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Medical Check up

One day there are 2 person who want to go to the Hospital

Admin : Good Afternoon Sir.
Friend P : Good Afternoon.
Admin : How can I help you?

Friend P : My friend want to check up about his healt.

Admin : Ok. You can go take the number entry in the corner. Then, when I call your
number. Just enter the medical check room.

Friend P : Ok, Thank You.


Admin : I am very sorry, Sir. We have a little problem about medical check schedule!!

Friend P : What happen?

Admin : The schedule has changed, last time it was on Monday-Wednesday and now is

Friend P : Ah, that’s a bad news.

Admin : I am really sorry, Sir.

Friend P : No problem. Then, we should go another time.

Admin : Ahh wait, before you go, I can registered you for medical check appointment, so
you do not have to register again, how about that?

Friend P :Really? Thanks, Sir. I will accept it.

Admin : At Friday come to the hospital at 9 a.m. and meet the support corner to show
this registration card, and don’t forget to write your number on this card.

Friend P : Ok, thanks, Sir.

Admin : You’re welcome.

In Fridays….

Support : Good morning, Sir. How may I help you?

Friend P : Good morning. I had an appointment with the doctor on medical check room at 9

Support : Have you registered with us earlier?

Friend P :Yes.

Support : Please show me your registration card, or I can search for your details through
your mobile.

Friend P : That’s would be better, here’s the card check it and my mobile number is

(Searching for the patient’s past record on computer)

Support : Ok, I’ve found your detail. You visited us last Monday in August 26 2017.

Friend P : That’s right.

Support : You can pay the medical check in administration.

Friend P : Sure.

Support : Please take a seat, and feel free to help yourselft with water, newspaper etc

Friend P : Thank you.

(After 10 minutes)

Support : Sir, you can take your friend to medical check room now.

Friend P :Ok.

(Patient proceeds to doctor medical check room)

Patient : Good Morning, doctor.

Doctor : Good Morning. How are you doing today?

Patient :I’m fine, thank you. How about you.

Doctor : I’m good.So what brings you here?

Patient : I’ve come to regular checkuo for a suspected case of glaucoma.i don’t have
it,but few years back a doctor after examining my eye and knowing my family eye history
advised me to undergo to precautionary checkup once a month.

(He puts past report on the table.The doctor peruses them)

Doctor : I see that your optic nerve is thicker than normal.That’s probably the reason why
you were asked undergo precautionary test every month. You can have the same two test – visual
field analysis and OCT – today and once you’ve the two reports, we can meet again in the

Patient : Alright.

(The Doctor scribbles the names of the two test on his letterhead and push it across the table)

Patient : Thank you doctor.

(The patient leaves medical check up room and again approaches his friend sit in the chair)

Friend P : How is it going?

Patient : I must do two test again in afternoon, and give this report to support desk.

Friend P : Ok, go to that corner and i will wait you here, hope you give me a good news.

Patient : Thanks man.

(The patient approaches the support desk)

Patient : The doctor asked for these two tests.

Support : Ok, the two test will cost xxx and you’ll get the reports in around two
that fine?

Patient : That’s fine.

Support : Please sit there near your friend.Someone will call you for the first test in few

Patient : Thank you.

(Over two hours, he undergoes the two test and receives the reports.Thereafter, he meets the
doctor again, this time with report)

Doctor : I hope you had a smooth experience going through those tests

Patient : Yes, it was. and because I’ve taken these tests in the past too. So, i knew whats

(The patient pushes the reports toward the doctor.the doctor proses through the pages, looking at
the colored images of eye minutely)

Doctor : Your reports are absolutely fine,since these reports haven’t shown anything
suspect in so many years, i think you can now take these tests once in 5 month.
Patient : Ok.

Doctor : Well, that puts glaucoma thing to rest.Does your work involve working on
laptop for long hours?

Patient : Yes.

Doctor : In case your eyes get tired quickly, I would recommended this’s an
eye drop, whick you can use 2-3 times in the day.Our eyes get dry when we look at the computer
screen without blinking for long, a common reason for tiredness in eyes.This eye drop will
lubricate your eyes.

Patient : Thanks doc, this will really help me in the future.

Doctor : Do you’ve any other question?

Patient :Yes. I See few thin,black,wavy,structures floating in front of my eyes and they
don’t disappear even when I close my eyes.What are they called?are they harmful?

Doctor : They’re called floaters, and most person develop the to different extent as they
age,They’re not harmful.

Patient :Thanks again doctor. Thanks for your time.

Doctor : You’re welcome.


Agiel Budiman As Support

Andri As Friend P

M Akmal Z.P As Doctor

M Alyas As Patient

Wisnu A.R As Administrator

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