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Exercise # 1: Local LAN with Chassis Switch

Instructions for all Students (Nodes 1 - 4)

CESMx (11)

(Chassis Switch) G
Packet port-4 (CVP)
Network Trunk s
Packet port-2 (CVP) t
Network Access VLAN1
EPSI1 (13)

Packet port-1 internalPorts/port-1 iport-13 (CVP)

Network Access VLAN1 Trunk Trunk

A. Prepare the VLAN Ports on the Chassis Switch

Each Node can be configured in the same way

In the Tree View browse to the ELET1/EPOI1 or ETOP1 unit and Port 2.
Select Main and Port Type
In the table change the Usage to CVP and confirm with the ‘flash’ button
(CVP = Customer VLAN Port)

If you are using ETOP1, then select Main and SFP on the same Port 2 and select in the
Type Configuration the same SFP type that is displayed in Type Status.

Select Main and Admin And Oper Status

Change Admin Status to Up

Repeat above steps for Port 4.

In the Tree View browse to the CESMx unit and iports/iport-x: EPSI1 where x is the slot in
which EPSI1 is plugged.
Select Main and Port Type
In the table change the Usage to CVP and confirm with the ‘flash’ button.

Exercise # 1 Page 1 of 2 09 May 2017

In the Switching view, browse to the ELET1/EPOI1 or ETOP1 unit and Port 2.
Set Mode to Access and PVID to 1 (default)

Browse to the ELET1/EPOI1 or ETOP1 unit and Port 4.

Set Mode to Trunk

Browse to CESMx unit and iports/iport-x: EPSI1 where x is the slot in which EPSI1 is
Set Mode to Trunk

B. Prepare the VLAN Port on EPSI1

Each Node can be configured in the same way

In the Tree View browse to the EPSI1 unit and Port 1.

Select Configuration and Interface Assignment and choose bridge-1 from the drop-
down list.
Select Configuration and Bridge and choose Access from the drop-down list.

Select Main and Admin And Oper Status

Change Admin Status to Up

Browse to the EPSI1 unit and internalPorts/port-1.

Select Configuration and Interface Assignment and choose bridge-1 from the drop-
down list.
Select Configuration and Bridge and choose Trunk from the drop-down list.

Select Main and Admin And Oper Status

Change Admin Status to Up

C. Test network

Connect Ethernet testers (or PCs) to run a throughput measurement (or PINGs) between
the following pairs of ports:
ELET1/EPOI1 or ETOP1 Port 2: ELET1/EPOI1 or ETOP1 Port 4
ELET1/EPOI1 or ETOP1 Port 2: EPSI1 Port 1
ELET1/EPOI1 or ETOP1 Port 4: EPSI1 Port 1

This should be successful

Exercise # 1 Page 2 of 2 09 May 2017

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