camber distribution (with
yc(0) = yc(c) = 0), and yt is the thickness distribution.
Note that
(y (x) + yl (x)) = y (x) + yc(x)
2 u
1 (y (x) y (x)) = y (x)
2 u l t

The boundary conditions are

1 @
U1 @y y=0+ = + dy c dyt
dx + dx
1 @ + dy c dyt
U1 @y y=0 = dx dx
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 90

The perturbation potential may be written

 =  + c + t
Each of the terms satis es the wave equation, and the
respective components of the boundary condition at the airfoil.
The general solution to the 2-D wave equation is

(x; y) = f (x y) + g(x + y)
where f represents a right-running wave and g a left-running
The solution for  is
< U1(x y)= 0  x y  c; y > 0
 = > U1(x + y)= 0  x + y  c; y < 0
:0 otherwise
The full solution is

 = U 1 f (x y) yc(x y) yt(x y)g

for 0  x y  c and y > 0, and

 = U 1 f (x + y) + yc(x + y) yt(x + y)g

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 91

for 0  x + y  c and y < 0, and zero otherwise.

From the compressible Bernoulli equation,

cp  U2 @
1 dx

The section lift coecient cl = l= 21 1U12 is

Z c 
cl = 0
cp jl cp ju c 1dx

and the section drag coecient is

Zc dy dy !
cd = 0
cp dx cp dx c 1dx

u l

2 Derivation is left to student


cl = q 42
M1 1
8 9
4 < 2 Z c dyc !2 1 Z c dyt !2
1 =
cd = q 2 + c dx + c dx
M1 1 : 0 dx 0 dx ;
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 92


Lift is due to mean angle of attack only

Drag is due to thickness and camber
The section moment about the aerodynamic center is
independent of . This is the de nition of the aerodynamic
The aerodynamic center is located at the one-half chord point
4 Z 1 x dyc 1
cm a:c:
0 c dx c dx
2 Derivation is left to student
For an airfoil in incompressible ow, the aerodynamic center is
located at the quarter-chord point.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 93

Supersonic Flow Past Body of Revolution



Slender body

Consider supersonic ow past an axisymmetric body.

The velocity potential is

 = U1 x + 

Assuming small perturbations,

M2 )@
2 @ 2 @ 2
(1 1 @x2 + @y 2 + @z 2 =0

The boundary conditions are

r ! 0 as ~x ! 1
r  n^ = 0 on surface
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 94

An elementary solution of the incompressible potential

equation is a point source

 = 4Qr

For subsonic ow, the transformation

x = xq
y = q1 M12 y
z = 1 M12 z

@ 2 + @ 2 + @ 2 = 0
@ x2 @ y2 @ z2
and thus a \subsonic" source is

 = p Q
4 x2 + y2 + z2
= q 2 Q
4 x + (1 M12 )(y2 + z 2)

The equi-potential lines are

x2 + 1 M12 y2 + z 2 = constant
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 95

which represent ellipsoids of revolution.

For supersonic ow, proceeding formally,

x = xp q
y =
p 1 qM12 1 y
z = 1 M1 1 z

@ 2 + @ 2 + @ 2 = 0
@ x2 @ y2 @ z2
and thus a source in supersonic ow is

 = p Q
4 x2 + y2 + z2
= q Q
4 x2 (M12 1)(y2 + z 2)

The argument of the p is real for

x2 (M12 1)(y2 + z 2) > 0

Consider the surface

x2 (M12 1) r2 = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 96

where r2 = y2 + z 2. This represents a cone with vertex at

x = 0 and axis coinciding with the x axis.
The half-angle of the cone is
dr = q 1
dx M12 1
and therefore the half-angle is the Mach angle

 = sin 1 M1


ξ βr

Consider a superposition of sources along the axis of the body.

The strength of source at x =  extending over length d is
f ( )d , where f is the strength distribution.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 97

The potential d at (x; r) due to source at point x =  on axis


d = q f ( )d
4 (x  ) 2 2r2
where = M12 1, provided that (x; r) lies within the Mach
cone de ned by the Mach line at x =  .
The potential due to the line of sources is
1 Zx r f ( )d
 = 4 0 q
(x  )2 2r2
The problem is to relate f ( ) to the body shape. This is
accomplished through satisfying the boundary condition on the
body surface.
De ne the axial and radial perturbation velocities

u = @
v = @

This yields
Zx f 0 ( )d
u = 41 0
(x  )2 2r2
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 98

v = 1 Zx r 0
f ( ) x ! q d
4 0 r (x  )2 2r2
where f 0 ( )  df=d:
2 Derivation is left to student.
The radius of the body is R(x).
Thus the linearized surface boundary condition is

v = U1 dR
0 1
dR = 1 Z x f ( ) @ x
r 0 A q d
dx 4U1 0 R(x) (x  )2 2R2(x)
Since the body is slender
R(x)  x
R(x)  x 
over most of the body surface.
dR  1 Z x f 0 ( ) d
dx 4U1 0 R(x)
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 99

which yields

f (x) = 4U1R(x) dRdx(x)

or in terms of the cross-sectional area S (x) = R2,

f (x) = 2U1 dSdx(x)

The pressure coecient is

cp  U2 @
1 @x

Zx r d2 S d
cp = 1 0 q
d 2 (x  )2 2r2
and thus on the body surface
1Zx r d2 S d
cp =  0 q
d 2 (x  )2 2R2(x)
For a cone of half-angle ,
S (x) = (x tan )2
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 100

where x is measured from the vertex. Assuming  is small,

tan    where  is in radians.
8 q 2 9
cp(x) = 22 log : x + x 2 R2 (x) =
R(x) ;

Since R(x)  x, the pressure coecient on the cone surface is

0 1
cp  22 log @ 2 x A
and since   R=x on the surface,
0 1
cp  22 log @ q 22 A
 M1 1
Parabolic Body
The body is
2 !2 3
L x 1
R(x)  2F 41 4 L 2 5

for 0  x  L.
F is the neness ratio
F  maximum diameter
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 101

The surface pressure coecient is

8 0 1
cp = F : 12x 1 + 6 2 R2(x) cosh 1 @ x R
4 <h 2 + 0:5 A
6 [(x + 0:5) 4x] (x + 0:5)2 2R2(x)

where x  x=L 0:5

Note that R(x) = R( x) since the paraboloid is symmetric
about the midpoint.
However, cp(x) 6= cp( x). Consequently, there is nite drag on
the body. This is known as wave drag.
Transonic Flow
The simpli ed version of the potential equation for subsonic or
supersonic ow is

M2 @
  2 @ 2
1 1 @x2 + @y 2 =0

The equation is singular at M1 = 1.

Consider ow past an airfoil of chord c at angle of attack
with respect to the oncoming ow.
The airfoil thickness ratio  is de ned as

  maximum thickness  1
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 102

Consider the transformation

x = x=c
y = y=(c a)

where a is a constant.
Note that x and y are dimensionless.
Assume the velocity potential  is

 = U1x + U1 c b (x; y)

where b is a constant. Note that  is dimensionless.

The constants a and b are to be determined such that
@  = O(1)
@ x
@  = O(1)
@ y

Consider the boundary condition at the airfoil surface

v = dy
u dx
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 103

By substitution,
 a) @ 
v = U1 (b @ y
0  1
u = U1 @1 + b @ x A

Assuming b > 0 (to be veri ed a posteriori), then since   1,

a) @ 
(b @ y  dx
yu(x) = (x c) tan + yu(x)
yl (x) = (x c) tan + yl (x)

where yl and yu are zero at x = 0 and x = c.

Note that the camber is

yc(x) = 12 (yl (x) + yu(x)) + (x c) tan


yc(x) = 21 (yu(x) + yl (x))

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 104

The thickness distribution yt(x) is de ned by

yu(x) = (x c) tan + yc(x) + yt(x)
yl (x) = (x c) tan + yc(x) yt(x)


yt(x) = 12 (yu(x) yl (x))

dyt = O()
Furthermore, assume
= O()
dyc = O()

Thus, the boundary condition at the airfoil yields

a) @ 
(b @ y = O()
Since @ =@ y = O(1), thus
b a=1
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 105

Expand the speed of sound

a2 = a21 ( 1)U12 b @@x + U12 O(2(b a)) + U12 O(2b)
Note that the exponent a could be negative.
Substitute into the full potential equation.
Multiply by c=(a21U12b).

8 9
@ 2 < (M12 1) + ( +1)M 2 @  + M 2 O(b; (b 2a) )= +
@ x2 : b8 1 @ x 1 ;
@ 2  (b+2a) < 1 + 2(b a)M 2 @ !2 + b( 1)M 2 @ + M 2 O(2(b a); 2b)
@ y2 : 1 @y 1 @x 1
@ 2  (b+2a) (2bM 2 @ 1 + b @ !) = 0
@ x@ y 1 @y @x

b + 2a = 0
1 M12 = O(2=3)
a = 1=3
b = +2=3
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 106

8  9 2
< 2 @  = @  @ 2
:K ( +1)M1 ; 2 + 2 = 0
@ x @ x @ y

where K = (1 M12 )=2=3 is the transonic similarity parameter.

It can be directly shown that the pressure coecient is

cp  U2 @
1 @x

and consequently
cp = 2 @
2=3 @x
This yields the transonic similarity rule
cp = f (K; x; y)
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 107

Hodograph Equation

The full potential equation is nonlinear in .
A linear equation for a modi ed potential function can be
obtained for two dimensional, steady ow.
The independent variables are the velocity magnitude U and
direction ,
u = U cos 
v = U sin 

where u and v are the Cartesian velocity components.

A modi ed potential function (U; ) is de ned by
=  + xu + yv
where  is the velocity potential.
Derivation of equation for (U; )

The conservation of mass is

@U cos  + @U sin  = 0
@x @y
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 108

This may be rewritten as,

@ (U cos ; y) @ (U sin ; x) = 0 (y)

@ (x; y) @ (x; y)

@ (f; g) = @f @g @f @g
@ (x; y) @x @y @y @x
is the Jacobian.
2 Derivation of (y) by member of class
Multiplying by @ (x; y)=@ (U; ),

@ (U cos ; y) @ (U sin ; x) = 0

@ (U; ) @ (U; )
Derivation of this step left to student
An expression for x(U; ) and y(U; ) can be obtained from the
de nition of . It may be directly veri ed that

d = xdu + ydv

2 Derivation by member of class

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 109


x = cos  @@U sinU  @@

@ + cos  @
y = sin  @U U @

2 Derivation by member of class

From the steady compressible Bernoulli equation,

1 @  @  + p = 1 U 2 + 1 a2
2 @xj @xj 1  2 1 1 1

and the isentropic relation, it can be shown that  is a function

of U only, and
0 1
dU =  @1 U 2 A
dU a2

Substituting into conservation of mass,

@ 2 + U 2 @ 2 + U @ = 0
@2 (1 U 2=a2) @U 2 @U

This is Chaplygin's equation or the hodograph equation.

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 110

The speed of sound a may be expressed in terms of U through

the compressible Bernoulli equation.
Chaplygin's equation is linear.
The boundary conditions for (U; ) are nonlinear.

Shapiro, A., The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid

Flow, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1953.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 111

Surface Waves


1. Incompressible
2. Inviscid
3. Body force is gravity

The free surface is y = (x; z; t).

The mean depth is h.
There may be a uid above y = , or it may be a vacuum.

y = η (x,z,t)

Assuming the ow is irrotational at some instant of time, it

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 112

remains irrotational by Kelvin's Theorem. Thus,

r2 = 0
This equation holds separately in the upper and lower uids.
There are two conditions at the free surface.
The rst condition is the kinematic condition.
The free surface is de ned by

y (x; z; t) = 0

A particle of uid at the free surface must remain at the free

surface. Thus,
D (y ) = 0
where D=Dt is the convective derivative. Substituting,
@ + @ @ + @ @ = @
@t @x @x @z @z @y
It is noted that this boundary condition is applied at the free
surface y = (x; z; t)
2 Derivation by member of the class.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 113

The second condition is the pressure condition.

At the free surface, the pressure is the same on either side
(neglecting surface tension e ects).
Bernoulli's equation is
@ + p + 1 @ @ + g = G(t)
@t  2 @xi @xi
This boundary condition is applied at free surface y = (x; z; t).
The boundary condition at the lower boundary is
@ = 0
applied at y = h.
The principal diculty in solving the problem arises from the
nonlinearity of the boundary conditions at the free surface, and
the unknown shape of the free surface which must be found as
part of the solution.
Analytic solutions can be achieved under the simplifying
assumption of small perturbations.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 114

Small Amplitude Plane Gravity Waves

Additional assumptions:

1. Two dimensional
2. Small amplitude waves
3. Constant pressure at surface

The implication of \small" amplitude becomes apparent from

the derivation.
Assuming the wave amplitude is small compared to the
wavelength, the surface boundary condition may be expanded
about the mean wave elevation y = 0 to obtain
@ = @
@t @y
applied at y = 0.
Similarly, the boundary condition on the pressure becomes
@ + p + g = 0
where G(t) has been incorporated into .
Derivation left for student.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 115

Consider a monochromatic surface wave

(x; t) =  sin k(x ct)
where k = 2= is the wavenumber,  is the wavelength, c is
the wave speed and ! = kc is the wave frequency.
This represents a surface wave travelling to the right with
velocity c.
The velocity potential (x; y; t) may be obtained by separation
of variables,
(x; y; t) = cos k(x ct) fC1 sinh ky + C2 cosh kyg
where C1 and C2 are constants.
Why is there not a term sin k(x ct) ?
The kinematic condition yields
C1 = c
The boundary condition at y = h yields
C2 = C1= tanh kh
The pressure condition yields
c2 = kg tanh kh
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 116

which is known as the dispersion formula, and determines the

wave speed c in terms of the wave number k and depth h.
De ne deep water waves as satisfying kh  1, and hence
c  kg

For example, a deep water wave with  = 1 km travels at

c = 39:5 m/s = 88:3 miles/hr.

Small Amplitude Plane Capillary Waves

Additional assumptions:

1. Two dimensional
2. Small amplitude waves
3. Constant pressure at surface
4. Surface tension incorporated

Since the interface has zero mass, the sum of the forces acting
upon it at any instant must be identically zero,

(p po )x  sin  + ( + ) sin( + ) = 0

where  is the surface tension.

The units of  are force/length.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 117
σ + δσ

θ + δθ



Surface Tension

The surface angle  is

tan   @
Assuming   1, the equilibrium condition becomes
@ 2 + @ @ = 0
p po +  @x 2 @x @x

For many applications,  may be assumed constant and thus,

@ 2 = 0
p po +  @x 2

The pressure boundary condition becomes

@  @ 2 + g = 0
@t  @x2
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 118

The remaining boundary conditions are the same as employed

for the previous analysis.
The governing equation and boundary conditions yield
0 1
g k 2
c = k 1 + g A tanh kh
2 @

which reduces to the previous results for gravity waves when

k2  1
which implies
  2 u
For an air-water interface at 20C, this implies
  1:7 cm
Surface waves with  = O( =g ) are called capillary waves.

Group Velocity
Consider two planar deep water waves with same amplitude ,
but slightly di erent wavenumbers k and k0 , and thus slightly
di erent wave frequencies ! and !0 .
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 119

The solutions for the velocity potentials may be superimposed

to lowest order, and thus the surface elevation is
(x; t) =  sin(kx" !t) +  sin(k0x !0 t)#
= 2 cos 1 (k k0)x 1 (! !0 )t 
"21 2
1 #
,! sin 2 (k + k )x 2 (! + ! )t
0 0

where k k0  k and ! !0  !.
This represents a train of waves of wavenumber  k but of
elevation which varies with x at any instant of time. The
envelope of the wave elevation has wavenumber
(k k0 )
kenvelope = 2  k
and frequency
(! !0 )
!envelope = 2  !
The speed of propogation of the envelope is
(! ! 0)
cenvelope = (k k0 )

which in the limit k0 ! k becomes

cg = d!
dk = d(kc) = c + k dc
dk dk
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 120

and is known as the group velocity.

For deep water gravity waves,

cg = 12 cphase

while for deep water capillary waves,

cg = 23 cphase

Consider two waves of wavelength k and k0 approaching an observer. The most
prominent feature is the envelope. What is the relative motion of the individual crests
with respect to the envelope for deep water gravity waves ? for deep water capilliary
waves ?

Complex Potential for 2-D Gravity Waves

Consider a monochromatic surface wave

 =  sin k(x ct)

in a uid of depth h.
It was previously shown that the corresponding velocity
potential  is

(x; y; t) = c cos k(x ct) [sinh ky + coth kh cosh ky]

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 121

with the dispersion formula

c2 = kg tanh kh

The streamfunction may be obtained directly by integration

of the equations
@ = @
@y @x
@ = @
@x @y
to yield

(x; y; t) = c sin k(x ct) [cosh ky + coth kh sinh ky]

Using the trigonometric identities

sin i = i sinh 
cos i = cosh 

the complex potential F   + i is

F (z; t) = c csch kh [cos ikh cos k(z ct) sin ikh sin k(z ct)]
= c csch kh cos k(z ct + ih)
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 122

where csch kh = 1= sinh kh.

2 Derivation left for student.
Particle Paths for 2-D Gravity Waves
Consider the Lagrangian description of a uid particle.
Denote the Cartesian coordinates of the particle by
(xp(t); yp(t)).
Form the complex particle position zp(t)

zp(t)  xp (t) + iyp(t)

dzp = dxp + i dyp
dt dt dt
dzp = dxp i dyp
dt dt dt
where zp represents the complex conjugate. Since the
Lagrangian particle velocity equals the Eulerian uid velocity
at a point,
dzp = u iv
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 123

and hence
dzp = dF
dt dz
The previous expression for the complex potential may be
di erentiated to yield
dzp = kc csch kh sin k(z ct + ih)
The interpretation of the terms on the right side is important.
At any instant of time, the complex coordinate z on the right
side is the location of the particle, thus the equation is
interpreted as
dzp = kc csch kh sin k(z ct + ih)
Assuming small waves (i.e., k  1), the location zp of the
particle may be assumed to vary only slightly in time.
Thus, the coordinate zp is assumed approximately constant in
the right side, and integrating
zp(t) zp(to) =  csch kh [cos k(z ct + ih) cos k(zp(to) cto + ih)]
zp(t) A =  csch kh cos k(z ct + ih)
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 124

A = zp (to)  csch kh cos k(zp(to) cto + ih)
Now the temporal mean value of the right side is zero,
 csch kh cos k(z ct + ih) dt = 0
where   2=! is the period of the travelling wave.
De ning
zp  zp(t) A
it is evident that zp represents the complex conjugate of the
deviation of the particle from its average position.
It is therefore evident that

zp =
F (z )
and hence
xp = + cos k(x ct) [sinh ky + coth kh cosh ky]
yp =  sin k(x ct) [cosh ky + coth kh sinh ky]
Using the trigonometric identity
sin2  + cos2  = 1
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 125

the particle trajectories satisfy

x2p yp2
+ =1
2 [sinh ky + coth kh cosh ky]2 2 [cosh ky + coth kh sinh ky]2
which represents an ellipse.
For deep water gravity waves,
x2p + yp2 = (eky )2
which represents a circle with radius eky .
Standing Waves
Consider two travelling waves with same wavenumber k
moving in opposite directions
1(x; t) = 1 sin k(x ct)
2(x; t) = 2 sin k(x + ct)

Within the approximations described previously, the complex

potentials, and hence the wave elevations, may be
Assuming 1 = 2,
(x; t) = 1(x; t) + 2(x; t)
=  sin kx cos !t
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 126

where !  kc is the wave frequency.

The corresponding complex potential is
F (z; t) = c csch kh sin k(z + ih) sin !t
By analysis similar to travelling waves, the complex conjugate
of the deviation of a particle from its average position is
zp =  csch kh cos !t [cos kx cosh k(y + h) i sin kx sinh k(y + h)]
Express zp in polar form,
zp  rpei p

rp =  csch kh cos !t cos2 kx cosh2 k(y + h) + sin2 kx sinh2 k(y + h)
p = tan 1 ftan kx tanh k(y + h)g

For xed x and y, the polar angle p of the particle motion

(relative to its average position) is a constant, and the radius
rp varies with time.
The nodes are the locations xn where the surface elevation is
constant (and zero)
(xn; t) = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 127

and thus

kxn = n

where n = 0; 1; 2; : : : .


zp =  csch kh cos !t [cos kx cosh k(y + h) i sin kx sinh k(y + h)]

it is evident that

xpjnode = ( 1)n csch kh cos !t cosh k(y + h)

ypjnode = 0

which indicates horizontal motion.

Note that the particle motion at successive nodes correlates with the wave
motion between the nodes in the sense of conservation of mass
Waves in Cylindrical Domain
Reference: I. G. Currie, Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, pp. 205-209.
The previous analyses considered in nite domains (in x and z ).
It was observed that there were no restrictions on the
wavelength  for standing or travelling gravity and/or capillary
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 128

Consider a cylindrical container of radius a with an average

depth h.


r θ

Laplace's equation in cylindrical polar coordinates in

1 @ @ ! 1 @ 2 @ 2
r @r r @r + r2 @2 + @z 2 = 0
The linearized boundary conditions at the surface are
@ @ = 0
@t @z
@ + g = 0
applied at z = h for 0  r  a.
The boundary condition at the lower surface is
@ = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 129

applied at z = 0 for 0  r  a.
The boundary condition at the wall of the cylinder is
@ = 0
applied at r = a for 0  z  h.
Using separation of variables,

(r; ; z; t) = R(r)()Z (z ) sin !t

where ! is the frequency. This form implies a solution for
standing waves.
Substitution into Laplace's equation yields,

() = A1 sin m + A2 cos m

Z (z ) = B1 sinh kz + B2 cosh kz
where m must be an integer in order to satisfy

(r;  + 2; z; t) = (r; ; z; t)

The remaining di erential equation is
d dR !  
r dr r dr + k2 r2 m2 R = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 130

which is Bessel's equation of order m.

The general solution to Bessel's equation is

R(r) = D1mJm (kr) + D2mYm(kr)

where Jm and Ym are Bessel functions of the rst and second

kinds, respectively, and D1m and D2m are constants.
The function Ym(kr) is singular at r = 0, however, and thus

D2m = 0

for all m.
Therefore, the solution is

m(r; ; z; t) = (A1m sin m + A2m cos m) 

(B1m sinh kz + B2m cosh kz ) Jm (kr) sin !t

where the subscript m has been added to A and B denoting

the dependence on m.
Applying the boundary condition at z = 0,

B1m = 0

The boundary condition on the pressure @=@t + g = 0 can

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 131

be di erentiated with respect to time yielding

@ 2 + g @ = 0
@t2 @z
which determines the dispersion formula

!2 = gk tanh kh
The solution is therefore

m(r; ; z; t) = (E1m sin m + E2m cos m) cosh kzJm (kr) sin !t
The boundary condition at r = a requires

Jm0 (ka) = 0
where the prime denotes di erentiation. There are a countably
in nite number of solutions to this equation denoted as

Jm0 (kmna) = 0
where n = 1; 2; : : :. The rst few values for m = 0 are
n k0n a
0 3.832
1 7.016
2 10.174
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 132

The solution is

mn(r; ; z; t) = (E1mn sin m + E2mn cos m) cosh(kmn z )Jm(kmn r) sin !mn t

and the general solution is therefore

1 X
X 1
(r; ; z; t) = mn (r; ; z; t)
m=0 n=0

The constants E1mn and E2mn are determined from

@ + g = 0
at t = 0 and the initial speci cation of the surface (r; ; t)jt=0.
Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
Reference: I. G. Currie, Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, pp. 209-214.
Consider two incompressible uids of densities 1 and 2 and
mean velocities U1 and U2.

Consider a two-dimensional, monochromatic surface

n ct) o
(x; t) = R eik(x
where  is real and R implies the real part.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 133





c = cr + ici
where cr and ci are real numbers. Then, the surface is stable if
and only if ci  0.
2 Veri cation by member of class
The uid is assumed irrotational and semi-in nite in both
The kinematic boundary conditions at the interface are
@ + U @ @1 = 0
@t 1 @x @y
@ + U @ @2 = 0
@t 2 @x @y
where 1 and 2 are the perturbation velocity potentials in the
lower and upper regions, respectively.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 134

The pressure boundary condition, neglect surface tension

e ects, is

1 @
+ 1U1 @1 + 1g = 2 @2 + 2U2 @2 + 2g
@x @t @x
All boundary conditions are applied at the mean elevation
y = 0.
The solution is

1(x; y; t) = A1e+ky eik(x ct)

2(x; y; t) = A2e ky eik(x ct)

The kinematic boundary condition yields

A1 = +i ( c + U1)
A2 = i ( c + U2)

and the pressure condition implies

c=  1 U1 + 2 U2 u
 ut (1 2) g   U1 U2 !2
1 + 2 (1 + 2) k 1 2 1 + 2
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 135

Gravity Waves
For 2 = 0,
c = U1  kg
which represents gravity waves on a uid with mean velocity
U1. Since c is real, the interface is stable.
Rayleigh Instability
Consider 1 = 2.
This is a shear layer (if U1 6= U2) in a homogeneous uid.

c = (U1 +2 U2)  i (U1 2 U2)

Thus, ci < 0 (for one of the two possible signs) and the
interface is unstable.
This is known as the Rayleigh or Helmholtz instability.
Taylor Instability
Assume U1 = U2 = 0. Then
u (1 2 ) g
c = u
(1 + 2) k
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 136

The interface is stable if 1 > 2 and unstable if 2 > 1.

This is known as the Taylor instability.
Gerstner Waves
Reference: C.-S. Yih, Fluid Mechanics, pp. 198-201.
All discussion to date on surface waves has focused on linear
An exact nonlinear solution of the Euler equations for surface
waves was obtained by Gerstner10.
Consider the Lagrangian coordinates Xi where i = 1; 2; 3.
At time t = 0, consider a rectangular parallelepiped. Along the
edges of the parallelepiped the increments in the Langrangian
coordinates are di where i = 1; 2; 3.





10Gerstner, F., \Theorie der Wellen", Abhandl. Kgl. Bohm. Ges. Wiss., 1802.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 137

The volume of the parallelepiped is

dV = @ (@X(1;;X 2;;X)3) d1d2d3

1 2 3

From the conservation of mass,

dV =  @ (@X(1;;X 2;;X)3) d1d2d3 = constant

1 2 3

where the constant depends on the initial parallelepiped only,

and the density  is not necessarily constant.
The conservation of momentum is
@ 2Xi = 1 @p + F
@t2  @Xi i
where p is the static pressure and Fi is the body force per unit
Multiplying by @Xi=@j and summing over i,
0 2 1
@ @ Xi FiA @Xi + 1 @p = 0
@t2 @j  @j
Assume two-dimensional motion in the x y plane, with
gravity acting in the negative y direction. Thus, F1 = 0 and
F2 = g.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 138

A solution is

X =  + k1 ek sin k( ct)

Y =  k1 ek cos k( ct)
where X  X1, Y  X2,   1,   2, and c and k are
Note that c is a phase velocity and k is a wavenumber.
It may be directly veri ed that
@ (X; Y ) = 1 e2k
@ (; )
and thus the volume of a parallelepiped is constant.
The momentum equations become
1 @p @ (gY )
+ = kc2ek sin k( ct)
 @ @
1 @p + @ (gY ) = kc2 ek cos k( ct) + kc2 e2k
 @ @

Multiplying the rst equation by d and the second by d and

dp = d  g + 1 c2e2k 
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 139

c2 = kg
Assume  is a function of  only (to be shown).
Then p is a function only of .

X =  + k1 ek sin k( ct)

Y =  k1 ek cos k( ct)
represents an exact wave motion of nite amplitude in a uid
of arbitrary strati cation (i.e.,  = ().)
Gerstner's waves are rotational.
It may be directly shown
2 kce2k
! = 1 e2kb

Demonstrate  = ()
Consider a frame of reference moving with velocity c in the
positive x direction. In this frame, the solution is

X =  ct + k1 ek sin k( ct)

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 140

Y =  k1 ek cos k( ct)

The rst equation indicates that  ct is a function of , k and

X . Substitution (conceptually) into the second equation yields
a (transcendental) equation for the particle position X and Y
which depends only upon , since k is a constant.
Thus, the streamline (in the steady frame of reference) is a
function only of .
The conservation of mass in Eulerian coordinates is
D =  @ui
Dt @xi
For an incompressible uid,
@ui  0
Note that this does not necessarily imply  is a constant.
Example: Seawater, where  depends on the salinity and thus
typically varies with depth.
Thus, the density  is a constant along a streamline.
Hence, for Gerstner waves,  is a function of  only.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 141

Stokes Waves
Reference: C.-S. Yih, Fluid Mechanics, pp. 201-204.
The existence of nonlinear irrotational surface waves in an
incompressible uid was rst investigated by Stokes11.
Consider the velocity potential
(x; y) = c x eky sin kx
where c, k and are constants.
The potential (x; y) exactly satis es Laplace's equation.
The corresponding streamfunction is
(x; y) = c y eky cos kx

On the streamline (x; y) = 0

y = eky cos kx
The asymptotic solution, by the method of successive
approximations, is

y = 1 k 2 + 1 + 9 k 2 2  cos kx +
2 8
1 k 2 cos 2kx + 3 k 2 3 cos 3kx + : : :
2 8
11G. G. Stokes, \On the Theory of Oscillatory Waves", Cambridge Trans., Vol. 8, 1847.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 142

De ne the amplitude as the coecient of the term cos kx

a  1 + 89 k2 2

Assuming ka  1, the streamline (x; y) = 0 is

y 1
2 ka2 = a cos kx + 12 ka2 cos 2kx + 83 k2 a3 cos 3kx + O(k3a4)

The pressure is obtained from Bernoulli's equation

p = constant gy 1  2 2
u +v

p = constant + kc2 g k3c2 2 y + : : :

and thus the static pressure is constant if

c2 = kg 1 + k2a2 + O(k3a3)

Analysis indicates that the next term is the expansion for c2 is

actually O(k4a4).
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 143


Y 0.0

Stokes’ Wave

-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5


Stokes' Wave for ka = 0.45

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 144

Solitary Wave
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 145

Solitary Waves
Yih, C.-S., Fluid Mechanics, 1977, pp. 204-206.
Lamb, H., Hydrodynamics, 1932, pp. 423-425
All previous waveforms in in nite domains have been in nite
wavetrains with periodic structure.
The solitary wave is a traveling wave of permanent form with a
single crest.
Consider a two-dimensional, irrotational ow of a uid of
uniform density.
Assume there exists a steady traveling wave of permanent form
moving with velocity c in the x-direction over a uid of depth
h at in nity.
The x y coordinate system is attached to the wave, with
y = 0 representing the (impermeable) lower boundary, and
corresponding to the wave crest.
The complex potential is

F (z ) =  + i

where F (z ) is an analytic function.

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 146

F (z ) may be expanded in a Taylor series

X1 dn F (z zo )n
F (z ) = F (zo) + dz n n!
n=1 z=z o

Consider the Taylor series expansion about z = x. Then,

z zo = iy

Furthermore, since F (z ) is analytic, its derivatives dn F=dz n

can be determined by taking the limit z ! zo in any direction
Thus, selecting z ! zo along the horizontal x direction,
dnF = dnF  F (n) (x)
dz n z=z dxn z=x

since zo = x.
X (n)
F (z ) = F (x) + F (x) (iy ) n
n=1 n!
The lower surface y = 0 is a streamline de ned by (x; 0) = 0.
Thus, F (x) is real.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 147

@F = @ + i @ = @
@x @x @x @x
since (x; 0) = 0.
Di erentiating the Taylor series with respect to x and
evaluating at y = 0,
@F (z ) = @F (x)
@x @x
and thus F (1)(x) is real. Similarly, F (n)(x) is real for all n.
Thus, the real and imaginary parts of the Taylor series may be
directly identi ed and

(x; y) = F (x) y2! F (2)(x) + y4! F (4)(x) + . . .

2 4

(x; y) = yF (1)(x)
y3 F (3) (x) + y5 F (5)(x) + . . .
3! 5!

Since the surface elevation is y = h at x = 1, Bernoulli's

equation applied at the free surface yields
 2 2
2 u + v + gy = 21 c2 + gh
since the pressure p is constant and the ow velocity at
x = 1 is c.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 148

From the previous expansion,

u = F (1)(x)y2 F (3)(x) + y4 F (5)(x) + . . .

2! 4!
v = y 3 y 5
yF (x) + 3! F (x) 5! F (6)(x) + . . .
(2) (4)

and thus
F y2F (1)F (3) + y2 F (2) 2 + . . . = c2 2g (y h)(3)
On the free surface, (x; h) = ch. 2 Why ?
Thus, the free surface is de ned by

yF (1) y3 F (3) + y5 F (5) + . . . = ch (4)

3! 5!
Equations (3) and (4) implicitly de ne the free surface shape.
Rewriting (4),
8 9
< 1 y 2 =
F (1) = ch : y + 6ch F (3) + . . . ;

Assuming the series inside the brackets f g is convergent, and

consider y to be a function of x de ned by (4), yields
0 100
F (3) 1
= ch @ A + . . .
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 149

where the prime denotes di erentiation with respect to x.

8 2 1 !00 9
< 1 y =
F (1) = ch : y + 6 y + . . . ;

Using (3),

1 + 2 y00 1 y02 = 1 2g(y h)

y2 3 y 3 y2 h2 c2h2
to the order indicated in the expansions.
Multiply by y0 and integrating,
1 1 y02 1 (y h) g(y h)2
+ = + 2
y 3y h h c2h2
where the constant of integration is determined by the
boundary condition y0(x) = 0 at y = h (i.e., at x = 1).

y02 = 3(y h)2 "1 gy #

h2 c2
Note that y0(x) = 0 at y = h (i.e., at x = 1) and y = c2=g
which represents the value of y at the crest.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 150

De ne the maximum elevation a of the surface wave by

ycrest  h + a
c2 = g(h + a)
This expression agrees with the empirical formula of Scott
De ne
(x)  y(x) h
d =   1  !1=2
dx b a

b2 h 2 (h + a)
and the solution is

(x) = a sech2 x!
12Russell, S., \Report on Waves", Brit. Assoc. Report, 1844.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 151

2 Is this an exact solution ?

The gure on page 1 corresponds to a = h=2 and thus b = h.
This analysis was originally developed by Rayleigh13.
An independent analysis was presented by Boussinesq14.
Internal Waves in a Strati ed Fluid
Yih, C.-S., Fluid Mechanics, 1977, pp. 228 f.
All previous surface waves (with the exception of Gerstner
waves) have involved constant density uids.
A typical property of these surface waves (e.g., surface gravity
and capillary waves, surface waves in nite containers, Stokes
waves, solitary waves, etc.) is the absence of an internal
horizontal nodal plane, i.e., a plane where the vertical velocity
was zero.
Strati ed uids exhibit internal waves, i.e., wave motion within
the uid manifesting one or more horizontal nodal planes.
A strati ed uid is an incompressible uid
@ui = 0
13Rayleigh, \On Waves", Phil. Mag. (5), i. 257, 1876. Lord Rayleigh's actual name
was John William Strutt (1842-1919).
14Boussinesq, Comptes Rendus, June 19, 1871.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 152

with a non-constant density (x; y; z; t) satisfying

@ + u @ = 0
@t i @xi
This is equivalent to D=Dt = 0.
The conservation of momentum is

@p + F
@xi i
Governing Equation
Consider a two-dimensional stati ed uid with
  = (x; y; t)
 @=@y < 0
 F1 = 0 and F2 = g
Consider small perturbations to a quiescent, stably strati ed

(x; y; t) = (y) + 0 (x; y; t)

p(x; y; t) = p(y) + p0 (x; y; t)

where d=dy < 0 (i.e., stably strati ed).

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 153

The velocity components u(x; y; t) and v(x; y; t) are not

expanded since their quiescent values are zero.
The quiescent density and pressure satisfy

@ p g
The full conservation of momentum is

( + 0 ) @u + u @u + v @u ! = @ p @p0
@t @x @y ! @x @x
( + 0 ) @v + u @v + v @v = @ p @p0 ( + 0 )g
@t @x @y @y @y

Thus, neglecting quadratic terms,

@u @p0
@t = @x0
@t =
@p 0g

The pressure may be eliminated by cross di erentiation

@ @u ! @ @v ! g @0 = 0 (5)
@y @t @x @t @x
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 154

The condition of incompressibility

@u + @v = 0
@x @y
is identically satis ed by the introduction of a streamfunction

u = @@y and v = @@x

Anticipating travelling waves, the streamfunction is written

n o
(x; y; t) = R f (y)eik(x ct)

where f (y) is complex and the real R part of the right side is
df eik(x ct)
u = + dy
v = ikfeik(x ct) (6)

The conservation of mass becomes

@0 + u @0 + v @  + v @0 = 0
@t @x @y @y
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 155

Neglecting terms quadratic in the perturbations,

@0 + v d = 0
@t dy

The conservation of mass suggests

0 (x; y; t) = a(y)eik(x ct)

Thus the conservation of mass yields

ikc0 = v ddy

Consider the reduction of (5).

The third term in (5) may be expressed
g @
@x = gik0
= gv d
c dy

Using (6), equation (5) becomes

d  df ! k2 1 + 1 g d! f = 0
dy dy 2  dy
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 156

where   kc has the units of frequency.

Boundary Condition at y = 0
Consider a strati ed uid of mean depth h with the bottom
corresponding to y = 0.
The boundary condition at y = 0 is v = 0, and thus

f (0) = 0

Boundary Condition at y = h
Consider two possible upper boundary conditions

 Rigid upper boundary at y = h

 Free surface y = h + (x; t) where h is the mean depth
and the perturbation  is small.

In the rst case, the boundary condition is

f (h) = 0

In the second case, the exact boundary condition (neglecting

surface tension) is

(p(y) + p0 (x; y; t))jy=h+(x;t) = 0

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 157

Expanding in a Taylor series about y = h

p(h) + p0(x; h; t) + ddyp (x; t) + @p
@y (x; t) + : : : = P
where P is a constant.
From the conservation of momentum, it is recognized that the
fourth term is quadratic, and thus
dp(x; t)
p0 (x; h; t) = dy

and from the quiescent momentum equation

p0 (x; h; t) (h) g (x; t) = 0
From the momentum equation,
df eik(x ct)
p0 =  c dy

Furthermore, the kinematic condition at the free surface

@ + u @ = v
@t @x
is linearized about the mean surface (y = h)
@ = v
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 158

Thus, from v = @ =@x,

(x; t) = fc eik(x ct)

and the free surface boundary condition (at y = h) becomes

df gf =0
dy c2

d  df ! k2 1 + 1 g d! f = 0
dy dy 2  dy

f = 0 at y = 0
f = 0 at y = h
or df g2 f = 0 at y = h
dy c

The governing equation and boundary conditions are solved for

a given mean density pro le (y).
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 159

The governing equations and boundary conditions represent a
Sturm-Liouville-B^ocher system.
The eigenvalues of the wavenumber k are determined in solving
the governing equations with speci ed frequency   kc and
mean density pro le (y).
Solutions are usually obtained numerically, although important
general results may be derived analytically.
Maximum Frequency with Rigid Boundaries
Consider internal waves in a strati ed uid with rigid lower
and upper boundaries.
It is evident that if f (y) is a solution, then f (y) is also a
solution. Thus, it may be assumed that df=dy > 0 at y = 0
with no loss of generality.
2 Is it possible that df =dy = 0 at y = 0 ?
df (y ) df
(y) dy = dy + 0 k2 (y0)
(y0) f (y0) dy0 (8)


(y)  1 + 12 g d
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 160

(y) > 0 for 0  y  h.
Then, as y increases from y = 0, equation (8) implies that
df (y)=dy is always positive, and thus f (y) > 0 for y > 0.
Hence, the upper boundary condition f (h) = 0 cannot be
satis ed.
De ne
BV  t g dy
u d

where BV is known as the Brunt-Vaisala frequency.

(y) > 0 implies

1 BV !2 > 0

 > BV
Hence, for a strati ed uid contained within rigid horizontal
boundaries, wave motion is infeasible for frequencies  greater
than the Brunt-Vaisala frequency.
d  df ! k2
f = 0
dy dy
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 161

f = 0 at y = 0
f = 0 at y = h
df g f = 0 at y = h
dy c2

(y)  1
BV !2

BV  t g dy
u d

The governing equation and boundary conditions are solved for

a given mean density pro le (y).
What is the nature of the eigenvalue problem ?
No wavemotion is feasible for  > BV (y).
Thus, for internal waves
(y) < 0 in some portion (or all) of
ow eld.
If the depth is nite, then for any k2 the eigenvalues of c2 for
internal waves have a nite maximum and converge to zero as
the number of nodal planes increases inde nitely. Hence, for
each k2 there are an in nite number of modes of internal
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 162

waves. This result is applicable for a rigid upper boundary or

free surface.
df (y ) df
(y) dy = dy + 0 k2 (y0)
(y0) f (y0) dy0

Without loss of generality, assume df=dy > 0 at y = 0.

As seen previously, if  > BV (y) for 0 < y < h, then no wave
motion is possible for any value of k.
Assume that  is suciently small that
(y) < 0 in the
vicinity of y = 0. Then it is evident that  can be taken
suciently small that df (y)=dy becomes negative at some y
and remains negative for some distance in y thereafter.
Hence, f (y) can be made to eventually become zero at y < h.
(y) is still negative, then the sign of the integrand changes
with the change in sign of f (y), and an oscillatory (in y)
behavior of f is observed.
The number of zeros of f (y) in 0 < y < h increase as 
decreases for xed k.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 163

Low Reynolds Number Flow

Currie, I. G., Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, 1974, pp. 252-275.
Yih, C.-S., Fluid Mechanics, 1977, pp. 362-382.
Batchelor, G., An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, 1967, pp. 216-245.
Many practical problems in uid mechanics involve low
Reynolds numbers, for example:

 Drops and bubbles
 Bio uidynamics
See, for example,

 H. Hasimoto and O. Sano, \Stokeslets and Eddies in

Creeping Flow", Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.
12, 1980, pp. 335-363.
 J. Brady and G. Bossis, \Stokesian Dynamics", Annual
Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 20, 1988, pp. 111-157.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 164

The Stokes Equations

Consider an incompressible, viscous uid. The governing
dimensional equations are
@ui = 0
@ui + u @ui = 1 @p +  @ 2ui
@t j @xj  @xi @x2j
Non-dimensionalize the equations according to

xi = Lx~i
L 2
t =  t~

ui = U u~i

p = U
L p~

where ~ indicates a dimensionless quantity.

Dropping the ~ for convenience,
@ui = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 165

0 1
@ui + Re @u @ui A = @p + @ 2ui
@t @xj @xi @x2j

where Re  UL= is the Reynolds number.

The boundary conditions for ow past a solid body are
ui = 0 on a stationary solid boundary
ui = U1 at in nity

The limiting form of the governing equations as Re ! 0 is

@ui = 0
@ui = @p + @ 2ui
@t @xi @x2j
which are known as Stokes equations.
The solution to Stokes equations, subject to the speci ed
boundary conditions, can be considered to be the rst term in
an asymptotic expansion in Re.
It is important to note that the Stokes equations are the same
mathematical order as the Navier-Stokes equations, and hence
the nature and number of the boundary conditions remains the
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 166

A similar asymptotic expansion for high Reynolds number

leads (formally, at least) to the Euler equations whose
mathematical order is reduced. The boundary conditions for
the Euler equations are not the same as those for the
Navier-Stokes equations, thus requiring the introduction of a
boundary layer in which the governing equations are scaled in
such a manner as to include viscous di usion.
An alternate form of Stokes equations may be obtained by
taking r  r of the momentum equation, and utilizing the

r  (r  ~a) = r (r  ~a) r2~a

Note that r2~a can be written in Cartesian tensor form as @ 2a =@x2.
i j

However, in other coordinates (e.g., spherical polar), r2~a must be properly

interpreted. See, for example, Appendix 2 of Yih, C.-S., Fluid Mechanics.
This yields,
@ 2 @ui ! = @ 4ui
@x2j @t @x2j @x2k
wherein the pressure p does not appear. An equation can be
obtained for the pressure alone by taking the divergence of the
momentum equation and using conservation of mass
@ 2p = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 167

Since the Stokes equations are linear, it is useful to seek
fundamental solutions in a manner similar to the investigation
of potential ows.
The Rotlet
Consider a steady ow eld of the form

~v = ~r  r
where (x; y; z ) is a scalar function and r is the position
In Cartesian tensor notation
ui = ijk xj @x

where ijk is the cyclic tensor,

< +1 if i; j; k are cyclically increasing (e.g., 1 2 3, 2 3 1, etc)
ijk = > 1 if i; j; k are cyclically decreasing (e.g., 2 1 3, etc.)
: 0 if any two of the indices i; j; k are the same

The divergence of the velocity is

0 1
@ui =  @ @xj @  + x @ 2 A
@xi ijk @xi @xk j @xi @xk
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 168


ijk @xj
@xi = 0
Also, the term xj @ 2=@xi @xk is symmetric in i and k, and
thus its product with ijk is zero.
2 Why ?
Thus, ~v = ~r  r satis es conservation of mass for any
(x; y; z ).
Assume the static pressure p is a constant.
Stokes equations become

@ 2ui = 0
0 1
@ 2ui =  @ @ 2xj @  + 2 @xj @ 2 + x @ 3 A
@x2l ijk @x2l @xk @xl @xl @xk j @x2l @xk
This becomes
0 1
@ 2ui =  x @ @ @ 2 A
@x2l ijk j @xk @x2l
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 169

Any function  satisfying Laplace's equation

@ 2 = 0
therefore yields a velocity
ui = ijk xj @x

which satis es Stokes equations with p = constant.

Consider the rst fundamental solution of Laplace's equation
in spherical coordinates

= A
where r2 = x2 + y2 + z 2.
This yields ui = 0.
Consider the second fundamental solution

 = B cos2 
where cos   x=r. This corresponded to a doublet aligned
with the x axis in potential ow.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 170

The velocity is

~v = B ~er 

where ~er is the unit vector is the direction of the position

vector ~r and ~ex is the unit vector in the x direction.
The streamlines are concentric circles about the x axis.

Rotlet r

The Rotlet
Ref: Currie, I. G., Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, 1974, pp. 252-275.
The rotlet is
ui = ijk xj @x


 = B cos2 
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 171

Rotlet r

where cos   x=r and r2 = x2 + y2 + z 2 = x21 + x22 + x23.

The rotlet does not exert a force on the uid. Consider a
spherical control volume surrounding the rotlet. The force on
the control volume surface is
Fi = S
( pij + ij ) nj dS

where nj are the the Cartesian components of the outwards

normal and ij is the viscous stress tensor.
Since the static pressure p is constant, there is no contribution
to the integral. Since ui  r 2 and dS  r2, Fi  r 1 and thus
taking the sphere to in nity, Fi = 0.
The rotlet does exert a moment on the uid. The moment is
M~  S ~r  T~ dS

where T~ is the surface traction. In Cartesian notation

Mi = S ijk xj Tk dS
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 172


Tk = kl nl

@u @u !
k l
kl = p kl +  @x + @x
l k

Since p is constant, it does not contribute to the moment.

Since nl = xl =r for a sphere,
 Z @u @u !
k l
Mi = r S ijk xj xl @x + @x dS
l k

Employing the velocity distribution,

xl @uk
@x = 2uk

2 Homework Problem
@ul = @ (x u ) u @xl
xl @x
k @xk l l l
The rst term on the right is zero since ~r  ~v is zero.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 173

2 Why is ~r  ~v = 0?
@ul = u
xl @x k

Mi = 3r S ijk xj uk dS


M1 = 8B
M2 = 0
M3 = 0

2 Homework Problem

The Stokeslet
Recall that the Stokes equations are
@ui = 0
@ui = @p + @ 2ui
@t @xi @x2j
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 174

Additionally, the divergence of the momentum equation yields

@ 2p = 0

The rotlet is characterized by a constant p.

Instead, consider a non-uniform pressure obtained as a solution
of Laplace's equation, and then obtain the corresponding
velocity from the momentum equation.
This yields other fundamental solution(s) of Stokes' equations.
In general, these solutions correspond to an in nite ow
The rst fundamental solution of Laplace's equation is

p = Ar

This does not lead to a particularly interesting solution for the

2 Homework Problem
The second fundamental solution of Laplace's equation is

p = 2c xr31
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 175

where the constant has been taken to be equal to 2c for

convenience and r2  x2i .
0 1
@ 2u1 = c @ 2 6 x21 A
@x2i r3 r5
The solution is
cx 2
u1 = r31 + u~1

where u~1 is any harmonic function.

@ 2u2 = 6c x1 x2
@x2i r5
The solution is

u2 = cxr13x2 + u~2

where u~2 is any harmonic function.

@ 2u3 = 6c x1 x3
@x2i r5
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 176

The solution is
u3 = cxr13x3 + u~3
where u~3 is any harmonic function.
ui = cxr13xi + u~i
Substitution into the conservation of mass yields
@ui = cx1 + @ u~i
@xi r3 @xi
The harmonic function u~i must therefore satisfy
@ 2u~i = 0
@ u~i = cx1
@xi r3
The solution is
u~1 = c=r
u~2 = 0
u~3 = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 177

The solution is

p = 2c xr31
0 2 1
x 1
u1 = c @ r31 + r A

u2 = cxr13x2

u3 = cxr13x3

This is known as a Stokeslet.

The force exerted by the Stokeslet on the uid is
Fi = S
( pij + ij ) nj dS

After some analysis,

F1 = 8c
F2 = 0
F3 = 0

The Stokeslet does not exert a moment on the uid.

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 178

Rotating Sphere
Consider a sphere of radius a rotating with angular velocity

in an otherwise undisturbed uid. Assume the axis of rotation

is the x axis.
Assume the Reynolds number Re 
a2=  1. Thus, Stokes'
equations are a rst approximation to the governing equations.
@ui = 0
@ui = @p + @ 2ui
@t @xi @x2j

The boundary conditions on the sphere surface are

~v =
a~er ~ex

where ~er is the unit vector in the r direction.

The outer boundary condition is ~v ! 0 as r ! 1.
The Stokes' equations and boundary conditions are satis ed by
a rotlet provided

B =

The moment acting on the sphere is equal in magnitude and

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 179

opposite in sign to the moment acting on the uid, and thus

the moment acting on the sphere is

M1 = 8

Uniform Flow Past a Sphere

Consider the superposition of the fundamental solutions
corresponding to uniform ow, a doublet and a stokeslet
0 1 0 1
u1 = U + A @ 13 x 2
1 x2 1
3 5 + c 31 + A
A @
r r r r
u2 = 3A xr1x5 2 + cxr13x2

u3 = 3A xr1x5 3 + cxr13x3

p = 2c xr31

This expression satis es Stokes' equations, and the boundary

condition u1 ! U; u2 ! 0; u3 ! 0 as r ! 1.
To examine whether it is possible to satisfy the no-slip
condition at r = a, consider setting ui = 0 at
x1 = a; x2 = 0; x3 = 0 which corresponds to the rear stagnation
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 180

This yields

U + aA3 + ac = 0
3 A3 + c = 0
a a

A = 1
4 Ua3
c = 3 Ua

Therefore, using vector notation, the solution is

82 0 13 0 1 9
~v = U :41 1 a @ a2 + 3A5 ~e + 3 ax1 @ a2 1A ~e =
x r;
4 r r2 4 r2 r2
p = 3 U ax1
2 r3
where it is evident that the solution for ~v satis es the no-slip
condition at r = a.
The force on the sphere is equal and opposite to the force on
the uid. There are no contributions to the force from the
uniform ow and doublet, and thus the force arises from the
Stokeslet only

F1 = 6Ua F2 = 0 F3 = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 181

and the corresponding drag coecient, relative to the frontal

area a2 is

Cd = 1 UF21a2 = Re

where Re  2Ua= . This result has been found experimentally

to be valid for Re < 1.
Uniform Flow Past a Circular Cylinder
Batchelor, G., An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, 1970, pp. 240 .
Currie, I. G., Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, 1974, pp. 270-275.
Van Dyke, M., Perturbation Methods in Fluid Mechanics, 1964, Chap. 8.
Consider steady, two dimensional viscous ow past a right
circular cylinder at low Reynolds numbers.
The dimensional governing equations are
@u + @v = 0
@x @y
0 1
@p +  @ @ 2u + @ 2u A = 0
@x @x2 @y2
0 1
@p +  @ @ 2v + @ 2v A = 0
@y @x2 @y2
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 182

The curl of the momentum equation yields

@ 2 ! + @ 2! = 0
@x2 @y2
where ! is the vorticity
@v @u
! = @x @y
2 Why is there only one component of vorticity in 2-D ow ?
De ning the streamfunction
@  u; @  v
@y @x
and thus
@2 + @2 = !
@x2 @y2
and hence satis es the biharmonic equation
0 2 2 12
@ @ @ A =0
@x2+ 2 @y
Consider the non-dimensionalization
= Ua ~
r = ar~
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 183

where a is the radius of the cylinder.

Drop the~for simplicity of notation.
In cylindrical coordinates, the dimensionless streamfunction
satis es
0 2 2 12
@ + 1 @ 1 @ A =0
@r2 r @r + r2 @2
The boundary condition at the surface of the cylinder r = 1 is
= 0
@ = 0

The boundary condition at in nity is

! r sin  as r ! 1
This latter boundary condition suggests a solution of the form
for the dimensionless streamfunction
(r; ) = f (r) sin 
Substitution into the biharmonic equation for yields
A !
(r; ) = sin  + Br + Cr log r + Dr 3
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 184

The boundary conditions at the surface imply

0 1
(r; ) = sin  @ (1+ ) 1 1 r + (1+2 ) r log r r3A
2 r 2 2

where and are constants.

The boundary condition at r ! 1 cannot be satis ed for any
value of , however.
It is evident that a uniformly valid solution of Stokes'
equations for low Reynolds number ow past a circular
cylinder does not exist. The paradox arise from the neglect of
the convective terms.
The proper solution of the problem requires the modi cation of
the governing equations to incorporate the convective terms.
The rst work in this area was published by Oseen in 1910 (see
Lubrication Theory
Ref: Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, 1968, pp. 108 .
Consider the two dimensional ow betwen a slide block and
guide surface.
The guide surface moves with velocity U . The slide block is
xed. The pressure at the entrance and exit is ambient po .
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 185

slide block
guide surface
Figure 1: Bearing
The inertia and viscous forces may be estimated
inertial forces  u   U 2
@x l
viscous forces   2   U2
@y h
and thus
inertial forces  Ul h !2  Re
viscous forces  l
Thus, provided Re^  1, the governing dimensional equations
to lowest order are expected to be Stokes' equations
@u + @v = 0
@x @y
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 186

0 1
@p +  @ @ 2u + @ 2u A = 0
@x @x2 @y2
0 1
@p +  @ @ 2v + @ 2v A = 0
@y @x2 @y2

Since the height h is small compared to the length l,

@ 2u  @ 2u
@x2 @y2
Similarly, since the pressure is equal to the ambient pressure po
at the entrance and exit, we expect
@p  @p
@y @x
Thus, the x momentum equation becomes
dp +  @ 2u = 0
dx @y2
the y momentum equation can be neglected, and the
conservation of mass is replaced by a condition of constant
volume ux
Z h(x)
Q= 0
udy = constant
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 187

where h(x) is the local height of the bearing channel.

The boundary conditions are
u = U on y = 0
u = 0 on y = h(x)
p = po at x = 0
p = po at x = l
The solution is
0 1
u(x; y) = @U h2p0 y A 1 y !
2 h h
where p0  dp=dx and h is a function of x.
The pressure gradient p0 is determined by Q = constant,
Uh h3 p0
Q = 2 12


p0 = 12 U Q!
2h2 h3
Integrating p(x) = po + Rox p0 dx, and requiring p(l) = po,
Rl 2
Q = 2 Rol hh 3dx
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 188

De ne the characteristic thickness of the channel

Zl ! Zl ! 1
H o
h 2 dx
h 3 dx

which depends only on the channel geometry.


Q = 12 UH


p(x) = po + 6Ub1 (x) 12Qb2 (x)

Z h(x)
b1(x)  o h 2dx
Z h(x)
b2(x)  o h 3dx

and thus
6 U H
p0 = h2 1 h
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 189

Wedge Shaped Bearing

To achieve a positive pressure p > po , it is evident that p0 > 0
over part of the bearing. This is achieved for a wedge shaped
bearing as indicated in Fig. 1. Writing

h(x) = (a x) tan   (a x) 

where  is the wedge angle in radians,

Q = U a(2(aa ll))


p(x) = po + 6U hx2(2

(l x)
a l)
Describing the wedge shaped channel in terms of the inlet and
exit heights h1 and h2, respectively, where h1 > h2,

H = (h2h+1hh2 )
1 2

The resultant vertical force due to the pressure is

Zl 2 3
Fy  o pdx = ( 1)2h2 4log  2((+1)1) 5
6 2
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 190

where   h1=h2.
Michell15 found the resultant force has a maximum for   2:2

Fymax Ul
 0:16 h2

The horizontal force on the guide surface is

Z l @u 2 3
Fx  o  @y dx = ( 1)h 44 log  6( 1) 5
y=0 2 ( +1)
For   2:2,

Fx  0:75 Ul
h 2

The kinetic coecient of friction & is de ned by

G  &F
and thus for maximum Fy ,

&  4:7 hl2

and therefore & can be very small.

15Michell, A., Z. Math. u. Physik, Vol. 52, 1905, p. 123.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 191

Lubrication Theory
Ref: Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, 1968, pp. 108 .

slide block
guide surface
Figure 2: Bearing
The center of pressure is located at
8 9
xc = 21 l : (21) (2 1 2 log ) =
[(2 1) log  2( 1)2 ] ;

where  = h1=h2.
For   1, the pressure distribution approximates a parabola
with maximum pressure at x  21 l.
At x = 12 l,

pmax = U (2a l l)h2

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 192

where the height distribution h(x) is

h(x) = (x a)

and hm  h( 12 l).
The magnitude of the maximum pressure can be signi cant.
For example, consider U = 30 ft/s,  = 8  10 4 lbf-sec/ft2,
l = 4 in, hm = 0:008 in. This yields pmax = 41:7 lbf/in2.

Hele-Shaw Flow
Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, 1968, pp. 114 .
Liggett, J., Fluid Mechanics, 1994, pp. 166
Consider slow viscous ow between parallel plates separated by
a distance 2h. An obstacle (e.g., a cylinder) is placed between
the plates. The x y plane is parallel to the plates and
midway between the plates.
The velocity pro le far upstream of the obstacle corresponds to
fully developed channel ow
0 1
u = U1 @1 z 2 A ; v = 0; w = 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 193

Stokes equations are

@u + @v + @w = 0
@x @y @z
0 1
1 @p +  @ @ 2u + @ 2u + @ 2u A = 0
 @x @x2 @y2 @z 2
0 1
1 @p +  @ @ 2v + @ 2v + @ 2v A = 0
 @y @x2 @y2 @z 2
0 1
1 @p @ @ 2w @ 2w @ 2w A
 @z +  @x2 + @y2 + @z 2 = 0

A solution of Stokes equations is
0 1
u = u^(x; y) @1 z2 A
h2 1
v = v^(x; y) @1 z2 A
w = 0
2 Z x
p = p^(x; y)  h2 x u^(x; y)dx o

where u^(x; y); v^(x; y) are solutions to the 2-D potential ow

around the cylinder with corresponding pressure p^(x; y)
@ u^ + @ v^ = 0
@x @y
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 194

@ u^ + v^ @ u^ =
u^ @x 1 @ p^
@y  @x
@ v^ + v^ @ v^ =
u^ @x 1 @ p^
@y  @y

Substitution of the solution into conservation of mass yields
@ u^ + @ v^ = 0
@x @y
Substitution into the x momentum equation yields

@ 2u^ + @ 2u^ = 0
@x2 @y2
and likewise into the y momentum equation yields

@ 2v^ + @ 2v^ = 0
@x2 @y2
where the continuity equation @ u^=@x + @ v^=@y = 0 has been
Thus, u^(x; y) and v^(x; y) represent the planar velocity eld
obtained from a 2-D potential ow.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 195

Thus, the slow viscous ow has the same streamlines as

potential ow.
The boundary condition at z = h is satis ed. However, the
no-slip boundary condition at the cylinder surface is not
satis ed, and hence there is a discrepancy in actual
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 196

Inviscid Compressible Flow

Theory of Characteristics

Y s

Consider the two-dimensional streamline-normal coordinate

system where s is the arclength measured along a streamline, n
is the normal distance to the streamline, and  is the angle
between the x-axis and the streamline. Let U denote the
magnitude of the velocity.
The governing inviscid equations are
@U + U @ = 0
@s @n
U @U + @p = 0
@s @s
U 2 @ + @p = 0
@s @n
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 197

Tt = constant

Consider the directional derivative in the  direction where 

is oriented (in a counter-clockwise sense) at the local Mach
angle   sin 1 M 1 relative to the streamline.


By de nition
ds = cos 
dn = sin 
and thus
@f = M 2 1 @f + 1 @f
@ M @s M @n
where M (x; y) is the local Mach number and f (; ) is an
arbitrary function.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 198

Likewise, consider the directional derivative in the  direction

where  is oriented (in a clockwise) sense at the local Mach
angle relative to the streamline.
@f = M 2 1 @f 1 @f
@ M @s M @n
These may be rewritten as
@f = p M @f + @f !
@s 2 M 2 1 @ @
@f = M @f @f !
@n 2 @ @

Substitution into the conservation equations yields

@ = M2 1 @p
@ p U2
2 @
@ = + M 1 @p
@ U 2 @

Since the ow is isentropic, the total pressure is constant

0 1 =( 1)
pt = p @ 1 + ( 1) MA
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 199

and thus
@ =  M 2 1  @M 2
@ M 2 1 + ( 21) M 2 @

which may be directly integrated

v v
u u ( 1) p
 = t +1 tan
u 1u 1
t (M 2 1) tan M 2 1 + constant
1 ( +1)

De ne
v v
u u ( 1) p
 (M )  t +1 tan
u 1u 1
t (M 2 1) tan M2 1
1 ( +1)


  = constant on  characteristic

and similarly

 +  = constant on  characteristic

The  characteristics are denoted the left running

characteristics, and the  characteristics are denoted the right
running characteristics.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 200

Consider compressible inviscid ow past a corner.



Consider a right-running  characteristic originating in the

upstream ow at point a.
The right-running characteristic will intersect the surface
downstream of the corner. Denote the intersection point by b.

a + a = b + b
Assuming the x axis is aligned with the upstream ow, a = 0.
From the geometry, b = wall .
Given the value of M1, then a can be computed.
b is obtained from the above equation, and M2 determined.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 201

For M1 = 1:95, a = 25 .

Assume wall = 30 .
Then b = 55 and M2 = 3:287.
Prandtl Meyer Expansion

y fan

θ M2

Application of Buckingham  Theorem

The velocity is

~v = u~er + v~e

where ~er and ~e are the unit vectors in the r and  directions.
The ow variables are u, v, p and .
Consider the radial velocity u.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 202

We may express

u = f (r; ; u1 ; p1 ; 1; w ; )

F (u; r; ; u1 ; p1 ; 1; w ; ) = 0
The fundamental units are length, mass, time and temperature.
For the above equation, the number of variables is n = 8.
Similarly, the number of fundamental units is m = 3 (i.e.,
mass, length and time).
Hence, there are 5  parameters. By inspection,

1 = u=u1
2 = 2
3 = 
4 = M1
5 =

It is evident that r does not appear among any  parameters.

It is not possible to create a combination of terms which have
the units of length and therefore there is no means to
non-dimensionalize r.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 203

Thus, the ow cannot depend upon r.


F (u; ; ; u1 ; p1; 1; w ; ) = 0

and n = 7, m = 2 and there are 5  parameters.

We therefore seek a solution for u, v,  and p which depends
on  and is independent of r.
The governing equations are
1 @ur + 1 @v = 0
r @r r @
v @u v2 = 0
r @ r
v @v + uv = 1 @p
r @ r r @
cpT + 21 u2 + v2 = constant

Since the ow variables are independent of r,

dv = u v d mass
d  d
du = v r momentum
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 204

dv = dp
u v1 d  momentum

Assuming the ow is isentropic,

dp = a2 d
d d
where a = p= is the speed of sound.
Thus, mass and the  momentum equations are
dv = u v d mass
d d
dv = a d
u v
d d

By inspection, v = a.
Since the ow is isentropic,   a2=( 1).
1 d 2 dv
 d ( 1)v d
dv = u ( 2 1) dv mass
d d
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 205

du = +v r momentum

Combining the equations,

d2v + 2v = 0

2 = (( +1)

The equation is valid only within the expansion fan, as v is not

twice continuously di erentiable everywhere.
The upstream boundary condition is applied at  = 1 where
1 = (M1). At this location,
v = U1 sin 1 = U1=M1 = a1
The downstream boundary condition is applied at  = 2 w .
At this location,
v = U2 cos(=2 2) = U2 sin 2 = a2
The solution for v is

v = f a1 sin (sin (2+ w) ++a2 sin

( 1)g
1 2 w
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 206

valid for 2 w <  < 1 .

The solution for u is

u = fa1 cos ( sin2+(w )  a+2 cos

( 1)g
1 2 w

Note that the solution has discontinuous derivatives at  = 1

and  = 2 w .
Point Explosion
Ref: Thompson, P., Compressible Fluid Dynamics, 1972, pp. 495 .


rs(t) p1

fluid at rest

Consider the release of a xed amount of energy E at t = 0 in

a quiescent uid.
A spherical shock wave is formed which travels outward.
Denote the radius of the shock rs (t).
Consider the instantaneous conditions at the shock front.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 207

V2 V1
p2 p1

Frame of reference attached to shock

In a frame of reference attached to the shock, the

Rankine-Hugoniot conditions apply across the shock wave.
2 What is the e ect of the acceleration of the coordinate system ?
p2 = 1 + 2 M 2 1
p1 ( +1) 1
2 = ( +1)M12
1 ( 1)M12 + 2
V1 = 2
V2 1
2 3 2 3
( 1)
M2 = 41 + 2 M1 5 = 4 M1
2 2 2 ( 1) 5
h ih i
T2 = 2 M12 ( 1) ( 1)M12 + 2
T1 ( +1)2M12
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 208

Consider a strong explosion, i.e., M1 ! 1 where

M1  Va1 = Vas
1 1

where Vs  drs =dt. Note that M1 is not constant.

M 2p = 2  V 2
p2  ( 2+1) 1 1 ( +1) 1 s


2  (( +1) 
1) 1
M2  t ( 1)
2 ( 1) 2 2( 1) V
T2  ( +1)2 M1 T1 = ( +1)2 Rs

where R is the gas constant, and

V2 = 1 V1  (( +1)
1) V
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 209

and thus the radial velocity u in the laboratory frame

immediately behind the shock is
u2  Vs V2  ( +1) Vs

In summary, the conditions immediately behind the shock, in

the limit M1 ! 1, are
p2  ( +1) 1Vs2

2  (( +1) 
1) 1
2( 1)
T2  ( +1)2 R V s

2 V
u2  ( +1) s

It is evident that the ow is independent of p1 for M1 ! 1.

Consider application of the Buckingham  Theorem.
The shock radius rs may be assumed a function of the
following parameters

rs = f (E; 1; cp; cv ; t)

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 210

where cp and cv are the speci c heats at constant pressure and

volume, respectively.

F (rs ; E; 1; cp; cv ; t) = 0

The number of variables n = 6. The number of fundamental

units is m = 4 (i.e., mass, length, time, temperature).
The Buckingham  Theorem implies that there will be two
dimensionless parameters. By inspection,

1 = cp
2 =  2s1/5

What does this imply ?

The direct implication is
0 2 11=5
rs (t) = C @ Et A 1
where C is a function of . Solution of the di erential
equations yields C = 1:033 for = 1:4.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 211

The prediction was rst obtained by G. I. Taylor16 in Great

Britain in 1941, although publication was delayed for
government security reasons until 1950. Taylor obtained the
solution by numerical methods. Sedov17 published an analytic
solution in 1946.
Linearized One Dimensional Unsteady Flow
Consider the small disturbance motion due, for example, to an
oscillating piston.

piston moving in
arbitrary manner in x

The ow is assumed to be initially at rest and uniform. The

uid is inviscid, and body forces are neglected.
The ow is expanded about the uniform state

 = 1 + 0(x; t)
p = p1 + p0 (x; t)
16Taylor, G. I., \The Dynamics of the Combustion Products Behind Plane and Spherical
Detonation Fronts in Explosives", Proc. Roy. Soc. London, A200, 1950, pp. 235-247.
17See Sedov, L., Similarity and Dimensional Methods in Mechanics, M. Holt (ed.), trans.
from Russian, Academic Press, New York, 1959.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 212

T = T1 + T 0 (x; t)
u = u0 (x; t)

The perturbations are assumed small

0  1
p0  p1
T0  T1
u0  a1

Consider a sound wave with a Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of
100 dB in air. By de nition

SPL = 20 log10 prms

where pref = 2:04  10 5 Pa. Hence prms = 2  10 5 atm.

Substitute into the conservation of mass

@1 + @0 + u0 @1 + u0 @0 +  @u0 + 0 @u0 = 0
@t @t @x @x 1 @x @x
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 213

To lowest order
@0 +  @u0 = 0
@t 1 @x
Since the ow is initially uniform and Ds=Dt = 0, the entropy
remains constant and thus
@p = @p @ + @p @s
@x |@{z s} @x @s  |{z} @x
a2 zero

where a is the speed of sound, and thus

@p = (a + a0)2 @  a2 @0
@x @x 1 @x
The conservation of momentum therefore becomes
@u 0 @ 0
1 @t = a1 @x

Di erentiating the momentum equation with respect to x,

@ 2 u0 @ 2 0
1 @t@x = a1 @x2

and using conservation of mass,

@u0 @ 0
1 @x = @t
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 214

@ 20 a2 @ 20 = 0
@t2 1 @x2
which is the Wave Equation.
Alternately, writing

@p @p
p1 + p0 = p1 + @ 0 + @s s0 + . . .


and noting that s0(x; t) = 0, thus

p0 (x; t) = a210 (x; t)
and thus
@ 2p0 a2 @ 2p0 = 0
@t2 1 @x2
Alternatively, di erentiating the momentum equation with
respect to t and using conservation of mass,
@ 2u0 a2 @ 2u0 = 0
@t2 1 @x2
and also
@ 2T 0 a2 @ 2T 0 = 0
@t2 1 @x2
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 215

The general solution of the wave equation is

0 (x; t) = |F (x {z a1t)} + G
| (x +{z a1t)}
wave moving to right wave moving to left

De ning
  x a1 t
  x + a1t
0 (x; t) = F ( ) + G()
The relationship between the ow variables are be determined.
From the momentum equation,
@u0 = a21 @0 = a21 dF + dG !
@t 1 @x 1 d d

u0 = a1 (F ( ) G()) + H (x)


From conservation of mass,

@u0 = 1 @0
@x 1 @t
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 216

wherefrom it is possible to conclude that H (x) = 0. Thus,

u0 (x; t) = a1 (F ( ) G())


Similarly, from the conservation of momentum and isentropic


p0 (x; t) = a21 (F ( ) + G())

T 0 (x; t) = ( 1) T1 (F ( ) + G())

linearized shock tube


Region 4 Region 1

x+at=0 x-at=0

The uid is initially at rest. A diaphragm separates the high

pressure (left) side, denoted as region 4, from the low pressure
(right) side, denoted as region 1. The undisturbed conditions
correspond to region 1.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 217

The initial conditions are

8 0
0 (x; 0) = : 04 for x<0
for x > 0
u0 (x; 0) = 0 for 1 < x < 1

The solution is

0 (x; t) = F (x a1t) + G(x + a1t)

u0 (x; t) = a1 (F (x a1t) G(x + a1t))

From the initial conditions,

8 0
F (x) + G(x) = : 04 for x<0
for x > 0
F (x) G(x) = 0 for 1 < x < 1

Thus, F (x) = G(x) for 1 < x < 1. Hence,

F (x) + G(x) = 04 for x < 0

and thus,

F (x) = G(x) = 24` for x < 0

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 218

F (x) = G(x) = 0 for x > 0

The solution is
81 0
F ( ) = : 02 4 for  < 0
for  > 0
81 0
G() = : 02 4 for  < 0
for  > 0


Region 4 Region 1

x+at=0 x-at=0

ρ’ = ρ’ ρ’ = ρ’/2 ρ’ = 0
4 4
expansion wave compression wave

Note the compression wave moving to the right, and the

expansion wave moving to the left.
2 What are the solutions for u (x; t); p (x; t) and T (x; t) ?
0 0 0
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 219

interaction of a simple wave with a rigid wall



Consider the interaction of a simple wave (compression or

expansion) with a rigid wall. The general form of the solution

u0 (x; t) = a1 (F (x a1t) G(x + a1t))

 (x; t) = F (x a1t) + G(x + a1t)
p0 (x; t) = a21 0 (x; t)

Denoting the initial density change across the incident wave by

02, and noting that the wavefront is located at x = 0 at t = 0,
8 0
F (x) = : 02 for 1<x<0
for 0 < x < L
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 220

At x = L, the perturbation velocity u0 (L; t) = 0, and thus

F (L a1t) = G(L + a1t) for all t


G( ) = F (2L  ) for 1< <1

Using the initial condition,
8 0
F (x
a1t) = : 02 for 1 < x a1t < 0
for 0 < x a1t < L

and thus F (x; t) is known for x  L and t > 0.

Using the initial condition

G(x + a1t) = 0 for 1 < x + a1 t < L

(i.e., there are initially no left-moving waves).
From the boundary condition at x = L,

G(x + a1t) = F (2L (x + a1t)) for 1 < x + a1t < 1

(i.e., for 1 < t < 1).
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 221

Using the initial condition,

8 0
F (2L
(x + a1t)) = : 02 for
for 1 < 2L (x + a1t) < 0
0 < 2L (x + a1t) < L
8 0
F (2L
< for 2L < x + a1t < 1
(x + a1t)) = : 02 for L < x + a1t < 2L
< L < x + a1t < 2L
G(x + a1t) = : 00 for
2 for 2L < x + a1t < 1

Using the initial condition for G(x; t), then

G(x + a1t) = : 00 for 1 < x + a1t < 2L
2 for 2L < x + a1t < 1

The behavior may be summarized as:

Re ection from Solid Boundary

Incident Wave Re ected Wave
compression compression
expansion expansion
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 222

P p’
o reflected wave
initial wave


Nonlinear One Dimensional Unsteady Flow

Consider the one-dimensional unsteady Euler equations

@ + @u = 0
@t @x
+ u =
@s + u @s = 0
@t @x

Assuming the ow variables are continuously di erentiable and

the entropy s is initially uniform, the energy equation implies
that the ow remains isentropic.
Consider an arbitrary curve x(t) in the x t plane. For any
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 223

variable F (x; t), the derivative of F on this curve is

dF = @ F + @ F dx
dt @t @x dt
Thus, the energy equation is
ds = 0 on
dx = u(x(t); t)
dt dt
Inotherwords, the entropy s is constant along a streamline.
This particular derivative is denoted Ds=Dt.
Are there any other curves of such special signi cance ?
From the de nition of entropy,

s s1  cv ln pp cp ln 
1 1

Ds = cv Dp cp D = 0
Dt p Dt  Dt
and since a2 = p= for a perfect gas,
Dp a2 D = 0
Dt Dt
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 224

@p + u @p a2 @ + u @ ! = 0
@t @x @t @x
From continuity,
@ + u @ =  @u
@t @x @x
and thus
@p + u @p + a2 @u = 0
@t @x @x
Multiplying conservation of momentum by a and adding to the
@p + u @p + a @p + a @u + u @u + a @u ! = 0
@t @x @x @t @x @x
@p + (u + a) @p + a " @u + (u + a) @u # = 0
@t @x @t @x
1 dp + du = 0 on dx = u + a
a dt dt dt
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 225

Since the ow is isentropic,  and a are functions of p, and

d (Z dp + u) = 0
dt a
which yields
d 2 a + u! = 0 on
dx = u + a
dt 1 dt
Similarly, it is possible to derive
d 2 a u! = 0 on dx = u a
dt 1 dt
The unsteady one-dimensional Euler may therefore be
rewritten as
d 2 a + u! = 0 on
dx = u + a
dt 1 dt
d 2 a u! = 0 on dx = u a
dt 1 dt
ds = 0 on dx = u
dt dt
These are known as Riemann invariants. Note that, in general,
u and a are functions of x and t.
The curves dx=dt = u + a are the positive characteristics, and
the curves dx=dt = u a are the negative characteristics.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 226

centered expansion

piston 3
dx/dt =- u p
4 2


Consider the centered expansion created by the movement of a

piston. At t < 0, the piston (and the uid) is at rest. For
t > 0, the piston moves to the left with velocity up(t).
Denote the initial conditions by the subscript 4. Thus,

u = 0
p = p4
 = 4

for t < 0 and x > 0.

The boundary condition is

u = up (t) on dx = up(t)
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 227

Consider a positive characteristic originating from location 1

on x = 0 for t < 0. On this characteristic,

1 a+u =
1 a + u = 2 1 a4

Consider a negative characteristic from location 2. On this

2 a u= 1
2 a u 2 = 2 1 a4
Thus at the intersection of these two characteristics 3,
1 a+u = 1 a4
1 a u = 1 a4

and hence a = a4 and u = 0 as expected.

Consider a positive characteristic originating from the piston
path 4,
2 2 2
1 a + u = 1 a + u 4 = 1 a4 upj4
The slope of the characteristic dx=dt = u + a is steeper (in the
(x; t) plane) we anticipate, since u < 0 at the piston path 4.
The negative characteristic originating at 2 is continued until it
intersects the previous characteristic at 5. At this intersection,

1 a5 + u5
2 = 2
1 aj4 + uj4
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 228
2 2
1 a5 u5 = 1 a4

NOTE: a4 indicates the undisturbed speed of sound, while aj4

indicates the speed of sound at location 4.
These equations may be solved

a5 = 12 (a4 + aj4) + 4 1 uj4

u5 = 2 uj4 + 1 ( aj4 a4)

Consider a negative characteristic from 4 to 6,

1 aj4 uj4 = 2 1 a4
and thus

aj4 = a4 + 2 1 uj4
Substituting into the previous results,
u5 = uj4
a5 = aj4

Thus, on the positive characteristic originating at 4, u and a

are constant and equal to their values at 4. Hence, the positive
characteristic dx=dt = u + a is a straight line.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 229

We can now obtain the solution for the limiting case of an

instantaneous acceleration of the piston from rest to a constant
velocity up .

dx/dt = a4 - (γ +1)up /2
conditions dx/dt = a4

dx/dt =- u p expmmansion fan

quiescent fluid

In the region of uniform conditions

u = up

since u5 = uj4, and

a = a4 ( 2 1) up

since a5 = aj4 = a4 + ( 1)uj4=2 and uj4 = up .

In the expansion region, we can represent u at the piston face

Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 230

parametrically as

u =  for 0 <  < up on dx

dt = u + a

a = a4 + ( 2 1) u dropping j4 notation

dx = u + a + ( 1) u = a ( +1) 
4 4
dt 2 2
and hence
2 3
u =  on x = 4a4 ( +1) 5 t
u = ( +1) t a4 for a4 ( +1)
2 x
u x
p < < a4
> x < a4 ( +1)
< up  for 2 up t
u(x; t) = > ( +1)
2 x
t a4 for a4 ( +1)
2 up t < x < a4 t
:0 for a4t < x
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 231

From the previous solution, it can be shown

> ( 1) u x < a4 ( +1)
< a4 for 2 up t
> 2 p 
a(x; t) = > a4 + ( +1)
( 1) x
t a4 for a4 ( +1)
2 up t < x < a4 t
: a4 for a4t < x
Since the ow is isentropic, the solution for the remaining ow
variables is
p = a !2 =( 1)
p4 a4
 = a !2=( 1)
4 a4 !
T = a 2
T4 a4

It is interesting to compare the exact result with the solution

obtained from linear theory. For example, in the region of
uniform ow
pexact plinear = ( +1) up !2 + : : :
p4 4 a4
and thus linear theory overestimates the pressure drop.
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 232

Riemann Shock Tube


p4, T4 , γ 4 p1 , T1 , γ 1

Initial Condition

expansion contact surface shock

After diaphragm removed

Consider an in nite tube with a diaphragm initially separating

two quiescent regions. The uid properties in the driver section
(i.e., 4) may di er from those in the driven section (i.e., 1 ).
The ow is assumed inviscid and non-heat conducting.
At t = 0 the diaphragm is instantaneously removed.
There are ve regions in the ow:

Region 1 The undisturbed ow in the driven section

Region 2 The ow between the shock wave and the contact
Region 3a The ow between the contact surface and the
rightmost extent of the expansion region
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 233

Region 3b The ow in the expansion region

Region 4 The undisturbed ow in the driver section
The boundary conditions at the contact surface are:

u2 = u3
p2 = p3
Note, however, that T2 6= T3, and 2 6= 3.
Insofar as the driven gas is concerned, the contact surface is
analogous to a piston, moving at speed u2, which creates a
shock wave.
The relationship between u2 and the shock speed (denoted cs )
is (Liepmann and Roshko, Elements of Gas Dynamics)
2 (Ms2 1)
u2 = ( +1) M 2 cs
1 s

where Ms  cs =a1 is the shock wave Mach number. Thus, the

contact surface moves slower than the shock.
The pressure ratio across the shock wave is obtained from
normal shock wave theory (assuming a reference frame
attached to the shock),
p2 = 1 + 2 1 M 2 1
p1 ( 1 +1) s
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 234

Insofar as the driver gas is concerned, the contact surface is

analogous to a piston, moving at speed u2, which creates a
centered expansion.
Therefore, there is a centered expansion de ned by

a4  dx
dt  a 4+
( 4 +1) u
2 3
where u3 = u2.
In the shock region, the velocity and pressure are related by
(Liepmann and Roshko, Ibid.),
u 2 1
u2 = a 1 pp2
1 u
t p2 1+1 1 1

1 1 +p1 1 +1

In the expansion region,

2 3
p3 = a3 !2 4=( 4 1)
= 41 ( 4 1) u3 52 4=( 4 1)
p4 a4 2 a4

and thus
2 1)=2 4 3
u3 = ( 2a41) 41 p3 !( 4 5
4 p4
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 235

Equating the results for u2 and u3 and noting p3 = p2,

8 9 2 4=( 4 1)
p4 = p2 <1 ( 4q 1)(a1=a4)(p2=p1 1) =
p1 p1 : p 2 1 2 1 + ( 1 +1)(p2=p1 1) ;

This equation can be solved iteratively for p2=p1 given p4=p1

and the gas properties.
The ow variables are as follows, where   p2 =p1.
Shock speed
cs = a1t ( 1 1) + ( 1 +1) 
2 1 2 1
Region 2

T2 =  ( ( 11+1)1) + 
T1 1 + ( ( 11+1)1) 
2 = 1 + ( ( 11+1)1) 
1 ( 1+1) + 
( 1 1)
u2 = 1 ( u
2 1
( +1)
1) u
t 1
a1 1  + ( ( 11+1)1)
Fluid Dynamics II  Copyright
c D. Knight 1997 236

Region 3
p3 = 1
T3 p !( 1)= 4
3 4
T4 p4
3 p !
3 1= 4
4 p4
u3 = 1

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